January 2021's PlayStation Plus games have been revealed, kicking off a brand new year for Sony's subscription service. As has become the norm, users are getting one PS5 title alongside two PS4 games.
For starters, Maneater is January's PS5 title. The human-eating shark simulator is also on PS4, but this is specifically the current-gen version of the game.
On PS4, subscribers can look forward to moody Lara Croft adventure Shadow of the Tomb Raider and okay-if-a-bit-boring action RPG Greedfall. Of course, both of these games can also be played on PS5 through backwards compatibility.
We enjoyed Maneater a lot, and felt the improved presentation of the PS5 bumped it up a notch. Here's what we had to say in our Maneater PS5 review: "If you had your fill of the title on the PS4, there’s not a whole lot to come back for. However, if you’re just diving into the game now, this is the version you want."
We also thought Shadow of the Tomb Raider was decent, although didn't care much for its story in our 7/10 review: "Shadow of the Tomb Raider shines in exploration, offering stunning scenic views that enrich the pursuit to walk among the greater open world. It's filled with rewarding puzzle platforming tombs that emphasise the return of new and old gameplay mechanics. However, the same can't be said for the story, as Lara's journey is concluded with a tired and tried formula that never reaches the potential it displays in certain cutscenes, despite its promising beginning."
And as for Greedfall, we thought it was developer Spiders' best effort to date, and even though it's got some clear flaws, we still awarded it a sturdy 7/10: "Greedfall is right on the cusp of being something special. RPG fans will find a lot to like, but don't go in expecting the genre's next masterpiece."
All three PS Plus games for January 2021 will be available to download from the 5th January (that's next Tuesday). What do you think of your first PlayStation Plus offering of 2021? Give us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 197
It’s strange, they’re three big-ish games but I feel massively ‘meh’ about all three. Also that’s more games which were on PS Now coming to Plus.
Strong selection!
That’s actually quite a decent month for me. I’ve played Maneater and Tomb Raider before but happy to add them to the collection so I can pretend I will replay them again one day.
That's a ridiculously solid lineup.
Man-eater looks fun. Greedfall is already on psnow and maybe tomb raider is on there too? Wish they would combine the two services already
I think ps plusworth it's worth it.
whyyyyyy are PS Plus & Now still two separate entities. why am i still subscribed to both.
Oof i own Greedfall and Shadow Of The Tomb Raider but i'll take Maneater i almost grabbed it multiple times glad i didn't now
I picked up Maneater for the PS5 in Virgin today. Don’t know why, but I decided against it while I was going to pay. Glad I did now.
One of the best month ever wow💚💖🖤😳.greedfall and. Shadow of the tomh raider.wow.amazing.i can dig it playas.word up son
Cool. I wanted to play Shadow and Greedfall looks good. I will also play Maneater when I get a PS5. Good month for me.
Not bad. Man eater hits the sweet point of I’m interested to try but prob wouldn’t buy, so perfect for plus.
Wait will Maneater be a Ps4 game too ?
@Gaming365247 No, just PS5. Doesn't include the PS4 version at all.
@Gaming365247 No. Just PS5.
@Gaming365247 got plat on it its good fun game
These sound meh with the exception of Shadow of the Tomb Raider which I already have. So that's a little annoying for me but a really solid game for anyone who doesn't already have it.
What I see on YouTube SotTR contains mainly fighting scenes and not much platforming, puzzle solving and beautiful scenery. Probably never going to play all thee of them.
I also hope they combine PS Plus and PS now.
This is awesome! I’ve wanted to play Greedfall for a while (I think it’s getting a PS5 version too - now I’m questioning whether that’ll be free). Shadow is a game I haven’t played that I might and it doesn't hurt to get a free ps5 game!
Strong selection but since I bought (and did Plat trophy) Maneater in the summer and since I bought Tomb Raider last year (also, this is or was a PSNOW game) this is not good for me
Also, Greedfall is on PSNOW too...so lol
I've got all of the Uncharteds so Tomb Raider is a no no for me.
Might get the shark game though.
Excellent month! I urge anyone on the fence with Greedfall to give it a try for free. I found it to be a refreshing experience. Steer clear if you don’t like lots of talking, it is undoubtedly the ‘talkiest’ game I’ve played in quite some time. Thankfully it’s mostly well written. The whole concept of being a legate on a recently colonized island is a brilliant setup for an RPG and Spiders mostly did it justice.
Been wanting to play Maneater so bad!! Sucks massively for anyone that actually bought the PS5 version though and didn't wait 2 months for it to become free.
Very excited to try Greedfall too, seems janky but I have a soft spot for unpolished AA games of its type.
@hypnotoad what's having all the uncharted games got to do with playing tomb raider?
Rise of the tomb raider is probably my favourite game in the series, shadow is good but not quite up there imo. Having played all the UC games wouldn't stop me from playing it.
@sanguinekhajiit I won’t be re-subbing to PS now when my sub runs out in April. It’s great value if you never buy or play any new games... ever! But if you regularly buy and play games when they’re released, there’s no value at all.
I bought a 12 month sub in April last year because I thought they still had a pretty good library of PS3 games to play (they don’t). Indie selection is poor too, sadly.
Maneater is good but I wish it was more realistic. The OTT ridiculousness of it wears thin after a while. It’s still a fun game and I’ll definitely go for the Platinum again on PS5 (when I get one and if it has a separate trophy list).
Great start to the year. Nothing exceptional but some there is fun to be had in all 3 games.
I have learned to NEVER pay for any game that Spiders makes because they always wind up free 6 months later.
@RogerRoger I completely agree - Shadow was definitely the best (and most ‘Tomb Raidery’) entry - especially with the additional dlc tombs. But I also feel like it’s the most overlooked or least liked for some reason?
This is a good month. Maneater is a fun game, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is awesome, and Greedfall is a good game especially with Spiders working on a Next gen upgrade for the game and a expansion for it. I already own Shadow and Greedfall though lol.
Great selection! Shadow of the TR is great, glad to see it included for others. Maneater and Greedfall will go into my backlog.
Seems like a solid collection. Nothing really for me but hopefully folks enjoy them!
Great for me. Was looking for a cheap PS4 Maneater to upgrade and now I don’t have to. I also never got around to Greedfall while I had PS Now. My only issue is that I’ve just started Yakuza Kiwami, which will take me some time to finish, so perhaps still won’t get to these for a while!
I've always fancied greedfall and played the other two tomb raider games so great to get the last part now. I think maneater might be fun for an evening too. Well played sony
I imagine any tomb raider fan already own Shadow. Maneater seems fun but they give us the finger by restricting it to the unavailable PS5.
I guess I'll give greed fall a try if I don't have anything else to play.
Not a bad selection. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a fun time. I still think Rise is the best out of the three.
It is a good PS+ month but then again the selection came from PSNow. I hope they give away Control and Hitman 2 as the next PS+ games.
Started playing Tomb Raider on PS Now, but it got pulled before I could finish it. Heavily considered buying it in a sale recently, I’m glad I dodged that bullet.
Also Greedfall being here almost but confirms the ps5 version will not be a free upgrade.
I don't mind tomb raider. It'll save me having to put the disc in. Other two will be worth a shot too. Spong!
Maneater being PS5 only is really disappointing, as it's the only one of these games I can say I'm more than tenuously interested in at this time.
@Dan_ozzzy189 Never rated TR since the PS1 days.
Give me Uncharted any day of the week.
Wow, I'm actually at least somewhat interested in ALL THREE games! Looks like a great month to me.
What is the order on the tomb raiders?
I've got Rise as that was on PS Plus earlier in the year. Is Shadow the sequel? What's the 3rd?
What I really hate with these services (Now and Game Pass) is that they pull games from time to time, MS more so than Sony in my experience. I simply don’t like that I’m being compelled to play certain games in a specific timeframe if I’m interested in them. Sony should at least offer heavy discounts on leaving titles like MS does.
Holyshit what a good month
Maneater is on Switch (or will be?), but Greedfall and more Tomb Raider are welcome provided they control well.
@KPraj Shadow is the 3rd.
It goes,
1. Tomb Raider
2. Rise of the Tomb Raider
3. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Bugsnax a couple months ago and now Maneater. Super exciting for the 6 people who were able to get a ps5.
Good month after the terrible December.!
Been wanting to play manhunter so will add it to my libary for when i get my ps5 in the next few months. As for the others iv got them. Really enjoyed Greedfall but couldn't get into Tomb Raider.
Interested in trying Maneater but lack a PS5. I actually heard Greedfall was pretty good - Spiders makes deeply flawed, but interesting games. I kind of doubt I will play it though with so many other games and it being a big game in its own right.
Wow! That's quite an offering. I will literally download ALL of those games, which is a first~
I've thought about purchasing Maneater several times since its release. Glad I waited!
@LemonHaze I’m allowed to not fancy the games on offer. That is allowed.
I literally bought the definitive edition of Shadow of the Tomb Raider last night in the end of the year sale.
It’s fine because Sony say up front how long the games stay and 3 months is the minimum. Gamepass is worse as they don’t tell you until just before they leave.
I have everyone of these games I have no reason to be a plus member any longer.
Ps now is cancelled for me.
@LemonHaze £6.99 a month is not free. It’s not like I play much online either. You seem to have missed the sentence in the article that says “Give us an honest opinion in the comments section below”.
@nessisonett Spot on.
Very happy with the ps4 line-up! Greedfall and Shadow of the Tombraider have been 2 games I've wanted to include into my backlog.
Amazing month. Even if i have had greedfall on PS Now. I wanted to play Maneater.
And dont care what anyone says. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is absolutely fantastic and anyone who likes adventure games owes it to themselves to play it. I dont understand any criticism that came its way. Absolutely brilliant game
@Jarobusa Lol they pissed all in your frosted flakes didn't they?
@MemSec I’d easily be willing to pay for the PS5 upgrade of Greedfall if it’s more than just improved graphics. There is a very solid foundation here and with a few tweaks, added quests, more enemy variety (at least redesigning some of the existing ones which are all a little samey) and some more dialogue options, this could be a pleasant surprise in 2021.
Yeah, Sony is at least transparent in that way.
Pretty good month. Already got Shadow, but it's an amazing game, best Tomb Raider game from Crystal.
that is a great lineup nice one Sony!
Brilliant for me. Shadow is still on my console but has been locked since it was removed from PS Now and I never got round to playing it. Maneater is one ive thought about purchasing and a great freebie for PS5 owners. Bit rubbish that the PS4 version of Maneater is not included as I game share with my son and nephew on my PS5 and their two PS4 pros. They woulda liked it.
If the upgrade is substantial - like Spider-man Remastered - then I’m all for a paid upgrade. People shouldn’t always expect to get stuff for free. Let’s hope the Control update is also not phoned in, so they can justify their purchase model.
I'm pleased with ManEater as I considered buying that last week! Greedfall looks alright, but I'm still playing Valhalla, so probablywon't bother with it. And Tomb Raider ofcourse I have played through a couple of times .
Dreadful really. Greedfall and Shadow I played on PS Now ages ago, and I don't have a PS5 yet. PS Plus has been getting worse for years, and 2021 is not off to a great start!
I own all three, so nothing for me. But it's a good bunch. Maneater certainly drags towards the end but it was good simple fun, and a refreshing setting from person with gun and sword go here kill 5x of this. Greedfall showed that Spiders has improved as a developer.
It's an okay month, I want maneater the most but it's only on ps5, I hope I can get it with the app although I don't have ps5 yet.
Already have Greedfall, completed all 3 tomb raiders (but not the dlc) and played man eater on ps4 but found it boring.
Finally a great month for me.
@TribalRivals I was wondering if that was possible, like it was for Bugsnax. I'll be doing the same!
@get2sammyb Poor for PS Now subscribers again. Tomb Raider left the service end of August, Greedfall still on it.
Supposed it’s good that I now get keep Tomb permanently but crossover is really frustrating now.
not the best tomb raider of the lot, but still good imo.
@LemonHaze “It’s free but I pay 60 euro a year for it”
Absolutely baffling logic.
So far enjoying Greedfall, bought it and then it proceeded to be available free everywhere via Gamepass and now PS+,
Happy with Maneater and Greedfall. Already own Shadow, but its a fair choice!
I almost bought shadow of tomb raider in the current sale so that’s saved me £12
Delighted with Shadow of the Tomb Raider and another PS5 game! Great start to 2021!
@ObserverGamez Yea, but I did end up with the Definitive Edition at least.
I know it's all down to personal preference and taste but I think this is the best PS Plus lineup for a long while.
@sanguinekhajiit PS Now still being unavailable to most of the world might have something to do with it...
Happy with all that.
Greedfall is so underrated. I actually bought it at launch and did not regret it. Reminded me of an old school BioWare RPG. If you haven't tried it out, give it a shot. Well worth it
Interested to try Greedfall. I liked the first 'new' Tomb Raider at the time but got a bit tired during the second game and never completed it.
Can maneater be downloaded and played on the ps4?
Sweet been really tempted to buy maneater few times. Good month fair play.
This is a solid way to start the year. Very glad I didn't buy maneater when it was on sale
Thank the maker i put the blockers on ps plus renewal before Xmas.I will stick with ps now from henceforth.
Best month so far!All three games I don't own and all three I am VERY interested in playing...it doesant get better than this!
@ShogunRok ah poop, what's the point then 🙄🙄 so I guess I only get to play greedfall as I already have shadow of the tomb raider goty already 😤😤
Good selection with Greedfall and Shadow of the Tomb Raider but making Maneater PS5 only is stingy? Can I get a third off my PS+ sub?
This is a boring month to me. Maneater is alright, but not the best PS5 offering. Tomb Raider feels useless. Greed fall just doesn’t feel worth playing with the overly wordy dialogue and lack of meaningful choices. It would be better to play Divinity or Baldur’s Gate.
I’m not a PS now subscriber so don’t suffer the same frustration as many and i’m pretty stoked about this months lineup.
Always heard that Rise of the Tomb Raider was the best in the trilogy and I really enjoyed that so it’s nice to hear so much positivity about this months instalment.
Correct me if I’m wrong but when questioned about PS Now in the lead up to the PS5 release due to nothing being mentioned or shown, wasn’t it suggested that something was in the pipeline? I just don’t see them competing with GamePass on a like for like basis seeing as it seems that PS plus is the cash cow. I’m not sure if it would create more or less frustration but I know that if PS Now was scrapped and replaced with a monthly subscription for PS1, 2 and 3 games comparable to the virtual console of Nintendo I know I would subscribe, at least I’d know that there’d be no crossover. Having said that my understanding of the technical challenges for this is obviously somewhat lacking!
@huyi nope I’m afraid not
I've played Greedfall and I'm glad it's on PSN cause the game is ultimately Trash I've played litterally 40mins of it and it was Garbage. Tomb raider series is amazing tho imo
Shadow is really good for those that haven't played it yet. Greedfall wasn't my cup of tea. I wonder what January's Now games will be.
@Mysterio There is plenty of beautiful scenery. In fact it is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played. Sadly the Challenge Tombs are rubbish compared to the previous game, as the puzzles are .inimal and it is mostly basic platforming in them.
Shadow of the tomb raider and Greedfall?.......... those are some really boring games.
These are all 3 games I've wanted to play but haven't wanted to pay more than $20 for. Doesn't this round out the entire Tomb Raider trilogy as PS Plus games by how too? Either way I really can't complain at all. I also almost bought Maneater and Greedfall during recent sales so I am extra appreciative.
@fR_eeBritney @fR_eeBritney i buy my sub when it's discounted - they have me hooked on just enough games in my library that i wouldn't have bought otherwise, for sure! but the overlap between the two services is absurd and if i want my weird niche RPGs, and i want to play games online, i'm basically stuck. really feel like i got myself on the hook for them, even though they hardly give me a reason to stay. bleh. plus, i thought streaming ps3 games would be nice - but even with my stellar internet connection, they're practically unplayable. big bummer. the two should just be collapsed into each other, for sure.
@playstation1995 have u played greedfall? I almost bought it in a sale not too long ago but got death stranding instead. Word up brother
@Voltan that only proves my point, haha. PSNow has such potential to be a wonderful service, but it's been handled so poorly in nearly every regard, definitely including its poor availability
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is an excellent game - love the new Tomb Raider series. I very much hope CD make another soon!
Wasn't Shadow TR on plus like a few months ago?
Ah, greedfall, an absolutely amazing game of 'oh and one more thing.' Seriously love the game so far, as I own it, but a little miffed everytime I think I'm done with a quest the npc's always seem to need just one more thing.
Excellent month! Almost bought Greedfall several times.
@3aje6aoBek ironic.
@Bingbongboyo Should be the same. I add them to my libary from the ps app. By the time i get my ps5 in may i should have a nice little collection of ps5 games to play off the bat.
Dang. I should stop buying games. I just purchased 2 of those games.
I really got into the Tomb Raider games during Lockdown 1.0 and NEARLY completed all 3. I got about half way through Shadow (PS Now) before I went back to work and didn't have time to play it any more. During Lockdown 2.0 I bought it so I could compete it because it wasn't on Now any more. Damnit!
I'm currently doing the dlc and survivor playthrough on shadow of the tomb raider. I feel like if I downloaded it to sell the disc, it would just sit unplayed on the library for a while so I'll stick with the disc.
I wonder what is next. An Assassin's Creed game or Uncharted Lost Legacy perhaps?
@ellsworth004. Not yet but i heard its a good game.my kind of game.word up son
@hypnotoad Honestly these new tomb raider games are a lot more enjoyable than uncharted. I highly recommend playing them
And of course I recently bought Shadow during their holiday sale...
@TribalRivals yes, that's my plan too, although I hope to get my PS5 before May!
I haven't got any of these games so I'm very happy with all 3 but I'm gutted I have no PS5 to start my new collection up. Roll on March when they back in stock I hope.
@SoulChimera I nearly did the same a few days ago!
I liked GreedFall on PC.
Great for people to experience Spiders games, make more fans of the studio for SteelRising on PS5.
@GuyBrush316 Add the ps5 games to your libary on the ps app. Thats what iv been doing.
Well, it is available to the majority of people who legitimately buy playstations...
@MemSec L Heavy discount? I'm pretty sure it's just 10% off (for games leaving Microsoft's Game Pass) - I wouldn't call that a heavy discount.
As for these titles - not bad at all. I love the titles like SotTR, even if I raced through it on a friend's copy a couple years ago. Not that familiar with the other two, but I'll give them a shot if I have the disk space.
Finished playing Tomb Raider 2 sometime early this year. Plan was to get TR3 after I finished The Witcher 3 - finished DLC 1 last night - and almost bought it for myself as a stocking stuffer for Christmas but bought Kingdom Hearts 3 instead for $8. So this is a good month for me.
Can't play KH3 until I play 2.8 so I guess 2.8 should be on my PS+ wishlist going forward, though I don't recall too many Squenix games on there.
No PS5 for Maneater, no idea what Greedfall is, just that it isn't Godfall. Ok read up on Greed fall, doesn't look like a good follow up game after 200 hours of TW3 but maybe after TR3.
Damn solid lineup. It's a shame I can't play Maneater, but then again, it'll be nice to have some new games to play right out of the box when I do get a PS5, apart from the upgraded versions of games I've already played.
I bought Maneater for my PS5 about 2 weeks ago. When switched it on tonight there was a notification saying that because I was a PS+ member they were refunding the cost of Maneater to my wallet. Nice one Sony!!
Figures that I had just bought Shadow of the Tomb Raider during one of the PSN sales a few weeks ago. Oh well, I still would have ended up buying the Definitive Edition content, so it's not all bad.
@Milomaine That's great, but really surprising given how anti-consumer they come off as with their horrible policies with digital purchases.
@KilloWertz I hear you mate, I totally wasn't expecting it for that very reason. (still waiting for my Cyberpunk refund)
Now that's what I call Happy New Year!!
This is the perfect kind of game for me - games that I wouldn't necessarily buy for myself but would love to try if available.
I do have Greedfall, but I'm excited for more people to get a chance to play it. Despite a lot of flaws it was an RPG trying to do interesting things in a time when there aren't many Bioware style RPGs being made.
Pretty sure greed fall and tomb raider were PS Now releases. I really wish they would stop offering the same games.
@playstation1995 guess we will find out soon enough playa
@TribalRivals wow. I never knew u could do that. How do I do that for the collection of games to download ready for the PS5 that Sony gave us.
Add the ps5 games to your libary in the ps app. Simple enough.
Guessing SotTR will be the basic version? I already have it on Steam so unless it includes DLC the only reason to play it would be for trophies. Got enough games to play that I won't be that bored for a while.
Greedfall and Maneater weren't really on my radar for purchase, but I can see myself playing them. Always up for an RPG.
Sounds like a 7 out of 10
Maneater PS5 might be OK. I will add the PS4 games to my library, but I still have games i purchased in my back log I want to play more than them.
I already own SOTR but almost bought the PC version of Greedfall last week. When I saw that I could get both Ori/BF and Ori/WotW for the same price, I decided to keep Greedfall on my Wishlist. Guess I'll remove it now. 😁
Played Shadow already. No interest in Maneater. Greedfall is a maybe but seems a little dull.
Pretty good selection, in my opinion.
Technically 2 PS5 games, Maneater and Greedfall. Greedfall will be getting a next gen upgrade they say.
Glad I held off with Maneater.
I have already bought enough games on PS5 - Mile Morales, Sackboy, Demons Souls, Valhalla, and Fenyx Rising. I think I will stop buying games for some time and finish what I bought and play the PS Plus games that come.
@zupertramp Maneater is fun. Give it a try.
Got both Maneater and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, I'll grab Greedfall for my library.
Sometimes I'm a fan of the plus but when you have already paid for the game that you get for free I think ps plus should offer a different game
3 games I don’t have that I’m interested in playing. That’s all I want from a PS Plus lineup!! One of the better months I can remember lately.
@LemonHaze ...I upvote myself with multiple accounts? I’m not even sure what to say to that heinous accusation. My pride is wounded and shall never recover, you bad bad man. Dunno why you’re talking like Yoda either. Ooh, hypocritical you are. Plonker, you’re acting.
Seriously no knack 2? Another slap in the face of us knackers.
@Jimmer-jammer would you say greedfall has more, less or equal to the amount of talking in a mass effect game as whilst I really enjoyed those games I found some of the talking bits too drag way too long and bit its weakest bit for me personally.
Solid month for me after last month's no so great games!
Not too bad for freebies..still dont understand the kafuffle over ps+ and ps now..i'm a big gamer so i subscribe to ps+ mainly for online multiplayer so the freebies are a bonus for me..if i was a casual gamer i wouldnt be too bothered with playing online with others or buying a lot of games so ps now would be a great option as the investment is very low for what you get..everybody is catered for so how is that bad? If you subscribe to both and moan about duplicate titles decide on one service and stick to it..
@sanderson72 can I get two thirds off?
Not bad! Hopefully Sony will merge PS Plus and PS Now in the future to better counter GamePass
Why can't I add bugsnax to my library, I've got ps plus 🤔
Why can't I add bugsnax to my library, I've got ps plus
Both are games I've yet to play, wasn't considering purchasing either, but am happy to give em a try! Not too shabby!
To tell you the truth its not a good start really only because I think personally just add Maneater Ps4 version instead at least everyone can play it and it also gives you the ps5 version, Sony are being very crafty with this whole thing they think giving Maneater as the Ps5 game is good it's not more like a loop hole I bought Maneater on Ps4 originally and done it in a weekend but then they announced a free Ps5 upgrade so why sony chose to not give out the previous gen version is a good question personally that would have been better.
Does this mean now this will be a pattern for the rest of this gen that sony will give out the Ps5 versions instead of just giving you the Ps4 version which then you can upgrade to Ps5 for free.
@Mysterio Shadow of the Tomb Raider has much less combat and much more exploration and puzzling than the other two in the recent trilogy. It feels much more like an old school TR game in that sense. Other than the forgettable story, it's really good.
Shame about the ongoing overlap with PS Now, but otherwise these are very good Plus games. Much better than December.
PS4 Maneater would've been nice too, oh well.
@Envy I thought I was the only person who liked the recent TRs more than Uncharted!
Nice lineup this month, very happy with that. Not sure I'll get round to Greedfall but pretty sure I'll be giving the other two a go.
Out of order man eater is only for ps5 not really our fault Sony can't stock ps5s for people to buy. To be honest it's the only ps plus game this year/last year that I would be looking forward to playing. So thanks for that fony
This is great, I’ve just bought and finished the first tomb raider for £2.39, had rise sat waiting for me from previous ps plus, and the day after I was eyeing up shadow on sale it goes free. Buzzing! The new tomb raider games are superb.
@Furious-Fingers You can still add it to your library on the store, just download it when you get a PS5. I’ve had them all so far.
@piccapullimello bugsnax was only ps plus for the first month, you won’t be able to add it now
Love Maneater. Got 100% on it. I'm glad it's a Plus PS5 game as I have to have the PS4 disc in the PS5 to play it at the moment.
Shadow is good too. I love all TR games.
No idea about Greedfall, but will give it a go.
Thanks for the slight correction. Was aware of the fact, but not of the poor discount. Still, the sentiment counts somewhat. 🤷♂️
Personaly, i dont think man eater is worth getting on a ps5 i dont have a ps5 but i got it for my birthday, on the ps4 at launch day its piss pour with missions rinse and repeat dont get me wrong the sharks were cool and the upgrades but the tedious grind i got soo bored of doing it i didnt even complete the game soo no on man eater, and tomb raider i still need to complete regadless that would be one i'd pick up if i didn't already have it soo each to there own i guess
@piccapullimello You have too do it with the onlinestore or app not through the PS4 thats how i did it.
No interest in Maneater or Greedfall... might add the TR game to my list just in case I ever feel like playing it; I did add Rise when it came to Plus but have never played it because, well, they're a bit rubbish these days when you've played Uncharted.
@Sw180793 I’ve only played the first Mass Effect but I would say it’s actually very comparable, probably a little more in Greedfall. There are entire quests that are basically, go here and talk to this person. Go there and talk to that person. Go back and talk to this person then go and talk to this other person...sometimes over a fair distance. It can be a little much.
Greedfall is a game I've been interested in for awhile so that is a great addition for me.
I've wanted to uy Greedfall for so long but It just never went down the sweet price so glad it's plus.
Shadow... I haven't played the other games but I'm looking forward to it as well.
Over, a good month for me.
I would play maneater but as I only have ps4 obviously unable to. The others, well add to library and forget about as per usual
@Jimmer-jammer hmm i'll give it a go as i was interested in the game anyway and i can always abandon ship if it gets a bit much. thanks for the response.
@Sw180793 no problem! It’s definitely worth a try, I really enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the writing. Also it’s a much bigger game in scope than I was anticipating. Have a good one!
Thanks you too.
Can we claim maneater without actually owning a ps5 some how?
(like weve always been able to do with ps3/ps4/vita games)
Decent month, would have liked maneater on the ps4
@3aje6aoBek whatever you need to tell yourself.
Nice! I was thinking about Maneater so I'm glad it's on here and I've never played GreedFall. I enjoyed that Shadow of the Tomb Raider quite a bit, but I tend to enjoy all Tomb Raider/Uncharted games so I'm definitely biased.
I'm glad I pay the bill for my daughter's PS+ subscription. I'll eventually have to get through the PS Plus Collection games.
I'm disappointed any time there's nothing for my kids. Three titles rated M. Lame.
Great to see both Greedfall and Manhunter on the list, both games my purchase finger has quivered over before but not quite pressed the button on.
Great month for me (already got tomb raider).
I find it strange how people justify game duplication between Now and Plus by saying Now isn’t available everywhere. That’s not a rational argument. At best that says it’s only sh*tty for a few million paying customers. But that’s still sh*tty.
The fact Now is not available everywhere (although still available to the vast majority of legitimately paying PlayStation owners) is a separate bad point, not a negation of the first.
Stinks of an “I’m alright jack” attitude
Duplication between the two is an objectively negative thing if Sony has the intention of allowing customers to buy both services, and it needs to change. Otherwise nobody will buy Now due to the vast back catalogue of Plus games already owned.
@thefourfoldroot yeah, I agree. Even if it is cheap, it sucks the fun out of many monthly new game announcements to have this much overlap.
A good month, let's hope they keep it up
I mean seriously despite our continued calls for knack 2 the knacklers are denied again.
@RIGORR_MORTIS You could always ignore the games or better yet not pay for the subscription and quite your whining
@SoulChimera that’s also pretty much the order of best to worst
Tomb Raider* > Rise* > Shadow**
** Shadow is a distant 3rd. Some standout moments but the amount of busywork for a completionist was mind numingly dull. A good game stretched thin (I do wonder how much it would improve if you solely focused on the campaign... perhaps a replay is in order...)
Why do i get a LSD add on this site WTF. You make a issue when i say ***** baffling?
Shhhhh! 😅
Ik heb Maneater vorige maand gekocht op de ps4 met upgrade naar ps5 op blackfriday krijg ik deze dan ook terug betaald?
I bought Maneater a mond ago on black Friday for ps4 with upgrade for ps5 can I get also a refund???
Honestly this is a great start to the new year, planning to redeem all 3 games!
How about the Witcher games
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