The Last of Us: Part II will, unbelievably, celebrate its first anniversary on 19th June – it feels like it’s been a decade, doesn’t it? Unsurprisingly, given the notoriety of the release, Naughty Dog will mark the occasion with a ton of new merch available in Europe and North America through the respective links. There’s a heap of stuff – including everything from collared shirts to a pencil pouch – with a switchblade and hammer pattern on it, which we’re particularly fond of.
Perhaps the highlight of the collection, however, is a meticulously detailed Abby statue from Dark Horse. This measures 12.5” tall and sees the villain-turned-hero wielding her hammer and a handgun. Honestly, it looks amazing – look at the detail on her ponytail! You can view all of the new items through here, but some of them are limited editions so be quick if you want to snag any of these.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 120
Read that as 12 foot and thought it was life size.
I would have rather had an update on Factions but ok then. It's cool take your time ND.
I kind of want the Abby statue just to support the character against all the Abby haters.
Wow one year anniversary. That Abby figurine looks amazing Brilliant game for me & Sony best game that they have made.
Just give us an Abby story DLC already. Or even better, a full expansion with her like Miles Morales.
More people want to know what happens after they get on that boat than not. It will sell like hot cakes, Make it happen.
@nessisonett aren't you thinking of Lady Dimitrescu, life size at that height?
Villian turned hero ? When did that happen 😂
@Would_you_kindly yeh have to agree. I get the story had both Abby and Ellie in both the wrong and the right but I just couldnt get behind Abby. Dont get me wrong i dont hate her anywhere near as much as most of the internet lol
@The_New_Butler Rivet statue would be amazing
Removed - offensive remarks
@theheadofabroom Abby’s pretty enormous.
@nomither6 Have you ever seen a drag queen? Do any of them look like Abby? Please find me a drag queen who looks like Abby because I can guarantee that there are literally none.
@nessisonett no since my last comment got removed almost immediately . im not gonna even elaborate .
@nomither6 You don’t need to elaborate. Drag queens by design accentuate femininity. So Abby looking like a drag queen would mean that she looks more traditionally feminine than she is. Which is hilarious.
@nomither6 Shame.
Abby is brilliant and so is The Last of Us Part II. Yes, a year ago this masterpiece was released and even though I've enjoyed plenty of games since none had such an impact on me.
Roll on Part III!
I hope they make TLoU3 with Abby and Lev because I’m really curious on how well it will sell. I know of 3 sales it won’t get.
@nessisonett you're right , i don't . its your opinion.
@Col_McCafferty Eh , I was just criticizing her design ; I never even played the games , lol .
Aw man, would love that Abby statue but it's US only 😭
"villain-turned-hero" hahahahah. Did you even play the game?
There is zero-hero in Abby. Some kids saved her and then she saved them. Much hero big wow!!!
At least we all know that the next game will not be about Ellie as she is no longer of any worth to the games.
Still I wonder what might the future hold for Abby and Lev in their search for the Fireflies.
Dina was my favourite character.
Has it really only been a year? 😲
Not an Abby fan at all but also not an Ellie (TLoU2 Ellie) fan either.
No statues for me.
Ah, my most disappointing games of all time, it has been one year huh. Nd should make abby and joel & ellie statue to see which version sells better.
@Odium Most gamers don’t like shi**y characters, especially torturer, killer, and cheater like abby (also there’s one time she r*pe her ex boyfriend when he’s drunk despite his girlfriend already pregnant). I think the only one who like them is those weirdo on twitter, it will be weird if there’s normal / non psychopath people that like her.
Celebrate with multiplayer release
The five people who like Abby will be very pleased with this
@Texan_Survivor and maybe some people enjoy a character regardless of whether or not a voice actor likes them. Playing through the game I found her mostly well written and to be an intriguing character. I’m specifically referring to the people that hated her because she killed Joel, which I thought was a bold move on ND’s part. If people played the game and truly never connected with her then I can totally get not liking her, but it’s the people who claim she “ruined the series,” I think are blowing things out of proportion.
@Texan_Survivor Having read the linked article, this take is misleading and ignores context and nuance. Not liking a character for the choices they make doesn't mean they are a bad character.
Wow, a year on and the haters still gotta hate and also make out their opinion is the majority.
Abby is a great character and the game is ace as well. Your problem you've all got such poor taste!
@Texan_Survivor And she also said: “It was [a] difficult [role], but I think it’s an incredible story, and I think Abby is, man, just one of the most amazing characters that I’ve ever played.”
Context matters. You should read the whole article instead of cherry picking a single comment!
@wiiware in a game where you’re cracking skulls with bricks and hammers, jamming arrows through throats, someone is gutted while hanged from a noose, Ellie kills a pregnant woman, Abby is the line? Respectfully, by your logic, anyone enjoying the series as a whole is “those weirdos on Twitter.”
Wow a year later and folks still can't stand her! I think Abby might be the most divisive character I've ever seen in almost any medium. This game is a year old and people still have strong feelings about it. That's pretty impressive just for that.
I like TLOU2 not nearly as much as TLOU1 but while I thought it dragged on way too long, and the support cast was pretty weak all together, (I don't remember anyone's name pretty much except Dina...and she was my least favorite character personally) it was a fun game with great production value at the very least.
lol no thanks
@Odium Because she's a poorly written character.
There was a lot of characters that didn't cover themselves with glory in the sequel, but I still want a third 🙂
Probably have 4-5 full playthroughs with this game but never could care much for Abby. It's cool she grows as a person but she's still overall hard to like. I mean forget Joel, she basically helped get all of her friends killed too. Though I will admit, the small section with her and Lev toward the end was pretty humanizing.
In any case, it's a beautiful statue. If I had the money I'd definitely have this one and the Ellie one next to each other on a shelf.
The same people who dislike Abby because of her actions are the ones who love Joel for his father/daughter relationship with Ellie although he is also a murderer and as selfish as it gets, as proven by the end events of part 1. Definitely no hero.
Part 2 toys with the idea that villains don’t exist in a vacuum but they can also have relationships, people they love and good things in their lives, just like Joel. But i guess it flew over people’s heads.
People who think Abby is a badly written character are wrong, and there's probably no changing that opinion. They want a beloved character's death to mean something or to serve a greater good, which just isn't how life operates in the real world. TLOU2's narrative is uniquely challenging for the medium, and some people simply don't like the way it makes them feel.
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
Have to say it... genius game. Ellie is the bad guy and Abby is the only relatable character. Never thought I'd hate Ellie and want Abby to survive after the first hour. Desperate for some DLC to see what happens after the ending. The whole body meta was testament to the detail of the game too.
@ApostateMage Dina?!? Dina? That’s even worse than the Abby sympathisers 🤣
OJ 🤪
Honestly my favourite character was Shimmer. She didn’t deserve to go out like that 🥲
@jm816 No, you’re wrong. So there!
This is fun 😉
@Crowley22g yeah but hopefully a prequel with Joel and Tommy 😬
@ApostateMage I'd go for a Dina Funko. @The_New_Butler Lev too.
@Texan_Survivor What a load of *****!
As much as Druckman loves Abby I can't believe there no Golf Clubs ! I ******** Hated this game it was such a HUGE disappointment !
Ha, what a surprise my previous post was removed.
Just close PushSquare and be done with it. We're all Team Green now, apparently.
PlayStation is dead, y'all got your wish.
@Texan_Survivor The Last of Us Part II is the bravest mainstream game there has ever been.
Turns out some very vocal gamers prefer bland play-it-by-the-book sequels. Something Xbox specialise in.
The future of gaming looks very bleak, cheap and instantly disposal. You and your ilk are welcome to it, time for people with good taste to find a different hobby!
Removed - disrespecting others; user is banned
@Col_McCafferty Your post was completely off-topic and contributed absolutely nothing to the conversation, just like this latest one. Another poster disagreeing with you doesn't automatically mean they're wrong, as much as you don't agree with their point of view.
Damn people, just a friendly reminder that this is just a video game, and these are fictional characters.
@LiamCroft I'm sorry but it's true, this site is infested with Xbox fanboys and you allow them to run riot.
This is just an anti-PlayStation site now. Should change the name to PushA or something. You should know, always extolling the virtues of Xbox and promoting this platform.
Some people may have the money, space and time to purchase all consoles and even a PC but many don't and make a choice in which platform they'll invest in.
You lot should have been better moderators last year when the hatred over The Last of Us Part II was at it's peak but instead all you cared about was the traffic this site was generating and played a key role in this becoming a really toxic place. It's never been the same since really.
I think it's very sad.
@Col_McCafferty The very fact you think it’s an ‘infestation’ is the problem. These are real people with feelings.
@Col_McCafferty Fans of Xbox are welcome here just as much as Nintendo fans are. It's why the three Nlife Media sites use the same login system. If you're respectful with your posts and opinions, there's no problem from our point of view.
We're not looking to create a Sony hivemind here. The company will be criticised when it does wrong and praised when it does right — something we've done for a very long time now. That won't change. There is no "infestation of Xbox fanboys" here.
no updates on sales figures or gross?
they can shut up haters by revealing that
I get that a lot of people became attached to Joel, but if you didn't walk away from TLOU seeing that he's a selfish, morally broken person, then I don't know what to tell you. You might not like where his story ends, but it's a natural consequence of his actions.
It's important to be able to step back from your personal feelings and evaluate something for what it is rather than what it isn't. There are plenty of people out there who (understandably) don't like the game because of the way it makes them feel, and that's perfectly alright. But it doesn't mean it's a bad game.
I liked Abby. I wouldn't say she is a hero though. Not by a long shot.
But no one is in the TLOU 1 or 2.
I think the closest anyone gets to trying to redeem themselves is Owen, but.... He definitely isn't a hero either, but at least he was tired of hurting people and wanted to change. I guess Dina too, but I kinda didn't find her all that interesting or relatable. I dunno.
Much to my disappointment, there isn’t a statue of Shimmer.
Nor is one planned.
That’s the real tragedy here.
#justice4shimmer 🧨🐎💥🍖
@LiamCroft hivemind?! we're not the Borg but this should be a pro-PlsyStstion site. Probably the only one out there going by the reception Sony receives on other less specialised sites. Your sister ones are pretty comfortable playing favourites, why isn't this one? Constructive criticism is one thing but every week there are editorials slagging off Sony. I'm not the only one to have noticed this.
@jm816 The thing about Joel and what I respect about him, and what a lot of people respect about him, and what TLOU2 respects about him, is that he had resolve that few people had, and he had it til the end.
And NO ONE would have made that choice. Hell, even Abby's father couldn't say he'd make that choice either.
Joel isn't selfish or broken at all. He was human, and he was the last human in a world of undead, and he died with no regrets. That's sad and beautiful I think.
I honestly think this game killed gaming for me. And what I mean by that is that it was such an amazing story/game that everything else that I have tried to play since then has paled in comparison and just seems shallow and inconsequential. I guess I’ll just wait for the next naughty dog offering?
@NorrinRadd Have you tried Yakuza, or Nier, Persona? I don't think they come close in a technical sense, but story telling and pure gameplay they are on par.
Hell, Persona 4 changed my life as kid. Literally. It was like therapy.
@NorrinRadd Hear! Hear!
Don't dare praise a Sony game on this site though mate, all you're allowed to do is slate them and praise Xbox.
The fact is Xbox would never make a game as brave in its narrative choice and level design as The Last of Us Part II. It would be just another FPS on that platform.
That's the truth.
I have not yet, but I will look into those - thank you for the suggestions!
Lol! Yeah - i’m afraid you might be onto something there.
@Constable_What Sure, Joel has some admirable traits. But Joel killed dozens of people who had done him no wrong, doomed the human race's best chance at finding a cure, went against Ellie's wishes, and then lied to her about it. Of course, it was a human decision, but it was also a selfish decision. People rarely fall neatly into good or evil in the real world, and this is no different.
@Texan_Survivor you read the whole article? She didn't like her during day one and then gradually warmed to the character which is seemingly what ND intended. Also, I think there are two camps of Abby haters - those who hated what she did and those who hate her for her appearance. I think most level-headed gamers fit into the first camp (though again, there's an arc to follow) and the 2nd is full of toxic types.
@Col_McCafferty I mean, to be fair the site has had quite a lot of nice things to say about TLoU2, and Naughty Dog in general. And if there were prereqs to Xbox fanboyism, hating tlou would have to be one of them.
@Gooseuk I say Tommy is the real villain, he's the one that screws over everyone.
@theheadofabroom no hiding in the grass at 12 foot haha
@jm816 I wholeheartedly disagree that he's selfish or without morals, and for the reason you stated above.
The world isn't black and white. I don't think someone without morals would help complete strangers like Abby for one.
@NorrinRadd so this is where you throw yourself a curveball and play a critically acclaimed game in a genre you never play.
Surprise yourself!
@NorrinRadd You're welcome! That's just what comes to mind in terms of similar resonance.
Hope you find some games to play that aren't disappointing!
@LiamCroft fanboys in general are not cool. It’s unhealthy, clan-like behaviour which has no purpose or meaning.
It’s unfortunate you have to answer some of this drivel. “Infestation of Xbox” 🤦♀️
Wait... they (Fireflies) did nothing wrong?
Imagine how differently that might have played out if the Fireflies had allowed Joel to see/speak to Ellie beforehand. He could have made sure it was her choice and that she knew that she would die from the procedure. I think he would have respected that too. But what the Fireflies did was sinister as fk.
What happened at the hospital was entirely the Fireflies fault. So, technically they did do something wrong.
Joel’s only mistake was that he didn’t finish off every last one of them. But then he would have been the bad guy.
@Constable_What yeah, lotta folks tend to completely overlook that Joel straight saved her life.
Also the behavior of the fireflies at the hospital, as mentioned by @fR_eeBritney. Though I wouldn't go as far as to say everything was their fault. And I'm not sure Joel was defending himself just then.
@Constable_What I didn't say he's entirely without morals. I'm saying his morals are warped. He can't step outside his own narrow point of view. If you can't see that Joel is making a selfish decision, I've got bad news for you.
What does the actresses' opinion have to do with anything?
Her opinion doesn't have carry any more importance than anyone else's. Don't get me wrong, I didn't really like her myself, but I didn't feel hate towards her.
To be fair Abby is one of the best heroes with the best arc of the last generation. Knocked it out of the park.
@jm816 He saved a 14 year old girl, who he wanted nothing to do with in the beginning, from certain death at the hands of a paramilitary organization with delusions of grandeur.
I get that he did it as much for him as for her but I just don't think it's the wholly selfish act that you are making it out to be.
I've said it before but the fate of the world shouldnt solely rest on the shoulders of a child. Jackson seems to be doing fine without a miracle cure, while the Fireflies and WLF continue to kill for territory.
@jm816 If you think saving the life of your daughter no matter the cost is selfish, then I've got bad news for you too.
@fR_eeBritney In the scene immediately preceding the CPR scene, Ellie says to Joel:
"After all we've been through. Everything that I've done. It can't be for nothing."
If it's not clear what Ellie wanted then, you can certainly tell by her falling out with Joel after she learns what happened in TLOU2.
Re: your points about the Fireflies: Marlene tells Joel they knocked him out because they didn't know who he was. They didn't leave him to die, and no permanent damage done. They're willing to let Joel walk away, but he makes it pretty clear to everyone that he is a threat—not just to them, but to the future of humanity. Could the Fireflies have handled it differently? Sure, but that doesn't make them the villains. You just can't hold the future of the entire species with kid gloves.
@Texan_Survivor nah I'm pretty sure you unequivocally kill the doc.
@jm816 don't want to gang up here, and for the record I respect your opinion but... a kid in the throes of some pretty extreme survivors guilt can hardly be trusted to make a fully informed decision on this.
Also if you're first reaction to some guy giving CPR to an unresponsive child is to knock him unconscious I'm not sure you're the good guys. Maybe not bad, but definitely not good.
edit: CPR fits better
@Texan_Survivor I don't think the Fireflies would have denied the reward if he had simply asked. It just doesn't come, so kind of a moot point. As for asking Ellie's consent, that's a moral gray area. I think a lot of people would argue the stakes are just too high, and I'd be hard pressed to disagree. I also think Joel seeing Ellie as another Sarah is part of the problem. At the end of the day, he's not her dad, and he shouldn't be making decisions for her. And lastly, I don't think role-playing Joel and making choices for him was ever really part of the package. Joel kills the doctor whether you want him to or not.
To everyone saying the Fireflies are the bad guys—remember that a lot of them are fighting to save their families and to raise their children in a better world. What's one girl when you could save thousands or more? None of these events happen in a vacuum. That's the entire point of TLOU2.
@jm816 Ellie is only 13yo in the first game. Joel had spent the better part of a year on the road with her, forming a close bond. He (and us, the player) deserved a moment to talk out the options. The way it went down was the cause of everything to come.
I think it was clear that the Fireflies were going ahead with the procedure whether Ellie wanted to or not. What if Ellie suddenly decided that she didn’t want to die? Did she even know she would be killed? Are we now ok with murdering children against their will to save ourselves? It just didn’t feel right at all.
And if TLoU2 showed us anything it’s that humanity had devolved into such a state, it really wasn’t worth saving anyway. 20+ years is a long time for the world to fall apart. It was beyond repair at that point.
You’d have to be incredibly selfish to bring children into that kind of world in the first place. Cure or not.
@jm816 you’d probably feel differently if it was your daughter or loved one being sacrificed.
@zupertramp That's also completely true. Speaking of the WLF, they kill anyone on sight that is in their territory.
And they claimed literally all of Seattle, and the Scars only wanted one tiny island, and they managed to ***** that up too.
I see what your saying but I feel like we are forgetting a big part of the entire situation here. If the Fireflies had completed the surgery on Ellie it would have produced a vaccine, not a cure.
Society had already collapsed, people had already splintered into different groups, and there literally is no facility suitable to produce copies of the vaccine and even if there were, it would only benefit people uninfected by the fungus which throughout the entirety of the game show everyone is only looking out for themselves and I strongly doubt groups like David's would cooperate all of a sudden. The infected would still be infected, which is the majority of the human race.
Say what you will of Joel's actions but I took it as he saw it as the Fireflies killing a little girl just so they could feel better about themselves after all the terrible things they did to get to this point. And for what? A vaccine that wouldn't make a difference in an already destroyed society?
@fR_eeBritney Look at it from Marlene's point of view—why give Joel and Ellie the chance to talk it over when your mind has already been made up? You risk making a bad situation much worse. And of course I would see it differently if it were my own loved one. Selfishness is human nature. The reason Joel is a great character is because he's complex and human. You can empathize with Joel and still believe it's ultimately a selfish decision.
@Korgon It's really a semantic difference here—I don't think there was ever an expectation that those already infected could be saved. A vaccine wouldn't solve everything immediately either, but it could give people a chance to rebuild. A world with a vaccine is surely better than one without.
I'm tapping out because I'm a compulsive internet debater and shouldn't spend my whole night thinking about this. But I did want to make a final point—I love Joel as a character, and I wish we got to see more of him. Despite that, I think what we ended up getting with TLOU2 is great in its own way, and I hope people can appreciate it for what it is. I appreciate the good-spirited debate and wish everyone well!
That game is a technical marvel but the story is 4th grade elementary school level.
I get what they were going for but for that they should have depicted Abby's father differently and they should have spent some time with Abby's dilemma of revenge.
Even with that not being there, Abby still comes off as a reasonable one compared to a totall dumbf*** they made Ellie out to be.
People disliked Abby? Try Ellie, by the end of it. How can you like what they made her out to be? A dumb, selfish lunatic. Fails her love, fails the child, fails to revenge Joel, fails to stay the f* away when being spared by Abby... twice. And still decides to beat up Abby in her emaciated half dead form. They really destroyed Ellie. By the end of it I liked Abby more, but it didn't matter because the story quality of this game is what happens when you stop striving to outdo yourself and start believing people around you who push you to the stars by licking your behind.
@Odium The difference is elly seems to be disturbed after knowing she kill pregnant woman, while abby straight up told elly "good" when elly told her friend is pregnant. Yeah I think if people see abby and think "man she is my favorites characters", that people is full on psycopath.
@Col_McCafferty so you think that people do not like the game just because it is an exclusive?
Wow! No console or game needs fans like you!
Also the game is NOT brave. It just delivers shock value and some people are impressed by it.
In the beginning of the game when you play as Abby, Joel should've just let her die instead of saving her life. That is how bad the writing is.
I like Dina because she was good fun and when she realised that Ellie had turned into a bad selfish pleb, she jibbed her. Rumours are that she's now happily shacked up with a clicker and has little clicker children.
I can’t believe a photo of a statue has opened the biggest gaming wound on the internet again but a couple of thoughts…
TLOU2 is set in a broken world full of broken people. All three main protagonists (Joel, Ellie, Abby) give away pieces of their humanity through their choices and the game is a study in how they come to terms with that (or not). Ellie’s inability to stop when she knows she’s in a downward spiral in particular is incredibly well crafted. Depending on your own morality their choices will or won’t make sense and that’s where the divisiveness of the title resides.
To assume it’s ‘badly written’ because you don’t agree with what you experience is the worst kind of reductive reaction. This game (and to a lesser extent, the first one) sets an incredibly high bar when it comes to the (un)relatable characters it creates and how it challenges the player accordingly.
Not for everyone, but a masterpiece for me.
Wow, can’t believe it’s been a year already. A year since the internet changed forever.
good game i just didnt like what they did with the characters we loved
@Col_McCafferty Remember that this site gave the game a 10/10, so what are you talking about that you're not allowed to praise the game? You're absolutely allowed to.
@Marquez "To assume it’s ‘badly written’ because you don’t agree with what you experience is the worst kind of reductive reaction"
I couldn't agree more. It's an incredibly common reaction, just like people saying that x movie has plotholes, meaning they didn't like the plot.
@Zuljaras "Also the game is NOT brave. It just delivers shock value and some people are impressed by it."
YES IT IS. There you go. Capital letters are argument now.
Just came here to say that I love The Last of Us (both 1 and 2) and I love this comment section. All of it. It just goes to show how strongly people feel about this franchise, the characters and the story beats. These games, alongside Mass Effect, MGS and Spec Ops: The Line, have been the defining gaming experiences for me and changed me as a gamer and as a human being. It's way better if you have strong feelings about a game's story (positive or negative) than playing another bland, by-the-numbers title that you'll forget in a year or so. Kudos to ND and Neil for making this happen.
I've always wanted a TLOU2 pencil case.
Said no-one ever !
@wiiware I’ll give you that one, you make a fair point. I’m not saying Abby is my favorite character, I’m just saying in a game full of terrible people she doesn’t stand out, to me, as much as most people seem to feel she does. But again, you make a very fair point on this one.
@Odium Yeah, most of tlou2 people is horrible lol. I just like the first game story more where we play as joel, while he's still horrible but at least the father daughter angle of the story make sense. He's still horrible but I understand the wish of the father to protect his (surrogate) daughter.
@naruball No. My argument is that the game plays with shock value and nothing more.
I do not get why is it so "offending" that people do not like the game? Why the need to defend it so bad?
I did not like the story and the characters. Nothing can change that just as I can't change if people liked them.
This is what I call personal opinion. You don't like it? Well that is too bad.
@Zuljaras Who said anything about being offended? Any other assertions you want to make?
As for your opinion, you're absolutely entitled to it and, since you're expressing it in a public forum, others are entitled to comment on it. Just because they're commenting on it, doesn't mean they're being offended. Crazy concept, I know
But just like any opinion, it has more value, when there is an actual argument that accompanies it.
For example:
X game is booooring: An opinion
X game is boring to me because you have to grind for several hours just to get to the next level. I find the level design bad: Also an opinion, but better supported.
As for TLoU2, you can feel any way you want about it. You can even say that the whole concept has been done to death, even though it hasn't. The developers could reinvent the wheel and your personal opinion could still be that it's a run-of-the-mill game. You have every right to feel that and everyone who challenges it, especially those with arguments, have just as much right and shouldn't be dismissed as "offended people".
As for my opinion, while I think that whether the game is enjoyable or not is incredibly subjective (I see why many didn't like it at all), I don't see how the fact that it kills off the main character of the previous game can simply be dismissed as "shock value". Shock value could be to show slowly dismembering a dog or repeatedly stabbing a pregnant woman, since it would have little effect on the narrative. This goes beyond that. It's like a TV Show killing off one of the two leads in the season 2 premiere. How often does it happen? It's a huge gamble that could have (might have) destroyed the franchise. And considering how integral his death is to the story, saying that it's simply shock value suggests either that you don't know what "shock value" is or that you don't understand the point of his death and its huge effect on the narrative.
@Danloaded I don't get how the game was trying to say Joel was wrong for killing the fireflies yet Abbie is somehow justified in all the killing she does
@naruball I used the term "offended" because when stating my opinion people feel the need to respond directly to it instead of just posting their own.
Many times with stuff like "If people do not like the game they are bigots!".
And the yes the game is NOT revolutionary. It is shock value because before Abby did the golfing she was rescued by Joel and even survived together with him. She did not care why he did what he did and her group of people were just terrible. Each and every one of them had only negatives.
From the start I assumed that she thought Joel was simply evil drifter that killed her father for the LOLZ. Did she knew that Ellie was the one on the table? I also loved the fact when they asked him "What if it was your daughter?" when he pushed to kill the girl, and he had no answer. And that vaccine wouldn't do any good as humanity has long left the world and the Fireflies, WLF are just as horrible as the Scars.
But as Druckman said in an interview "the game is about hate". Well he got that right.
The fact that the ending was so unfulfilling was the real bummer. I seriously do not know what will they do to make the goal of Abby and Lev interesting.
Lets not forget that they did not only kill Joel, they also killed Ellie.
@wiiware both have their merits for me. TLoU had one of the most genuine moments in video games with the giraffe scene. Also, the character dynamic was wonderful. 2, in my opinion, had far better gameplay, and I liked the boldness of killing Joel (touchy subject, I know). 2, undoubtedly, has more detestable characters in it though.
That people are still debating this game a year on tells you something.
@Zuljaras I get why a few people didn't like it but I don't get why after a year some still feel the need to have to continually post the same comments again and again reminding us why they didn't like it every time an article mentions the game, maybe they are somehow trying to justify their dislike, or did the game really piss them off that much?
Just playing through 2 for the second time, it left such a bad taste in my mouth its taken a year to play it again.
On ps5 the 60fps is amazing. I only had a base ps4 so it now also looks like a new game too.
Just at the aquariam with Ellie so I know it won't be long until I'm forced to play as 'her'....
@InvaderJim I can only speak for myself and for me the game was quite unfulfilling TLOU2 = disappointment.
And this argument will continue year after year
But the graphics were indeed amazing
Where's my PS5 upgrade? Also apparently there should be Abby DLC?
@Odium I don't have problem with the game killing joel, it's just that if nd want to kill him, do it right. I don't like it seems nd want to kill joel, so they goes like, "whatever, just kill him quickly".
There's so many coincidence that happen so abby can kill joel, from ellie that smoking drugs and having sex (in lone house in the middle of zombie apocalypse, maybe she becomes stupid with age) rather than patrolling the road, to abby that nearly died but luckily saved by joel, she also didn't know joel face but thankfully joel is stupid enough to tell his real name to a group of suspect individual. It just bad story telling.
Gameplay wise the game is great but I prefer the first game, the first game is a pure horror game, not action horror or survival horror, but the second game is more action horror. I like action horror but for me the first game is already perfect gameplay wise.
I must admit i dislike the Abby caracter. The story was very grimm and i coudnt get used to it. The statue looks pretty amazing to be honoust……
So this is what we get on the one year anniversary? Damn, Naughty Dog has become lazy... no DLC, not a single thing. Congrats to the new king... INSOMNIAC.
I don’t understand all the fuss around TLOU2 characters. Seems like watching a Grey’s Anatomy episode for me. Who kissed who? He’s in love with her but she likes the other one and his wife’s pregnant but all he can think about is go to bed with her and .. what? Who cares of all these teens mtv stories? What the hell happened? A statue ? Hahahaha
Ah, my most disappointing games of all time, it has been one year huh. Nd should make abby and joel & ellie statue to see which version sells better.
Most gamers don’t like shi**y characters, especially torturer, killer, and cheater like abby (also there’s one time she r*pe her ex boyfriend when he’s drunk despite his girlfriend already pregnant). I think the only one who like them is those weirdo on twitter, it will be weird if there’s normal / non psychopath people that like her.
THIS has got to be one of the most singular, hysterical, nonsensical comments I have read on any games page EVER (you've surpassed your previous comments tenfold), I'm actually flabbergasted and don't know where to begin. - no surprise that yet again you manage to trot out your old mantra about sales (only this time it's with figures) as you've been going on and on and on and on about this for a whole year (it's getting rather tired).
So you think Abby "rapes" her ex partner? Really? Seriously? I think you're the wierdo here if that's what you believe to be the case. It was a well written and character driven piece of the narrative and rather touching. And as for people who enjoy playing the character being a psychopath? Again, really? Absolutely hysterical and hilarious. I take it you feel the same way about people playing as Joel or Ellie? Considering how many people they torture and murder?
"I don't have problem with the game killing joel, it's just that if nd want to kill him, do it right. I don't like it seems nd want to kill joel, so they goes like, 'whatever, just kill him quickly'. "
They didn't "kill him quickly" he was tortured FFS!
"There's so many coincidence that happen so abby can kill joel, from ellie that smoking drugs and having sex (in lone house in the middle of zombie apocalypse, maybe she becomes stupid with age) rather than patrolling the road"
She wasn't in a "lone house" she was in a well hidden basement area that had been undiscovered for years that another character was using. And as for the "coincidence" and Ellie being "stupid with age"? This is called narrative and exploring the relationship between Dina and Ellie. The consumption of the joint would have lowered inhibitions and led to them making the decision to make out rather than do their patrol. There's absolutely NOTHING bad in the storytelling, yet you constantly attack it because you can't seem to understand its nuances.
"Joel is stupid enough to tell his real name to a group of suspect individual. It just bad story telling."
There was nothing suspect about Abby or the others for Joel to withhold his name. What would Joel have to fear from a group of young kids? As it turns out, plenty but that again is great narrative.
"Gameplay wise the game is great but I prefer the first game, the first game is a pure horror game, not action horror or survival horror, but the second game is more action horror. I like action horror but for me the first game is already perfect gameplay wise."
And here you go again contradicting yourself. You claim the first game is pure horror and say you like action horror but prefer the first game despite saying that the second game is action horror. This confusion is guaranteed with any posts regarding this game coming from @wiiware and we'll be guaranteed that you'll continue to go on and on about the same topics should any game news about TLOU be published in future...
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