Publisher Atlus has issued a second sales update for 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, now pegging the gorgeous PlayStation 4 title at just over 400,000 units across physical shipments and digital purchases. This represents an increase in sales of 100,000 compared to early January 2021. Not bad going for the latest game from Vanillaware, but it still deserves more.
As documented in the 9/10 Push Square review, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim swept deputy editor Robert Ramsey off his heels. We still don't know if these latest sales statistics can be considered a success when compared to the developer's projections, but an extra 100,000 players getting their hands on the game is always cause for celebration. Have you bought the title recently? Share your impressions in the comments below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 40
I was a part of that 100,000 increase but i still need to play it its in my backlog
I did my bit 👍 would have liked the physical copy, but it seems difficult to get hold of. I got mine digitally in the recent big in Japan sale. Not started it yet though
Can someone summarize the reason this is a sleeper hit? To be clear : I am a big anime fan, but the specific artstyle of this game is not one that like that much.
Everything else that I have seen (and I've watched multiple reviews that all said it was great) about 13 Sentinels screams meh game : the visual novel part doesn't seem to be revolutionary gameplaywise and the battle parts look like shovelware.
Is the story that impressive that it balances all the other flaws? Is there something about the gameplay that is incredibly satisfying that can't really be conveyed by words?
Finished p5s yesterday and planning on jumping into it this weekend.
Fantastic game but I would expect nothing less from the pure quality factory that is Vanillaware, wish Sony would somehow make them part of the family.
It's in my psprices wishlist - was tempted at half price sale recently, but staying strong for an even better bargain 👍
Bought this Day One with the included Artwork book.Absolutely fantastic game that deserves to sell even more.
One of the best games I played last year, more people need to play it.
I just can't get myself to buy it as much as I want to. The gameplay is just not for me unfortunately.
I recently finished this game and I absolutely loved it. The story ended up being incredible and had me itching to come back to see more. The characters and voice acting were awesome. The battles were pretty fun, but the one knock I have is that I wish there was a way you could go through the story without having to do the battles. To me it felt like grinding in order to advance in a JRPG. But overall I think 9/10 is a perfect score. Soooo good for people who love new sci-fi ideas built on top of old premises. I highly recommend it.
Platinumed a few weeks ago. Enjoyed it alot, truly deserve the sales milestone. Here's hoping vanilla continue to make such games.
Well most of the reviews I seen say the story is amazing but the gameplay is good or meh and to me it doesn’t look fun at all and since the story and art style is the only good thing they should’ve turn this into an anime honestly
I’m currently playing it. My god please everyone play this
I bought it in the last sale and have been playing it for a week or so. It’s.... interesting, I just hope it all makes sense eventually as it’s a complete mind ***** right now 😂
I'm waiting on a sale, still trying to finish up Yakuza. I started at Yakuza 0 early last year, I'm at Yakuza 5 (I played judgement in between somewhere). This is somewhere on my list after Yakuza 7.
@Olmaz I’m enjoying it, only 7 hours in so early days but it’s very much a visual novel first and foremost, the battles don’t look great I agree with you but they do feel fairly satisfying to play.
I feel this game is either going to absolutely blow me away eventually or it’ll be a letdown, it’ll completely rely on the story.
@Mince like I said I’m 7 hours in and I’ve enjoyed it so far but I wouldn’t say I’m sold on it immediately. If the story comes together and stays as interesting as I’m finding it now I can see why people love it.
Still disappointed this was never released on a portable device. I played previous Vanillaware games on my Vita, and they were a great fit.
I'll get it eventually: when the price is low enough, and, more importantly, when it won't immediately go into my backlog.
@Olmaz I watched gameplay and couldn’t understand the hype, but after hearing nothing but praise, I decided to grab it on sale. Knowing what I know now, I’d gladly pay full price. The story is one of the best sci-fi stories I’ve seen in any media. The way ever character’s story unravels and intertwines is a masterclass in storytelling. The combat was surprisingly fun considering I hate tower defense, but the story is where it truly shines. I became so addicted to its story that I got as far as I possibly could before doing battles. The battle art style actually has a reason for it too. It’s not a game style I’d normally enjoy, but it was so good that it became my first platinum. They sleeper hit hype is well deserved.
@Mince Too many games, too little time. Particularly when you're into lengthy JRPG series!
Do you mean you've only played the first Danganronpa? If so, definitely jump on the rest of the series, which, IMO, vastly improves on the first game in almost every way.
definitely #1 or #2 in my list of 2020 games. I was surprised (in a good way) despite playing previous titles by Vanilla. 9.5/10. Strongly recommend
I really should play this. It looks right up my alley but I’ve got so many games on the go and I’d have preferred to play this on Vita!
Definitely deserves more but still amazing for an extremely niche game. Thankfully got myself a physical copy
I'd love to play it as soon as possible but with the plethora of games i still need to play on ps4 in addition to all the games i have hacked into my 3ds. I'm literally lost in what to actually play next... Im definitely keeping it way up on my priority list tho
It would have had more, if it was on more platforms for people to enjoy it, like nintendo and steam.
This game was amazing.
@Odium Thanks for the detailed answer. I guess it all comes down to the story then, and that's something very difficult to advertise enough without spoiling anything.
It's on my wishlist anyway, I'll try and grab it next time it's on sale, as I'm still not convinced it will be for me.
@Olmaz the gameplay is decent but isn't what has drawn people in. As others have said, the main draw is the story.
I really enjoyed story and the way the story was told. Definitely worth a try!
@Olmaz Imagine a story that manages to tie in many of your childhood pop culture references and throws in a few M. Night Shyamalan twists. Basically, Ready Player One but by a good writer.
Did my part. I always buy Vanillaware games day one. A studios so unique and talented makes me so happy to hear about the milestone..
@Olmaz fortunately, it goes on sale quite a bit. It’s definitely worth the $25.
@Mince well darn
Got it back near when it launched, utterly ate that game whole along with its platinum in like two weeks.
Hmmm liking Anime but not art style seems a bit counter to each other. Certainly the nicest Vallinaware game yet. Little bit of fan service. Combat is tower defense like. Story is the best part and has a lot of twist and turns with twist ending. The whole is better than the sum of it's parts. My favorite non JRPG by far. Just had a hook that once I started playing I didn't stop till I completed. That doesn't happen often.
@__Groundskeeper "liking Anime but not art style seems a bit counter to each other" Well, there are a lot of different artsyles in anime, aren't therer? This specific one doesn't seem to do it for, but not to the point of disliking it.
"The whole is better than the sum of it's parts." That's exactly the feeling I get from all the answers on this thread. The story seems to be so good it manages to bring every other aspect of the game together in a great way. I must admit to be very intrigued to say the least.
Yeah sorry, yes lots of art styles and I apologize for that comment but the game oozes anime vibes. Games is not perfect in any faucet but for some reason for me it all just "worked".
@Olmaz It’s a brilliant sci fi story, and for something so complex, it really comes together satisfyingly. I’m a huge sci fi fan and was just blown away by how good it was. The gameplay didn’t look like it was up my alley, but I ended up enjoying it as well. One of things I love about how the game is structured is that it gives you a freedom in picking which threads you want to follow, so it really feels like you’re going down rabbitholes until everything starts tying together
@Olmaz I'll tell you the thing most of you somehow don't want to acknowledge: when you price a game full price you expect good "graphics". For this game ps3 look much better than this no matter how good the story and some indie games look much better than this. Surprised no one in the comments talked about graphics. We're buying a video game not a novel. Graphics are important or price the game accordingly not full price.
Bought the game day one and love it. Deserves more sales but at the same time, I wouldn't have predicted such a niche game to reach 400,000. Good for Vanillaware. Would be cool if they upgraded it for PS5.
I totally missed this, not even on my radar until today. But with a 9/10 and the comments above I'm going to look at it.
Is vanilaware an independent studio? Or is owned by atkins?
Actually never mind, I was gonna say "so Sony can buy them" but then I remembered Japan Studios.
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