Previously referred to as 'Episode Yuffie' following its reveal earlier in the year, Square Enix has confirmed the official name for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade's DLC — and it's just as dumb as we feared. It's called 'Episode INTERmission', just to make things even more confusing at first glance.
For those totally out of the loop, Episode INTERmission is a DLC tied specifically to Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on PlayStation 5. However, if you're taking advantage of the free PS4 to PS5 upgrade for Remake, Episode INTERmission must be bought separately.
The DLC features a new story with Wutai ninja Yuffie at the helm. She's joined by all-new character Sonon, who she can unleash team attacks with in battle. In fact, Square Enix has shared a number of new details with regards to gameplay in Episode INTERmission (ugh!).
"Yuffie shines in both close and long-range combat. As a member of Wutai's elite corps of ninja operatives, she has a unique play style which allows her to throw her iconic massive throwing star at enemies. During that time, she is able to attack with long-range ninjutsu that can be augmented with her Elemental Ninjutsu ability, which can change its affinity to fire, ice, lightning or wind," reads the press release.
It continues: "Another of Yuffie’s abilities, “Banishment,” unleashes an attack that does more damage based on how much ATB was spent before it. Similar to the ninjutsu attacks when she uses her throwing star, its elemental affinity can be changed with Elemental Ninjutsu."
She sounds like a lot of fun, then, and given how good the combat is in Remake to begin with, we're looking forward to seeing all of these additional mechanics in action. Are you up for Intergrade? How about INTERmission? Grab some materia in the comments section below.
Comments 36
Wouldn’t be Squeenix without truly abhorrent naming practices!
Thanks I hate it!
At least its not Final Fantasy 7 Remake 1.8523467 like another Square Enix series enjoys doing (read Nier, Kingdom Hearts) 😄
Could care less about the naming convention, but very interested in the price of the DLC please Square 🙂
Square Enix must be stopped.
It's really dumb this is exclusive to the PS5 version. I'm playing the game on PS4 via Plus and I'm not going to buy the PS5 version one day just to have the ability to buy Episode Yuffie. I might however drop $15 for DLC to play on this version, thus tossing Square some FF7R money.
Hhmmm may I INTERject here, that’s quite an INTEResting name. I wonder what the new INTERpretation will be regarding this story, I hope it’s not INTERchangeable and provides INTERconnecting plots to the source material.
As long as the DLC is good then I don't care what they call it really.
The screenshots look really good!
Let’s not forget the title “Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue”
I can't wait for Intergrade.
Since I lost my completed save file, and the fact I love this game, it will be great to replay the game again in June ("as intended").
It should be a much smother ride since I finally understand the nuances of combat system and how to absolutely destroy enemies!
Once I finish the main game, again, I will get INTERmission. I can never have too much Final Fantasy VII!
If they are calling the DLC INTERmission why aren't they calling this remake of the Remake INTERgrade?
Don’t care about how bad the name is, I can’t wait! FF7R was goty 2020 as far as I’m concerned and, depending on how INTERmission is, it might have a shot at being my pick for 2021. I don’t expect it, but I also didn’t expect to literally love everything about FF7R.
Next-gen exclusive DLC to a game that released last year on PS4. Thanks, S-E!
I don't give two craps what it's called. It could be called FF7 Remake Dingus Chungus Bingus Yuffie Waifu Experience for all I care.
@2cents I’m totally INTER it.
Episode Yuffie is a fine name SE, you don't need to get weird with name 🙁
@Thrillho I couldn’t not read this in a West Country farmer’s accent.
Horrid naming choices aside, the DLC looks really nice.
I was enjoying playing FF7 via PS+ but stopped so can play the PS5 version.
It's my first FF game and I want to experience it at its full potential.
Oh, come on.. compared to some of the weird and wonderful names of games in the kingdom hearts series, this is extremely tame
I'm starting to believe all these Square Enix projects had such prolonged development times because they apply the same "logic" that they use for naming their games, for their workflow file naming conventions.
Looks so nice! Can’t wait to play this game on ps5 after having had a taste of current gen graphics 😍
So do you need to start a new game or can you play the DLC stand-alone from main menu or from a completed save file?
What an awful name! I love it
My current intermission is going till June 10th.
@nessisonett They have that in common with Xbox.
@Bri-Die I mean, Sony did call a console Playstation Vita. And then it was ironically dead on arrival.
Really excited for this. Been holding off on replaying the game until the next gen upgrade arrives. Those screenshots look so good!
So if i bought the PS4 version, intergrade and the PS5 upgrade is free on my PS5 right?
@nessisonett Might have stood a better chance had they just named it PSP2.
@Waffles12415 The upgrade’s free. This DLC still needs to be bought separately. And the upgrade needs to be bought separately if you got it through PS Plus. It’s a mess.
@nessisonett ok thank you for clarifying. Looks like I’m gonna wait until its on sale to get it then.
Very INTEResting!
Awesome title Square 👏🏼
Sarcastic digs aside, I’m SUPER excited for this!
Day one purchase for me, but I do agree about the stupid naming.
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