Here’s a new assassination opportunity for Agent 47: he just needs to show his targets the evolution of his face. A new Reddit meme shows how the sneaky skinhead’s design has evolved over the course of the Hitman franchise, spanning the PC-only Hitman: Codename 47 all the way through to the brand new Hitman 3. Just look at those bushy eye-brows in the black sheep of the series, Hitman: Absolution!
Now obviously these portraits have been doctored by FaceApp to add extra nightmare fuel, but which look is your favourite? For our money, the Hitman: Blood Money design is probably the perfect Agent 47, but everyone has a different opinion on this. Let us know your favourite look in the comments section below.
Comments 30
Blood Money is both the perfect Hitman game and the perfect Agent 47. The new games come close though. We don’t talk about Absolution.
Oh wow, he's utterly adorable in each and every game.
@nessisonett I mean ya kinda have to when the new Hitman games are a sequel to Absolution.
Absolution is terrible...
What in the world is going on with the Absolution design? He looks more like an estranged brother who lives where his tax shelters are than a classy, smooth killing machine.
@Jimmer-jammer Result of the age of "make everything gritty and dirty" video game design.
@Tharsman ah, right. Prince of Persia syndrome.
@Nepp67 I’ve played Hitman games for about 15 years and never once paid attention to the plot. Lord knows what’s going on.
silent assassin is my neighbor. good god.
Man, Johnny Sins is an assassin too. Talented guy!
@nessisonett I'm with you on that. I've tried paying attention to the story but I quickly lose interest.
He's always look quite consistently cheesy.
Could his eyes get any further apart in 'Hitman'. Very unerving.
Zinedine Zidane
Hitman took a year off, that’s why he had the double chin in contracts
Always have to look good for the camera.
@KippDynamite Hitman 2 was on GameCube. The graphics are silly enough that it’s not exactly any more violent than Zelda Twilight Princess. I dunno, my parents never cared much about violent stuff because if we ended up scaring ourselves then it was our own fault. Luigi’s Mansion was far more traumatic.
I assume you are now a mass murderer since you played Hitman as a child?
I don't know how young I was, but probably 7 or 8 when I played Doom and Doom 2. I don't even remember thinking it was intense. It was obvious to me that it was pretend. Same with Mortal Kombat.
Actually, research shows that such games don't tend to affect people much (though I'm personally a strong advocate for game ratings). What does increase aggression, though, is real life competition. So multiplayer Mario Kart is far more likely to lead to aggression than Hitman!
For my job I routinely talk with actual murderers and almost none of them have ever even played video games. They all had really crappy childhoods, though.
@KippDynamite Yeah, like I could understand the link if it was something like Manhunt or even Grand Theft Auto in the sense that somebody who spent their time killing civilians for fun in those games should probably be put on a watchlist but games like DOOM are make-believe. Just like how your psychopaths of old would fry ants with magnifying glasses, it’s surely more about what the kids do with the video game and derive fun from that’s more telling than the game itself?
Generally speaking, people who become very preoccupied with violence are the same people who have experienced a lot of violence themselves or have been exposed to lots of violence (seeing their mom beat up, etc.). Essentially they have been traumatized and their mind is trying to process what happened.
I think there is actually a decent argument that playing a game is a more socially appropriate way of experiencing/processing violence than any real-life exercise.
@KippDynamite I guess it’s probably similar to how people use boxing or martial arts as an output. Food for thought anyway!
To be honest, they're all scaring the hell out of me. And I see myself every morning in the mirror so I thought I was immuned to scary faces.
The Hitman 2 face is anyone is someone you could actually trust - that's the scary part.
What kind of idiot wastes his time running pictures of video game characters through a smile filter?
Lol these make me chuckle
If you truly want some Nightmare Fuel from Codename 47, look no further than the loading screens for the missions.

@KippDynamite I was playing Super Mariokart on the SNES at that age, Donkey Kong Country, Super Metriod, Zombies ate my Neighbours. It was great having no care in the world. 😁
I like the Absolution, Hitman 2 and 3 never played the games though.
@nessisonett.. Manhunt and GTA are about as MAKE BELIEF as Doom don't fool yourself.
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