Not only does Genshin Impact look and run so much better with its new and improved PlayStation 5 version, but team Mihoyo has also given the native edition a Platinum Trophy. The all-important feature was missing on PS4, meaning Trophy hunters were simply stuck with a 100 per cent completion stat instead of that flashy gong on their profile.
The Trophy list is completely the same besides the addition of the Platinum Trophy, but the best detail is that the digital trinkets will auto-pop in accordance with the ones you already unlocked in the PS4 version. You've essentially got a free Platinum Trophy if you did it all on Sony's last-gen console as a result. Another small detail is that the overall list of Trophies has been streamlined into one consistent list — the likes of "DLC Trophy Pack 2" have been ditched for now. Genshin Impact is such a big game at the moment though that we're sure more Trophies will be added to the PS5 version in the future so it's sure to come back.
Have you unlocked the Genshin Impact PS5 Platinum Trophy or are you working on it right now? Let us know in the comments below.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 23
Do the trophies auto pop PS5 to PS4?
@Snake_V5 “ the best detail is that the digital trinkets will auto-pop in accordance with the ones you already unlocked in the PS4 version.”
@Snake_V5 I don't see why not, since all the progress is saved online... it should be fine, but confirmation could be better. I still have a few of the new trophies to get, and i'll play on the PS5 for now, and i'll try autopop on PS4 later
@LiamCroft I mean the other way around. You play PS5 version first and the trophies pop on PS4.
Looks like its finally time to take the Spiral Abyss seriously. Wish me luck.
Might load up if it pops trophies automatically on PS5, although I've been done with game for a while.
Played around 50 hrs so happy with my genshin impact experience.
Sad to admit this is one of the reasons I never tried this game. Main reason is my backlog is too large to try f2p games. But no platty eliminated it from any consideration. So I may give it a shot someday now!
@Snake_V5 they should. The PS4 trophies autopop if you met the requirements before the update.
Already download the update, I'll play it later this night, can't wait to see the upgrade
Edit: And feels the update, if the game support dualsense, lol.
I played this for over 40hrs before I had a single trophy pop for me, don't think I'm eyeing the Platinum.
@Jayslow Trophies never really resonated with me. I prefer stuff you can actually use in game but I understand the completionist desire.
I am still upset I can't cross-save from my PC to my PS5. I wanted to get back into the game when the PS5 version came out, only to be super disappointed.
@patronmacabre Yeah. I feel the same way. This is probably one of the few games that is cross-play, but not cross-save. This could have been easily resolved by just letting us use our mihoyo account instead of link all save information to our PSN.
Quick heads up for anyone looking to platinum the game. You're getting into a massive time sink. Most of the trophies will take north of 150 hours and raising 2 teams of 4 characters to max (or very near) with max weapons and quality artifacts to take on the end game floors of the Spiral Abyss can take hundreds of hours.
For 100% F2P players it's an extremely long grind. Whaling for resin refills can speed up the process but you'll be spending hundreds if not thousands of actual $/€/£.
@Shigurui This is 100% accurate. You can absolutely do it F2P though and paying doesn't help much to be honest it only gives you more characters and weapons that require even more grind. A vicious cycle. Pointless imho.
My 100% honest recommendation would be to wait a few years until the game is almost finished. It's a live service where the only 2 of the 7 or 8 main chapters have been released.
All the best parts of the game are in these main chapters and most of the stuff in between is just incidental filler and dull minigames. Nothing in the main game is that challenging that it requires all that additional grind. There's only 1 trophy for the Spiral Abyss that is potentially hard (there's solid strategy's here to do it F2P here too) and I suspect if you just waited and played the full game at the end it would be a breeze with the disproportionate rewards for the main quests and likely power creep as the game goes on.
Regardless i've had an absolute blast playing it. When it's at it's best it's up there with some of the best games i've played. But the daily logins and grind become a chore after a while.
@themightyant In the end F2P is always a terrible compromise and plus it changes the core gameplay. I would have bought this game in a second if it was a traditional release. I just hate F2P it always gimps the gameplay. Something like Fallout Shelter shows the worst of it timers, grinding such a pity ill gladly pay for a game if that nonsense is not in the game.
@Flaming_Kaiser I agree. But sadly I think it's the direction we are heading for many titles. I don't like that, but I think it is true.
Interestingly I likely never would have heard of Genshin Impact, or not been interested enough to pay full price. If it was a traditional release and wasn't F2P it just wouldn't have anything like the same playerbase or revenue. Hence why I said I don't think it would be possible to make a game of this niche to such a grand scope with a traditional model.
I don't usually play F2P but both Genshin and Fallout Shelter have taught me to be very wary. You end up paying with either money or time.
@themightyant The industry brainwashed the new generation already and i see many people go to arms for cheap games with predatory mechanics.
And one more thing all games in a gamepass isnt making the industry a better place like some people say.
I get so annoyed when i hear people talk about a console that has great value in a subscription over a console with great games.
The gamepass will be brilliant in killing of the secondhand market and keeping all the money with big multinationals.
And you are right im just the same thats why i sold games like Overwatch it showed me i cant control myself and it makes me put all my time in one game trying to get everything.
@Flaming_Kaiser I agree with much of what you said but not all.
"I get so annoyed when i hear people talk about a console that has great value in a subscription over a console with great games" What's the difference, If the games are great on Game Pass?
"i see many people go to arms for cheap games with predatory mechanics." To be clear Genshin Impact is NOT a cheap game, quite the opposite. It wouldn't surprise me if it's RELATIVE budget (China vs Japan) is larger than a Final Fantasy, same for Fortnite or COD: Warzone. Yes there are many cheap F2P games, but what I was trying to get at with my point above is there are some like Fortnite, Warzone, Genshin Impact that can only likely exist with a mammoth budget due to the F2P model and brining in a HUGE playerbase, a small proportion of which will overspend on. Again not sure I like this, just stating it as I see it.
@themightyant In the end there will be way less budget and games will get stripped its that simple.
Do you really believe a Last of Us or Returnal will still be made if games are going for peanuts. Big games need big money and what else can they do underpay de he developers even more?
Risk and reward if there is no reward the risk will go away. And damn im not hoping for a liveservice, microtransactions, boosters, 7 different editions and cut up games in the spirit of Ubisoft or EA.
Spotify is a great thing but in the end the money gets with a really select group the labels and Spotify. In the if Sony, Microsoft, Amazon, Disney or whatever multinational gets a bigger cut of the pie.
A digital only future is already putting the biggest profits with the big Platforms thats another reason i really dislike the digital only future. And if we go full on streaming only then we are really owned by corporate.
The same goes for games there will go less and less money to the developers. I dont give a damn if mister Bobby Kotick or Andriod Wilson will get massive paydays they wont get it worse.
Look at PS Plus if i see the games we get still people complain about the €60 price point. I think all these services really devalue games. And is it really a problem if we cant get every game we want.
As a kid worked more then enough and loved all the hard earned games i could afford. I think maybe i even had more pleasure with less games to play. But thats my personal opinion.
@Flaming_Kaiser I don't think there will be way less budget for all games. Look at the money games like Fornite, CoD: Warzone, Genshin Impact bring in. It's MASSIVELY greater than games like TLOU or Returnal and these games likely have far larger relative budgets (in part because they are ongoing) than TLoU and certainly Returnal.
F2P doesn't mean small budget, in many cases it means GIANT budgets.
To be clear, as I have said repeatedly, that doesn't mean I like the model. As you rightly said it changes the core gameplay for the worst, but just stating some obvious flaws in your argument.
Spotify is a completely different model to Game Pass and PS Plus etc. They are currently nothing like Spotify which pays peanuts to artists.
Game Pass, currently at least, pays really well according to insider chat and leaks. As does PS Plus etc. We don't know specific numbers as it's always NDA'd but MANY developers have hinted at this and how happy they are with the financial arrangement. Being on these services often lead to more sales too on other platforms or after they have left the service, through more word of mouth.
Ultimately I think there's enough room for ALL these options. Traditional releases, Subscriptions, F2P etc. we get a wider range of titles and options for players of all budgets and niches.
@themightyant F2P games the games that bought us all the greatest things in gaming. Grinding solved with boosters, cut out content that is dripfed, seasonpasses, gambling i have never seen F2P as a thing that made gaming better.
Great small indies love these things i dont believe its sustainable at all. Tell me one MS big budget title that has no liveservice, microtransaction or any way that has no cut content. Corparate in the end will always find a way to cut out the little guy. Or make more money out of the consumer.
Again my personal opinion.
To be clear F2P isn't the root of all these evils. It didn't spawn season passes or cut content (LA Noire did) nor Microtransactions (Elder Scrolls Oblivion did with Horse Armour). Gambling... maybe. it was probably Zynga with Farmville on Facebook or something similar.
As an old school gamer, I generally agree with you that F2P can be bad and isn't generally my cup to tea. But also accept we're all different and for many people it's the only way they can play games. It also has led to games like Warzone, Fortnite etc. that couldn't exist without that business model. While YOU and I many not like them many millions do.
A few MS games without MTX or live services
Though I take your point that most MS games are heading the Live service route, not a fan of that either. I usally prefer to play a game start to finish and move on (and sometimes come back)
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