Capcom has announced that Resident Evil Village is not only in development for PlayStation 5. It is, in fact, a cross-gen title, coming to PS4 as well.
The news was revealed as part of the Resident Evil Showcase. Both versions of the game will be available day and date — and yes, we now know the release date, too. When the game launches in May, you'll be able to grab it on either PS4 or PS5.
The best news is that, if you purchase the game on Sony's last-gen system, you will be entitled to a free upgrade to the PS5 version. So when PS5 stock finally does come into steady supply, you'll be able to play Village's optimal edition at no extra cost.
Are you excited for Resident Evil Village? Will you be playing on PS5 or PS4? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 66
What a great showcase! Packed full of information and reveals. I wish Sony’s State of Play’s were more like this.
Disappointed that the fundamental game design is compromised to factor in the limitations of last gen consoles.
@menchi Lmao
Looks more of the same which is a great thing.
That multiplayer looks awful lol.
They actually blocked a difficulty setting... with a deluxe edition... I'm excited for the game but Capcom is slowly turning into being Crapcom again.
Update: So the difficulty setting in the deluxe edition is just an early unlock instead of unlocking the mode through certain conditions to unlock it. Ignore my original comment!
@Menchi I agree. Doesn't do anything new.
@Nepp67 Yes. I saw that bullcrap. The girl was like... when can I pre-order? Already inviting us to spend the money.
AHH so everyone that has a PS4 & not a ps5 will lose out on playing the demo ... Thanks Sony.
@LiterallyDoNotCare It's just RE7.2 basically, sadly. I mean RE7 was good, but expected more without the limitations.
@LiterallyDoNotCare What are they supposed to do that's "new" the last game was well received despite the risk of moving it into first person, so why fix what isn't broken?
We that's 20 minutes of my life I won't get back. Resi 8 looks good though. Shame about the tacked on multiplayer.
Seriously looking forward to it, looks fantastic. The only question is whether to get it on PC or PlayStation!
Looks really great, honestly.
@Menchi not sure how the fundamental game design has been compromised in this case exactly. I get the point you are trying to make and I’d be disappointed if the game was held back by last gen machines but what is there to be disappointed about here? Resi 7 had basically no loading, so I don’t expect any here once you’re in game. It’ll be higher resolution etc on PS5. What’s the problem here?
Can't wait. Good show Capcom. I had a feeling they were going to shadow drop a demo. Look forward to it!
@HollowSpectre They ain't even trying. Using the exact same enemies, animations from all games. It's not well thought out.
That showcase was pretty cool but I'll go ahead an uninvite myself - way to creepy for me
@AdamNovice Idk. Looks like a ps4 game. Gameplay and Graphics wise.
@LiterallyDoNotCare how are they the same enemies?
@Rob_230 They are re using nemesis, hank, leon, claire, jill etc... models and animations. They are not trying.
I bet the game is short and this was added there so it doesn't feel like a steal. Like last time. They released back 2 back remakes and I doubt this will have enough content.
Let me check if this is $70 and see how many people buy cuz it's re.
@kyleforrester87 Because there isn't anything that screams next-gen. The game can run on ps4 for a reason.
Can't wait to get dissapointed by gow and horizon. Probably more of them same but higher res and fps.
@LiterallyDoNotCare it’s going to be better graphics, resolution, it’ll load faster and potentially have a higher frame rate on PS5. Maybe ray tracing?What more do you want exactly? I’m confused 😂
@Rob_230 Let me ask you something. Did you buy persona 5 AND persona 5 royal?
Very good showcase. Simple and to-the-point. Really liked the look of RE Village. That multiplayer though.....
@LiterallyDoNotCare i'm hoping that - because there is a ps4 version (and because its not first party) this retails closer to 54 pounds, which Hitman appears to be selling for. But yeah, i wouldn't be surprised to see it retail at 70
On the graphics, i wonder how much is YouTube compression. It isnt always the best platform for giving a great first impression. Hopefully the demo will be sharper.
@LiterallyDoNotCare What is meant to look next gen apart from things looking shiner? Besides it's hard to tell from a compressed stream.
@LiterallyDoNotCare haha i did. Actually i'm playing Royal as i type this!
@LiterallyDoNotCare I guess you were happy with how it looked until you found out it was coming out on PS4 too? Footage and screenshots have been out for months and months but now suddenly it doesn’t look good enough 🤷♂️
@kyleforrester87 Those graphics are barely better. Barely. 1080p to 4k is not a big deal. The frames are the most notable thing. Again. I'm looking into next-gen games. Not ps4 games with better performances.
Maybe add 20 enemies instead of 2 or 3 following you, but I bet ps4 can't handle that. Running animation. Some melee combat. Idk man. Something that screams next-gen. I'm not wowed by this. I'm getting it, but I'm not hyped over it.
@kyleforrester87 No David Jaffe.
I wasn't impressed back then and still aren't. Thought a few more months would have made a difference. I'm not surprised by the gameplay neither. Doesn't do anything do elevate the franchise.
@Rob_230 If you bought persona 5, which is basically the same game with some twists (like pokemon saphire and ruby to emerald), then you wouldn't care they're using the same models. You won't get why I'm displeased
@LiterallyDoNotCare I think you’ll want to keep your expectations in check for gaming moving forward, the days of Mega Drive to PS1 wow moments are over!
@Rob_230 Even at 1080p, I should be able to tell it's an upgrade.
@AdamNovice but the problem isn't the resolution. It's the textures, models. They just don't impress me or makes me want to get a ps5.
@LiterallyDoNotCare "Maybe add 20 enemies instead of 2 or 3" It's Resident Evil, not Doom.
@kyleforrester87 Yes. With this, I'm lowering my expectations for gow and hfw. I know diminishing returns exist... but at least the gameplay can be improved.
Imagine having flying mounts on horizon but now it can't happen because of the ps4. Or gow using wings and making it more off the ground combat. Or doomguy flying with jepacks avoiding demons like crazy. I just want something that makes me go woah.
@AdamNovice So 20 enemies stops the game being a horror game? That would actually it make it scarier since you know you can't kill them all.
@LiterallyDoNotCare Who cares, so long as the game is fun. I've been playing the Resident Evil series for 25 years. Through the good times and the bad.
At the end of the day, so long as Capcom make an enjoyable title, i don't really care at this point. Not every game is going to be a massive leap. That just doesn't happen. Particularly as the leap from PS4 to PS5 isn't as massive as previous generations
Ultimately as long as the game plays well and isnt a bugfest like Cyberpunk, then thats fine.
Also don't write off Horizon Forbidden West till its out.
And Kratos had wings in GoW2 on PS2, so no reason that cant be done on PS4 if it fits the story Santa Monica want to tell
@Rob_230 Not saying it won't be fun. If it's like the remakes and re7, it should be fun, but I will have a feeling that I'm just playing ps4 games with better loading and performance and that doesn't wow me. Maybe if you have a pc mentality, but I have a generation mentality.
Not writing it off, but I am keeping my expectations low. If gow and horizon don't impress me, I doubt any game will. Especially when gow and horizon are my top 1 and 2 games of ps4.
Yes, but Kratos probably can't fly in gow 2018 like crazy because it would make the frames drop on ps4. As talented ssm is, they can't make the ps4 more powerful.
Geez, I didn’t know that when a new console comes out it instantly turns all current and prior released games into graphically ugly, uninspired, non innovative and unfun pieces of obsolete technological garbage. Why even buy a game anymore? Might as well just rent them during their moment of relevance and move on to the next thing for fear they may not wow you anymore...🤪
@nessisonett Personally Playstation for me cause of the Adaptive triggers and haptic feedback
@LiterallyDoNotCare you mean a business was trying to sell something? Crazy.
@hi_drnick you mean bad desperate business.
@Pikki Me too! It’s a good thing IMO. Nice surprise and makes sense from a business perspective.
But I’m definitely waiting for the PS5 Slim (or Pro) now. Especially if HZD2 and GOW2 come to PS4 too.
Gives me an excuse to play them again when I do eventually get a PS5 😬
@Jimmer-jammer Killzone SF and Infamous SS were much more impressing back then than what Ratchet, Returnal and RE8 are right now.
@LiterallyDoNotCare it can't be that desperate because despite all your complaints you said you will still buy the game.
@hi_drnick Didn't say I will buy day 1 tho. Keep my expectations low and I will never be dissapointed.
@Nepp67 The 3d audio in this should be incredible too
What I’ve learned from this comment section is that someone literally does care.
@nessisonett hahahahahaha. Ofc. I love the franchise.
@LiterallyDoNotCare I posted with more snark than usual but really, to echo what’s already been said here, what more do you want from Resident Evil? This looks to me like a high quality entry in to the series and doesn’t seem lazy at all. Also, we haven’t even played the game yet, could be some surprises up that tall lady’s long sleeves.
@Jimmer-jammer The multiplayer is the thing that is lazy.
The single player game looks great.
I'm not wow by it.
Returnal impressed me more. Changing my avatar to the more impressing game.
@LiterallyDoNotCare also, Ratchet is a pretty bad example in that bunch as that actually seems like exactly what you’re looking for: something that takes full advantage of next gen hardware and delivers something that would be severely compromised on current gen.
@Jimmer-jammer You're right. Ratchet actually does something next-gen. It's just not my cup of tea. Returnal will do that too but idk how it will do it.
I will reserve my opinion until gow and hfw are shown.
@Rob_230 Ooo that as well!
Doesn't matter how good it looks on my PS5 ... I just want a PSVR version. Resi 7 looks great on flatscreen BUT I can't go back after playing it in VR (same with Alien Isolation). Surprised Capcom aren't mentioning VR at all. They put a lot of love into the PSVR version of Resi 7 and mustve had a blast playing the final product. With the Quest 2 super popular a VR mode for PC would be great too.
@LiterallyDoNotCare You really go out of your way to be sour and miserable on everything . lol. It's funny.
@Party_Cannon yisus. Is it hard to understand my standards and expectations were higher than these guys? The game looks great. I am just not impressed. Not impressed does not mean I go out of my way. So far this gen looks ps4.5 for me. That's all.
@HollowSpectre here's a solution don't play the multiplayer mode when it's out
@LiterallyDoNotCare are you high or just trolling?
@Taylorzombie Serious
@Taylorzombie I didn't on resi 3!
After the Cyberpunk 2077 debacle, people should wait for the release and not preorder the PS4 version. No demo on PS4 makes me suspicious.
@JapaneseSonic @Menchi @LiterallyDoNotCare Same opinion here, disappointed that they'll have to scale back the game's true potential so it can play on older gen.
Hopefully by 2022, PS4 game support will be dropped entirely for newer games.
@JapaneseSonic Yeah I played the PS5 demo and beat it. It looked pretty but I could have mistaken it for a late gen PS4 game.
@HollowSpectre ok and why are you still complaining?
@LiterallyDoNotCare sweetie
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