If it's not GAME selling through its allocated stock of PlayStation 5 consoles in mere minutes, it's Currys. The technology-based retailer had "limited PS5 stock" to offer as per a message on its website this morning, and it was all gone in a flash. This saw the company trend on Twitter alongside yesterday's #PS5StockUK hashtag, where customers aired their annoyance with their placement in the online queue.
It appears the queue was set up at roughly 8am, but just minutes later it had already stretched to close to 10,000 people long. As the day progress through to 9am, more than 200,000 users were waiting more than an hour to get their chance of buying a PS5. It took just 46 minutes for Currys' allotment to sell through.
Twitter user @Pixel_Ruin said: "not much better on site. I was one of the first ones in, i got it in my basket and it flat out refused to take me to the check out, keeps saying error please reload". @StevenDMitchell then added: "Server had internal 500. Ya know massive load, and not prepared for it. Who would of thought demand was high." Meanwhile, @LaraRixon just wanted to buy a fridge!
It's impossible to say as of right now if any scalper groups got their hands on a number of the PS5 consoles Currys had to offer, but we shall be sure to update this article should any claims come to fruition. Were you in the queue to buy a system at Currys? Share your story in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 38
46 minutes until it sold out? Sounds pretty good tbh lol
I got on at about 8:30ish but was around 134000 in the queue. Jibbed it and had my Cheerios instead.
Why would so many people fight over cat litter? Or was it nerf guns? Oh my bad, that was Amazon, not Curry's.
46 minutes? The original preorder allocation from Amazon in September sold out in 10minutes.
I managed to snag a dualsense charging station from Amazon on Monday and that stock only lasted 20 minutes.
46 minutes is a long time.
I tried to use the Currys website but it kept jal-freezing
Given up. Was getting it to play Cyberpunk and with that fiasco I'll just wait now till it's readily available. I'm not going to stress about it as everyone I play online with has decided to do the same.
Mean while X Box S s and X box X are sitting collecting dust....
Well at least stock is starting to arrive but still, they are gone straight away. Hopefully in by summer stock will be good and no problems getting one.
So I had a big win on the football bets yesterday, and was thinking of doing something nice in these horrible times, so have decided in the next few days not going to say when 🙂. In one of the comments section (obviously a current story or news for that day) I am going to drop a code for some PSN credit I am thinking of doing one for £35 and another for £15 obviously won't post both at same time as someone could just redeem both lol. So keep your eyes peeled. These will be UK codes so don't know if you are outside of UK that you can redeem them, maybe you can not sure.
I bet Sony is very happy with this situation, bots buying up limited stock. I've decided to buy the console that is in stock first, there is no way I am going to mess around with websites.
Well I'm trying to buy ps5 from first reorders.. Still nothing. Twice I had it in basket and almost in extasy but both times during checkout I was rejected. Lost hope now
This isn't really news such is the certainty that with demand so high and supply so low it was bound to happen.
Wrong you cant buy a Series X|S but nice try and grow up. Stop turning everything into failboy wars.
At this point i'm not gonna worry about next-gen till i can walk into my local wallyworld or target with my money and walkout with my shiny new next-gen system.
And those who worry about health sure worry about your health for a new next-gen system. but you'll still go out food shopping or running other errans. Let people worry about their own if people wanna go out physically and nab a console let em. Better then putting up with this bs.
Again with the last minute updates to stock. I never seem to know about ps5s being available until i see an article about how they either sold oit or scalpers had them.
I managed to get Currys, got lucky and checked the app at ten to 8 before I got out the car to work. Tried to go back in for my mate 5 mins later and app and website had melted! Feels like scalpers must start to lose out soon in UK. No Christmas to drive urgency, no more exclusives on horizon (pun intended) to drive urgency. Hope they lose out on huge amount of cash!
@banacheck Sony doesn’t prosper from bots buying consoles. Sony has already made their money selling the hardware to retail outlets. So no, Sony wouldn't be happy with the situation, they'd want PS5s in the hands of people who will buy software and accessories.
I’m not totally sure about all this and the quantity these stores are getting, there seems to be a lot of drama and messing about going on here, also including possible bots.
I was at the front of queue logged in to my account waiting for the go live. It went live I hit the PS5 I wanted. I was number 23 in the queue system, then all hell broke loose and the site stopped and threw me out. My second page I had open had me number 156 in the queue, again same thing happened. So no purchase.
I have a PS5 disc version this was for a friend.
All I’m thinking there is a lot of hype smoke a mirrors and daggers going on with all this and something does not smell right to me.
Been gaming since 1970’s and none of this current crazy stuff adds up, apart bad companies and bad web sites and bad human beings.
Smoke, mirrors and daggers the lot of it.
I was there and couldn’t get one. The reason it took 46 minutes was because the site crashed for about 20 of them.
Another s*** show fail.
I cued at game for over 2hours only togo though to an empty basket thats the 2nd time this has happened.
And launch night what a nightmare right away there where no consoles and stockx where selling them for 800+.
This situation suck 😕
Patience is a virtue
Currys were useless against scalpers and sold out right away I was 151000 in the queue then suddenly 185000 in the queue, how does that work?
Then GAME put a queue up again just after 12.30, waited over 90 mins, first of all it said I had tried to put too many things in my basket when I tried to buy a ps5 on its own, then said it was sold out, and bundles that weren't already greyed out still said they were sold out. By that point they still had people in the queue, but weren't letting them know they had sold out.
Total waste of time!
@deathaxe exactly. This isn't great for Sony at all, at the moment anyway.
@Hyperluminal Depends on the wholesale contract. Usually the retailer will have a clause that allows it to return stock to the manufacturer/wholesaler if it doesn't sell through, and could have delayed payment terms to give it time to sell the items at RRP.
But as this is a hot item with no risk that it won't sell Sony might have used the whip hand in negotiating the payment terms, so you might be right.
I managed to get past the Curry's queue at 08:02 this morning, and the website had already fallen over and wouldn't load, so I walked the dog instead.
@StrickenBiged I would wager my left nut that retailers are not claiming back cash for unsold PS5s 😁
The only real answer to all this for currently Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo is to flood the market with consoles and also have in store stock for click and collect, which does happen even in the UK even with Covid. Instead they are all probably drinking champagne and telling us how many consoles they have sold, probably mostly to scalpers.
@Eldritch as one who got the ps5 during the original preorder (without any hassle on amazon, but only because I was awoken as the preorder went live)... I can tell you this: good call. Yes, cute robot dualsense demo is good but not "gotta play this before I die" good. Cyberpunk is broken and half-baked wherever you play it so the fact that it runs well on ps5 means nothing. I finished the game on my ps4pro with an ssd (it ran well).
Seriously, good call (until Ratchet and Clunk comes out).
@Dezzy70 I was looking for xb6 after I got the ps5, all over the place with no luck. Then, on a whim, went to ms store via xb1x and half jokingly clicked through an xb6 order thinking "yeah, right, see you in 3 months".
To my surprise, they delivered a week later. I guess either the demand for xb6 is not as great as for ps5, or MS has it a bit better with their supply chain.
I’m really losing hope at getting a PS5 any time soon 🙁 I got my first PS5 game at Christmas, but can’t play it. I was hoping to get a PS5 by March for when Kena Bridge of Spirits comes out, but even that is looking hopeful now 🙄
46 min does not exactly reflect the time. As a lot of people already in the queue, those who are in front keeps crashing. At least they let people in the queue know early. Used to queue on Game website- then when it’s your turn after 1:30 hr, it showed OOS, that’s a lot worse.. The demand is really really high. I hope people don’t buy them from scalpers, let them rot with all these consoles
I have accepted the fact that I will not get a PS5 until 2022. I'm to busy to buy one right now anyway.
The most annoying thing is you can be say 10th in the queue at the very start get blown out of the site for some reason and then be number ten thousand.
It is not a fair system it does not work properly.
A queue is a queue and these systems do not work correctly.
I have bang on the case twice this week, even there before the queue system starts.
Been say number ten once it starts then get system error.
I’m starting to believe these consoles don’t exist for sale and it’s just either a PR stunt or BOTS get the whole lot of stock.
Some thing smells extremely corrupt about all this.
@ApostateMage Strong choice of cereal! Approved.
If you haven't already got a PS5, it's looking long for you. The millisecond there is stock, it all disappears. Unless you use a similar technique to the scalpers, your best bet is waiting until these things are in physical shops.
@TheLightSpirit backlogs play better on ps5...
@TheDudeElDuderino Cheers, Perhaps I'll hold out and see if they do a R&C bundle... what a first experience of the PS5 that'd be... if my patience and will power's strong enough. lol
@Loftimus exactly. It's the main reason I got one at launch. I always wait a year or two before purchasing.
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