The Microsoft Store has struck once more by accidentally revealing an upcoming announcement. This time around it's Techland who falls victim, as plans for a Dying Light: Platinum Edition releasing this Thursday have been posted ahead of time. However, this re-release isn't actually all that exciting — it simply appears to be a repackaging of the pre-existing Anniversary Edition.
The listing's description reveals that it will contain the base game, Dying Light: The Following, and pretty much every other piece of DLC (weapons and other items) released so far. It's essentially the same line-up as the aforementioned Anniversary Edition, which you can currently pick up for £57.99/$39.99. The only real differentiator here could be what's under the hood — maybe Techland has a PlayStation 5 patch ready for Dying Light players? That would surely be also available to anyone who already owns the game, however.
Would you be interested in this bundle? Let us know in the comments below.
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[source microsoft.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 28
"Anniversary Edition, which you can currently pick up for £57.99/$39.99"
That's a fair conversion for us Brits....
@OorWullie Just read that.
Had to rub my eyes.
It costs HOW MUCH HERE?!
$40 in America.
$80 in Britain.
Great game but this must be the third or fourth time it's been rebundled.
Fingers crossed for the PS5 magic patch though.
I have always wanted to give this another go with all the DLC but not at this price. That’s ridiculous
Dude we've been getting shafted so much with these game prices lately ($70 does NOT equal £70) but this is something else. I am legit just gonna be buying old games or playing through plus if this upholds. There's a reason I've had a PS5 since launch and haven't bought a game for it yet, and it's not for lack of desire.
@OorWullie Yeah I don't know what's going on there haha
@AK4tywill Thinking about it more, surely the original base game at launch was $60/£50 or thereabouts.
How did the entire thing get discounted with add-ons in AMerica, but more expensive here?
And this is why I use a US PSN Account for purchases these days, we keep getting absolutely shafted here in the UK.
If that UK price is genuine, Sony/PS needs some complaints handed their way big time.
@itsfoz It's not Sony who sets the price of this game, Techland will be.
Also, just to clarify further, the price noted in the article is for the version that already exists. We don't know the price of this Platinum Edition yet.
@DonJorginho how u do that cuz I buy digitally
@Ajfennell77 Create a US PSN Account then buy my US PSN Vouchers through Offgamers, works out cheap.
For example Returnal cost me £47 compared to £70.
was actually hoping this would be on psplus someday. perhaps the regular edition.
I started this up again on my ps5 last month and firstly thought, this needs a 60fps patch... Here's hoping
@LiamCroft Meh, I’d argue Sony agree to those prices and probably add a ‘Sony’ tax to it.. right? Can’t imagine Techland had too much say on regional prices either but sure you’re more knowledgeable on this front than me.
Right to point out these are leaked prices though so we will wait and see.
Dying Light 2 news soon PLEASE.
@itsfoz That price is what is currently listed for the Anniversary Edition on the PS Store yeah.
Always wanted to try this game. Maybe on PS5, I finally will?
This remains one of my favourite games of the past few years. The music is superb and the atmosphere, particularly at nighttime, is perfectly judged. The asymmetrical multiplayer aspect is also a great fit.
It would be nice to see a PS5 update - given the excellent post-launch support this is not implausible.
I’m rather unexcited for the sequel - aesthetically it seems to have lost much about what made the original unique.
@Vacuumator the post-launch support for this game, from the devs, is unreal. So much content, not charged for. If only other devs could follow suit.
Good thing I held the trigger on the anniversary edition recently with the sale, can't believe there is yet another version of the same game, yikes!
My original physical disc version feels obselete at this point but that's digital for you lol
@OorWullie CANADA: hold my beer
@ YurtleTehTurtle, the headaches may be from the head bobbing/camera wobble and the camera motion blur. It takes me about an hour to adjust to the bobble/wobble, and i reduce the #%€{} camera blur with settings my tv has. Also, i found the parkour much smoother after remapping the buttons.
Big Dead Island fan here too. Played on PS3 and the excellent PS4 versions.
Pay for a bundle or current gen upgrade? Start talking 60fps, no wobble, no blur, and i will start considering. That is when i can get a PS5 or an X.
@Vacuumator Music is awesome.
I would love a PS5 patch for this game. I bought the Anniversary Edition a few months ago on sale for $20 because I wanted to play it again after only finishing it once when it released almost 6 years ago now. It's still as fun as it was when it originally released but a 60 fps update for PS5 would be more than welcome while patiently waiting for news on Dying Light 2.
@Boucho11 you can usually find the main DLC The Following for pretty cheap, it’s a smaller map but it’s basically another game.
@huyi that’s how my Uncharted games started to feel after PS gave away the 3 games for free.
So instead of a sequel we get a Re-re-re-release of some version of the game where it really doesn’t matter what you do as the hero will die, the world is screwed and humanity is at its worst when things goto hell.
Does anyone know if this game has a separate trophy stack from the original dying light?
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