Crystal Dynamics has revealed that the PlayStation 5 version of Marvel's Avengers will release on 18th March 2021 alongside the free Hawkeye expansion. Upgrading to the current-gen version will be free for pre-existing PlayStation 4 owners, and the second superhero to be added to the game after launch won't cost anything either. The latest War Table livestream from Square Enix goes into detail about both these important milestones for Marvel's Avengers, with all gameplay footage from a PS5. Check it out above.
Over on the PlayStation Blog, Leyla Karasuma of Crystal Dynamics speaks to what Clint Barton brings to the loot-based title as well as touching on his moveset. "In Future Imperfect, a storyline inspired by Marvel Comics’ Old Man Hawkeye series and the Hawkeye (2012) “My Life as a Weapon” storyline, you will be taking Clint on a perilous journey to a future Earth and stepping into a new biome known as the Wasteland to find the missing Nick Fury, come face-to-face with the villain Maestro, and save the world. Did we mention his canine pal Lucky will also be featured in this Operation?"
As previously confirmed, Marvel's Avengers will offer two different graphical modes on PS5. One targets 60 frames-per-second at a dynamic 4K resolution, while the other bumps up the visuals even more. Load times are also said to be much shorter on Sony's new machine. Will you give Marvel's Avengers another shot on PS5? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 35
Something to look forward to.
Said no-one ever.
I'll have to give it a miss. My therapist said I need to get over my addiction to Marvel. He prescribed some good old housework. Now where did I put that Iron man. D'OH!
I feel like I'd be so much more impelled to play this game if the art direction were better. Clint literally might as well be faceless with such bland features as that
@Monkeyofthefunk You ever just walk into the grocery store and walk out with a copy of Spider-Man Life Story
Every Tuesday I swear
That will be a "no" for me, chief.
Imagine not having 98% of your playerbase leave the game after a month or two
this post was made by PC gang
Honestly just geeking out at seeing Clint’s apartment adapted. Not a fan of Old Man Hawkeye but I guess it gives an interesting angle.
The only way to get this off the ground, and it hurts me to say it, is to make it free to play with cosmetic micro transactions. Either that or a complete overhaul.
@Wormold Now that would be a game.
I'm eager to run through the campaign on PS5.
@get2sammyb Said no-one ever.
I like this game but i did get it dirt cheap and i never expected it set my world on fire but i was actually pleasently surprised at how good it actually upgrade to ps5 version and free dlc add on..what do you guys want ffs?
Avengers needs a big rethink to survive. I played a fair amount of Destiny and all of the different faction currencies and hero points, or whatever, it's all too overwhelming in Avengers. I never finished the campaign because it was already apparent I should have friends to play with and I might need to grind in some places to level up enough to advance, or I did a mission out of order...
It's just too much. The game does a horrible job of onboarding you with its systems. I love that all of the Avengers play differently, but it's another major hurdle to getting to grips with it.
I was meh about the Hawkeye introduced in the Kate Bishop expansion, but lo and behold we're actually getting the Fraction/Aja dog loving, ASL speaking, perpetually injured Clint Barton. So indeed, something to look forward to!
I guess that makes me a no one...
I played about an hour on the PS4 and I’m looking forward to jumping in and finishing the game on my PS5. I just want a decent 10 hour adventure and the occasional DLC to play around in. I’m not expecting a lot and I think I’ll enjoy the game when I get back to it
When you have a universe as huge as marvel to work with and this just seems so uninspired.
I'd rather play ultimate alliance again.
Even if you were someone, would you remember who that was?
@Amnesiac Yeah, exactly, I think the game looks a bit rubbish but I’d play it for a low low price just for the Fraction/Aja fan service. At least they’re moving away from MCU inspired designs.
@nessisonett It would be nice if they could sneak in the tracksuit mafia. Instead of defending Hank Pym's hideout , you could hold off hoards of rent collectors wearing identical leisurewear from a dilapidated NY apartment building.
@Amnesiac For once, the identical waves of enemies would make narrative sense!
Just bought the ps4 version lol, the upgrade and expansion will be nice!
@Hopewell @Pditty1980 @Amnesiac @get2sammyb @nessisonett I dunno what everyone else is on, but I'm def excited for the free PS5 upgrade and DLC.
I started playing Marvel's Avengers on PS4 last year but got distracted and dropped the game...looking forward to playing the game from scratch in PS5 4K quality.
It helps that I only played the game for a few hours I guess, not that far into the game.
My library has had a copy of this game since it launched and playing it would be as simple as me going there to pick it up for a few weeks, yet I can't even be bothered to do that. I'm sure it's a fine enough game, but the most rousing praise I've heard about this is that it's 'alright'.
I haven't played it yet (I'm awaiting delivery) but i'v been thinking of buying it since I got my ps5. I reallly am looking forward to playing it, the upgrade and dlc are just icing on the cake!
Honestly not a fan of the release structure - coming back every 3 months for a couple of missions and a new character. Or the fact they apparently haven’t solved a lot of the launch issues and endgame content.
I’m sure I’ll play it, but only likely once all the content is released and the game is fully polished.
Underrated game
@KidBoruto I actually really like the single player game. There are nits to pick but on the whole I think it’s quite good. I can’t speak to the online mode, since that’s not my thing. I bought it back on PS4 as well, but the long load times and tendency to kick the PS4 fan into overdrive were a bit of a drag. It already runs great on PS5, though, so I’m really looking forward to the upgrade.
I also got an email from them saying that the game is "up to" 50% off, but I'm not sure if that's on the PlayStation store or just through the email link. I haven't been home to check.
EDIT: it's only at "participating retailers" and the PS Store doesn't seem to be one of them. Bah.
hawkeye? lol pass.... this game was such a let down. Godfall, Anthem, this they all suffer from it
I won't pick it up again unless they do something to change the post-campaign gameplay loop. What an absolute drag. Not even Spidey will entice me.
Just want to throw my 2 cents and say I jumped back on a few days ago, and loving it on ps5, so smooth and I love the play style of Kate bishop
@Amnesiac @Pditty1980 I'll be sure to update you guys after I boot up the game March 21st (I'm working 18-20).
My copy of the ps4 version came yesterday and I'm liking it so far, the only annoying thing is the load screens when you die takes too long, I hope the upgrade fixes that!!
@Pditty1980 You get any further into the game?
Yes I did I found Dr Banner and convinced him to go looking for Stark
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