It’s always interesting to observe which games attract the most attention in the aftermath of a State of Play or press conference. While the data certainly isn’t fool proof – different channels upload the same clips and engagement alters based on YouTube’s mysterious algorithm – we figured we’d compile the most watched trailers from Sony’s show earlier this week, as ordered by views on the official PlayStation account. This is accurate as of 1PM BST on 9th July – obviously the data can and will change.
- Death Stranding: Director's Cut - 114k
- Demon Slayer - 85k
- F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch - 77k
- Sifu - 73k
- Deathloop - 71k
- Lost Judgment - 56k
- Jett: The Far Shore - 46k
- Hunter's Arena: Legends - 37k
- Arcadegeddon - 35k
- Moss: Book 2 - 27k
- Tribes of Midgard - 25k
Death Stranding: Director’s Cut, unsurprisingly, was the biggest winner on the day by quite some distance, with a significant number of fans tuning in to see the updates and additions Kojima Productions is adding to the PS5 version of its smash hiking simulator. Demon Slayer, the adaptation of a massive anime series in Japan and Asia, also did extremely well. But perhaps the biggest surprises are Sifu and F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch, both of which earned huge numbers.
Deathloop, supposedly the star of the show, somewhat disappointed in terms of viewer numbers – but there’s a general sentiment that the game has been shown far too much, so perhaps at this point fans have already made up their mind. We’re surprised Lost Judgment didn’t do better, but it’s certainly no surprise to see the likes Tribes of Midgard with the smallest audience.
Overall, the State of Play broadcast managed almost one million views between its English and Japanese language counterparts, and should pass that milestone at some point over the weekend. These are decent metrics – and do matter – proving that there continues to be an audience for these lower-profile livestreams from the platform holder.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 39
Moss Book II for me. I'm still excited about that.
Huge kudos for Kojima creating one heck of a upgrade for Death Stranding. When companies are actually reasonable when it comes to added content, more people will follow.
@mrtennis1990 Very generous and awesome update. Excited to experience the DualSense support!
The top four are the games I definitely looking forward to playing. Throw in Lost Judgement there as well
Lost Judgment simply looks incredible I can only imagine it's because people are going on media blackout for that game. I know I'm going on a blackout until launch!
FIST definitely was my favorite surprise of the show though I'm really into what i saw. Only thing is it's in September which is the busiest month of the Fall for me but I was very impressed with that trailer for it.
I’m glad I’ve held out on Death Stranding. Can’t wait to experience this definitive edition.
Also Jett surprised me. Arcadegeddon piqued my interest. And Lost Judgement made me want to play it bad.
What's interesting too is that all of the trailers are mostly positive in the like-to-dislike ratio. For an event that so many of us sneered at initially (including myself), I'm really surprised there isn't at least one trailer that's been hit with an army of dislikes.
Jett is going on my must-play list immediately. Same with FIST, but that's been on my radar for years already.
Hopefully we get an update on Anno Mutationem sometime soon as well.
Loved Death Stranding, I kept going in just to maintain my roads and bridges for the community long after I had finished the game 😅
Finding all the little paths people left behind for you is just amazing.
Excited for:
Demon Slayer (plz be 60fps locked on PS5)
Lost Judgment
Eye on:
Jett: The Far Shore
Moss: Book 2
Moss 2 and Demon Slayer for me; Judgment 2 maybe as well, although I hope for improvements to the original’s combat and story.
Excited to go back to Death stranding. I loved it but never finished it, and these upgrades look well worth an extra tenner to experience. Looking forward to lost judgement, and I'm looking forward to the Demon slayer game, even though I only watched the first episode. Gonna have to catch up and see what the fuss was about
I'm really interested in DS update, $10 for native ps5 version is good value I think. Can't wait using the dualsense haptics, I bet it will be really cool to feels rocky place, strong current water, that black substance, and others terrain on dualsense haptics 😃
I missed the SoP last night but I did watch the DS video this morning as that was the one game I was really excited about. It's an absolute bargain of an update though and I know I'd enjoy playing through the base game again anyway so all these extras are just icing on the cake - and I do like cake!!
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
Very surprised to see the excitement for Demon Slayer.
I'm a huge fan of the anime, but nothing convinces me this won't be the usual anime cash-in on the popularity of the series. So I'll be waiting for reviews.
Death Stranding looks great value for money though.
$10 for all these additions and improvements. Count me in.
When did the discourse on Deathloop change from “ugh what is this Game even supposed To be about” to “they’re ramming this game down our throats”? It seems like the problem is not the marketing. I wonder what it is about this game that makes people hyper critical. Jk I know exactly what it is.
To be honest, I didn’t even know it was part of an anime franchise, I just liked the look of what I saw in terms of the combat and art direction.
Is it possible to upgrade to the DS Directors Cut if you have the base PS4 version digitally rather than on disc? Everything I’ve read seems to suggest not. I don’t have a PS5 as yet and would love to give this a go when I do, but I don’t think I’d buy it full price again.
@HUMPERDOO im guessing you can upgrade to the ps5 version for 10$ for the digital one as well
@HUMPERDOO i just had to reply because of the humperdoo username preacher was awesome
Switch Moss and Demon Slayer and it’s a perfect list!
No surprise my favourite was 10th. Also will probably get Tribes of Midgard as it's crossplay with pc and my mate is a big Diablo fan and I loved 3. I'm a hipster without even trying. >_>
I am more hyped than I thought I would be for Death Stranding
@Feena Guess I must be hyped as well as I'm listening to the soundtrack again!
@Shepherd_Tallon I concur. Moss: Book II was easily the most exciting part of the showings for me.
I also thought F.I.S.T. along with the September release date was great!
I think Tribes of Midgard looks unique and fun. Especially, at a price of $19.99. Wish it was getting more love but I get that it’s kind of a niche game.
Moss 2 was my highlight
Honestly surprised to see Hunter Arena there. Kinda wished Moss 2 did better but oh well. Kudos for FIST, Sifu and Death Stranding though!
I honestly don't know how Demon Slayer got the second spot. The game is another arena game like nearly every other anime game they've made
Sifu and Lost Judgment both seem like good fun.
Deathloop got trounced in its own showcase, lol.
@Nepp67 The arena-style gameplay actually fits the franchise well, and Demon Slayer is wildly popular right now, which is going to boost its profile. Also, it looks like they're doing a good job of trying to replicate what made fights from the anime memorable, like the fight with Kyogai (drum demon) where the room is actually rotating around as he smacks his drums.
Basically, if there was an anime arena game I'd be willing to purchase and play, this would be it.
I'm delighted that Sifu and FIST have garnered more views than deathloop.
Too many children’s games
@get2sammyb The first link, i.e.
1. Death Stranding: Director's Cut - redirects to Ghost of Tsushima DC.
Death Stranding yes, Lost Judgment hell yes. Those mini games looked incredible. Can’t believe Kojima is going to make me dump another 160hrs into Death Stranding, but it looks like he will
@HunkyJunk I can't see it. Maybe the last 3 on the list but apart from Arcadegeddon and Moss Book 2 nothing skews particularly kiddie. I'll be 40 next year and can't wait to play Moss Book 2!
Sifu interests me, that is all
Fisting really appeals to me.
Surprised more people in the comments aren't exited for Sifu. That game keeps looking awesome. The only thing I'm slightly concerned about is the 'cinematic cameras for trailer use only' messaging. I want it looking like that!
Death Stranding definitely won for me, followed up by Lost Judgment.
Because I'm super bored, I looked at the updated viewership for each video and the results are interesting. Death Stranding is no longer the top dog when it comes to views with Demon Slayer overtaking it. Sifu and F.I.S.T. are doing really well in the numbers too. Sadly, Moss: Book II (one of the more interesting announcements for me personally) is dead last.
The updated stats as of July 13 are:
1. Demon Slayer - 259k (+1 rank)
2. Sifu - 256k (+2 rank)
3. F.I.S.T. - 232k (no change)
4. Death Stranding: Director's Cut - 213k (-3 rank)
5. Deathloop - 152k (no change)
6. Lost Judgment - 126k (no change)
7. Hunter's Arena: Legends - 106k (+1 rank)
8. JETT: The Far Shore - 90k (-1 rank)
9. Arcadegeddon - 71k (no change)
10. Tribes of Midgard - 53k (+1 rank)
11. Moss: Book II - 48k (-1 rank)
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