Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart got an extended gameplay demonstration last night, as part of Sony's latest State of Play broadcast. The upcoming PlayStation 5 exclusive certainly looked the part, with visuals that, at times, beggared belief. And hey, the action didn't look too bad, either!
Our point is that it was an incredibly strong showing — perhaps even stronger than we had anticipated. And so we want to know whether you're now sold on Rift Apart ahead of its release in June. Has the gameplay footage pushed you over the edge? Maybe you already had the game pre-ordered? Or are you waiting on the reviews? Vote in our polls, and then give us a hype check in the comments section below.
Comments 107
I’m looking forward to it, but I just don’t need to buy games at release. I have so many games I want to play, many of which I already own, that it almost seems a waste of money to buy games at release at full price.
How about - it would be Day 1 if I could find a PS5?
At the rate Sony is going more people will be getting it on PS+ than buying it day 1.
Really, how many PS5 are out in the wild? How many copies do R&C games sell? (Asking b/c I'm too lazy to look it up myself)
Sony giving away the PS4 game for free recently has earnt them a sale. I'd have passed this off as a 'kids game' before that, having never played the series before. The new game looks amazing
Super Yes I'm sold on the game, also yes to it's the best game graphics I ever witness until now lol.
The cyberpunk city on ratchet & clank rift apart is how I imagined the city gonna be on cyberpunk 2077, not the one we got last year.
@MatthewJP Ratchet & clank series is like pixar movies, it's for all ages. Kids like it but adult like it too 😃
I never needed the trailers or State Of Play to convince me.Been a massive fan from the beginning and played them all so this was always going to be a Day One.
I'm not sold on certain elements (mainly the writing), but I'm still getting it day one.
Also, no, I don't think this is the most impressive looking game ever. Definitely not in a world where Ghost of Tsushima exists.
The graphics are brilliant but I think Metro Exodus is still the most breathtaking game I’ve played. The PS5 version will be even better looking.
I was going to get it at some point but maybe not day 1 but the latest trailer/state of play has swung me. Pre-ordered a little while ago.
I've been sold since the first trailer we got a year ago. And in that time its only managed to look better and better.
BEEN sold on it since the reveal trailer, it's Ratchet & Clank, no way am I missing out on their next potentially great adventure
Yes definitely i will buy it.as of best looking games ever.🤔its one of if not the best .odin sphere.ni no kuni.god of war.uncharted 4.red dead redemption.ghost of tshushima.etcword up son
Yes, yes and yes. Day one, just release it already sony.
The graphics looks so good that pretty soon people will be saying “This new Pixar movie looks nearly as good as Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart”.
Definitely the best looking game I’ve seen.
Like I've said once already. I bought my PS5 just to play this game and Demon's Souls. Anything else I play on it is a bonus.
The game looks amazing for me. I still hope that I could get a PS5 at a decent price and buy Ratchet day one. Also I want Returnal.
@Bentleyma- Is it better looking than Guilty Gear Strive, though?
Just wanted an excuse to say that you have my favourite avatar on the site.
Best. Game. Ever.
I never buy games day one... except for Insomniac Games.
Looks sublime, but I can't bring myself to pay £70 for a game.
I don't have a PS5 but uhhh....YES!
Off topic, I got Returnal today, splitting it with my buddy but I’m really not a fan that I can’t save as I please. I’ve played many rogue-likes but this sucker really expects a time investment from you. I made it to the 1st boss but died about half way through in 1hr 45min and that was with me being brand new kinda taking my time.
It’s okay so far, hasn’t really grabbed me.
Glad I split it with my buddy though as I find this game will not appeal to many. I bet there is going to be a ton of buyers remorse.
Day one if I can get it <60, otherwise waiting for first sale. Looks phenomenal though!
Was sold after the first trailer. Day one for sure.
I've never bought a Rachet and Clank game day 1 and i can't see that changing now the prices have gone up. I am looking forward to playing it though and it does look stunning!
Yeah they got me. Damn
@OmegaStriver Appreciate that feedback. This is the reason I didn't get it. I don't really like playing the same things over and over just so I can memorize them.
@rjejr maybe 6-7 million ps5s by June? So if every single person with a new console buys the game it'll be on par with GoT sales thus far... I think. Which absolutely isn't going to happen.
Oh God you bet I am. June 11th can't come soon enough.
Oh thanks for the info. That is what I am afraid of. The no save is a bit hardcore for me. I could always limp back to a shrine in Nioh just in case.
I am renting it to try it out.
Only reason I wouldn't get it day one is because I don't own a PS5.
Yeah, day 1.
I was sold already. Now I am just more excited to play it. One of those games I’ll spend as much time stopping to look at stuff in the world than playing trough it.
What digital artist can do today is just amazing.
The game looks amazing, but I feel deja vu. This is exactly what it was like when Insomniac showed off Tools of Destruction on PS3 too. And it just goes to show if developers stop wasting time on realism!!!!!
Sold on it, it's the reason I wanted a PS5 at launch! Though I might not be Day 1, only because it's now launching in June at a time I'm not likely to be playing PS5 much until October or so. If it released in March or April I'd be half-way to platinum by now Since I'm not playing it day 1 I might end up making it my "thanksgiving game" or so. It'll hurt to wait that long, but it's a top tier game for me and I want to give it proper time.
I was sold last year the day they announced it. Probably even before that tbh.
I'm definitely getting it, but not at launch. These games hella expensive man, unless it's the next Monster Hunter or Elder Scrolls, it'll have to wait.
There is actually nothing to argue here, it is the best looking game ever!
I watched the stream and thought it looked pretty cool, but then I saw the 4K footage at a later time and was blown away.
In terms of day one? Probably not, simply due to the £70 price and my huge backlog to work through.
I will be 100% picking it up at some point during the year though!
"Yes, but not day one" should be an option. It's close, but not quite the same as your second choice.
"Maybe not day one" is never in question. No game is worth full price nowadays on the day of release with so much stuff coming out and massive backlogs. Every game goes on sale and gets patched to be improved.
Waiting literally gets you a better product, often more bang for your buck, and costs less.
Yeah I've caved and preordered it. Managed to find it for £55 so can't complain too much. Can't wait!
I think it looks phenomenal, but I just can’t get into the characters. Barely made it through the PS5 upgrade of the old game, they just don’t do it for me. Super stoked for folks that are excited about it though!!! I’m sure it’ll be fantastic.
It's a good looking game, and I'll definitely get it at some point... after I have a PS5.
This looks like a real advancement over the last game, not just by how good the graphics are but with what is happening on screen too. Not sure if I will get it day one however, depends on what else I'm currently playing.
@zupertramp Thanks for the reply and the number. 7.8mil end of March for PS5, hopefully they are making 1mil a month, which we know will sell, if to the scalpers at first, so that's around 10mil by June 11th.
R&C - best as I can tell, details were hard to come by on google - has sold about 3mil per game. So 10mil would be more than enough. But, since each of those consoles - PS2, PS3, PS4 - has done about 100mil, that's only 3% of the install base. If only 3% of the PS5 install base buys R&C that's only 300,000.
I think it will do a lot better than that obviously, but the point is the install base is still very small compared to previous Playstations, so I think that will limit the sales. Though if half of PS5 owners buy it, if only b/c lets' face it there aren't that many PS5 games right now, well that's probably the best selling R&C game ever, as I can't find a number for the 2016. Which Sony just gave away totally for free.
Sorry, I know most people don't care about things like install base and % sold, but statistics are kinda my thing. And I'd really like a PS5 to play this. Just not enough to make much of an effort. And certainly not buy 1 from a scalper. It will happen.
@rjejr oof I was way off. Did a quick search but clearly looked at an outdated article that said 4.5 mil. Funny cause I even remember reading the PushSquare article you linked. Oh well. Yeah maybe 10 million by second week of June. And I agree that just doesn't seem like enough to sell many copies, especially considering folks have been fairly vocal in their opposition to the $70 game.
I can't imagine these next gen exclusives are that profitable at the moment. Then again I'm probably wrong somehow.
I'm also waiting for PS5. I probably wouldn't buy R&C if I had one though.
Only reason I’m not buying is because I have a deal with a friend where we both buy different games and then trade to save money. He’s the one buying Ratchet (and more recently Miles Morales) and I bought Returnal (and Demon Souls). I’m definitely sold on the game though.
Hi there fellow gamers.
"Are you sold on Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart?"
YES! Now more than before.
That is all.
So many good games and so little time......
Cheers, stay safe good people and happy gaming to us all
If I had a PS5 I'd be all over R&C like a tramp on chips
Nope not day one, for the same reason I'm not getting returnal day one. I'll stand by my convictions.
I have the excitement of a day one purchase, I just don't buy games at £70 and I could never justify doing it with my backlog and bank account.
@ztpayne7 Great arrangement. I have a similar less arranged thing with a friend. We're loan swapping Ghost of Tsushima and Miles Morales.
I pre-ordered it 3 weeks ago
The livestream put to rest any worries I had about the gameplay. I'm still running whether or not this'll capture the humour of the older Ratchet and Clank game, but so far Rift Apart is looking good.
Every Ratchet & Clank game has been great but one that was all for One and it was still a good game. Ratchet & Clank, God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted and Diablo 4 are the only games I am willing to pay $69 for! These games have proven many times they are worth it.
I support Sony and the games I love. Digital and physical copies preorder! Only wish there was a collectors edition for the physical.
I am simply because it's Ratchet and Clank. I don't have a PS5 at the moment and am in no rush to get one but this will be one of the first games I buy for it
Maybe one day but I’m excited for resident evil 8 and mass effect legendary edition which will probably take me past R&C release date also my ps5 backlog alone still has assassin’s creed Valhalla, yakuza LAD and sack boy and I’ve still got a PS4 backlog so that first but I always buy resident evil and mass effect day 1 being a fanboy of the franchise’s even though mass effect is a remaster still hyped. Also probably get returnal before R&C.
Sure it'll be good and I enjoyed the last PS4 R&C but its just not a series i've ever been that excited about ... Resi Village on the other hand ... now were talkin'!!! Roll on Friday.
@zupertramp Eh, you weren't that far off, a couple mil, which in the grand scheme of 100 million selling consoles is practically a rounding error. But the ratio of the 10mil will be MUCH HIGHER than if it had sold 100 mil. Not nearly as many copies, but probably enough for a profit.
"I'm also waiting for PS5. I probably wouldn't buy R&C if I had one though."
I wouldn' tbuy a PS5, like ever I think, but I have two teen sons that play as well. They are currently so hard up for games - we have very niche game tastes, like niche niche - that they were thinking of paying $30 each for Pokemon Snap. Then decided it sounded like a good Christmas gift. R&C though, that's our niche, so I wanted the PS5 while the college kid is home for the summer, after this summer I think he'll be full time on his own except short holiday visits, so he, his brother and I, that was our summer plan, 7 month early Christmas gift. But I ain't paying a scalper, so the plan is looking iffy. Kids are online a lot more than me though, might just give the the credit cards and say go.
Just for myself, I'm ready to retire to a life of Netflix. 😴
Definitely giving Demon’s Souls a run for its money
@rjejr hmmm, yeah I don't know what's comparable to R&C. Minecraft Dungeons? Lol yeah maybe not. I could never much get into Ratchet but I'd be willing to try the new one at a deep discount. Which is lucky for me because I'm sure it will be constantly on sale by the time I find a PS5.
It's really just my now 18 year old son and I that play video games. And with him itching to leave the house it's gonna be weird justifying the purchase of a $500 console just for me. But I kinda can't imagine life without a game console though. Geez how spoiled is that?!
No! Sorry Not my cup of tea
Don't know how ANY gamer could watch all of that and NOT want to play this game. Why are some of you always so miserable and negative? You make playing games sound like a chore and something you're forced to do!
All I hear is that all Sony Studio games are the same (which they aren't by the way) and too realistic and not 'fun'. Here we have this gorgeous looking Pixaresque game with fast-paced action and adorable characters and some are still unhappy. Baffling.
I still remember playing the first R&C demo on the PS2 and that just got me hooked ever since + that State of Play was AMAZING It was such a DREAMY WORLD I NEED TO LIVE IT ASAP!!!
Had it preordered the day preorders were available. Literally the reason I bought a ps5.
I mean there's still Demon's Souls. But I have to see it for myself. It does look amazing already with all the YouTube compression.
This is the kind of game I like to play during the Xmas holidays, so I'll wait til then probably. As good as it looks the actually gameplay doesn't really promise anything original or even that exciting to be honest. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun if I'm in the mood for it though.
Thank you for adding the last poll option. I would absolutely buy it day one, but I have very little hope of owning a PS5 by the time it comes out.
The series lost me pretty quick, the first game was a platforming/action masterpiece and the 2nd game was kind of fine too but after that I feel it strayed into more of a shooter focus and then as I found when I borrowed my friend's copy of Tools of Destruction on the PS3 the story and character direction has lost all its edge, I think the gameplay also suffered for how it feels more like you're playing a story rather than the story being there to enrich the gameplay.
From the trailers I've seen of this, this one seems very much the same.
I´m in love with R&C since ps2. But at 70$ plus tax NO GAME is a day 1 purchase.
I’ve never played a Ratchet and Clank but I own it for PS4. I feel like I’m missing out...!
If I had a PS5, I would be interested. Not at £70 though. Should've come down in price by the time I can be bothered to upgrade the Pro.
I was sold on it long ago, and I have not watched the State of Play. It will be the first PS5 exclusive for me, and I am pumped. Returnal looks amazing, it is just not my type of game.
You need a "YES....but not for £69.99" option.
I played the entire series start to finish. I instantly knew I was pre ordering Rift Apart. Then I found out it wasnt coming to PS4. Now I know for sure Im not getting it. I hate how Sony always plays hostage negotiations with this franchise. First it was PS Now and now a fresh take is being made exclusively exclusive. I cant believe Im saying this but Nintendo would have even handled this better.
@Wickerman Because of the game design you couldn't have a PS4 port that would be playable to any real degree.
Best Graphics - Surely that's Detroit become Human.
@zupertramp "Geez how spoiled is that?!"
That's not spoiled, it's called ADDICTION. 😉😂
My 16 year old son is actually the one who started the whole - we have to get a PS5 NOW before I got to college otherwise it won't do ME any good if you have one here. And while that may sound a bit selfish, we're a very rational - some might say argumentative - family, so he has a valid point. Or as the kids say today - he's not wrong though.
So I'll try to get a PS5, but likely my last console. After owning Nintendo Gamecube, Wii, Wii U and Switch, well I feel like I never got my money out of the Switch b/c it's so much a Wii U port machine. I suppose their next console has to have some new games, but what if it's all just ports of BotW and Super Mario Odyssey? 🤷♂️
PS: If you need an excuse to buy yourself a console after your son moves out - online multiplayer. 😎
Certainly getting it, absolutely not at full price.
don't have a ps5 and not a very big fan of the series, so meh, hope the fans enjoy the game at least.
Oh yeah, I’m sold on it. Once I get a PS5 I will have that game.
No way I'm paying full price for a playable disney movie lol. But if that's your bag, play on, it looks like a solid one complete with simple writing and story.
Very excited. It looks feckin glorious.
Meh, I'm much more interested in the Spider-Man sequel that is probably gonna come out in like 2/3 years, can't wait to see Insomniacs take on the Symbiote Suit and Venom!
I have already pre-ordered it.
My most anticipated game this year with Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade and Kena : Bridge of Spirits.
Yes I will buy it but not at £70
I made a vow not to pay £70 for any one game, but I’m a sucker for hype, so I pre-ordered it! But at least it was about £63 at Game Collection...
@The_New_Butler the retailer takes the loss not sony. Why would you support that if you are against £70 games? It is a matter of principle for most i think.
looks good, but outside of the new gimmick, it is more of the same isn't it? after completing 6 games in the series and feeling fatigued, i am not considering this to be a "must play" until it is $20. wish they had branched out a bit more and didn't play it so safe.
@The_New_Butler you do you. People on the other side are thinking, who pays £70 for a game ever? Only people who suffer from fomo. Don't tell me how to spend my money. I do what i want with it and i'll wait and pay the price i want to pay!
Day 1 if it was £30 cheaper.
I will never pay £70 for a game.
Looks. *****. Amazing.
I'm not a big fan of Sony's IPs and even i'm excited. The game looks fantastic!
"Day one" just adds unnecessary stress to both developers and customers. It's not like many people can afford to get all the gamees they want on day one.
Anyone not sold on this is not a platform gamer. Or a xbone/Nintendo homer! This game looks like more of the ‘16 R&C, which is a good thing. They took that and ran with it! Love the plumber but I think he will be looking at this game with jealousy!👀👀👀👀👀👀🍄
@The_New_Butler no capitals in there mate. If you want to pay £70 and support Sony's greed, then that is upto you. I don't and Returnal and Ratchet will still be great games when i pick them up at a reasonable price.
Edit: probably even better experiences than at launch!
@The_New_Butler you implied i was wasting my time waiting for a sale out of principle. I too have more money than i need, but that doesn't mean i spend more than i have to on non essentials.
There are more gamers than ever now that are buying more games than ever. The industry is booming and companies should be fighting each other for our custom. They were making record revenues at £55! The price hike is as unnecessary as it is unacceptable to me and if we all pay £70 now, what are we going to be paying in ten years?
Forget about all that other stuff, i apologise if you feel that i replied too aggressively
As for game prices, how can Returnal be worth more than Tlou2 or GoT? Wasn't the cost of the ps5 the entry price for next gen games? Why should i pay more for the software aswell?
@The_New_Butler that's fine like i said, whatever you're happy with. The only game that will make me pay £70 is Spider-man 2 and that is only if it has a lenghty 25-30 hour campaign.
I love gaming, i was a day 1 buyer of all ps studios games since spider-man ps4, but i'm happy to wait at this current price, as most of the time you end up with a better product/experience for less money anyway.
@God_of_Nowt was that a 20% team player bonus?
@God_of_Nowt can you and your's put ps5 trophy lists on ps4 titles (that can't be unlocked with ps4 saves), to add more incentive to play old games?
@God_of_Nowt Thankyou. Even just the ps studios games would do me.
@Culjoseth naw... i am a platformer fan and enjoy the r&c franchise BUT i feel like they played it too safe here. this looks like just another run-of-the-mill r&c game, outside of the new mechanic and obviously the updated graphics. at the end of the day, this game will generally play like the other 10 r&c games before it. this kills some of the hype for me personally as i was hoping for a fresher experience. of course, my feelings towards this game could be applied to a number of modern day franchises that have been around as long as r&c... this is an industry wide problem. what we saw with god of war 2018 — a complete re-imagining of a franchise — is what r&c needs in my opinion. maybe next time!
I want it day one. But I am not paying $100 plus dollars for a new release. So sale/price drop for me.
@Porco So what kind a platform games do u play? GOW had nowhere to go but up as the originals weren’t that good.
Rift Apart was always gonna be a day one purchase for me. I missed out on buying R&C 2016 at launch, not repeating that decision again with this.
I just wish I could take off time for this game, but sadly need to save it for a convention or two in the Fall.
@Culjoseth i greatly enjoyed the original god of war games, but they became stale after the 3rd main entry. clearly, santa monica realized this and retired kratos for a long time before re-inventing the franchise. i believe most franchises are at risk after 3 or 4 entries if they fail to re-invent themselves (hello assassins creed!). not sure why r&c continues to tred on with so little changes to its formula after... 10 entires?
but at any rate, i played all sorts of platform games... ranging from mario, croc and yuka-laylee and the impossible layer to sly cooper, jak and daxter, crash bandicoot and rayman origins/legends. they are all great... but one thing i noticed is, most of those franchises stopped after three entries, maybe four... some less than that. the reason is because they developers did not know what to do with them next. my question for insomniac is, why are they so content on sticking with the formula instead of going in a new direction? even the mario bros. games re-invented themselves for each era of hardware in a way that r&c has not.
don't get me wrong, the new r&c game looks solid, but it is more of the same and sometimes that isn't enough to get me excited.
meh. even on the vita, I don't get the franchise.
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