If you're trying to play online on your PlayStation 3, you might be out of luck. Lots of users are reporting trouble logging into PSN on their PS3 consoles, with the error code 8002A537 popping up on screen.
It seems as though this is affecting quite a large number of people around the world, with the PS3 subreddit flooded with complaints about the issue. Fortunately, Sony seems to be aware; PlayStation Japan has issued a statement on the matter, assuring fans that it's investigating the error.
While things appear to be offline for now, we'll update this story if and when things are resolved. Have you encountered error 8002A537 on your PS3 console? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 11
Heard about this this morning, some said something about maintenance but didn't cite and references.
Haven't played online on PS3 for a number of years now.
@Residentsteven It's got some great games so why not.
@Residentsteven Fairs. After digging out my N64 a couple of years back, I decided I love keeping old consoles.
I still play COD WAW fairly often.
@Residentsteven been working playing my ps3 hard lately 👍👍
@Residentsteven I do occasionally. Love revisiting old games not available anywhere else.
@Residentsteven I've actually been playing PS3 games that I missed like the Castlevania Lords of Shadow series, Ratchet & Clank series, and Enslaved on PS Now since a PS5 seems impossible to find.
Lol ps3 still struggling even with less than half the traffic these days huh ? Xbox360 was superior in almost every way i'm still surprised that PS3 players got through that entire gen without switching over , lol.
I still like the PS3 nonetheless but the 360 was just something else.
Ironic. Only logged in literally a day or so ago on ps3. Before Sony's about closing the psn store couldn't even renew my old ps plus game licenses. But when I popped in the other day figuring the ps3 traffic buying stuff had slowed, had no problems. Even reconfirmed dlc on Transformers Fall of Cybertron, or Renegade Ops Coldstrike,along with the full Beyond Good & Evil, Scott Pilgrim Renegade Ops etc. With any luck it gets sorted!
I still play on my ps3 a lot
All thow I play of line all the time
Store wasn't working - not sure if it's back now?
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