As one of the most recognisable and important franchises in gaming, Resident Evil is near and dear to the hearts of so many. From all the way back in 1996, when S.T.A.R.S. members infiltrated the classic Spencer Mansion, right the way through to newcomer Ethan Winters' attempted escape of the Baker family, each mainline entry and spin-off marks a new chapter for Capcom. Today is the series' 25th anniversary, and we weren't about to let the occasion fly by without celebrating one of gaming's greatest.
We reached out to as many developers as we possibly could — both ones that have produced some of your favourite horror titles and other noteworthy names from the wider industry — with the intention of documenting the memories, thoughts, and feelings they associate with Resident Evil. This is the result.
Glen Schofield, Dead Space Creator and Chief Executive Officer at Striking Distance Studios (The Callisto Protocol)
I’m a rabid fan of all things horror, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that Resident Evil has had a huge impact on me as a gamer and a gamemaker. Resident Evil 4 in particular is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. There was just something about the mood and atmosphere in the game. It was dreadful, heavy, and felt incredibly oppressive. I just got so caught up in it. I remember being terrified of what was around every corner, but still being drawn to see what the game had in store for me. It also had lots of different kinds of scare moments, which was a big inspiration when I was making Dead Space. Whether it was a boss fight, running from enemies, or a perfectly timed jump scare, you never knew what to expect.
Resident Evil continues to be a major influence on my new game with Striking Distance Studios called The Calisto Protocol. Me and the team that created Dead Space are taking the idea of a Resident Evil game in space to a whole new level, with a next-gen take on survival horror set 300 years in the future on Jupiter’s dead moon, Callisto.

Will Byles, Director at Supermassive Games (Until Dawn)
It was back in 2002 when I was still working in film that I first came across Resident Evil on the GameCube. It had already been released a few years earlier on the PlayStation but this was my first introduction to one of the greatest horror franchises ever.
I have always been a zealous horror movie fanatic so when I discovered Resident Evil it was a bit of an epiphany. A horror that you could play! Walking down a scary corridor, framed in a cinematic camera with no idea of what monstrosity lurked behind the next corner, was utterly terrifying. In a way that cinema couldn’t do. With cinema it was always someone else. With Resident Evil it was YOU, regardless of whether you chose to play as Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine. It was at that moment that I realised that a playable survival horror was way more terrifying than a horror movie and at that moment I changed my career and moved from the film industry into game development.
Resident Evil championed fixed cameras, third person over the shoulder shooting, super high end graphics (with the pre rendered backgrounds) great characters and delightfully cheesy dialogue, unexpected twists and truly frightening games. Resident Evil 4 is arguably one of the best games ever made, horror or not.
There is so much in Until Dawn that was inspired by the amazing visionaries that created such an iconic franchise as Resident Evil.
Jacek Zięba, Producer at Bloober Team (The Medium, Observer, Layers of Fear)
Everything? Long story short — my first ever PlayStation game and horror game that I ever played was Resident Evil 2, on a little black and white TV, in my grandpa's house in summer, and I was ten. This changes everything. This gave me my love for horrors, for zombies, for video games. In a way, that time, this game, this series is a foundation of who I am as a gamer and game developer. I just love Resident Evil with all my heart.

Radosław Nowiński, Level Designer at Bloober Team (The Medium, Observer, Layers of Fear)
I have to admit, I used to be a bit dismissive about Resident Evil. In recent years, however, I’ve learned to appreciate and eventually love Resident Evil for what it is, and yes, working on The Medium had a part in it. I realized how much work it takes to balance a game like that: the static cameras of the classic entries (which I can assure, take a lot of work to get right), the atmospheric locations, the puzzle design, the non-linear exploration… but also the wonderful cheesiness. I used to think of RE games as not much more than a collection of B movie horror cliches, but every aspect that I’ve mentioned (and many more that I haven’t) elevate the series to being something way bigger than the sum of its parts. Working on The Medium helped me understand how much craftsmanship and passion goes into these games.
My favourite thing about the franchise is that they’ve shaken up the formula so many times, that we have a whole collection of great games that are very different from one another, each with their own unique qualities. Among them, two are my absolute favourites: RE4 and RE7. RE4 with its addictive combat, great pacing, and self-aware cheesiness is still an absolute blast to play — it’s a game perfectly tailored for a controller, and I believe it can still be a benchmark today.
RE7, on the other hand, could not be a more different game. I played it in VR and it’s an absolutely unforgettable experience — it’s creepy, dark, terrifying, and exhilarating. It takes a lot from modern horror games and movies, and yet it maintains its survival horror and action roots in perfect harmony. I love how it goes back to the basics with a new character exploring an isolated house full of monsters, just like in the original RE, while feeling completely different at the same time.
It’s absolutely amazing that Capcom is still able to surprise and delight its fans even after 25 years. Capcom, I wish you and the fans another 25 years of great RE games. Cheers!
David Chateauneuf, Co-Founder at Red Barrels (Outlast, Outlast II)
Humoristicly I would say... “damn f**king windows!” But Resident Evil is much more than that, and to me, it represents a wonderful piece of art. We cannot define the quality of a game, especially a horror game, by a single feature, a single event, or a single scare jump. Since its first apparition in the ’90s, Resident Evil has brought the horror industry many different methods to scare the sh*t out of us, and it has continued to find innovative ways to keep scaring us 25 years later. And it has bloody worked!
With the heavy atmosphere, the camera view, the limited control of our character, and the incredible balance between the number of bullets versus the number of zombie brains, Resident Evil did everything that most other games would not dare to do. Being able to keep players intrigued and continuously asking for more all these years later with that same and unique title means A LOT. It shows that the intelligence of the production teams' brains is in complete opposition with the brains of the zombies that they created! Thank you Resident Evil!

Jordan Woodward, Lead Level Designer at Rebellion (Zombie Army 4: Dead War)
Congratulations to Resi for 25 years of creating gripping, tense and brilliant horror! Many of us at Rebellion are big fans of the horror genre and obviously zombies! It’s impossible to talk about horror and zombies without the Resident Evil franchise coming to mind. The series provides classic escapism and edge-of-your-seat gameplay for horror lovers, within a framing that is easily understandable. As the years have passed, the series has been through many changes and explored different directions, but each step has bought us innovation and dozens of iconic puzzles, monsters and locations.
Resident Evil to me, is foremost one of the main pioneers and innovators within the survival and survival horror genres and really brought horror games to a massive audience, at a point in time when gaming was transitioning from bedrooms to living rooms. There were horror games before it, but Resi really lit the torch and set the bar for tense, genuinely unsettling gameplay and there are thousands of people in the game and film industries and countless projects that owe Resident Evil a great deal of gratitude for their inspiration over the years. This includes the Zombie Army team at Rebellion – we’re big fans of the series and eagle-eyed players may find a friendly nod and Resident Evil reference in Zombie Army 4: Dead War!
The thing I personally admire most about the franchise is that it hasn't been afraid to reinvent itself and evolve over the years. The first three main series games had a very distinct feel to them and had really mastered their craft, then 4 came along and changed a lot of people's conceptions about what made a Resident Evil game, it was iconic and is generally thought of as one of the best in the series by fans. I think we saw that again recently with 7 - it still has that distinct Resident Evil feel to it, staying true to what fans love but from a completely new perspective – evolving and exploring new technologies such as VR to increase immersion and the heart-pumping horror experience. It's brave to take a well-loved series, like Resident Evil and make fundamental changes but they're not afraid to be creative and explore a new avenue and it really pays off.
Philip Tibitoski, President at Young Horses (Bugsnax, Octodad: Dadliest Catch)
I was only 10 years old when Resident Evil 2 came out, and it was one of the first exciting media experiences I had where I felt like I was playing something I shouldn't have been allowed to play. Also there's something about solving puzzles in those games while also constantly being a little paranoid that something is going to jump out at you that makes them feel special. Playing them in the dark in my basement is a pretty vivid memory of mine.

John Murphy, Gameplay Designer at Young Horses (Bugsnax, Octodad: Dadliest Catch)
When I got my PlayStation the first game I played was Resident Evil 2. It was the first game I played that felt truly cinematic, and it blew my mind. The fixed camera angles created such amazing tension and suspense. The Raccoon City Police Department, with its powerfully moody vibe, is one of the most memorable environments in the history of games. And the moment with the Licker in the interrogation room is such a vivid and permanent memory that I'll probably be thinking about it on my death bed.
Kris Piotrowski, Creative Director at CAPY Games (Below, Grindstone)
Resident Evil was one of the first games to really scare the pants off of me. I’ve always had a lot of love for horror films, and I’ve been a big fan of George A. Romero’s legendary zombie flicks, so playing Resident Evil for the first time really made a huge impact on me. It showed me just how terrifying and intense horror could get in video game form, and brilliantly utilized filmic techniques to create a uniquely cinematic horror video game experience. The original Resident Evil was a ground-breaking title that laid down the foundation of video game horror, and modern-day titles like Resident Evil 7 in VR still push the boundaries of the genre to this day.
Kaitlin Tremblay, Lead Narrative Designer at CAPY Games (Below, Grindstone)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica was one of the first games where I really saw myself in a character. I was young, I had older brothers, and I loved monsters, horror, and haunted houses more than anything. Playing as Claire, going to rescue her older brother from a spooky island just felt like it was speaking to me directly. Claire would go to the ends of the earth to rescue Chris, and the fact that she was a younger sister wasn’t a strike against her capability, her confidence, or her ability to protect her brother. Playing other games growing up, I always felt like I had to compromise my identity to insert myself into the fantasy of that game. I never felt like the hero because the hero didn’t look like me or resemble my experience at all.
So getting a whole game dedicated to playing as Claire fighting off abject monsters in Code Veronica made me feel like I belonged, like I was the intended audience for this game. And it made me want to make games or write stories where other folks could feel like they were the hero. I love Code Veronica because I’m a younger sister who loves haunted houses, so there really wasn’t a more perfect game for me at a time when I really needed to see myself in the characters I was playing as.

Aleksander Borszowski, Writer and Game Designer at Draw Distance (Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York)
To me, Resident Evil represents the essence of feel-good horror: a cinematic fantasy where beautiful people visit evocative locales to face our worst nightmares, from seemingly unstoppable corporate machinations to our own treacherous biology, and score an uplifting victory. Its aesthetic marries the Japanese school of design with tasteful western cinema influences in a uniquely interesting way – I'm happy about how the promotional materials of RE: Village obviously owe a lot to Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula and how its home invasion scene seems to be staged as a homage to Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning, one of the most underrated movies of the last decade.
If forced to pick my favorite title in the saga, I'd waver between two obvious picks: the jaw-droppingly beautiful and cleverly redesigned GameCube remake of the original game or Resident Evil 4, whose scares quickly give way to discovering some of the most endlessly delightful combat scenarios in video games (most horror games eventually become pure action games as one grows familiar with the dread, but it's rare that the action reveals itself to be so good). Still, even with these two absolute classics, some of my best memories of the series are related to some smaller, weirder, usually more divisive works.
I'm thinking of The Mercenaries 3D and how long college commutes unexpectedly turned it into my most played 3DS game of all time – the most addictive bonus mode I can think of, arcade-like joy of constant playstyle optimization. I'm thinking of Resident Evil 6 and how mastering its intricate combat system in its own version of The Mercenaries made me and my partner feel like masters of gun kata, which in turn led us to appreciate the controversial, absurdly bombastic campaign for all the interesting contexts it provided for our calculated shootouts. Resident Evil: Dead Aim by Cavia, one-of-a-kind creators of odd, unpolished gems with a unique sense of melancholy. Gun Survivor 2 with its “VS. Roach Mode”, possibly the funniest moment in the history of Resident Evil. Outbreak, absolutely ahead of its time with its online focus and deserving of a second chance. Even Umbrella Corps, which I've been lucky enough to experience with a group of open-minded players who were able to look past the lack of polish, revealed a very original and exciting web of interconnected rock-paper-shotgun multiplayer mechanics upon closer inspection.
And, last but not least: Paul W.S. Anderson's movie adaptations. Blanket dismissals of those never fail to make me sad – PWSA is one of the few modern action filmmakers who truly thinks in images (I adore how the entire middle stretch of his take on Monster Hunter is almost wordless) and I've been glad to see him achieve a cult status among hardcore cinephiles across the years. The pop veneer of Alice’s story masks uneasy questions about how we construct our identity while living in the modern world – some fans might doubt if it’s “Resident Evil”, but if you read the part where I explain what the series represents to me again, you’ll see why I have no doubt that it is.

Ido Tal, Co-Founder and Producer at We Create Stuff (In Sound Mind)
The fun thing about the Resident Evil series is that brilliant video game design is contagious. They inspire generations of gamers and game designers to build upon those ideas and innovate further. Evidently, the RE series has shaped much of our own work today, as indie horror developers. I think in this way RE is a hallmark in horror video game history.
Joss Herraez, PR and Communications Manager at Frontier Developments (Elite Dangerous)
Resident Evil holds a very special place in my heart, to the point of having had a direct impact on my decision to pursue a career in video games. Resident Evil was the first game I purchased with my brand new PlayStation One back in the day, and it was miles ahead of anything I had experienced before. I immediately fell in love with all STARS team members, their multiple storylines, and endeavoured for weeks to uncover all the secrets the Spencer Mansion hid.
Inevitably, I was instantly hyped when news about Resident Evil 2 started to slowly drip in — back in the pre-internet dark ages, you had to wait for your monthly print magazines to arrive in the hopes of finding out more information about your favourite games. When Resident Evil 2 was finally released in 1998, I was second in the queue in the pre-sale event the publisher organized in one of the most prominent video games retail stores in Madrid. Failing to be the first person to buy Resident Evil 2 in the country meant that I missed the glory of the official photocall, but while the press took pictures of the guy who beat me to get there first some six hours before me, I had the chance to chat with the ace marketing team who had worked on organizing that amazing game premiere. It turned out they were huge Resident Evil fans too, and had even been involved in Resident Evil 2’s localization process, travelling all the way to Capcom’s office in Japan to offer advice on the Spanish translations. Those guys surely had the best jobs in the world!
And thus, I decided, there and then, to pursue a career in video games and work on a future Resident Evil title! The latter never happened, but I count myself among the fortunate ones, for now I have the best job in the world too! – I even got to work with that very same Resident Evil 2 Spanish team in my SEGA days! Small world.
To this day, the launch of a new instalment of the Resident Evil saga is still a meaningful event for me. I really can’t wait for May to arrive and finally meet Madame Dimitrescu.

Mokka, Senior Marketing Manager at 24 Entertainment (Naraka: Bladepoint)
I will start by confessing that I am definitely not a huge horror game fan, but Resident Evil is indeed something unique. Even though I played many Resident Evil games back when I was a kid, I still get impressed with the gameplay every time a new version comes out. Resident Evil has this special charm that I was constantly addicted to the gameplay despite knowing I will undoubtedly be scared by it. I still remember my first encounter with Mr X (Tyrant) in Resident Evil 2, when this man just single handly lifted a crashed helicopter and walked towards me. The combination of his massive appearance and the daunting footsteps was one of the most terrifying moments I remembered in Resident Evil, not to mention that you will continuously hear these footsteps throughout the game's progress.
Even after my years of experience in the gaming industry, I still enjoy all the series' atmosphere and story settings, with Resident Evil 7 being a prime example. The game was so much more realistic in VR mode, and I literally wanted to quit the game before I even entered the house. I particularly remember the kitchen and dinner scene from the game, where I was screaming and running as if I was really my character Ethan. Like many other players, all these experiences I had will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I sincerely hope that the Resident Evil series could keep shinning and bring more happiness and scariness to its fan base.
We would like to thank every single developer who took the time to submit their Resident Evil memories and thoughts for this piece. We would also like to thank the PR outlets who made this possible. Whose memories and thoughts concerning the Resident Evil series after 25 years do you identify with the most? Which entry is your favourite? Share your own Resident Evil memories in the comments below.
Comments 40
Hello! Given my love for Resident Evil, this piece has been my labour of love for the past month or so. I wanted to do something cool to mark the series' 25th anniversary, so I really hope you like it!
Brilliant article, it's really cool to see how iconic games bleed into the future of the industry.
Absolutely adore this series. Over the last couple of weeks I went back and replayed RE2 and 3 remakes for the platinums. Even after all that I still have an itch to play those games. They may be short, but they are ridiculously fun to play.
Great article. I enjoyed reading how it shaped other people and seeing the love this series still has. It could have been a different story if they kept on down the path of RE6. But I'm extremely happy the series has returned to form with the last few entries.
This is a truly awesome, humanizing article and a nice reminder that developers are fans too. I really enjoyed reading this, thanks!
I really like these types of articles, good job Liam!
Great article, Liam! Really great to get some perspective from developers who've been inspired by this iconic series.
What a legendary 25 years it's been... Bring on RE Village!
That's amazing i just bought resident evil 2 remake for my ps4 pro. not knowing that today is resident evil 25th anniversary.iconing video games franchises.capcom was point tip like phife dawg and q tip from a tribe called quest of the success of this beloved franchise.word up son
Wait, no 25th Anniversary cook book? 🤣
Can't wait for re8, it looks like it will be one of my favs re like re2, re2 remake and re4
Absolutely love Resident Evil even the weaker entries. Even though I have them on PS4 I am buying the collections on Switch to help replay all of the main entries before 8 comes out!
@LiamCroft This is absolutely awesome Liam! So glad you did this. Great to hear from devs and you can feel the love. Also, a Universal Soldier reference I thought I would never see. Hopefully we get a Code Veronica remake.
Good work, although I cant believe it was that hard to get people to talk about Resident Evil
The original trilogy are stone cold classics. I don’t love 4, 5 and 6 although I appreciate what 4 did and 5 is a great time co-op. 7 was a nice reboot and 8 is shaping up to be a good time.
Code Veronica, Zero, Revelations 1 and 2 (okay, 2 is kinda cool) never really gelled with me and the less said about the likes of Survivor and some of the other weird spin offs (yes Zero and Veronica are spin offs, don’t argue! ) the better.
Great work Liam. Look at you with all the industry contacts! Very impressive. This article has also reminded me about my excitement for Callisto Protocol.
As for Resident Evil, what is left to say about this franchise. I've been there from the beginning and have ridden the highs, the lows, and back through to the highs once again. Its fair to say that capcom have left an enduring mark on the legacy of gaming, and i cannot wait to see what they serve up to us next with Village.
As for my favourite, Resident Evil 3 will always have a special place in my heart. Such a good game that i more than got my money out of on PS1
Great article Liam and Resident Evil is the first game I ever played on Playstation and coming from playing Sonic on the Megadrive it left a big impression. It's up there as one of my favourite franchises, with Resident Evil 2 (both versions) in particular amongst my favourite ever games with the original and its remake very close behind. There are very few if any games I look forward to as much as a new entry (at least now that 6 is just a bad memory) and I can't wait for Resident Evil Village.
So many memorable moments from across the series from that very first zombie cutscene and a Jill sandwich, to the licker corridor and Mr X in the B game, Nemesis of course, the first Crimson head, the chainsaw guy in the village and Jack and his family in 7. Long may the series continue
RE2 '98 will probably always be the best survival horror game of all time. The story and characters were perfect, it has the best pacing of any survival horror game ever made, and it's just such a fun, perfectly made game. The A/B scenarios gave the game just the right amount of content to make replaying the game fresh.
RE2make is absolutely fantastic, but I still prefer the original since they didn't fully remake the game with the proper scenarios. The original Birkin transformation/attack scene is still one of the most incredible cutscenes in gaming and absolutely blew me away as a kid.
@kyleforrester87 for all of the versions we have on modern systems I'd love to have the original trilogy playable. Resident Evil 1.5 would be cool for them to finish as well, there are some fan patches to try to do so and it's cool seeing how much actually made it into RE2 and indeed things that were brought back for the RE2 remake.
Also Code Veronica is not a spinoff 😛
@carlos82 But honestly, you have to admit, it would be weird if what we now know as Resi 3 was actually a spin off and Veronica was known as number 3. It just seems wrong.
Funny as well hearing people say they can’t play them because of tank controls. It’s like riding a bike I say, once you learn them you never forget!
@kyleforrester87 it'd be weird but story wise it is Code Veronica that follows on from RE2 with Claire continuing her search and finding Chris and Wesker.
Got to say I do still like the tank controls and recently playing RE2 on the PS1, as you say was just like riding a bike
@kyleforrester87 i actually liked survivor 🤣 the amnesia storyline was so played out, even back then though
@LiamCroft Great article, Liam.
I'm that old that I had a PS1 on import in Jan 95 and had RE1 the day it came out in Japan, (My local import shop were great for that) .
I still get goose pimples when I think about those dogs jumping through the window.
@mucc I wish I could agree on you with that but Silent Hill exists and SH 1-4 are just the best horror games made imo. Nothing has gotten close to topping them for me.
@Rob_230 yeah I never cleared it actually but I have seen some let’s plays and the AVGN review of it is excellent
It really is impressive to see how the series has shaped the industry over the years. I was an N64 owner (was a kid at the time and wasn't going to get greedy by asking my parents for two consoles) but one of my best friends had a PlayStation and I remember him telling me about this 'zombie game called Resident Evil.' When I finally got the chance to try the series for myself after RE 2 released on N64, I realized what the fuss was about. And here we 25 years later after some ups and downs but it's great to see the series still going strong. I agree, bring on Village.
Absolutely stellar article Liam. Thank you for the work putting this together.
As for Resident Evil, I’m a bit late to the party as I was a little bit like Mr Nowinsky up there who was also dismissive for many years, but have been discovering their greatness this last generation though the remasters. I never gave the story enough credit, but it’s actually pretty well done, B-movie style and all.
I love the resident evil games...however there are certain things in this world that just are not for me..1)the exorcist movie..dont know why but that movie gives me the *****..i cant watch it or listen to tublar bells anymore..2)the first 2 omen movies again not sure what it is that gives me the night terrors but those 2 movies have it..3)resident evil 7...great game but when the series went first person i just couldnt bring myself to put myself through it...that lunatic chasing you around relentlessy..i believe that you can play that via psvr? Is it true? Why would you want to risk your sanity..i need to sit in a cool dark corner...
Such an iconic series. My absolute favourite.
I remember getting Resident Evil BEFORE I even got the Playstation. I read through every inch of the covers and the inserts and was so excited to play it! It definitely lived up to it's potential as well, the graphics of that intro scene, the creepy first introduction to the zombie in the corridor (that head turn...) and then windows....those damn windows, as mentioned above!
It is still one of the only games i've played and completed in one single go. I was at a friends and we were playing it and found out that if you completed it without saving, you'd get the Rocket Launcher and infinite ammo. So I went home and blasted my way through the game in 90 minutes. What a trip that game was.
2 and 3 were good, but they never captured that same essence though. I did love the Tyrant (i think it was him?) that was in the house with you and popped up in different areas. I always wished that it wasn't procedural, fixed points he turned up and that he was actually roaming around randomly and you could bump into him ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME.
After playing Silent Hill 1 and 2, that was then the gold standard for horror games. A different experience, but it was such a crazy, mind screwing, pants wetting game that it kinda spoiled the RE series for me a bit. I wanted more of that SH experience, the brain bending weirdness.
First experience of the franchise was the Resident Evil 2 half hour demo. I fell in love with the series with that, and have played every game since. It has been an amazing journey and I cannot wait for Village.
That was great! Thanks for a killer article.
I still remember before the first RE released and seeing a few pictures of it in game magazines and not understanding how these pictures could possibly be a video game, like just flabbergasted lol.
I always remember one pic being the giant black snake coming up out of the floor and the camera being low and looking up at it.
God those were the days.
@wiiware you skipped 7
@Taylorzombie I don't like re7, the setting remind me of indie survival/hiding horror games.
This is a fun article! Resident Evil has been a big part of my gaming life and I've got high hopes for Village after the demo. Capcom really have provided so many great games over the years and have seriously been knocking it out of the park recently.
Let's face it, I bet there were a lot of us who were a lot younger than the certified age rating playing for the first time. I was about 9 when I popped in Resident Evil 3 for the first time! I had sometimes seen a glimpse of a zombie or other horror movie by staying up late and watching TV after my parents went to bed, so was used to a bit of gore and such... Tbh, I don't think it was the gore that was appealing but the thrill of the jump scares and such back then, so playing a game that had such atmosphere and all was great and the level of detail was just low enough to not be totally repulsive to a young boy! So, honestly, when my little one reaches a similar age I'll probably gauge if he's into a jump scare and let him play a survival horror or 2, as well. As long as the facts are separated from the fiction I don't think there's a problem
@kyleforrester87 Code Veronica was one of my favourites, along with 3. I suppose this could be because 3 was the first horror I played on ps1 and Code Veronica the first RE I played with better graphics! Still love them to this day, have the Biohazard Select HD for ps3 still!
@carlos82 Yeah dude, have you seen how far Martin has got with his mods of MZD? I want him to finish it but he said he probably won't sadly :/
LOVE Resident Evil! It is just that 5 and 6 were very disappointing with their 2 player at all times.
Village will be exceptional!
@wiiware yet resident evil 1 was in a forest in a mansion
@Jayofmaya I tried to enjoy Veronica but playing it on Dreamcast just didn’t feel like home to me, and I just wasn’t excited to try it again when it came to PS2. I should really give it a fair go one day - I have read about the story and it sounds cool.
@kyleforrester87 Definitely do, it's very similar to the early games. Some good puzzles, a couple of science facilities, 3 mansions and other various areas, I think they mixed it fairly well. The hidden mansion behind the mansion was a bit confusing, though. The boss dude was cool, as well, always made me panic on the plane fight. As for the story, yeah, it has a good twist or 2, though if you have read it then it won't be as cool to experience.
@LiamCroft thanks for this fantastic article from a fellow RE fan 👍
Joss Herraez’ story was my favorite because it was so relatable. I kept nodding my head while reading it.
The original Resi 1 is my favorite. I remember playing it on my Saturn and the infamous “zombie dog jumps through the window” scene happened. It’s the first time a video game made me jump and it left a lasting impression. As everyone here knows, the atmosphere of the entire game was phenomenal. I’ve been hooked since and have been very happy about RE’s return to form in recent years.
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