E3 has been the event around which the video game industry revolves for nearly three decades now, but it’s time to admit it’s a relic that has long passed its sell-by date. There will be critics of this article that will point to the pandemic as justification for this year’s inept event, but such a response ignores the very real reality that the show has been in decline for several years now – lest we forget that last year’s convention was sounding like a catastrophe, before coronavirus came in and saved organisers ESA’s blushes. The cold hard reality is that it’s time to move on.
Sceptics may say that this article only exists because Sony pulled out of the show, and as a single-format website we’re writing this because we’re experiencing sour grapes. But in hindsight, the Japanese giant foresaw what we’re all coming to terms with now: the event is out of touch. Ex-PlayStation boss Shawn Layden said it best when he justified PlayStation’s decision to drop out of the 2019 iteration: “The world has changed, but E3 hasn't necessarily changed with it.”

The problem is that E3 doesn’t know what it wants to be: it was originally conceived as a trade show, but has gradually transitioned into a consumer event. However, it serves neither purpose particularly well, and in an era where publishers and platform holders can attract significant audiences through their own dedicated platforms, the importance of commanding an E3 stage has eroded. For a long time it’s felt like publishers have been going through the motions, but that’s especially true this year.

Of course, the pandemic plays a significant part in that, and no one with reasonable expectations would have anticipated megatons of the nuclear variety to come out of this event. But publishers aren’t exempt of blame here: Gearbox has never hosted an E3 broadcast before, but somehow decided that this was the year to do so – despite failing to even elaborate upon the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands trailer it had aired a couple of days before.
The event reached parody status when, during a Capcom showcase where we were told beforehand what to expect, a planned Resident Evil Village update amounted to a black screen with text informing us that DLC has entered production. Coronavirus has surely impacted productivity among all of these major publishers, and we fully respect and understand that, but perhaps common sense should prevail here: the company could have stayed away until it has more meaningful content to show.
And even publishers who do have blockbusters under their belt, like Square Enix, are being hamstrung. The firm may have revealed Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy – arguably one of the highlights of E3 2021, which says a lot – but the likes of Final Fantasy XVI and Forspoken were missing in action, almost certainly because Sony has dibs on the releases and wants to demo them during its own event. Consequently, E3 is not the venue for the biggest and best announcements anymore.

We’re sure many will point to Microsoft and Nintendo’s excellent showcases as examples of E3 2021’s ongoing relevancy, but neither needed to be tethered to the event at all – both platform holders could have delivered just as strongly through their own platforms and on their own terms during a period of convenience to them and their partners. Sony, on a whim, showed Horizon Forbidden West a couple of weeks prior to the show – and its engagement is higher than almost everything at E3.
Ultimately, this year’s show has reeked of desperation: it’s clinging to the idea that the industry needs a week-long advert. But it doesn’t. In an era where publishers and platform holders can have a direct dialogue with fans, the E3 stage no longer commands the importance that it once did. And while coronavirus certainly upended this year’s event in a significant way, it underlines why companies should be holding events on their own timetable rather than sticking to the schedule of an arbitrary summer showcase.
What are your thoughts on E3 2021? Was this just a particularly bad year due to the pandemic, or has the event been on a gradual decline? Drop a megaton in the comments section below.
Comments 153
It was already dying, but this year officially killed it.
Other than a half decent Xbox showing and I guess Nintendo (not for me personally), everything was garbage and a waste of time tbh.
E3 was a waste of time. I personally only watched recaps of each day which probably took me like 5 -10min to get through, if that.
Sammy is spot on. The pandemic has obviously played a massive role in weakening the industry as a whole, but E3 has been getting worse and worse for years.
It's just not necessary anymore, not when everyone wants to be a part of it, even though they don't actually have anything to show.
This year's E3 was the worst I've ever covered, and we've seen some real **** in the past.
E3 used to be great, dozens of games I was looking forward to. Not anymore. There's like three new games that I'll probably get, but other than that it was a big waste of time.
A lot of what I thought I would see is in 2022 and by then we can have crowds again. The announcements weren't there and the format wasn't there and so many of the events just didn't need to happen. Should have just skipped this year and welcomed it back next year. E3 2021 may have hurt the concept of E3.
Agree with this article completely. It hasn't been good for a while and the fact that a lot of the publishers who have had their own gig recently have been largely successful hasn't helped E3. The way we consume information has changed dramatically in recent years and E3 has ultimately kept to the same format. If you can't evolve then you die out. Basic law of nature!
Nintendo and Xbox killed it. The third parties didn’t. If Sony were there then we’d be seeing articles about it being one of the best E3s in years. But Sony weren’t.
@ShogunRok I know right! I had skimmed over everything but the Square Enix presentation which I was looking forward to and even that was s***.
I will stick to trailers on YouTube and State of Play from now on.
I'm inclined to agree, but looking at the 2022 slate of games I can imagine next year's E3 being a monster if everybody shows up ready to go. But I can see Microsoft and Nintendo taking away the lesson that they don't need E3 and if those 2 leave then it should just go away for good.
Nintendo was great. I dont really mind E3, Because I feel it's a good place for game to get their exposure
I feel bad in the sense that...I know a lot of people worked really hard to put E3 together. My opinion is not a knock on those people or their work, but I entirely agree. The industry does not need E3.
It seems I'm in the minority, but I really, really enjoyed Geoff's program. I find him super authentic, and sincerely excited to talk about games. He's like the awesome third wave local coffee shop, and E3 is like Starbucks.
When PlayStation decided to quit E3, I trusted them. If you look back at the past 25 years of video games, Sony has been on the top and has always been a pioneer. When they take a step towards something, it's a safe bet to trust them.
Fanboyism aside, Geoff Keighley distanced himself from E3 too, for his own personal reasons. Like him or hate him, Geoff has done a lot for video games media and continues to do so.
So that was another sign that E3 is going to die. And I like how Sammy describes it here. Desperate... indeed.
I don't like E3 anymore, we just don't need it. It's sad because E3 used to be a really exciting time for me and my friends. Now it's just a disappointment.
I only watched the Capcom one live.
Wish I hadn’t.
@nessisonett Microsoft and Nintendo could have killed it at any time of the year, on their own terms, without being tethered to E3 at all.
The idea that these companies need to show up at a certain time and place at the beginning of June to promote their products, just because that's the way it's always been, is now beyond outdated and has been true for quite a while.
E3 itself wasn't the problem for me this year. Xbox and Nintendo clearly put their best foot forward in regards to the presentations and their presence overall. It's the other companies presence that made the event look way worse in the public view because it felt like they just weren't trying or they were completely tone deaf as to what consumers want out of them, especially Square and Capcom
You don't book a venue like this and not bring the big guns. Yes they could've presented at any other time, as Nintendo does that already with their Directs, but very rarely does the industry come together on scale like this any other time of the year unless it's the Game Awards or some awards season thing, so E3 still has its specialty and place in that regard
It's completely redundant in 2021. Xbox showcase wasn't awful and for them that counts as a win. With Nintendo you're either a fan of what they do or you're not. I'm not and so much if the content does nothing for me.
Sony were right to pull out and to release trailers and State of Plays for their games when they're goddamn ready to.
Kill E3, kill it with fire. It's the humane thing to do.
Nintendo was very good at E3 imo
@nessisonett The article adresses it, Xbox and Nintendo could have easily killed it in their own terms, Nintendo have been doing Nintendo Directs for a while now and Xbox has had its own succesful show in the recent past aswell. They do not need E3, E3 needs them.
@Col_McCafferty Fully agree. Even as someone who liked Xbox and Nintendo conferences, and as a Nintendo fan, they don't need E3. Last year showed that they can live without it. Same with Sony too.
I love E3, but I can't lie, They really did a lot wrong with this years E3, there's just to much stuff they got wrong, mainly the annoying cuts in between Trailers.
Have to disagree. E3 is a staple of the industry and until there is a consistent replacement it needs to stay. I'm surprised the author has this viewpoint as he's said multiple times he doesn't feel like Sony is communicating well. The only reason why Microsoft and Nintendo don't receive the same treatment is because it's expected that June will be their showcases.
Maybe E3 isn't what it use to be but until something else comes along it's the best we've got.
@RedShirtRod I fully agree, Its not what it used to be, but Its the only time of the year we know were getting some gaming news.
Awful... basically "The Game Pass Show"
Nintendo presentation sealed I will be using xCloud as a handheld more than my Switch in the future.
ZBOTW2 (in 2022!) SMTV and NMH3 that was it - and I knew they were coming. Everything else "new" was a joke. 2D $60 Metroid?... Final nail in this week long fiasco
E3 needs to just go away. Time I wasted I could have been playing Ratchet and Clank.
I've said for a while that Nintendo had the right idea when they introduced Nintendo Direct. Sony seems to be edging their way into a similar path, and I like that. A few short announcements per year instead of one huge flashy show that costs the publishers a fortune when you can get the same result from Twitch or YouTube for almost nothing but your time.
What did Xbox actually do? Show us another glorified GamePass advert? And spend a fortune on a yearly show to do it?
E3 has been boring for atleast 5 years and I haven't looked forward to it at all. In fact I forgot it was even happening and just read the highlights.
There's no need for them to be at E3, but I really appreciate the big reveals around these weeks. It's similar to how a kid expects Christmas, a date to look forward to when you know you'll get a nice surprise. At least Nintendo delivered this year, and I'm grateful to them.
Yes let it go.
I've said that for years now.
Perhaps pushsquare just doesn't want to crunch a full week 😉
xbox e3 most diverse line up
also shows 90% hand with a gun 😂
This E3 was just straight garbage especially when Squarenix, Capcom, and Bandai Namco not giving a s***.
E3 should be thankful THAT Xbox and Nintendo showed up and did a professional event.
I do think E3 has a place, but, they keep chasing a hollywood presentation where they ramble on and pat themselves in the back for being gamers.
It should instead focus on being a festival where the games should be the forefront.
Music and art showcasing and live performance for games soundtrack instead of the Hollywood game panels.
@get2sammyb This is one of those times where you're bang on the money, Sammy.
The Elden Ring Trailer, Salt and Sacrifice, and the new Breath of the Wild trailer were the highlights for me.
Babylon's Fall and FF Origin still have my attention. I just didn't need to waste half of my weekend waiting around for 5 trailers.
E3 can give great exposure to some smaller names, but so can a Nintendo Direct or a State of Play.
I said E3 was over the minute Nintendo decided to do Directs instead, and everyone thought I was crazy but I was just ahead of the curve.
@tameshiyaku Oh no! You've got us!
I feel Nintendo's conference proved that when you're ready to play your cards, you're going to wow your audience.
In my eyes E3 should be dead and devs/ publishers should hold their own streams when they're ready to show what's under the hood.
I mean, look at how hype Capcom's RE8 showcase back in April was.
@nessisonett Agreed. Salty Sammy dismissing it cause Sony wasn't there. It'd be the opposite id they were.
I would like to see at least one more edition of E3 with a live audience before calling it.
@nessisonett Honest question. How did Nintendo kill it? They have a metroid game which they uncancelleded which looks underwhelming and... what exactly? A Zelda game that isn't coming out for another year if we're lucky?
@EVIL-C in a world where companies can communicate directly with customers, there is no need for trade shows.
Tell that to fans who love tradeshows like PAX, Fanexpo, Comicon, CES, etc... I happen to like trade shows, and again, if Sony had been there and they had a great show like Xbox or Nintendo, this article wouldn't exist. Pure tribalism.
Decline for several years??......Ive been reading about the death of E3 since about 1997 (when CVG was still around)
Whist some see opening the doors to the general public has shown how far E3 has come.......I see it as a last attempt to try and make the show relevant.........milking as much money from suckers as it burns to the ground.
The Nintendo E3 was excellent. I was so excited to see reveals for games that are actually coming out relatively soon.
I think Nintendo hasn't bowed out of E3 because it likes to do its Treehouse presentation. If it did, E3 would be so much less interesting.
I would really like Sony to adopt a Treehouse-style presentation.
Nintendo and Xbox shows were fantastic. The fact that third parties did a terrible job, and certain someone’s decided to skip the show entirely (again) does not make the show irrelevant.
I agree but at the same time I'm really glad we got it back.
I really can't forget the years I've spent here in chat or even before I knew this site, waiting till 2 am to see Sony's conference. Staying up and missing classes to see demos all day long on Gamespot and IGN. I really love that feeling of videogames coming together and showing what they have.
With that in mind I have something I think could help. Make it a 1 day event for conferences, everything on the same day back to back. Or even just 2 days. The remaining days would be for demos and for in person events (they just confirmed at the end of the stream they will have it in LA next year).
Good straight to the point presentations like Nintendo and Xbox had! No interviews no nothing, just gameplay.
I really like having a date to look forward too, instead of announcing something for next thursday like Sony has been doing...Obviously I like to see it, but knowing we will only barely see 1 game is not enough!
I miss seeing 3 or 4 demos and tons of trailers on stage. Let's not forget that E3 arguably shifted the fight back to Sony with the famous 2013 conference. I have no doubt that conference helped them a ton.
Should've Pushed-O instead of watched .
& Covid is a good excuse to use for everything these days. Not like these jobs aren't in safe , cozy, offices within cubicles anyway probably .
@Burntbreadman lol , people really have been saying that E3 was dead that long ago ? 1997 ? the 2000's was like the second-golden-era of gaming , so E3 had to have been hot-sh** in a good way.
@Ambassador_Kong 2D Metroid is a big deal to a lot of people. Advance Wars, a series I love and has been dead for a long time is back. A classic Super Monkey Ball pack. New WarioWare. Shin Megami Tensei V looking great. I didn’t even really care about the BOTW 2 trailer and there was still loads for me to care about. Kazuya’s a cool reveal for Smash too. And then Danganronpa’s massive collection contains another new game within it. Hit after hit in that Direct.
I don't get this idea that we NEED one week in June for games stuff? It hinders things because it puts pressure on publishers and developers to show up because reasons.
It also doesn't help that the majority of things shown were updates on already released games, CG trailers that tell you next to nothing and a severe lack of gameplay footage.
Sony put on a better showing a few weeks ago then 95% of what was shown at E3 and that was one game.
@AFCC Maybe they could tie in E3 with SGDQ, each block of runs could link in with a developer or manufacturers presentation. Bringing the hype and raising money for charity at the same time.
The biggest bummer for me is that E3 always felt like a big deal and it was always when new stuff was gonna be revealed, and we could get hyped looking forward to a big once a year event. Now with companies doing things like State of Play, imo, it just feels less special. It shouldn't cause we're still getting the same announcements we would at E3, but just not as much spectacle around it.
@Tharsman @EVIL-C Feel free to read past the headline and actually respond to the points I made.
@EVIL-C Also, the likes of PAX and E3 are not trade shows, they’re consumer conventions.
E3 started as a trade show but its purpose has been confused for years.
Eh, I feel like there might be a bit of bias here since Sony wasn't there. If they were there with an average show instead of Microsoft, I think this place would be singing E3's praises.
@crimsontadpoles It wouldn’t, read the article.
I’m 32 maybe I’m getting too old for this, but this E3 has been pretty lackluster. The only announcements that was interesting to me were Fatal Frame and Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin (only because is made by Team Ninja). Starfield is WAY too far off and I doubt there won’t be a delay or two with that game.
@get2sammyb I did read the article, that doesn't mean I agree with it. Nintendo had a great show, and Microsoft's was fairly average. The third party shows were disappointing, but I'll put it down partially due to the global pandemic over the last year.
I’ve followed E3 closely since 2008ish, and in my opinion the downward spiral began in 2016.
2015 as a whole, not just E3, was just so stacked with games (Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid 5, Halo 5, probably a bunch more I’m forgetting) that it seems like we got a lot of weak showings in the following years.
I think companies just realized they don’t have to share the limelight anymore on big announcements. That’s why Sony backed out, Nintendo started doing “treehouses” and didn’t even unveil the switch at E3. Bethesda Game Studios and From Software have had little relevancy at E3 for years.
In a world where there’s so much competing for consumers attention why let someone else steal your spotlight?
Edit: also to anyone saying Nintendo had a great E3 please quit believing headlines and watch their actual presentation. Getting hyped for re-releases of old Mario party maps and Skyward Sword? Metroid 5 didn’t make up for that snoozefest!
E3 is a shadow of its former self. I remember the euphoric excitement when the latest God of War game was announced at E3 2016 and how insanely cool and surprising it was when Sweet Tooth drove out on stage at E3 2010. I have so many fond memories of E3 over the years, but nothing memorable for me in the last few years at all.
It was not the best year and the pandemic will have had some bearing on that but both MS and Nintendo had very good showings. Clearly if you are PlayStation focused any event what has no PlayStation presence is going to have less relevance for you. But that does not invalidate the event. Again both MS and Nintendo have shown their future offerings at an event that PC, PS, MS and Nintendo gamers all followed and read about. Push Square would not have done all these write ups if Microsoft did a stand alone event, neither do they write about Nintendo Directs. Just the fact that we are discussing this right now shows that point of an event like E3. It crosses boundaries and fandoms. It gets eyes on, and lines written, from those that would not partake in stand alone events.
I don't see why we can't have both E3 and stand alone events. There no reason that we couldn't have both, it not either or.
I miss E3 to be honest. When publishers started this whole Nintendo Direct approach, it was nice since they shared more info along the year. Now however, it seems that they share way less info than they ever did at E3.
Also the format was fun! High expectations, reserving some time to watch the conferences, the excitement for news. My friends and I talked about E3 a full week after it, at least. Well, times have changed I suppose, but publishers need to do better, Sony included.
@TooBarFoo the point of the article still stand.... E3 isn't really need it, especially the way it is right now. For example: Nintendo could have done its event at the end of June (no being part of E3) and nothing would have changed, for matter fact, it would probably have gathered even more attention by doing it that way.
This E3 was lackluster, simple as that. 1 good event and another one average within it doesn't change that.
Some alternative that doesn't involve long boring CGI Trailers will do me. Just make your presentation short (not too short) and to the point.
@rpg2000 Lackluster is being too lenient. E3 this year was about as interesting as watching butter or paint melt. I was satisfied with Nintendo's offerings but Microsoft was just meh to me.
I’ll be honest, of all the shows I’ve watched over the past week, I’m not entirely sure what were “E3” shows.
It’s nice that the industry is still trying to have this week of reveals, but it’s news splash is turning into pebble dash.
So much going on and it’s so easy to miss the good stuff. Half of these shows could’ve been dropped.
E3 is irrelevant now since it isn't the place to drop publishers best games. For example Nintendo Direct E3 is great but it doesn't need E3 name, it can drop next month from now and it will have the same impact.
I know you mentioned it but this really does read like the kid who wasn’t invited to the party stating that maybe we don’t need parties anymore. Sony needs to come back. We miss them!
Without the show floor it has certainly become interesting in the last couple of years but it’s still a special time of year for gaming. Maybe with cloud gaming now being a thing companies can allow gamers to pay for an E3 pass and allow them to stream the same demos journalists get to play? There would be no downloads and therefore no risk of datamining spoiling everything.
If we look at the facts though Xbox players have a lot to look forward to through 2022 and Nintendo’s release calendar is amazingly solid for the next 6 months. As a PlayStation gamer you’re kinda left thinking ‘well what about me? Where’s my release list?’ and I feel for that.
@nessisonett Dude, Nintendo’s show was horrible and XB was just ok. Not sure if we watched the same E3 or not. There was pretty much no bangers the entire show.🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
I think everyone is buying into media saying this. E3 is the same as it has always been.
This is my own opinion, but, for years. I have seen people claiming with the rise of the internet there is no need for E3 anymore. I personally disagree. For people who cannot attend the events themselves watching online is amazing. But, i think E3 is still relevant just like all the other gaming conventions like TGS or Gamescom. Honest question? If E3 is not relevant, what makes Gamescom & the others relevant? since you know, we have the internet. I admit i do not know the full history of E3. I know it started as a trade show. Even though that portion may not be relevant anymore, E3 is gaming christmas i look forward to every year.
SO.... MUCH...... MEH!! For me it's as Irrelevant T as JKs game awards, kotaku and ign reviews. I feel it's just too much nonsense it's all about fake gamer celeb cameos and crap like take 2 wasting half an hour to talk rubbish and then the majority of games related stuff is non representative CGI trailers and lies 4 example I garuntee ppl will be meming Todd Howards 16x the ***** again when starfield launches lmao 🤣🤣🤣
@RatmCky Exactly. I agree. it comes off that way, to me at least. When the gaming media says something, everyone follows. E3 is definitely still important, just as the other gaming events. I admit this years E3 was a tad underwhelming for me. But, i still enjoyed it. It is probably because it was an online event with no crowds.
@RadioHedgeFund You raise a lot of valid points. Last year was disappointing since we did not get E3 2020 & this year it was awesome having it back, even though, it was online only with no show floor stuff. This years E3 was kinda boring. One example, WBIE was there presenting this year & only brought Back 4 Blood. I know they confirmed that their games already announced were not gonna be there with the exception of, Back 4 Blood like i mentioned. But, what about Monolith Productions next title or the new AAA game they are publishing for IO Interactive? for a few examples. I also understand things have been screwed up. Heres hoping next year.
I enjoyed it and still look forward to it.
Covid only killed it faster but the real killer was the focus on short presentation/conferences and the obsession to make it a console war confrontation from the media (Who will win, who won etc whereas they would themselves subjectively decide/promote/whatever the 'winner') while completely ignoring the show floor demos and activities.
Indeed the show floor wasnt even mentioned as E3 anymore (heck who even mentions it?) as was deemed irrelevant by the media long ago. There ridiculous attitude of deeming never seen demo unworthy of covering because not part of that short presentation (funnily named Pre E3) or even never seen trailer 5 minutes before that presentation but people conditioned into thinking ',oh but why they did not put it in the presentation? That doesn't count now' . How stupid. No need of E3 to just stream a presentation indeed.
Microsoft is part of the ESA, which runs E3. Of course they always show up - they make money from it.
I think E3 could be great, but the problem is the games. The release of big games were huge events. We would hear of them years before release and even see them in early development alongside lots of theatrics. However because if the indie scene releasing hundreds if not thousands of games a year, big publishers playing it safe and bastardizing their franchises (e.g. Squeenix with FF), and just relentless sequels to existing average franchises, it has taken a lot away from it. It just seems that game companies are out to make money now, and no one is making games out of passion anymore. The Last great E3 I csn remember is when Sony announced FF7 remake, Shenfield 3 and brought back The Last Guardian. E3 was for the core gaming geeks, now it is just a "me-too" event.
I did like the Metroid Dread announcement from Nintndo. 19 years in the making that game.
I would have loved to see a reboot taking Tomb Raider games back to their puzzling and Tomb Raider roots.
I have to both agree and disagree. While E3 hasn't evolved much in some time now it's still considered one of the biggest(if not the biggest) gaming events of the year and ppl are clinging to it in droves to watch what the companies will announce next. Also, the situation with covid did affect E3 in a big way and a digital-only event is not a representative sample of what the convention could and should be.
Not gonna lie, the fact that some of the big hitters(Sony, Capcom) don't take it seriously anymore takes a way a big chunk of the event's prestige but that's a far cry from calling it "irrelevant" or a "relic".
@TooBarFoo haha, PushSquare mention Xbox all the time mate, don't need an E3 presentation for that!
Yeah a lot of talking but all white noise and not being there will mean the next Sony 'event' (whatever that might be) will receive a lot of coverage.
Sony were right to pull out of it.
I thought this years E3 was worse than 2020, and we didn’t even get an event last year.
Sammy couldn’t be more right, but personally speaking, I thought Nintendo’s E3 Direct was below average at best, and I really don’t get why so many people are raving about it. Sure, the sequel to Breath of the Wild looked great and Metroid Dread was cool, but the rest was little more than filler or garbage. I say that as a long-time Nintendo fan, too. As for the likes of Square, Capcom, Ubisoft and so many others, their show’s were outright terrible, however Microsoft’s presentation did stand out as being the only genuinely good event.
Now, more than ever, I believe Sony made the right call to distance itself from E3, and I look forward to their next State of Play presentation with more interest as a result. Not only will it drop when they’re confident of putting out a relevant and entertaining showcase, but they’ll do so when they have the spotlight all to themselves. Pretty savvy if you ask me.
E3 as a show is pointless, Microsoft and Nintendo had their events this week but they aren't connected to the E3 event except they were on the same time. MS and Nin could release their stuff whenever they like, in fact I'd think they would prefer to pick the dates themselves rather than some obligation to a specific week in June. Horizon state of play from a couple of weeks ago has over 6m views at the moment, nothing in E3 comes close to this. IF PlayStation have there own 'future of PS5' type event in July away from all the other stuff, everyone will be talking about them alone.
Yeah E3 is done, but there absolutely is a place for showcases to communicate with gamers what to look forward to. This just isn't it. It all felt flat to me - even the 2 big publishers (even if there were a number of good - even great - games shown).
Truth is Nintendo stepped away from E3 before even Sony did - a fact conveniently forgotten in most quarters. Their direct format found much more success after years of mediocre showcases did more harm to their brand than good. Only reason they 'returned' as such felt more like joining in with Microsoft's jabs at Sony a couple of years ago for pulling out.
Honestly the only show that really evoked the feeling of 'the good ol' days' of E3 was Limited Run Games, and if that doesn't say something, nothing will.
Capcom and Square Enix are 2 of my fave developers, but their showings were mediocre at best. I will say that they were up front about what they would he showing in advance, but its hard not to be disapointed. Clearly content was kept back for platform holder showcases.
I'm sure many are looking at the reaction online and wondering why they bothered. I'll be amazed if it returns next year.
Sony don't need to be embroiled in this mad contest about 'who won E3' and will be much better off on their own. But ya know, they should probably communicate something to shut up those claiming they have nothing to show.
Nintendo dont need it. Literally anything they touch people seem to lose their minds over for some reason. They could have thrown that direct out any time.
Microsoft even dont need it. Although they strike me as a company short on innovation and are just going through the motions of what has always been done rather than shaking things up.
Nah. E3 is done. We've said it for years. And if it comes back, we'll be sitting here next year having the same conversation
A very strange article seemingly written only due to the fact that Sony don’t participate in E3 anymore.
I for one look forward to it every year.
Is it perfect? No.
But I’d be disappointed to see it not go ahead anymore.
If you read x box and Nintendo sites (I own all three consoles) they were all extremely happy with what those respective companies showed.
A very strange article indeed…….
Used to love when E3 was about showing off new hardware and innovative games, no matter how bad the idea was.
This was more previews (some that was not actual gameplay) of known releases and the same old genres, which we get throughout the year with State of Play and Nintendo Direct.
You guys really all need to read Aesop's Fable about the Sour Grapes...
Microsoft + Bethesda, Nintendo, Devolver Digital, Limited Run Games all had very decent showcases. The usual Ubisoft, EA ones were boring but there were a genuine ton of new game announcements that were unexpected and look to be genuinely fun. I realise perhaps from a PS centric website it could have been better for Sony fans but to suggest the E3 event this year wasn't any good is pure fanboyism. This year was a lot better than last year's for comparison.
@nessisonett I agree. If Sony had turned up the article would be about how Sony were the saviours of E3. The trouble is for this site is because of Sony's absence the editors and writers are focusing on the typically lackluster events of Ubisoft, EA etc... Rather than being able to see the larger scope like Xbox, Nintendo, Indie showcases and the like.
I like the excitement of E3 and in a world that’s increasingly digital (with covid more so than ever before) it’s nice if big physical events can keep existing. I want to go to Gamescom some day because that’s closest to me.
I voted still relevant to be kind, but this year I consistently found myself going "this looks bad" or "why are we seeing CG?" Nintendo really did save it for me, and their show was pretty average from Nintendo's standards. That's saying a lot. Nothing felt like Horizon, nothing made me go out and say I need an Xbox. it was very meh and I hope the next time Sony does something it's nothing like this. Nintendo might not have been the most hype, but they showed gameplay.
@pip_muzz meh...I have every console, it was pretty whack IMHO. Xbox had a 7/10 conference I think they are getting more praised because they are usually so bad. Halo finally was showed and looked fun and Forza also looks great, rest of the stuff was CG reveals? Nintendo was a bit better, but I'm mostly just over Switch besides local co-op games. Botw2 tease looked fantastic though and they did show gameplay. 8/10.
Sony or not, it wasn't that good. It's not just PushSquare saying it, it's all over the web. There were absolutely terrible showings like SE/Capcom, mediocre ones, and the best we got was 'good'. Nothing even comparable to 2016 E3, like not even close. Seeing Horizon's gameplay was more hype than most of this show. Botw2 really did save e3 for me, one game. It's no pony bias, I wish everyone would stop using that lame excuse. Hell half the people buying PS are not "Ponies" like us on forums like this. Its just the "in" thing to have and they are super casual in purchases and likely buy mostly 3rd party stuff. Sony's presentations have simply been better than most of this E3 - period. I will give you MS and Nintendo was not "bad" but the disappointments aren't simply coming from sour grapes on Sony's absence.
Big e3 flop. That’s it
The biggest problem with E3 is that companies who have absolutely nothing to say insist on saying something to fill the vacuum. This is the case with EA practically every year, and Bethesda every year since their first one. It's like, "Oh no it's E3, well, we can't possibly not have a conference, so let's just show a ten second CG teaser for the Elder Scrolls VI which will release in twelve years time."
That's always a problem with E3, but this E3 was all that. Even the Microsoft and Bethesda show which people were excited about would have been utterly forgettable in any other year. They announced next to nothing, showed mostly CG trailers, and have little of any consequence coming any time soon barring Halo.
If companies have nothing to say then they should say nothing instead of wasting everybody's time. This E3 was a monumental waste of everybody's time.
Whats the use of E3 anyway i never go out of my way to watch it. It comes at the most terrible times if you dont live in the US and why would i make time for it if i can watch everything the next day online. Just make your own reveals its not so expensive you can choose your own times.
E3, was until recently one of the entertainment highlights of the year, like 4 Christmas's rolled into one for video game fans. And for whatever reason my console maker of choice Sony decided to destroy it.
@pip_muzz But that’s not what the article says.
@Kirbyboy92 No, read the article. 🙄
Well, they just crowned Xbox as "Best Presentation" of E3.
My reaction to that was, "Wow, Xbox actually won something for the first time in 20 years".
I agree that E3 is a relic that with the growth of streaming services and its ability to reach much more people, E3 is irrelevant.
Xbox show was a great advert for Game Pass.
Nintendo's didn't show much at all that appeals outside of their existing fanbase.
The only game I saw that I would actually like to play was GotG.
People can accuse me of whatever biases they like but that is my genuine opinion. As a fan of AAA SP games I didn't see much at all that made me go 'wow'. Sorry if that offends!
Was awful show, it's been dirt for years now, hoping they let it die after seeing how desperate this one was.
Just prefer random surprise company reveals then some glorified stage show with dreadful presentation, awful written script. Let it die on move on
@Panic_Attache I love GDQs! Favourite gaming events every year. It's too good
I wish E3 was still relevant, but the past two maybe three years it certainly hasn’t felt like the place to get the most exciting gaming news. Xbox’s presentation was more grounded this year, which is a benefit to them, but it ultimately sold me on buying PS5 games and feeling like I won’t need a Series until maybe next November. Nintendo’s the only one that really showed that they have a strong line-up following on from the summer. Was disappointed in the rest of the show, which I don’t think is the intent of the show. Felt like there simply wasn’t enough material for the show this year and it was padded with fluff indies, which I mean, that’s where the industry is at the moment, but it’s not the best way to present it. E3 could work better, but it needs a better format.
That said, I wish Sony would rattle off some release dates because I want to budget out my gaming for the rest of the year, and I know Nintendo decided they finally want some of my money after such a quiet year last year.
Its only dying because every publisher does his own lame show now. Xbox conference was a good one and if Sony and Nintendo would have no abandoned E3 it would still be relevant. Also it does not help that every news outlet wants to declare E3 dead for some reason.
Exactly mate. We seem to be the only ones on here looking at the bigger picture.
Most others including the writer of the article) seems to be a Sony fanboy.
Feels and reads like sour grapes. I love Playstation and wish they’d had a presentation.
I think it's only weakened due the pandemic and also people like Geoff Keighley wanting to take the spot light and have his own show at the same time.
Take his very weak show, combine it will E3, and you'd have a half decent showing overall.
Also doesn't help that Sony don't get involved.
But now they look in a weak position when you see Xbox taking all the media attention and PS5 sitting there with an unconfirmed holiday line-up and no hype.
Obviously, that could all change if Sony do their own show soon.
@Ambassador_Kong right? I don’t hate Nintendo at all but this narrative that they killed it baffles me. Metroid looked okay, but other than that it’s the same old thing they’ve thrown out for nearly the life of the Switch. Nothing exciting and groundbreaking. Safe and familiar like always with Nintendo.
Microsoft and Nintendo had stellar conferences. All the rest was pretty abysmal in my opinion. I can appreciate all the work that people put into it but the overwhelming majority of "showcases" felt so forced and unnecessary. Really think this is gonna be the last hurrah for E3 unfortunately.
The vision for Summer Games Fest >>>> traditional e3. I really like a “season” for hype and reveals, but the structure for e3 is terrible and most of these publishers shouldn’t have bothered showing up.
Just saw the moron over on N4G Obscure_Observer say this
"Those losers are giving Playstation fans (not the diehard fanboys) a bad name and reputation.
They´ll cry and whine over and over that E3 is dead, E3 is not relevant anymore blah blah blah just because Ryan broke the tradition of many things that made Playstation what it is today.
PC gamers are happy, Nintendo gamers are happy, Xbox gamers are happy and even mobile gamers are happy. And we can´t wait for E3 2022."
He said it, he actually said it, WAIT TIL E3 2022, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I just can't believe it. You can't make this crap up.
E3 literally hasn't ended yet and he is already telling US to wait for E3 when that is exactly what he is doing and what he will be doing for eternity.
Don't worry obtuse_observer, your E3 high will die in another day or 2 and then you will realise yet again, Xbox still has no games.
Goddamn I needed that chuckle. ^_^
What you guys talking about, e3 2018 had almost 70k peaple. E3 2020 and 2021 are poor because coronavirus...
The only good part of this years E3 was watching it like an episode of selling sunset. Glaring into peoples houses and thinking that place looks like crap, I mean Giancarlo Esposito came to the summers game fest with 7 chairs in one room. There are furniture stores with less seats than his house
Honestly, I liked E3. Sure, there were some duds like Square Enix, but Microsoft and Nintendo did fantastic. Regardless of whether or not E3 is as needed as it used to be, I think it is still one of the most recognizable events in the whole industry, and that makes it worth continuing.
I love Sony and my ps5, but honestly when they skip this event it just is a bad look, IMO.
@KippDynamite - The last time I checked. Every major publisher is apart of the ESA even Sony/Playstation, so saying that Microsoft is only showing up cause they are apart of the ESA isn't exactly true...
It's no less or more needed now than it has been for the last 15 years. Think back to all the great Sony E3 conferences, and none of them were needed. They could have announced those games on a drip feed through the year. These presentations are big commercials, and they would always have benefitted from not all coming together in the same week from the publisher's side of things. You can't say stuff like E3 2015 was not an awesome feeling though? And nothing has changed since then. Getting one game announced every month or so will never feel as fun as that.
@TheGrizMachine For some people especially in the time we live with COVID and everything going on in the US (if you live in the US). People are wanting something 'Safe and familiar', not everything have to be exciting and groundbreaking
I like E3 as a Nintendo fan because it essentially guarantees a mid-June Direct every year (but of course that doesn’t need the larger event to happen). I think if the likely return to the show floor isn’t a satisfactory experience for everyone involved then it’s time for E3 to go. We can’t really make a fair judgment based on this strange year.
I think some people are caught up in the details. Yes Microsoft and Nintendo had some pretty decent showings; but that was in spite of E3 not because of it.
Thats like saying that Blockbuster should still be relevant because there are great movies coming out.
@get2sammyb I do absolutely get your point and agree to much of it, but if E3 should end and a few years pass I think that we'll start to lay off our cynicism and look back and wish those times back. Three days of Christmas for gamers, which occasionally disappoints and more often than not got us all to collectively cringe. Imagine a world without caffeine dude, mister konami with dreads and every embarrassing thing Ubisoft thinks is in with the kids these days! I would still prefer this than to the sporadic state of play deep dives to games that I already know will be great.
Publishers should be allowed to show things when they are ready instead of force setting a date and making them feel like they need to be there to show something.
I do like the idea of a focused once a year blow out for the industry. But E3 feels like filler with a few high notes. I understand why Sony and others do there won shows. Some of the stuff I saw this year felt like the said, well we have to put something out. Devolver was awesome though.
@Oh_fiddlesticks nobody forces them to! If they have something to show around E3 it gives them a bigger platform. It's rather the publishers forcing the studios to advert or release.
@get2sammyb I agree with much of your article BUT you didn't bring up what I think is a crucial part of E3's downfall. LEAKS.
E3 USED to be about surprises and "get hype" moments.
Yet how many surprises did we have in the whole of E3 this year?
Every year is less than the year before.
Many of the reveals would have hit home a LOT harder had they not been leaked before the show.
In a hyper-connected world where virtually EVERYTHING is leaked beforehand, E3 simply doesn't have the impact it used to.
Personally I think it's had it's day for AAA. But there's the conundrum: E3 is still great for the Indies/AA, but without the AAA what is E3? and will the eyeballs still come to see Indies alone. Doubtful!
How hard is it for keeping secret about their games in the weeks leading up to this, and then show them at an event with demo booths too? Metroid Dread was a fine example of what to do. Studios like Sony just think they are better doing their own thing. If all companies put effort in then E3 can easily be what it used to.
@Boldfoxrd But why wait if you can do it yourself? When you want and how you want i dont see any reason why E3 should stay.
@Omnistalgic Metriod looked cool i love the 2D ones.
@Syndrome I asked this question above, in one of me previous posts. If E3 is "irrelevant". Why are Gamescom, TGS & others like them relevant? It could just be me, but, it generally seems like its just E3 that people make this claim of irrelevancy.
@Flaming_Kaiser I know they have their own things throughout the year, but at the big events E3, Gamescom etc.. they can still have their showings there as well.
Well, I think it's just somewhat a middle point tbh. It's not dead but it's not alive. When I saw the event date it got a "that might be good, I suppose" reaction. I think what was the cooler part was the fact it used to be a games festival with demos to try and merch to buy but without that it really has no clout anymore.
@EVIL-C Agreed. It seems no one here has ever been to any of these events. Must be a division between the online readers and those who like to go out to events in person.
@Crosshair Ofcourse but the problem now is almost everything gets leaked and that is such a shame. I makes these things so boring and dissapointing.
@Jayofmaya Not everyone livea in the US like some Americans like to believe. And even if you live in the it can also be quite a trip.
@Flaming_Kaiser I know that. I don't live in the US. It's still great for those that do live close enough. Here in the UK I like EGX and Insomnia. They don't really have the same focus, I suppose... E3 does have some of the elements that those 2 have but is more focused on the stages and broadcasting the stage stuff.
I guess it's nice to have so much new info at once, but that can also be a negative. Leaks are always going to be a problem.
I want to see companies put out showcase videos with game announcements and the like, but it's up to them when they show it. Pre-recorded presentations are surely better than going back to the days of cringe worth live stage shows.
@jorel262 But sometimes that's what makes it great... Giant enemy crabs for all.
I like it, it's something to look forward to.
This post is annoying and over the top, "E3 is a relic desperately clinging to relevancy". Really? I kind of presume what I remember of the old E3 will fade way, but I'm not trying to throw E3 off a cliff and dance on it's grave. I want to see the new games and new hardware however the industry feels is the most efficient way of doing that.
@Jayofmaya After Covid they should make it more like a event for the fans i think.
E3 is as relevant - or not - as the companies want it to be. If Microsoft wants to reveal all the details of their new product knowing Sony will do the same a couple days later and the press coverage over both juggernauts launching their big reveals boosts the attention for both of them - then it would be 2013, not 2021.
If all the competitors show up and show off to make it a competition of who can garner the most attention and praise, then E3 could be grand again, immediately. But there's little reason for Sony, particularly, to do that now. So long as that's true, there's no need for E3.
Now, if Sony acts like a fat cat and doesn't deliver, if their release dates or quality of their games slip, then they may not be able to command the room whenever they want it, and might look at some head-to-head competitive reveals again. Time will tell.
@Flaming_Kaiser I do agree with this 100%. When something leaks it ruins the surprise & the excitement wanes. It ticks me off, people wanna ruin the experience of surprise, by releasing this stuff earlier than its supposed to.
A summer showcase event is way too fun (usually), but E3 themselves are an irrelevant mess.
I say hand the reigns over to Geoff Keighley for a week long Summer Games Fest.
I'm 100% sure this has been the same sentiment for years, even before the pandemic. You could have literally wrote this same article 3 years ago.
It's still fun. And, frankly, considering the 1, 2 punch of covid ruining timelines and delaying everything, and one of the big manufacturers trying to sabotage the event by withdrawing from it (and third party games it wants to market at its own events) completely, I think it was fine. Not great, and, yes, almost entirely carried by Microsoft and Nintendo, but it has been a rough year for everyone.
Which isn't to say that any of these companies NEED E3. Not after Nintendo normalized the use of direct livestreams that markets products directly to consumers. But it's a chance for the industry to come together and show off what's cooking in the gaming world, and, frankly, it's a pretty big part of modern gaming culture that provides a sense of structure to the year for people big into the medium. Nintendo's scattershot mini Directs, Sony's largely disappointing State of Plays, and events like The Game Awards aren't really suitable replacements, either.
And, frankly, I do think there is a bit of narrative spinning on this website to justify Sony's approach to E3. I imagine it goes along with the territory of being a dedicated fansite, and, just like Xbox communities defend and support Microsoft's focus on GamePass, Sony-centric communities would rather carry water for their preferred manufacturer than criticize it and create possible rifts in the community. Frankly, I don't think we'd be seeing articles like this if Sony never chose to abandon E3.
As long as E3 keeps happening, I'll keep watching.
@Flaming_Kaiser True. Nothing stays the same forever and so they might as well switch it up and change with the times! I just don't think it should be completely obliterated just because some of the people don't care for it xD
@The_New_Butler ”The biggest thing for me was that the hardware looked so tired. Any game with any sort of scope looked awful and having come off Ratchet and Clank literally just before hand it was so so obvious. Tony Hawks looked laughably bad and I'm sad for SMT V being locked to that platform”.
Yep, I couldn’t agree more. I’ve had all three models of the Switch since the day the system launched and yes, it is looking extremely tired. I too have just finished Ratchet and Clank, and especially since playing that, Miles Morales and Returnal, pretty much everything on the Switch is now looking just so… drab. You’re absolutely right too about Tony Hawk’s, it looked like a Wii port. I love Nintendo, I really do, but unless they do launch a 'Switch Pro' after all, I’m rapidly losing interest in the little hybrid system.
I feel like if all publishers removed their showcases from E3, we'd eventually end up with an E3 event in all but name only anyway.
A good summer showcase can quickly announce and release summer titles, create hype for winter releases, and give glimpses in to what will be heading our way next year.
And obviously doing this all together rather than for each individual game can help make sure people don't miss some of the smaller announcements. So a summer showcase is a must.
The question then becomes what is more efficient in regards to doing a showcase publisher by publisher, or as an industry. And I'd imagine, through both business deals and partnerships, that is in the interest of several publishers to promote their showcases as one event. It also makes it less likely some people will just miss entire showcases because instead of one event they had to keep track of, they had a few dozen. Which would reduce exposure.
Does E3 need an overhaul? yes. Does the industry need a unified summer showcase? yes.
No way! I miss the hype and excitement of the live e3 conferences. Now we have these direct style videos with robot sounding people, who describe things like we've all never played video games before. Its ok, but I want that hype and excitement back.
Sony need to stop sniffing their own farts & join in on the fun too, they are missed at these events.
@The_New_Butler Agreed. After the Microsoft E3 presentation and Nintendo’s awful Direct, I’m seriously considering chopping my Switch in for a Series S. I haven’t owned an Xbox since the 360 and I really like the look of Forza Horizon 5, Starfield and several others. Nothing beats the PS5 right now though. I’ve got R&C, Returnal, Demon’s Souls, Miles Morales and Sackboy, so I may get RE Village next.
[EDIT] When I turned my PS5 on this morning, I noticed that Ratchet & Clank had been updated. How do we find out what was patched I wonder?
Congrats guys, Shawn Layden it self, agree with your article https://twitter.com/ShawnLayden/status/1405205826730545152?s=20
Having like a dedicated week for gaming news is what's exciting to me. One week of exciting stuff. I don't even have an xbox but I enjoyed what Microsoft was showing. Last year news announcements were all over the place.
I can see Summer Game Fest replacing E3. But hopefully it's not like a summer long event that's spread too thin. Having a bunch of announcements close together is nice. Can plan time to watch them all and then get back to my summer.
Right now we know what Microsoft and Nintendo are up to. Still gotta wait for the next state of play to see if there are any new announcements.
I think tho Nintendo does it really well. They have their Direct viewable online and (in the past at least) at the treehouse at E3 for the hands on stuff.
E3 used to be the gaming highlight of the year for me back in the days, but I really can't remember the last time I cared about it
I think I'd still generally prefer E3 - I understand the importance of only presenting if you have things to actually show, but at the same time, I found last year's presentations - which were spread out all over half the year - to be equally disappointing to this year's presentations. Between the two, I'd rather concentrate all that disappointment into one week with a few choice announcements then spend all year scrambling to keep up with... the same thing.
Sadly, I have to agree. E3 used to be an exciting time of the year to look forward to, when all of the big guns in the industry came together to reveal what they had coming down the line.
In the current day and age though, it's unnecessary. Companies can command an audience nearly anytime of the year. We've seen Nintendo do this for the last little while their Directs.
When you have companies feel like they need to show what they have at this arbitrary "event" you end up with things like Gearbox's presentation.
But you don't have to rent space in the la convention center to do a Nintendo direct what should be the future of e3 is showing off the new games for the public the big stage press conference could have been put in a direct and gamers could have a bunch of demo games to play it'd be nice to see all the other people who are gaming and talk to developers much more so than just playing a demo on your system at home alone
Agreed it was cheesy (I really struggle with the overall americanised tone, as an english/irish man) lacked any meaningful gameplay content (Elden Ring was an exception and personal highlight for me) and what sickened me the most was the constant corporate politics being shoved down your neck. Take Two was PC gone catatonically insane, this was supposed to be a gaming event, I honestly dont know what happened. Personal and political agendas are everywhere in gaming press now and it has to stop, that's the place of newspaper tabloids.
I agree, though I wish I didn't. It's nice to have a week in the summer where you know there's going to be at least a few really interesting new reveals. Sure, big reveals come all through the year, but there's never a way of knowing when the next one will be.
Still, I barely followed what happened with E3 this year, and the Nintendo Direct was the only presentation I bothered to watch live. It feels very much to me like E3 is a solution to a problem that's already been solved in the past decade, and that problem was the disconnect between game companies and their audiences.
I think E3 is still useful, but it definitely didn't help that Sony is no longer doing E3.
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