After debuting in first place in the latest UK physical sales chart, Capcom has now confirmed that Resident Evil Village has shipped more than three million copies across the globe since it launched four days ago. While previous entries have bettered it in terms of shipments at release, this makes Ethan Winters' second entry in the franchise one of the most widely distributed instalments to date. As part of a post on the official Capcom website, the publisher also shared that the Resident Evil series has now shipped more than 100 million units since its debut in 1996.
Resident Evil 6 still leads the charge with 4.5 million copies shipped within a similar timeframe to Resident Evil Village while Resident Evil 5 takes second place on four million. PlayStation 4 remake Resident Evil 2 then ties with the title in question. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard managed 2.5 million shipments three days after its early 2017 launch, so there is a notable improvement here in terms of brand new mainline entries. As usual, though, it's worth pointing out that shipped units don't necessarily reflect hard sales to customers.
Have you been enjoying Resident Evil Village so far? Post your thoughts in the comments below.
[source capcom.co.jp]
Comments 25
Loving Village so far. Just defeated Moreau last night and I can’t wait to see everything that’s next!
@somnambulance me too. I do feel like it’s in too much of a hurry to get where it’s going storywise. I sometimes wish it would put the brakes on a little and let me appreciate the different environments. It feels like no sooner do you arrive in a new area, you’ve completed it and moved onto the next. It’s an amazing game though. I’m a little further ahead than you are and I don’t want it to end.
Very well deserved! Capcom has been on a roll!
I finished RE Village yesterday and what a great experience it was. I prefer Village to RE 7.
Now bring on RE 4 Remake and a Remake for Code Veronica please 😄.
Only played a couple of hours on Friday, beat one of the daughters, it's really good and atmospheric, I just need to pry myself away from returnal but that doesn't seem likely at the moment. Might try and give it a go over the weekend when I can play it late at night with the headphones
I'm about 2/3rds through and for me it's the best entry since RE4.
I'm almost done with my second playthrough on new game plus. Also, that Donna Beneviento segment still scared the hell out of me. That section proved to me that Capcom should be given a chance at making a Silent Hill game.
And to think, the original was a risky endeavour that the higher ups at Capcom nearly pulled the plug on, only for Mikami to push back and insist they saw development through to the end. Not only did it go on to save the company from near bankruptcy, but it is now their flagship IP!
I really enjoyed Village, though its lack of focus for me soured the experience somewhat; I much preferred the cohesiveness of 7; Village was all over the shop.
I am really enjoying the game.
I am super annoyed that I messed up on the whole cooking thing (I collected all of the first batch of Ingredients and sold them off before unlocking the actual cooking feature - a prompt came up after collecting one that said I give it to the Duke, so I thought it meant "sell"), but otherwise, the entire game has been a great experience.
I may actually New Game+ this one, because I had a couple of "red" rooms left in a few locations not knowing I couldn't return once completed. I just feel compelled to to find out what I missed on the first go around. Plus, I want a redo on cooking!
Well deserved - it is a fantastic game.
Finished it yesterday and absolutely love it!
This is a pretty wild year for Capcom. Next RE game, next MH game, next MH Stories game, and The Great Ace Attorney all over the course of a few months.
Nice one.
Bought it today so playing tonight
Awesome game! Loved every minute of it.
While I am happy for the series doing well I am not happy about Capcom downgrading the horror for RE cause players were finding it too scary. Makes me worried for the future if the series and having ut turn into 6 all over again.
@fR_eeBritney I haven’t had a new game hook into me like Village has since maybe Final Fantasy 7 Remake, so I’m quite pleased with it. Even if it rushes sometimes, I sort of feel like I’m willing to overlook the faults because I’m having so much fun with it. It’s in that Alan Wake, Final Fantasy XV, Fallout New Vegas tier of games for me. Oh, there are problems, sure, but I don’t care. I like it more than most of the 9/10s I’ve played. Hell, I like it more than RE4.
Did not want to play this as I was hoping it would come out for psvr but just found it for 40 pounds ps5 version club card price in tesco. Dam ho well its a bargain so will start it to night 😆
Completed it last night absolutely loved it even enjoyed the mercenaries mode & I've never been a fan of mercenaries really hope we get some dlc because I'd love more content
@Nepp67 I didn’t find it all that scary to be honest. Apart from the brief visit to Beneviento House which creeped me the hell out. The main villains were too outlandish and dialogue too cheesy for it to be truly scary but I think it works for this instalment. If you compare it to a game like Outlast 2, which really did scare me, it does lack somewhat in the horror dept. But I am finding RE Village more fun to play overall. Outlast 2 was too scary.
@fR_eeBritney The cheesiness isn't gonna affect me all that much since I've played RE7 but I can certainly see what you mean about it being too cheesy. I played the demo and having to hear Dimitrescu's daughter say that "Cut you open and slice your jugular" line sounded pretty goofy to make me laugh a bit. I still haven't played the full game yet and am planning to buy it from a couple of reviews I trust.
@Nepp67 Ethan declaring, ‘why does everyone keep dying on me!’ made me laugh out loud. It’s a solid game though. I highly recommend it - especially if you liked 7 & 4.
@fR_eeBritney Yeah that line was uh.... pretty bad lol but I'll absolutely buy it cause I really enjoyed the gameplay from the demo!
I’ve only played it one day so far, I’m just a couple hours in. I’m playing it with my wife along for the ride but it’s scaring her, so I’m waiting for her to get ready for the next session. I feel like it’s creepy at parts but not scary unfortunately. But I’m really enjoying Village, it’s delivering on a higher level than I was expecting.
Having said that, it doesn’t come close to RE2make. That game is a 10/10 masterpiece. If RE3 was a full-fledged game then I’d say I like that better too. But that’s no jab at Village.
I’m really looking forward to Code Veronica & Dino Crisis 1 remakes. Make it happen, Capcom!
Great year for Capcom so far with this and MH Rise and there's a possibility it might not be done if that rumored Switch RE game is true. Big fan of the company since the very early 90s, happy to see the major turn around back to top tier from the bad spot it was in at the start of last-gen.
I'm probably the only one that is not keen on this one
Just finished my third playthrough. Absolutely love it. One of the best RE titles in many years.
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