While we're huge fans of PlayStation 5's DualSense controller, no hardware is completely free of faults. For all its fancy features, like haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, it's a highly technical bit of kit, and so there are bound to be one or two issues that crop up. There hasn't been anything too widespread as far as we're aware, but the number of people reporting analog stick drift on the DualSense is growing.
If you've not heard the term "drift" in relation to controllers before, it refers to an issue where the pad detects an input on the sticks when there isn't one. For example, the camera panning around in a first person shooter without you even touching the right stick. Here's a video that sums it up pretty perfectly:
As found by Kotaku, users have been calling out DualSense drift as early as 10 days following the launch of PS5. Apparently, this is a fault that's covered by the controller's warranty, meaning Sony will repair or replace your dodgy pad. However, depending on where you live, you may have to pay postage to send your DualSense to the company. Not ideal.
Having said that, our experience with PlayStation's UK customer service has been pretty positive. One of this author's DualSense controllers suffered a different problem in which one of the triggers lost its resistance. After explaining the situation over the phone, an email was sent containing a printable postage label, allowing us to send the pad away for no charge. A few weeks later, a new controller arrived in the post. We can only imagine this fairly painless process would be the same for a DualSense with drift, or any other hardware issue.
Obviously, PS5's controller isn't the only one dealing with drift. Any controller with analog sticks is potentially sensitive to this, the most notorious example being the Nintendo Switch's Joy-Cons. Still, it's a frustrating flaw if it happens to you, and not what you expect from your brand new console. Have you had any trouble like this with your DualSense? Answer our poll, and discuss in the comments section below.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 82
Luckily no
Ask me the same question about my nintendo switch however.............
I have a very sensitive R2 button though. Drives me nuts when playing Fallout 4 with it
Weirdly, the only game it's happened on is Immortals Fenyx Rising.
No drift, but the left d-pad tends to trigger the up d-pad button unless I catch it just right on both of my controllers, which can be a problem.
My controller did drift in Cyberpunk but that was a bug in Cyberpunk and not the controller itself. In every other game the controller works perfectly fine
No problems with either of mine.
Also, I've seen some users mention that they managed to fix some hard drift on theirs by cleaning the sticks.
When my controllers start drifting I just kick back and go with the flow
@kyleforrester87 Nice
@mariomaster96 this also happens to me in Cyberpunk I was thinking I had drift but played loads different games since and had 0 issues.
Nothing like this from mine so far.
As gross as it sounds, a lot of drift issues are caused by dead skin. Sometimes just squeezing the corner of a sheet of paper down behind the analogue stick and janking it around a bit can fix the issue.
@Marios-love-child Jesus, yeah. I love my Switch, but the drift issues on that have been brutal.
Other than the Cyberpunk glitch I've had no issues at all!
No problems no.
Thankfully, no. And I hope it’s stays that way 😃
@Jmatt_021 Same thing happens on PC as well (different controller), I would say it's not a drift as it happens only after specific sequences and looks like some 'cinematic' effect.
No but my square button is sticking on one of my controllers with a good few reports being seen in Reddit.
I'm thinking these controllers aren't up to scratch.. especially with the trigger spring issue also.
Only once, but the pad was running out of power and after charging its never happened again. I had to send back both alpine green limited edition dualshock 4's though. I think that whole range was affected looking at Amazon reviews.
Yes, got a brand new PS5 and a spare Dual Sense from Amazon Warehouse at the start of the month, one of the controllers had intermittent drifting in the right stick and more rarely in the left...so it went back to Amazon and I bought a replacement. I'm completely sure it was the warehouse one that had the issue, good thing too otherwise I'd have been stuck with almost as bad an issue as I had with my PS4, one controller had drift with R2 and any controllers still to this day disconnect from the PS4 for no reason and won't reconnect without a full reboot, I've lost many hours of unsaved gameplay over the years.
No issues with my controller at all yet.
I have no problems with mine.
But I'm sure if it starts to become a big problem Somy will take care of the situation better then Nintendo.
Nope, only issue I've had is the R2 trigger is loose and weakened but I've gotten used to or so it isn't terrible. I'm so confused on these controllers getting drift. I've had my X360 controller for years and there wasn't any type of drift. Why is it so common now?
I managed to poor a whole cup of coffee over mine, no issues still.. although the buttons are “crunchy”.
Luckily I have it black
None for me...My Switch is absolutely gone though, can only use Pro controller on it.
no issues from my 2 controllers
I've only experienced drifting in Cyberpunk but that was a glitch in the game. Thank God my controller isn't drifting in other games.
Not had the stick drift but we did send one back due to it having a really annoying rattle when the haptics fired. The one that came with the console and the replacement spare have both been fine so far though.
Works pretty well so far. Only put about 100 hours into the console though so not exactly a heavy user.
I've not had drift issues but my R2 trigger did become super sensitive and eventually broke completely, on researching it, it seems a lot of people have had this issue. I tried calling sony supoort only to be told there would be a 40 minute wait due to being busy, I had to open my pad up and replace a snapped spring with one I took out of an old dualshock 4 and whilst still not fully fixed, I can atleast use the dualsense again.
The worst thing about this whole situation is the number of people saying its the price you pay for being an early adopter. That is total BS! Sony knows how the dualsense triggers will be used and the cheap parts are not up to the task, poor build quality is not unforeseeable or an unavoidable issue. People making the clichéd excuse of early adopter is just letting sony off the hook.
No issues with the controllers or the console.
So far...
no issues for me. not sure i'd even notice drift anyway to be honest, i'd more inclined to assume it's my terrible aim.
my 2013 PS4 controller has also had no issues (well one of them, the other did not come off too well with a wall encounter). still using the original dualshock 4 i got with PS4 pro as well.
No issues with mine at all either...thank God.
The switch however is so bad that I have given up using it as a handheld and I'm now only buying third party controllers.Disgusting.
No issues at all. Absolutely wonderful peace of kit!
30 years of gaming across many platforms and the only controllers that needed replacing regularly were those of the N64. Those sticks were terrible (or we played way to much GoldenEye 007). Launch Switch Joy-Con sticks are still ok as well.
I own 3 controllers, no issues so far.
Maybe it’s an issue with a new component bc I have a less than a year old PS4 dualshock and it has started drifting in one game only. I did the reset button and that worked (on third attempt)
I voted that I have drift but I don’t. My L2 button broke in the middle of the night and I have no idea what happened. I’m currently going through the process of getting it fixed. It was easy enough but it’s annoying that I had to buy a second controller to play my PS5 games while I wait for it to be fixed.
I'm on my second pad due to the right trigger losing resistance. I went through the retailer and they sent me one out with a box to send the old one back. Painless.
No drift issues but I do think there is a design flaw with the triggers. If your finger is anywhere near the back of them they are so sensitive that it registers a press. You have to firmly clamp your fingers out of the way. It's a little annoying. Hopefully muscle memory will eventually fix this, but it's been 3 months...
I have zero issues with dual sense pad...actually i tell a lie as i have to switch back to my cheap ass nacon ps4 pad for pga2k21 as the analogue sticks are stiffer than the dual sense ones..they are just too loose for that game..
Controllers have had drift over the years but I think it's worse on the DS4. I remember the DS3 having drift but it wasn't much of a pain. I don't remember the 360 pad having persistent drift or at all. I don't know if it's the increase in sensitivity employed in games too but i was hoping it wasn't a thing on the DualSense, it's disappointing.
@Nepp67 Yes, I remember using my 360 pad till the rubber on the thumbsticks peeled off completely but NO STICK DRIFT whatsoever.
@solocapers Why not email Sony just as easy i had it on the PS4 a button didnt go well got i a new one where i bought.
Don't have a ps5 yet but I had to replace two ps4 controllers due to the left analog stick drifting. Never thought much of it. Especially to do a class action lawsuit. You use something long enough it will eventually no longer function as it once did.
For anyone having this issue call playstation support. I told them the issue, sent it off for repair and its come back good as new. U should be covered with the 1year warranty.
@Henlak- Your right and when you can get through, sony tend to be pretty good. Thing is, you have to go at least a couple of days without a dualsense unless you fork out for another and they aren't cheap
@Daveuppercut True, still that week without a controller was way better than the £60 I would've had to pay for it lol
How long did it take u to get the email with the details out of curiosity?
I've never experienced this on any controller.
I did not have any issues with my 2 controllers. A friend of mine however did have stick drift (interestingly only after about 20 mins into a game). He did send it back to repair with warranty, 2 months later he got it back, stating they repaired it, except they replaced it with a new one.
Honestly, just judging by my circles alone the people who have the most drift are the bunch who play competitive games or just don't understand they can tilt the stick without slamming it. It's the same story with people who don't dust their consoles out and then blame Sony for it over heating, a little self awareness goes a long way.
@Shepherd_Tallon I wish. Dead skin is the least of my controller's problems.
If they would just let us adjust deadzones and all the other stick stuff at a system level that would REALLY help. After playing Cyberpunk and its amazing paramter settings for stick-control, it's really hard to go back to other games with bare-bones parameter adjustment.
Nope....no issues whatsoever....
I would like to have that problem,sadly no ps5s to be had
A friend of mine has had this happen once. I'm sure it's just initial manufacturing issues and won't be a problem once I get around to buying a PS5.
I've had no problems with my Joy-Con or Switch Lite sticks but either it's been blown out of proportion or Nintendo has a key design flaw.
i think is a software issue as i get drift on assassin creed and no mans sky , cyberpunk but not godfall it seems to be any game which is ps4 and play on ps5 so i know its software because if i get drift on those games and i close them and re-open the drift goes away then comes back about 15mins later
@Henlak- I had to fix it myself, I did try calling sony but was told they were very busy and I would have to wait for up to 40 minutes to speak to some one.
I did a bit of looking around and found a video that shows you how to swap the spring out, luckily I had an old busted dualshock 4 that I could get a spring out of.
If it goes again I'll have to try calling them again, hopefully they won't be so busy by then.
@Daveuppercut Fair enough. Had to wait an hour for them to pick up and when they did it was a quick time process. Issue is that the guy said of get an Email with instructions but it never came through.
Anyways heres hoping yours is good
@funkyplasma Dont think so. I've had drift on every game for the most part. Then I played control and it worked fine for my whole play through till the end when it came back so I think it's just a hardware issue cause if you push the right stick down really hard it fixes it for 5min then comes back.
They used the same sticks as on PS4 so we can expect the same issues we had there. They'll probably release a MK2 version with different sticks in a few months.
Thankfully not, however my R2 trigger seems very loose compared to L2.
No issues with mine . But I had drift issues with 2 dualshocks.
I need to drift with the Dualsense in order to properly control the Jaeger.
Everyone will end up getting it at some point, it’s bound to happen
Nothing on PS5 yet. I've already gone through 2 Joycons though.
Mine seems ok. Well I got 4 pads Use 2 for 24 hour non-stop gaming. Hopefully they will be ok. But the DS4 pad sticks were terrible at first i.e they would wear out. But think they got sorted that out over time by SONY.
Yes. My right stick drifts during Warzone.
No trouble here yet. But I didn’t have to replace a DualShock or two within months of purchase due to drift. Hopefully the PS5 controllers won’t be as problematic.
Hmm, 20% of 1800 votes say yes to drift.
But no comments backing up those numbers...
And there's been 90ish comments..
Methinks salty non ps5 owning numps are voting to skew the numbers.
These polls are not worth running if every numpty with a chip on their shoulder can vote.
Same as I wouldn't vote on a PS4/pro poll.
Don't have one, it's beneath me. 🤣🤐
@themightyant the spring in the trigger has either fallen off or snapped. There is youtube vid on how to repair if you can't get yours replaced.
I’ve returned two controllers for the broken R2 spring issue. First broke within a month. Just before I received my replacement my second controller had the same issue. The springs they use are just as flimsy (if not more) than the PS4 triggers
Seeing how my PS5 controller is sitting in some scalper's basement, I wouldn't know.
Yes and I already sent it in to Sony to get repaired. It is on it's way back right now.
My old, old, and I mean OLD Xbox 360 controller is just now starting to display drift in the sticks. I think this thing's going on 14 or 15 years now. Still works great, the drift on mine fixes itself if I wiggle the stick. These things are hardier than I thought they would be. Hopefully the PS5 controllers last, too!
NINJA APROVED (but not of stick drift)
I've never noticed any stick drifting yet, but I've shamefully not used my PS5 much lately...
This is why i wish controllers would be made to fix and clean more easy by the consumers. That would include easy replacement of the stick, triggers, d-pad, and action button assemblies.
How many have a controller that is rendered unusable because of one drifting stick or one trigger not working? Being able to pop out the broken and inserting a new part would be nice to be able to do.
The fact that other companies have problems with stick drift with their controllers leads me to the conclusion that easy replacement of sticks by the consumers should be an industry standard.
But my X button is sticking and it's very annoying
@solocapers my X button is doing the same. It's impossible to dodge in God Of Ware since you need to double tap X to do so.
@Loftimus Thanks for the reply, but I don't think that is the problem. I don't think they are broken, all 4 triggers on both DualSense's I have tried have exhibited the same behaviour since day 1. They are just hyper-sensitive and with the slight changes to the trigger cut-out on the back if your fingers stray anywhere near the triggers it can register a press (the way my hands hold the controller anyway).
My controllers were fine until I noticed with over of them the shop menu would sometimes scroll back up on its own when I stop on a game to check something out. It's very slight, but it's there unfortunately. I think they're might be quite a few issues in the next year.
@Marios-love-child At least this controller isn't built into the system itself.
@Omnistalgic Same thing happened to me. I managed to fix it about 2 months ago by spraying the sticks with WD-40 fast drying contact cleaner. I don't know if it's a fix for everyone, but it's worked (so far) for me. Might be worth having a look for yourself?
Got the left stick drifting up, its most noticeable on cyberpunk so i thought it was the games issue but since then I've noticed it drifting in other games
Sony better watch out, this is clear copyright infringement of Nintendo.
@Mysterio-22 tks I'll try it out whenever I pick up my Switch again, been kinda collecting dust since PS5. Hoping we get a Switch Pro tbh
Unfortunately I'm having drift issues buy can't afford to send it back at the moment. I'm hopefully gonna get a new controller at the end of the month and then mebe contact Sony about it
I’ve been using my DualSense controller heavily since Nov. I read the article about the PS5 drift lawsuit on PlayStation Lifestyle. I got drift from my dual analogs just hours later. In Ghost of Tsushima my horse banked hard to the right, I took my thumbs off the sticks and it was still drifting.
It hasn’t happened since but my DualSense is cursed now and I blame the article.
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