French team Quantic Dream has announced its premier PlayStation 4 title Detroit: Become Human has now sold more than six million copies worldwide across Sony's last-gen console and the more recent PC port. The developer took to Twitter to thank everyone that has purchased the game, of which it is "proud of".
It's not known whether the game's inclusion in the PS Plus service back in July 2019 has contributed to the statistic, but we have to imagine those download figures are kept separate from actual purchases. What's next from Quantic Dream next, then? It's been more than three years since our 7/10 review of Detroit: Become Human was first published, so you have to imagine the developer is in full production of its next big game. Well, we hope it is, anyway.
Were you one of those six million buyers? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 49
Great news for a great game, As you say Liam, I am sure the number of users will be much higher if we include those who downloaded it from PS+ when it was available.
Fantastic story and was my first ps4 game. Great news and congrats to the team!
Really enjoyed the game, glad it has sold well. Hopefully they are working on something else which I'm sure they are.
Love this game.
Even better than Heavy Rain, which is some compliment.
And this is why pc versions of playstation first party aren't going anywhere. They literally buy a studio that specialises in pc ports and still some try and convince themselves pc ports aren't going to be the norm for PlayStation....reality is constantly knocking...you can't ignore it.
Not as good as Beyond 2 Souls. In fact, couldn’t be bothered with it after the first playthrough.
The only David Cage game I ever actually liked well I liked Connor and Kara's stories Marcus was boring as hell and his side characters (looking at you North) were utterly insufferable
@hypnotoad I dunno...Heavy Rain felt a bit more self aware (although it no doubt wasn't) which made some of the more ridiculous of it more palatable.
Detroit took itself abit too seriously. Which came off a bit more cringe. It's close. I'm not sure which I prefer tbh. But I've played through heavy rain 3 times and Detroit 1...so maybe there's my answer.
Either way both were alot better than Beyond two souls. Which was hammy and took itself too seriously. I couldn't even finish that one.
Definitely looking forward to what they do with next gen hardware though.
Will this and other ps-to-pc games work on the steam deck? Imagine playing hzd or GoTsushi, on the go.
Great game - glad to see it sold well.
Was the second game I played on PS4, after having no consoles for 5 years, and I absolutely loved it
Yes for HZD. Any Steam game that runs now on Proton will work on Steam Deck.
Platinumed it great game no way a 7/10
still working on 100% all flow charts
Detroit was great in that its flow charts truly showed how many choices and options there were in the game.
The flow charts were a game changer in my opinion for multiple choice games
for me it goes
1) Detroit become human
2) beyond two souls
3) heavy rain
With all the Directors Cuts coming out, theres bound to be a Detroit: The David Cage Cut right?
@uptownsoul What do you mean? We cover them every week: https://www.pushsquare.com/tags/uk
@Agramonte @PhhhCough You'll also be able to buy a windows 11 license and install it on the steam deck and play every game on steam, install gamepass and play android games(which are supported on Windows 11)
Connor and Hank was the bromance we all needed. Loved those two characters.
@ChrisDeku Windows 11? You mean 10 right?
@theheadofabroom Windows 11 is currently in beta and will be released soon. Will have android support, better gaming performance, and utilise ssd'd better in games
@ChrisDeku I just didn't think support had been announced yet? Although I guess by the time the Steam Deck makes it into anyone's hands it should be pretty clear.
@theheadofabroom there's a video somewhere online with a guy testing the windows 11 beta on a bunch of small screen handhelds like the aya neo, and it worked fine on basically everything.
My only issue is that I need to see how "suspend" works on native Windows 11 (hit or miss on Windows 10)
Aparently it is flawless on the SteamOS on Steam Deck.
That said, a Windows Plan B is why I went with the 256. I can always jump to a Windows + PC Game Pass machine.
@trev666 I've heard great things about heavy rain. Is there a way I can play it without having a PS3 or no?
I preordered it. Well worth the price. Would welcome more games like this rather than free to play live service games.
@mrtennis1990 Heavy Rain is also released for PS4. Play it. I finished it in 1-2 days. Excellent game!
I wonder about the production cost of this kind of game. Supermassive game make similar games. But the production value seems much lower than Quantic dream.
Playing this now for the first time. Really enjoying it. Part of the PS plus ps5 shenanigans
@mrbone it cost €30m apparently, which is pretty Big Time for a pure narrative game
Really loved this game, can't believe I got it for free off PS+. I would have paid for it had I known I would have enjoyed as much as I did.
@Bleachedsmiles Zzzz boring.
@mrbone nice thanks for letting me know!
@LiamCroft I guess they ignore it, cause it doesn't fit they're narrative
@uptownsoul why does it matter? Want justification for your premature purchase? Will knowing how many units were moved, make your gaming more enjoyable? They're all rhetorical, meaning you have no need to respond.
Really liked this game but it’s crazy to think more people bought this than say, Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Crazy.
@hypnotoad You should try Beyond Two Souls.
@fR_eeBritney I would definitely buy it twice over Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
@Nepp67 how very dare you 🤣
This was an epic game store pc exclusive right?
Although the story is extremely Ludacris at times, Detroit is still a pretty good game. It was fun going through all the story arcs.
I really enjoyed this game. Congrats!
A fantastic game! It is a shame Quantic Dream never became a first party studio after Heavy Rain.
@NoFaceBigFoot I didn't know that rapper was involved? Unless you mean it was ludicrous, ie ridiculous?
@Cyxn1d3 I wouldn't rate it anywhere near as highly as Farenheit, but given I played the two over a decade apart, that may be nostalgia. Detroit is certainly more graphically impressive?
I really like Quantic Dream games ever since I first played Fahrenheit on PS2. Ever since then I bought Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, and Detroit Become Human day one.
None of my friends like them because they're typical shooter fans and anything not realistic, graphically intensive with guns is a crap game to them.
Not many people like David Cage because of the accusations of sexual harassment but I do wish Sony snapped up Quantic Dream as a first party years ago before they started moving towards other platforms. It's typical of Sony to purchase studios they had a close connection with but after the sexual harrasment accusations Sony sort of side stepped them. Bit of a mistake they should have used the scandal as an opportunity to say 'Hey, wanna partner up officially?'
@theheadofabroom Just a little bit of word play.
@NoFaceBigFoot Maybe you can explain, because from where I am it just looks like you can't spell
@theheadofabroom Your name says it all about you. Your brain is an inanimate object and incapable of intelligent thought. I'm a Native American who happens to enjoy injecting Hunkpapa Sioux wordplay into humor.
@NoFaceBigFoot I'm not sure why the ad hominem attack, I was just asking what you meant because without context it made no sense. You might notice I said it looked like you couldn't spell, rather than saying you couldn't, because I was giving the benefit of the doubt. The fact that you still won't explain what the supposed wordplay was intended to invoke, and you're resorting to attacks against my character, gives me little confidence that this is going anywhere.
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