Despite launching several years ago, Horizon Zero Dawn is still one of the best looking PlayStation 4 exclusives available. However, fans have been having fun playing with the graphical settings of the PC port – and have discovered that the title’s visuals can be downgraded all the way down to a resolution of 256x144. The results have, for some reason, gone viral.
Obviously, the game’s practically unplayable at this resolution, but it’s good to know that there’s a setting our crusty old desktop computer could handle. Nevertheless, we think we’ll stick to the 1080p version on our PlayStation 4 – although it would be great if this game got a belated PlayStation 5 upgrade patch, wouldn’t it?
Comments 29
Nice to know they were making sure I could play on my old trashy laptop. Although I don’t really care about this game😂
For fans that love retro style now they can play it on their Nintendo system
Horizon 64 is better than I remember!
Just having a ps5 port with ray tracing, 3D audio and adaptive triggers would be cool
This will make a great psone game lol.
@Darten Slow news year.
I sense a new streaming challenge: Finish Horizon at that resolution.
Unplayable at that resolution? I think it's doable.
So it is coming to the switch
Has someone told this guy there's no colon in Horizon Zero Dawn???
How nice of Sony, I didn't know Horizon Zero Dawn also released on Sega Genesis!
Coming soon to a Nintendo near you.🙊.word up son
That actually looks really artsy.
Is this the unofficial DLC where Alloy shacks up with Doomguy?
@suikoden @rjejr HzD Switch Edition confirmed!!!!11
This is amazing... and you say unplayable? I say this is how I played Tomb Raider 2 on my old PC back in the 90's.
This reminds me of playing LOTR on my game boy advanced
I could see the appeal of playing Doom like this. It doesn't work with Horizon though.
Now it just looks like one of those awkward attempts at trying to do 3D on the GBA. Just lower the framerates to around 5-10 frames per second and its perfect.
@NEStalgia yeah fanboys think they're hilarious lol 😂
Btw I love this kind of graphical filters and have had a lot of fun with them in DOOM Eternal! If it were official I'd try it out once I get HZD on my PC.
So reminds me of a game on the Commodore 64
Called Forbidden Forest. Takes me back to 1983.
Showing my gaming years now.
@NEStalgia 8Kb, it's enough for anyone. 😉
That's the 3DS version, I think the Switch port will look more like this.
@rjejr Giant enemy crab!! Wooden spoon hits its weak point for massive damage!!
Nono, that has to be a Playstation-exclusive spinoff.
cannot see any open world non urban game getting raytracing for the next 5-10 years. It wouldn't be noticeable and would take performance away from other areas. Raytracing is more noticeably beneficial in reflective surfaces. not a factor in Horizon.
Noice! Switch version confirmed!
@NEStalgia Looks more like a mobile spinoff -
Horizon Aloy Cookout
It looks better then I though it would, wouldn't mind playing like this for half an hour just to mess around.
@GrimWillows Ray tracing is so much more than reflections though. Lighting, shadows, even sound (path traced) can all benefit and be noticeable and make a scene look more 'real'.
Some of the best results could be in smaller 'corridors' and spaces, how the light, shadows and bounce light play off each other really making them look more lifelike and a complete scene as opposed to lots of individual objects in a space.
UPDATE: the link below, while mostly showing reflections, gives some good examples of this, particularly the second image (the service shelter hatch). The lighting and shadows just make the scene look more real and all the objects fit together as a whole compared to RTX off. All together it can be a transformative change, and it's just early days for the tech.
now... how many CDs would a ps1 port take?
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