It was a coincidence that my colleague Liam Croft published an article about the state of, er, Sony’s State of Play livestreams on a week where the manufacturer hosted a new one. I’ll let you read his article in full – you can find it through here – but to paraphrase, his overarching point was that the branding has gotten messy, as the platform holder attaches it to anything from livestreams like we saw last night to what are effectively gameplay deep dives. I agree.
But I think State of Play has a much bigger problem: it doesn’t feel like the company is completely committed to the formula. I know exactly what Liam means when he argues that the firm has watered down the concept, because you can’t compare what we saw last night to the random video it released for, say, Destruction AllStars. But while I think the most recent show was weak, I still feel like we all had a rough idea of what to expect: a short montage of trailers and commentated gameplay footage.

However, while State of Play clearly exists to compete with Nintendo Direct, I can’t shake the feeling that Sony is keeping it at arm’s length. If you compare last night’s stream to, for example, the Future of Gaming showcase that centred on the PlayStation 5 – it’s just different. The concept is the same: trailers, gameplay demos, and commentary – but one feels like it’s got the company’s full weight behind it, and the other seems like the pet project of the organisation’s social media team.

This is not intended as a slight at anyone or anything, because I enjoyed some of the games shown during last night’s presentation and I don’t really have any qualms with PlayStation marketing them in this way. But while there have been “poor” Nintendo Directs over the years, I’ve always felt like Nintendo is “all in” on the initiative; State of Play feels tentative, and almost detached from what the organisation is doing elsewhere.
In an era where people can’t gather in public spaces, livestreams are more important to publishers than ever before. And I have no doubt that Sony will hold more events throughout the year that delve into the more intricate details of its upcoming releases. But I feel like it has a decision to make: is State of Play the direction it wants to go? Because if it is, then it needs to buy in to the format entirely; the history of this series, so far, is that it’s barely even half in on the idea.
What are your thoughts on State of Play now that the series has been running for a little while? What does Sony need to focus on to improve this series? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 54
The problem was more that there was barely anything ‘new’. Did we really need another trailer for Deathloop? An advert for Crash 4? The only really new game was that one from the Absolver devs. Like it or not, Directs have led to people expecting at least one big announcement, usually at the end as ‘just one more thing’. These will only disappoint.
This is a strange article. Trying to convey a general feeling without a single piece of solid data. How exactly is Sony not behind it? What would be required for Sony to be fully behind it? I’m watching game trailers . I don’t want bombastic commentary and such.
Well for a start they need to only do them when they have something meaningful to show. A couple of PS4 upgrades and largely games we've already seen a lot of isn't going to cut it regardless of the format and especially if they're going to miss out their next big game in Ratchet and Clank. What were the new games? That beat em up and the dodgeball game Nintendo showed last week?
@nessisonett and Sony ended on that pretty embarrassing trailer for FF7, a game that if you had an interest in have already played. It didn't help with Square writing nonsense like Graphics and Fog on the screen
@thefourfoldroot "Trying to convey a general feeling without a single piece of solid data."
It's an opinion piece...
Yeeeeeah, State of Plays feel like they exist just because Sony feels like it's what the cool kids are doing nowadays. And in the same vein, they always miss the mark when they try to emulate it.
Maybe Sony are using these to inform people who don't follow gaming news so closely - this State of Play was covered on BBC. I would be more likely to watch one State of Play than look up these games individually and I am a pretty keen gamer. I haven't followed the previous State of Plays closely so I am not sure if a big announcement is common
I like to give the companies the benefit of the doubt since we are in the middle of a pandemic . Its easy to feel upset with these bite sized directs whether its from Sony or Nintendo but at the end of the day these directs will never meet everyones expectations cause everyone always goes into watching these things expecting so much .
The best games usually come in the later half of the calender year around the christmas time so always adjust your expectations.
Remember these directs arent once a year, but remember also companies are trying to work from home now and adjusting to their new working envoirment so expect alot of smaller titles and the perhaps the bigger blockbuster games to be slightly delayed until life can get to somewhat normal again .
I'd rather have a bit of info than nowt. My expectations were pretty low going into both this and the nintendo direct. I'm not sure what people expect to be honest. I think software development will be hit pretty hard by remote working for at least the rest of this year and might be 2023 before things catch up. It's hardly essential work is it?! No way God of war drops this year and wouldn't surprise me if horizon gets delayed too.
SoP was different from the PS5 reveal because it was far more important and needed more time to put together. I honestly don't know what many of you expect from them.
New game announcements were never going to happen for a variety of reasons. Plus most of Sony's studios aren't ready to show anything yet.
Insomniac will be done for a couple of years after R&C (which wasn't there last night cos Sony chose to focus on Returnal)
Asobi just released a game, likewise Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch and Media Molecule.
And the others we already know about their next games.
I think the problem with the State of Play formula is that sony sets expectations and meets them.... to a fault. They leave very little room for surprises and when they do try to surprise us it's generally underwhelming.
Which leads to a problem that I personally feel Sony has had for a while now, and that's the fact that they save ALL of their big, and exciting Surprises for E3 season and then dip out the rest of the year. They don't spread news throughout the year evenly and as a result we're left with long info droughts.
And I've felt this way long before Covid-19, remember when PlayStation Experience was a thing? Remember when Sony used to have an annual Gamescom Press Conference? As the years roll on they are pulling away from more media events, and leaving us in the dark, then randomly and almost last minute-like throwing announcements at us (Example: Rift Apart's Release date reveal)
Well we're at the start of a new gen so things are going to be a bit light for this sort of thing anyway.
For me it was all about the big Returnal reveal, with a few other trailers and some other bits and bobs re FF7 PS5 and new Oddworld coming to PS+.
I guess it's all about expectations really, but I'd rather have a monthly or so state of play than a annual reveal, spreading the good news over the year instead of one big bang!
The problem right now is the low ps5 stock..i have a feeling that many developers are holding back new games until they reach a good player base. They also play safe bets with remasters and ps5 upgrades to old games..this can really kill the hype if persists..
I don't see the issue with the State of Play from yesterday and in general. They provided updates on some games we haven't heard about since June, showed Deathloop because the game is exclusive to their console for a while(and it was a awesome trailer with a nice song). Crash was shown because it's Crash and Playstation.
Some people just have too high opinions on State of Play's. Sony said it would be updates on PS5 and PS4 games and that's what it was. Usually if it's a big State of Play with big games they say it is.
On the Ratchet and Clank front, they can just do a State of Play for that by itself just like they did for Ghost of Tsushima and it will be awesome.
Returnal also deserved to be in this because it's Housemarque and Sony obviously believe in that game, and it looks awesome by the way.
The FF7 thing was awesome in it's own way because they showed Yuffie and the PS5 upgrade.
I don't see any issues with what they showed yesterday except for maybe Knockout City lol.
Oddworld and Five Nights at Freddy's even looked cool. Especially with the PS5 version of Oddworld being free for PS Plus members.
@ArcadeHeroes I dunno, the Pokemon one today was brilliant. And that’s in the middle of a pandemic.
@carlos82 It was showcasing a comparison between the ps4 and ps5 so what is the "embarrassing" part here?
And what sucks too is that a lot of cool announcements/trailers get overshadowed by the disappointment of a lack luster SoP.
Kena getting a release date is awesome,(even if it's later than we had hoped) Sifu looks cool, Solar Ash looks cool, Oddworld being free for PS+ is awesome, and FF7 PS5 version looked great too!
SoP just lacks the excitement that a Nintendo Direct brings because Nintendo throws all of the cards down for each and every one of them no matter how disappointing, and plus, they're consistent and confident in their formula.
With SoP, Sony is constantly changing the look and presentation, and clearly they're not confident in it, otherwise, they would even things out with a few big surprises here and there but no, they'd rather all big stuff during E3 season cause they're more confident in those presentations
@Nepp67 the labels just looked ridiculous "Graphics on Playstation 5" well it had graphics on Playstation 4. By all means have a comparison, even if it looked virtually identical on that stream, it wasn't the best way to end what was a disappointing stream overall
You guys complain way too much about these small presentations (be it Nintendo, PS, or MS) gets tiresome.
You complain when there isn't a State of Play. You complain when there is one (because it didn't match your expectations in terms of announcements).
Let it rest and move on. This State of Play did its job. It updated users about some of the upcoming games for this year, simple as that.
It's so bizarre that Sony drops things like Ratchet's release date in blog posts instead of saving them for a SoP along with new gameplay.
True. But opinions and feelings are different, the former implies some form of considered thought, the latter is often nebulous and so unworthy of discussion or consideration until better formed, such as here.
Problem is, when you already have announced games like Horizon and GOW, people will rightfully expect some news. Maybe not on all of them, but I think most were expecting at least a Horizon trailer. They should've stated it focused on indies, and released the FF7 thing as a blog post or something.
@carlos82 It's clearly talking about improvements qnd upgrades that couldn't be done on the ps4 so I still don't see anything embarrassing about it.
I think the issue is that PlayStation has a bigger issue with overall identity and branding. The Nintendo Directs have a consistent style and cadence, and this works because they speak "directly" to Nintendo fans. I don't think Sony has the same kind of fans. For kind of a weird analogy, it's like Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. It was meant to cater to the wide breadth of people that use PlayStation, but the game lacked a consistent tone or style, so characters looked like they were ripped from their games rather than redesigned for the game - unlike what Sakurai does with Smash.
I think Sony has a lot of room to improve their tone and messaging.
I think the issue is entirely to do with fan expectations and nothing wrong with Sony's approach. EVERY State of Play so far have been small affairs that are basically necessary updates from time to time with maybe a little spice thrown in along the way. Sony doesn't need to change or go "all-in" on these. Fans need to understand that State of Play = small update.
@Nepp67 I'm well aware of the message it was trying to convey
They all have been ok to good, none great.
I wasn’t disappointed in the latest because I had very low expectations.
@carlos82 Okay I'm still confused why you think it's embarrassing.
This is really about expectations. This episode was supposed to show “new updates and deep dives for 10 games coming to PS4 and PS5, including new game announcements and updates on some of the third-party and indie titles you last saw in June’s PS5 showcase.”
I think that was a pretty accurate description - why the hell someone was awaiting something else?
I know people wanna be optimistic but I really don’t get it this time, this whole madness about it being so bad and something else (read as no Horizon and GoW = they’d hype it lot more obviously if those should show up).
Crowd is just blindly starving for some news news I suppose 🤷♂️
I honestly prefer the State of Plays to Nintendo Directs. NDs seem to be so long winded, and the commentary feels unnecessarily patronising, without releasing most of the people watching are probably adults. State of Plays just seem more focused and straight to the point, and just show game footage/trailers with minimal fuss. Obviously content quality varies for both companies each time.
I thought it was pretty good. Seems to cover whats coming out until the end or summer. Im not really interested in seeing a logo screen of a game i can't play for years
A firm release date for a first-party title like Horizon, even if it was in late 2021, would have been a big reveal...but it also would have overshadowed the content that WAS there. Maybe you just want "State of Play" to mean more than "trailer reel." I think it's okay if that's all it is, sometimes. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't blown away by anything, but that's about it.
We don't know what went on behind the scenes. Maybe they'd planned to show Horizon footage, but held off because it wasn't ready (rumors are already circling that it will be postponed to 2022), and decided they had to run with what they had because some of these are coming out in March. Let them show off what they've got, pull eyeballs into lesser-known titles like Dodgeball City, and help out their partners. No harm there. Personally, I like the trailer reel, since it lets me see games I might have skimmed over or ignored, otherwise (even if it means I'm left with "yeah, my first impression was right, that's REALLY not my thing").
@rpg2000. I agree.people in here complain about everything.before no state of complaining how its wasn't up to par.word up son
You can't announce a new console, Demon's Souls remake,. Horizon sequel, and new God of War during every conference. The vast majority of State of Plays will be average. Even Nintendo usually highlights something extremely minor, such as one new character in a fighting game with 70 characters.
Not sure i understand the hate this has been getting. It showed some great games and gave a release date and a new trailer for kena (looks wonderful). I don’t know I guess people just love to complain.
SOAPBOX: Sony's State of Play presentations are fine.
@QueenOfHearts38 Nailed it
Honestly i was happy with SOP. Eveeyone is constantly expecting AAA titles (angry joes reaction vid annoyed me for that reason) but 10 games were shown with barely any time not on the gameplay. Got a few release dates, soulstorm on ps plus, sifu was announced and ff7r on ps5. There have been far worse SOPs.
Also why the Deathloop hate? After Microsoft bought Bethesda im just happy they are still pushing the marketing for this game on playstation
@GingerSilent just to key in on something you said:
Lacks excitement
Boy, howdy were some of those presentations boring. Let’s get the most boring guy in the company to read the game design doc over several minutes of vertical slice. Or let’s get the next most boring person to read the tutorials out loud or describe this one weapon that you’ll use exactly once in the tutorial before defaulting to something better.
Then we got to the Sifu trailer, and let me tell you, that was exciting and even better, concise. I know everything I need to know about that game in under 60 seconds.
Sounds like a personal problem Sammy. I swear all you ever do on this site is bitch or talk smack about playstation or Sony. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that State of Play. It was the very definintion of solid. 7 out of 10. We heard about some Ps5 pretty cool Ps5 upgrades and that most were free. We saw an awesome Returnal trailer, that showed the gameplay matches the amazing visuals. Easily a day one purchase(and don't even get me started on the cheap people who think Returnal should not be a full price game.) We got an awesome Kena trailer and a release date. And Deathloop is continuing to show Arkane Lyon has nailed the aesthetic, theme, and gameplay for this cool looking game. We found out that Oddworld launches day and date on Ps Plus for Ps5 owners. Which shows Sony is comitted to making Ps Plus one of the best values in gaming. With the classic collection you get 56 games for the price of 1 or 2 games. I thought Sifu looked like a blast; alot of fun. I was glad to see some Solar Ash gameplay. It looks quite good as well. Even the fantasy dodgeball looks like it will be fun. They sai they've been working on it for four years, so it will likely be very balanced. Which is good. Again overall the show was very solid. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. To those who thought it was trash, I not sure you are really a gamer. I like and play all sorts of games, including indies, imo it was good. It's only February and 3.5 months since a new generation started. They are not going to give huge things away when we are just 3.5 months until the E3 period! I would suspect that that show will be a monster. Where we will get the external storage unlocked as well as a bunch huge game reveals and studio purchase announcements.
@carlos82 its only February , rachet and clank comes out in june, i'm sure there will be several more state of plays before it comes out that will show more footage of the games.
@carlos82 thats why they had the labels , because with out them you have people like you that think they are looking at the same thing. except your not. particle effects like fog , or the lighting improvements are pretty noticeable.
@RobN the problem is you can't announce a solid release date if there isn't one atm.
@twitchtvpat people like me? I know exactly what I should be looking for without silly little labels on them
Yeah it's a little strange. As people have already said, surely this is the place for things like the R&C release date or the PSVR2 announcement.
I think there's one very simple, very glaring problem with all the State of Play's at the moment... and that is that they just don't have anything of significant weight to show.
We're in a bit of an odd situation - well, at least I personally feel we are - which is kind of like "the eye of the storm". We had a great 'end' to the PS4 generation (I put end in quotes because it's clearly got a lot of life in it), but that came about because - whether by coincidence or by design - all of the major PlayStation studios finished their projects at around the same time, that being in the last couple of years.
Now we're in a lull, where the new console is largely relying on indies and some very average third party titles to tide us over until the next wave of first-party gems, most of which are probably still at least a year away, if not longer.
I cancelled my PS5 pre-order just prior to release, partly because I was told I wouldn't get one for release day, but also partly because there just wasn't anything for it that I felt I absolutely had to play. Now we're three months on, and that's still the case... there's nothing I feel I need to buy a PS5 for. I didn't bother watching this State of Play (the first one I've intentionally not watched), and reading about it after the event, I don't feel as if I missed anything. That's a feeling I've not had with any previous Sony system.
Sure, I could buy the console (if I could find one) to play my PS4 games on, but for me that's just not worth it, no matter how it may improve them. I don't buy new systems to play old games, and my Pro will play them just fine for now.
I didn't bother getting a Pro until Horizon Zero Dawn was released, and it's currently looking like Horizon 2 will be the catalyst for me buying a PS5... whenever that may be. Unless something else is released sooner which I find equally compelling.
So yes... a kind of 'eye of the storm' situation... we had a blast, now we're just sitting around, patiently waiting for the next one.
Future of Gaming events should just be brand new game announcements. You know, games coming out in the future, and State of Plays should just be deep dives of the stuff announced at the future of gaming. At least that way people will know for sure what to expect from each event
@twitchtvpat That was, I thought, part of the point I was making. Do we really want them to announce a date they can't commit to, just to have a date? That's worse than just waiting for news.
Things change, and we don't know what's going on behind the scenes - MAYBE (wild speculation) they hoped they could announce a date for Horizon or GoW or something else really huge, but decided they can't commit to it and pulled the announcement. Or maybe this is all they meant to show from the beginning. Either is fine. Not every announcement will include huge news, and they told us this was just going to be about games - no hardware or corporate news. It was fine.
@carlos82 did you miss the dlc announcement for ff7?
Sammy, theres been like 5 state of plays, how do you still not know what to expect?
@Amppari no I saw it
@thefourfoldroot I kinda get what Sammy means. It's like the left and right hand are not communicating. For example, why was the PSVR announcement a separate thing and not mentioned in the state of play? Sure, you could say it was a software only presentation, but why weren't March's PS+ games mentioned? No Ratchet and Clank gameplay demo. Another Bond like Deathloop trailer (seriously, I love Arkane, but just go make a film already) and one new game. It's like whichever dept is responsible for the SoP is only in comms with half of Sony.
I view it as Sony have a slot for a presentation like this, devs who have trailers or updates or just want some publicity let Sony know, then Sony cherry picks what they want to show.
True Sony could have mentioned PS Plus games, but these things may often be decided last moment I guess, whereas the line up for this presentation , and video submissions, likely had to be submitted in time for editing, voiceover, etc.
Why didn’t Sony put their VR announcement here? Who know. No videos perhaps. I guess they could have had a guy reading an announcement though. Or maybe these are just to fit in software announcements and updates and Sony had promised these publishers the publicity.
Of course no reason they couldn’t extend the length, but maybe it was decided 30 minutes would keep people’s interest more, or they want to spread announcements more thinly.
Who knows. But no such thoughts or analysis seems to have been had in this piece. Just a very confusing nothing of an article to me is all.
@thefourfoldroot Fair point about the article, but I quite like these little talking points.
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