PS Now is, admittedly, a footnote on the list of PlayStation services these days – but its number of subscribers has been gradually growing. As of the end of March this year, the service had 3.2 million members, which is dwarfed by PS Plus’ ginormous 47.6 million – but is almost double where it was at the same time in 2020.
Sony, clearly, still sees the service as a growth vector – despite it never really feeling like its corporate energy is truly behind it. It considers the cloud, specifically, as a means to expand its brand, and notes that “continuous investment” in the technology along with “persistent quality content focus and top IP inclusion” can help to increase the service’s number of subscribers.
There was talk earlier in the year about it introducing a competitor to Game Pass, but nothing has panned out on that front yet. PS Now has got better in recent years, but it often feels like a secondary endeavour from Sony, and still isn’t available in many countries around the world. The numbers are respectable, for sure, but there’s clearly still a lot of untapped potential here.
[source sony.com]
Comments 57
I think we'll hear the news on Sony's plans for Game Pass competition by the end of the year. A full PS Now relaunch including the countries currently missing out, a bigger push for content, etc.
I Bet If Sony Added Everything From PS1 through Vita Games To The Service More People Might Sigh Up.
They need a mobile component.
I use xCloud as much as PC GamePass. The data cross saves with the PC installed version.
You can bring the entire VITA/PSP collection.
@Areus Honestly that would be a great addition. They already stole an emulator for the PlayStation Classic, might as well use it.
@nessisonett Hope not, it wasn't a good emulator.
Its a terrific service, wish the shouted from the mountain tops about it like MS does with Game Pass!
@Areus Yeah, that´d be cool. But, instead of Vita games, what about PSP games? I mean, the PSP had a lot of exclusive games that were never re-released, like Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII, Rachet & Clank Size Matters, Persona 1&2 remakes, etc.
@Areus That’s what I thought they were planning to do by shuttering the older legacy stores. Adding those older games to PSNow would be enticing to sub anytime someone wanted to play those classics.
3.2 Million vs Game Pass´s 23 million! Either Sony do something to fix this or it would better discarding this and focus on PS+
@DeepSpace5D And If They Added Trophy Support That Would Make It Even Better.
I've been thinking about getting it since it's only £38 on CD Keys but honestly, without some sort of auto framerate/HDR boost that Xbox currently has, all those old games are going to look dreadful on my 4K display.
@Areus you can't just add trophies to an emulated game
@OthmaneAD Sony Filed a Patent Back in March To do Just That.
I am thinking of subscribing myself to see if I like it. Will probably add to that number going forward 😊
I have psnow for about two years and I like it a lot.the main problem is that I also have ps plus. There is a lot of cross over titles between the 2. It sucks when a game hits both . Also a lot of the games on psnow are little small games that nobody wants to play. I wish for quality over quantity but still enjoy it for $5 a month
I unsubscribed after seeing too much overlap between ps+ and ps now games. That and since I've had it almost since it's launch, I've gotten through just about all the older games I wanted to play. It runs better than ever on PS5 though, so I can see game streaming being as common a sight as watching Netflix in the next couple years. Technology advances fast.
If it wasn't trash, they'd have more subscribers.
@OthmaneAD RetroAchievements says otherwise!
Its an ok service they just dont add enough games to it 3 a month doesnt really move the needle for me.
I would use this if it was available in the Middle East, but it’s not, so shrug
tremendous improvement Needed , gamepass ultimate is better value.
I had it for a little over a year. Played a load of great games I never would have tried otherwise and it was definitely worth the money for that time.
When it came time to renew, however, I didn’t. This was largely because I’d played most of the games in the vault I wanted to by that time, and I saw many of the games start to be duplicated with plus offerings. As such the value for another year wasn’t there for me.
I’ll likely re-sub once the vault has built up with games I’d like to play again.
If Sony want me to get both Now and Plus then they need to stop duplicating games between them. It really is that simple. Currently it feels like a choice between paying for Now, and the games can leave the service, or paying to have the same games with Plus. So the latter obviously wins out.
Other ways to improve it would be to emulate ps1 and 2 games (adding trophy support is a must for me) and allowing streaming to phones.
I do also agree there is a perception problem, which game sites and fanboys perpetuate, were many portray Now as just a streaming service and worse value than GamePass; whereas the truth is, even when completely ignoring the games you must stream, Now still has far more games than Gamepass to download, and at half the price! Sure they are older games, but for adults with jobs and families we are so far behind the release curve that is irrelevant. Would have been an issue for me when I was a kid or if I played games for a living of course.
Let’s not get carried away with that rubbish game pass model Microsoft have.
What has the game pass model given series x owners. A load of old games and nothing new.
Not really one new exclusive to the series x or good cross generation Xbox game and we are six months into the generation.
As on the PS5 we had a good launch line up.
We have Returnal, ratchet and clank, horizon zero Dawn FW and that is just 2021 and what we know off.
The game pass model sucks don’t be fooled by this wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Sony you keep to what you do best amazing exclusives that we pay for if we want to buy, this model is giving us great games so far this new generation.
I just got a years sub this week. Basically there were about 7-8 games on there I wanted to play, so the cost of a it for a year was cheaper than buying them. As someone who never goes back to games after I’ve completed them it’s great, I just download them so streaming isn’t even an issue.
I'm not into rental subs but it's unbelievable how PSNow has been ignored (at best) by the press which is so eager to promote gamepass and even xcloud to a lesser extent.
I'm still very confused of PS Now. It is not available in my country so I have little information about it. Practically I don't even know how it works as same as EA Access.
What is more confusing, some games on PS store have icon "PS Now" or "EA Access included" where I don't know what does it mean? It is just information, these games are also in these services? Or do I require PS Now to run this game? Or by buying this game I'm also buying EA Access? I know it may sounds stupid, but I rather avoid buy these games on PS store.
@Areus I have never subbed to PSNow but I surely would if they had PS1 games on there with trophy support!
It's an overpriced service to play some old games.
I still have a PS3 alongside the Pro and the only gen I'm really missing is PS2 but the selection of games from the world's best selling console of all time is laughable! I'd be better off buying a 2nd hand PS2 and a few discs.
Add to that the fact that many PS3 games are the bare bones versions without much enjoyed DLC and what's the point? Everything PS4 can be bought on a disc (as every PS4 has a disc drive) so again, what's the point?
@OthmaneAD That’s exactly how PS2 classics on PS4 work. Adding an emulator package that tracks memory addresses and ping a trophy.
I know everyone raves about XGP, but from recent reports, it’s not profitable for Microsoft at current pricing. They are buying market share, and honestly quite happy that Sony is feeling confident enough to stay out of that.
But yeah, PS Now could certainly be a lot better. It needs PS5 games added, more platforms (mobile and macOS).
Personally, I’d like to see them sort of merge it with Remote Play. Still have a bunch of games included, but also allow access to all games you’ve bought for your PS4/PS5.
I wish they would utilize it more. Stop putting games natively on Steam and just use PSNow. That's what I would do and I'm sure the majority is PlayStation gamers would be ok with that as it feels less diminishing to the platform.
While you're at it add the entirety of the PS1, PS2 and PSVita library. Throw in some PS3 and PS4 games and watch the service grow exponentially.
That would be huge competition to Xbox GamePass.
It's not rocket science, Sony.
They either need to go full on and merge Plus and Now together or go all in on Now and make it a solution to playing older games without worry about system architecture not being compatible, there also needs to be some kind of agreement that games on Now wouldn't be on Plus and vice versa, keeps the value up of each service.
@Dezzy70 You must be really delusional.
Yeah. Microsoft don't have first-party games ready. But I guess you know that Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5 are coming in this year, right? Into Game Pass day one?
And claim that GP has "a lot of old games and nothing new" after april when Game Pass subscribers had access to Outriders and MLB The Show day one is pretty bold to make.
What's missing out of this puzzle is how much Sony pays MS for them to host PSNow (we all know that it's on Azure right?).
I mean lets not think Sony wouldn't be all over something if it meant bringing more money to the table. It just might not be feasible to offer something like GamePass, when you don't own the infrastructure like Microsoft does.
It's really the only thing that makes sense to me.
I can't see Sony going full Game Pass rival, but if they did something like first party games hit the service 6-12 months after release and they actually STAY in the service permanently, then I would sign up.
Oh, and offer PS5 versions for games that have free upgrades.
@JJ2 Gamepass is talked about more in the press because it's hands down a better service.
I actually just looked through every game on it yesterday and there is one game that I’d be interested in playing. The offering on there is good if you want to play 15-20 year old games though. It would need a ridiculous improvement for me to consider getting it. A good start would be putting their exclusives on it.
Gamepass is just more appealing than PSNow, and for Xbox S, it's essential.
Of course I know halo and FH5 is coming.
But the model does worry me a bit.
Let’s see these games arrive first and the quality of them two games and nexts years games and how many.
Then I could be proved wrong and the model of game pass does work for new AAA exclusive titles.
@Dezzy70 To the general gaming population game pass is great option.
At work we noticed the those of us that play games normally have a PS and the the people that don't play games but have kids all have Xboxs because of games pass having all the games their kids play, and when they can get 3 years of it for same price as 3 years of PS+ its a no brainier for them.
@Arkantos2990 Why does MS release gamepass numbers but not gold numbers or console sale numbers? Cause it’s the only thing they are beating Sony in. PS+ has been so banging since PS5 launch, we don’t need a gamepass competitor. No one talks about the $15 a month or $180 a year gamepass cost. I typically get PS+ for around $35. Big difference! And remind me, when was the last year MS released multiple AAA first party games?? Gamepass if not worth the money yet.
Personally i like gamepass have a 3 year ultimate sub that cost me £100 and its already paid for itself with the games ive played on it.
I also sub to PSNOW when something turns up im interested in thats probably only a couple of times a year though.
These service have basically stopped me buying games as eventually they turn up on there
@sanderson72 "It's an overpriced service with old games" so It's the same as gamepass then. 100 games to play for €15 a month or 180 a year. (thats the normal price you have to pay because the brazilian hack isn't exactly legal) And what do you get at gamepass? Still a lot of older games and the occasional new one. So far, not a single x series exclusive title. So I think gamepass is far from perfect. I really don't understand why there are 23 million users. Yes that 3 years for 1 euro deal/hack will probably have a lot to do with it. I wonder how many of the 23 million subscribers actually pay €15 per month.
I always buy plus and now in discount so i have both for around €80 for 12 months. So that's many times cheaper than gamepass alone. And then I have 2 services.
@Culjoseth Ehh. Nope.
They are not talking about number of Gold subs because they want to kill Gold in future. They want to migrate as many people into Game Pass as they can and after that they will just kill it.
Why do you think Microsoft wanted to raise Gold price? They tried to make "bad deal" from Gold so people would switch to Game Pass faster. It backfired of course.
Nadella does not care about number of Gold subs, because his shareholder compensation package is influenced by Game Pass subs, not Gold subs.
And fact that GPU costs 180$ per year and PS Now costs 60$ and Game Pass has 20 million subscribers more has something to do with quality of both services. Frankly it's pitiful that after 7 years of PlayStation Now and 115 million owners of PS4, only 3,2 million of them have PS Now sub.
@TommyNL Don't think I made any comparisons with GamePass?
From my point of view, PS Now is another Sony half-arsed idea which SHOULD be brilliant and straight forward but has been made a mess of.
As an example, F1 Race Stars by Codemasters on the PS3. I have it and my son loves playing on it. On the PS3 I have all the DLC including several additional tracks to race round. On PS Now (as far as I am aware) none of that DLC is included or even has an option to be included. Why would I choose Now over the PS3?
And as for the PS2 selection, it truly is woeful and hardly fitting for the best selling console of all time - maybe it's a licensing issue or emulation problem, I don't know?
@Godot25 But over 47million have PS+ which is what I was talking about. The value I get out of PS+ more than outweighs what I would get from gamepass. Good for those that have it and enjoy it. It does make u think how many actually love it because it’s awesome and how many love it cause they purchased that system and that’s all they have to offer??? I also believe in 3 yers when all Bethesda games hit gamepass on day 1 that gamepass will be an incredible deal, and I don’t play Bethesda games but I can understand at that point it will be worth it if they don’t jack up the price again.
I’m enjoying PS Now and I’ve had it for a couple of years, but Sony should be doing a lot more to add additional PS3 games to the service. That back catalog is huge and it’s got room to grow.
449 PS3 games in PS Now
2278 total PS3 games created
19.7% of created PS3 games are in PS Now
I realize there are many subscribers who long for the PS4 newer releases, but I’m a gamer that loves to graze. I play a little of this, a little of that, and it’s the variety that interests me. By adding only 3 or maybe 4 PS4 games a month and no PS3 games—and with timed PS4 releases exiting the service every couple of months—the catalog of playable games gets a bit stale.
Still, the subscription is definitely worth it, and the value is good! I give PS Now a 7 out of 10–a thumbs up, but not way up.
I honestly don't judge on which is better. I dislike both. But your missing the point, respectfully.
For instance PS+ is way better than GFG but that doesn't justify a much better coverage and straight promotion, like constantly, by the press.
Both are covered equally. It's more about ethics for comparable services for journalists covering all platforms. IMO
@Areus If PSNow was exclusively PS1-3, PSP, and Vita games, including trophy support for games like Extermination and Resistance, I would be there.
@Arcnail I talked about this before but there's more to it.
MS sells games that have hundreds of hours of content, sometimes with months or years of play time. Think Sea of Thieves, Halo, Skyrim.
Sony sells games that have around 20 hours worth of content. Ratchet and Clank, Last of Us, Gow, Spider-man. And these can be completed within a month.
Through game pass, MS can effectively monetise games that are played long term. They could make hundreds on one game by keeping a player subbed just for that one game. Sony would be reducing their cost per game rather than increasing it, because a player could sub for just a month rather than pay the higher price of £70 and then unsub.
The two different approaches to game design is why Sony doesn't see the service as profitable for them, but MS does.
Ps Now is very underrated.
@Culjoseth Microsoft said they measure their success in number of game pass subscribers because that covers both console and PC, their Xbox brand
@lostfields I know. It doesn’t make it any less interesting that they only report on the one that they are leading in.
@Culjoseth a simple answer, even you answered it yourself as the 15$ a month is for Ultimate. Most people are going directly for Game Pass Ultimate which includes Xbox Live Gold with it so there's no need to mention Gold numbers if they included in Game Pass
@Arkantos2990 So if that’s the case then what ur saying is XB only has 23M total gamepass and gold together while Sony has 47M just in PS+. If that’s correct, there is no competition.
“Respectable”…… by who? Lol
@Dezzy70 This has aged so poorly😂 PS scrambling to copy MS as soon as possible
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