What’s British-based first-party developer London Studio up to? There were rumours a few years back that it was creating a Horizon Zero Dawn spin-off for PlayStation VR, but that speculation has dried up of late. Given the studio’s recent releases – including PSVR Worlds and Blood & Truth – it’s probably safe to assume the team’s busy beavering away on Sony’s next-gen virtual reality headset, but we’ll need to sit tight for confirmation on that front.
One thing we do know is that the developer believes its next project has “huge potential”, as an interview with new co-studio heads Tara Saunders and Stuart Whyte sheds a little more light on the team’s culture, history, and ambitions moving forwards.
“I want us to dream big and realise our full potential, but at the same time ensure that there is a real emphasis on ethical and sustainable game development practices,” Saunders said of the studio’s goals moving forwards. “We have super strong values in place that mean we should be keeping in mind the importance of inclusivity, balance, and team spirit on a day-to-day basis. Our next project has huge potential and we want to leverage that to the max by empowering the team to thrive and deliver a top quality game!”
Obviously the UK is still in lockdown, and so London Studio – like many other companies across the country – has had to adapt. Saunders explained that it’s been listening to feedback from employees, and according to Whyte, the developer aims to be much more flexible in the future, with its “London Office becoming a hub for staff to hang out and meet up”.
We’re excited to see what it’s working on, because there’s no question the British developer has been at the forefront of Sony’s expansion into the virtual reality market, and we’d be shocked if it’s not leading the charge on the company’s next-gen headset. What would you like to see out of London Studio in the future?
[source playstationlondonstudio.com]
Comments 22
I really enjoyed Blood & Truth and is still probably the most complete VR game to date in terms of a grown up VR story/world.
I wouldn't mind London Studio attempt to make a First-Person Stealth Game like a mix between Splinter Cell & Dishonored. Or maybe let London Studio have a crack at the Syphon Filter series, assuming Bend Studio aren't working on a new Syphon Filter game right now (Don't think they are).
Id like to see London Studio get back to making games like The Getaway.
New SingStar game.. in VR? <3
Hope it uses Aim controller.
This might be an unpopular take, but anyone focusing more on 'inclusivity, balance, and team spirit' rather than on pure talent is probably not going to put out a very memorable game.
I had big hopes for London Studios and Japan Studios and I am a big Fan of both but since the PS3 days SONY have just got London Studios to do pointless things like VR etc etc and now SONY are messing with Japan Studios to Oh well. I will say it(but it's pointless. Jim Ryan will ignore this comment anyway) I hope it's 'The Getaway 3' for PS5 (but no VR waste of time stuff tho)
@LordSteev: Saunders never once said he was focusing on diversity more than talent, not once; you're putting words in his mouth. He said they were leveraging their team's diversity to deliver the highest-quality game that appeals to the greatest number of people, which is not even close to what you described.
You seem easily upset about these issues. Perhaps reading a bit more carefully and a bit less emotionally might help.
@Wormwood23 Saunders said of the studio’s goals moving forwards. “We have super strong values in place that mean we should be keeping in mind the importance of inclusivity, balance, and team spirit on a day-to-day basis
That's copied and pasted from paragraph 3. Not sure why you think I'm upset. I just think one of these types of bosses is going to have a team that is super positive and enjoys each others company at lunch, but won't necessarily produce anything powerful or fantastic.
I have to think the upset is yours.
@Ken_Kaniff... How can we as fans make noise to let Sony know that if there is one franchise we want them to revive is The Getaway, also since the Studio making Wipeout and Ridge Racer is no longer making them, how about they revive the Rollcage racing serious since they own the license to that game....... Oh yeah and somebody need to revive the Jackie Stuntmaster IP or atleat give us a Remaster to the Ps1 game
@LordSteev... Final Fantasy 7 was made by a team that was super postive and enjoyed each other's company at lunch and still created a G. O. A. T masterpiece that is FF7 and FF8.
It is absurd to think that genius or timeless production only happens in toxic or hostile environments.
Greatness or timelessness masterpiece are produced both in hostile/toxic environments and also in harmonious/hapr environments.
Dreams is 100% proof of this, Media Molecule is way far from being what you would consider a toxic studio and Dreams was produced and released full without bugs without a single second of crunch.
So No, your assessment is entirety not correct
@GREGORIAN Either you misunderstand my post, or you are ascribing things to it that I never said. Either way, if you want an argument please look elsewhere.
@GREGORIAN I dont really know tbh. I been yelling from the rooftops for an answer about why PS4 games main trophy tiles look so weird on PS5 on there @Askplaystation Twitter handle and nothing.
@LordSteev...... Nah.... I'm not here for an argument or trying to start one. It's just that from your comment you seem to be implying that game studios that have / or aim to have a harmonious/happy work ethos or ethic and environment do not produce masterpieces or gen defines or even GOTY type of games.
I think your comment is coming from the recent reports of crunch culture from studios like naughty dog and Rockstar, CDPR and those studios have Chun masterpieces like they have a conyevor belt for them.
However, a lot of the ps1 Era games were not done under toxic environments as we now have. A lot of indie studios have very much the type of environment being aim for by London studio and we know a lot of masterpieces released by indies.
So really I don't think your comment is a correct one. In fact I would say in game development studios toxidity stifles creativity.
What I was implying was that a studio that puts inclusivity, balance, and team spirit AHEAD of talent is not likely to make a great game. For example, let's say you know five times as much about level design than I do. We're assigned as a team. Yay team! Luckily for me, our studio puts balance and team spirit ahead of your know-how, so we are equal! (Balance, after all) Now, even though you know better, you have to listen to my claptrap ideas, and they get equal weight along with yours.
Now our work will be approximately twice as bad as it would have been if you were in charge. But at least I'm happy.
@LordSteev...... Your response does not make sense. It's like you are making it up to justify your initial implication as there is not a single work environment that matches what you have just described in your response. It's always a concerted effort were everyone's ideas are heard but the final decision is taken by the team leaders or directors with the whole team in agreement.
What they are describing sounds more like what we have heard of companies like google and media Molecule of how inclusive, balanced and team spirit oriented they are and we know Google is a top tech company and Sony has not closed Media Molecule and their games are critically acclaimed.
What you seem to be pushing for is more of a Ubisoft type of environment before resently when those scoundrels/weasel directors were fired. It was their way or the highway cause they were more experienced as you say, but that resulted in a sexism environment full of sexual harassment, crunch and general boys club attitude with no creativity and you either had accept the crappy environment and treatment or leave. This also resulted in monotonous, boring, predictable and bloated games filled with filler and mtx and loot boxes which we gamers are complaining about.
So now which masterpiece has Ubisoft released in the last 10 years as according to your logic that toxic environment is what produces masterpieces, yet games like DREAMS completely make your argument silly.
@GREGORIAN So you really can't understand that my example is an oversimplification? I'm done.
I think what Lordsteev is saying is that when a company has at its forefront, or as a directive from HR, “the importance of inclusivity, balance, and team spirit” rather than pure talent, that can easily impact the quality of a game and stifle ideas.
Now, companies saying that doesn’t mean they do it, it is just the new hip thing to say to get the twitterers nodding and smiling,
Plus there are a number of viable arguments as to why this could be a positive thing regardless. Such as a nice work environment encouraging people to take more pride in their work; understanding bosses earning more loyalty from staff; diverse backgrounds leading to less generic or cliched characters or even gameplay types, etc, etc.
This doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad to call out this philosophy as negative if taken to extremes of course (quotas on such and such, or even a desire for harmony leading to its own homogenisation of personnel, just in a different direction).
So essentially, depending on how much of an overriding philosophy this is for them, either of you could be right, but I appreciate his contrary position because such ideas, and people who had save them, are far to often deleted and cancelled.
@thefourfoldroot... The problem with both your arguments is that they are paper arguments in that they are not based on reality, they are almost thought-experiement arguments of what if scenarios.
Name one company or institution that embraces inclusivity, balance and team work that has gone to the ground or closed down.
I can name you one, Google with is in the top of tech companies worldwide.
Also going to hiring, which company in the world world hire anyone not based on skill/talent unless you are talking about politics or politically linked companies.
First you must have the talent/skill but then you must be able to live/operate within the company culture which in a company owned by honest people with integrity, that company culture would include inclusivity, balance and team work.
What you guys are referring to is more akin to your Simon Cowel with AGT, that news anchor who a lot of ladies came forward accusing of sexual harrassment forgot his name and Billy Cosby and the guys just recently fired by Ubisoft. All those guys are talented but they are doosh BAGS who did what they wanted and abused people and the companies they worked for encouraged their bad behavior and attitudes because they knew they could not be touched because they were the "TALENT" until someone blew the whistle to the public and the companies got embarrassed and fired those guys except for Simon Cowell of course.
We gamers have given Ubisoft grief about how they have let this go on for years, but you guys come on here and be like "IT'S NOT SO BAD AS LONG AS WE KEEP THE TALENT HAPPY"
So no both you arguments belong in the 60's or late nineties or eerly 200s not in 2021.
As such I belive London Studio will produce masterpiece particularly because of this culture of inclusivity, balance and team work that they are pushing forward.
PS: The biggest company in gaming know for encouraging and pushing for inclusivity, balance and team work is non other than BIG Boy SONY, as we've heard devs left, right and center singing their praises about how magnificent it is to work for or with Sony who give their studio complete freedom. Which is what I m getting that London studio is aiming for from this article.
So nope I totally disagree with both of you, and it is an outdated view of the world and the workworld.
Thats the over-simplification I got from your comment.
Nothing in the article mentions their future work or upcoming titles, just the work environment they want to foster and your total take from the entire article is that they are not gonna produce a masterpiece cause masterpieces only happen in non-inclusive, non-balance, individualistic and non-team work based studios......
That is a Donald Trump view of the world
@GREGORIAN You are very good at putting imaginary thoughts into peoples heads to suit your point of view. Not sure what good that talent will do for you, but hey, at least it's something.
For the record, I hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for.
I guess we will see if they produce a masterpiece. I'm still betting they won't.
Since I think you live in your own agenda, and bend the words of others to fit it, I am through talking with you. Keep posting if you want the last word. You will have it.
I hope it's something more "virtual world" than Blood and Truth. The game, while high production values, did nothing to make a "virtual reality".
The forward-node-movement, on-rails, "pop-up shooting gallery" gameplay was very very rudimentary and reminiscent of the old 80's arcade shooter cabinets.
The story scenes were terribly slow paced as well. Boring conversations with lots of dead air made me wish I could skip them and just get on with it.
So - hopefully they want to make a game where you are in an open virtual world and not stuck in a virtual movie with simple mechanics.
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