One of the biggest stories of the past week has involved Saints Row. The sandbox series is returning in February next year, with a brand new game having been announced at Gamescom Opening Night Live 2021. This thing's a full reboot: different characters, a new setting, and no obvious ties to the old Saints Row games. It's a fresh start.
However, the reveal did not go down smoothly. The title's CG announcement trailer has divided opinion, and the backlash has been significant. Said trailer was bombarded with dislikes and negative comments across multiple YouTube channels, and the Saints Row Twitter account has taken a beating. It all culminated with developer Volition saying "we are not backing down on this game".
It's been a bit ugly, but a second trailer has definitely stopped the flames from spreading — at least for now. This one's got actual gameplay, put alongside developer commentary, and it's gone down a lot better.
But we want to know what you think. What are your initial thoughts on the new, rebooted Saints Row? Have your say in our polls, and then give us your full opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 59
I’ll have to wait for more info. The tone will have to be the same as in the latest games for me (I know others prefer the earlier games), and not like in the trailer.
Went from hyped to hard pass real fast.
I think this will be fun but this needed to be a spin off or new IP honestly.
It’s just too early to make snap judgments. You have this or GTA Online, they’re your only option. I know what I’d rather play.
Depends. Is Ariana Grande going to have a concert in this game as well?
I'm fine with a new group of characters to lead but this is who they came up with? I don't want to be the boss of these hipsters.
It looks fine to me. I'm going to reserve judgement until I see more gameplay and wait for the reviews. I'll most likely pick it up when the price goes down.
I’m interested. I didn’t like the direction the series headed after the third game.
Honestly only played one saints row game I think I lasted a few hrs before deleting it, they do look like fun but for some reason I just don't like them, prefer GTA.
Im hoping it is going to be good. I played the first two, though all i can remember is collapsing in front of cars for insurance money.
As someone who's never played a Saints Row game and was watching Gamescom on and off, the story trailer for this instantly didn't vibe with me at all. By the time the video was halfway through, my attention was already far away from the stream.
I'm thinking I've never bothered to play a Saints Row game before.
I just watched the second trailer and everything about it rubs me the wrong way. The cute, peppy talk, the exaggerated excitement and just the overall fakeness of it all. It’s like when your ‘friends’ in the HR department at work hold a team meeting and try to inspire everyone to have a ‘great’ and ‘fun’ week of work ahead. Er yeah... most of us are just here for the money 👀 Fakeness! That isn’t the spirit of Saints Row. It’s like everything Saints Row was against.
I do actually like the look of the game world a lot. But everything else... pure cringe. From the characters, to the dialogue, to the fashion. Do many young, black men wear suit jackets and bow ties in America because I feel like we see that style choice an awful lot in video games? I’ve never seen it myself in real life 🤷
It all just desperately needs a huge dose of (genuine) grit to rough it up a bit.
Indifferent at this point. Probably a game I'll get around to playing, as I've played every SR game except Gat out Hell, but it's not going to be a day one buy, which all the previous games were.
@fR_eeBritney “It all just desperately needs a huge dose of (genuine) grit to rough it up a bit”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the previous games about a gangster who becomes president, gets kidnapped by aliens who destroy the earth, they then fly around in a space ship(with Jane Austen??) visit hell, marries the devils daughter, kills the devil, and thren restores the earth to not being destroyed.
The fact that theres so much concern around whether people like what they see or not says something .
All they have to do is remake saints row 2 or 3. fool the people into thinking its a reboot when they just copied ideas from those two games. they have references from 3 whole games.
thats what i would do. i think its that simple.
Not interested but I've never been big on the series.
Honestly, I find I'm in a severe slump. There's very little that I'm interested in anymore. I'm betting unless something changes in the next couple years that PS5 will be my exit console for being up to date with gaming. I'll just take a gen off and enjoy what's previously been released.
Dunno, I haven't played it yet.
The yellow gang looks like what gangsters would look like.
The Saints look like college students.
Remember in Pulp fiction just after Sam Jackson and John Travolta washed up after they shot that guy in the face in the back of the car and they changed into Quentin Tarantino’s clothes? And Quentin said “You look like f**king dorks!”
These characters in the picture accompanying this article topped that level and then some 👎👎👎👎👎
The last time I saw characters so inane was when the new Ghostbusters decided to feature an all female cast. I predict this game won’t even go over as well as that did, which was not good. And I’m being kind in my appraisal
@ChrisDeku Haha yes kind of 🤣 but I said ‘grit’ not ‘realism’.
The SR games (certainly the last three games) had a ‘we don’t give AF’ attitude. It’s what made them unique and funny and fun. I’m not getting any of that from the reboot. It seems completely sanitised and PC and desperate to be ‘cool’ by comparison.
If this didn’t have the Saints Row name attached to it, no one would be talking about it (which was the whole point I think).
It sucks and the more they reveal, the worse it gets
Honestly, I hated how they played that whole video thing before showing the gameplay. I got frustrated about halfway through and was like.. this is a game right? Show some damn gameplay!
Then they did of course but that was not a positive experience. Otherwise, the game looks cool… graphics were looking snazzy
EDIT: never played a saints row game and honestly don’t think this new one is going to change that. The older I get the further I stray from open world games. I can’t even get into Spider-Man on PS4/5 and that’s supposed to be a system-seller.
I’ll check this Saints Row out as we go along, but as of now, no intention to buy.
I've completed 1, 2 and 3 with the latter 2 having three 100% files each, so I love the series (forgetting the drivel of IV/GoH). I have to say that I am not a fan of the characters, either and yeah they may be aimed towards a younger audience but the amount of trash thrown at it for exactly that reason is terrible. I have to argue that we haven't got any idea of what the characters will actually be like, just that they're young and have haircuts that are only for left wing orientated influencers. I had no idea having a specific hair cut gives you a special boxed up personality that you can't break! I best be careful next trip I take to the hairdressers.
@Jayofmaya Its going over about as well as when Homer Simpson designed that car “The Homer”
Same boring generic American locations that we've seen a million times already so not interested.
The Saints Row community is already suffering from identity crisis themselves and I believe this is where the biggest conflict stems. You have the fans of Saints Row 1(I think) and 2, which are people who enjoyed the more realistic gameplay and slightly more grounded story. Then fans of Saint Row 3 that found a good mix of realistic gameplay and over the top wackiness. Then there are the people that enjoyed the freedom of the Super Powers in Saints Row 4/Gat outta hell.
At this point there isn't going to be a way to appease all Saints Row fans because the games are so incredibly diverse....but do you know the one thing that connected them all? The characters. A cast of whackjobs and screwballs that were larger than life that have now been traded in for a more grounded set of folks who you can probably find streaming on Twitch.
Ultimately it remains to be seen if the reboot paid off but no matter what, there was no way all Saints Row fans would be completely happy with anything Volition released.
@ATaco agreed on your last point. They certainly didn’t choose well with the way they did go that’s for sure
Loved Saints Row 2 back in the day… and 3 wasn’t too bad either. Think 4 and Gat outta Hell were the franchise-killers.
Still, I just rebought 2, I have 3: Remastered in the backlog and I’ll probably pick up this reboot too… so there must be some life in it.
Game looks ok but I wouldn't pay full price for it, impending sale for the gold edition and just being patient enough to wait for that to happen, n01 rule about buying games day 1 is just a rip off anyways!
I'm just glad there is a PS4 release and last gen wasn't left behind!
@Grimwood the game series is not for you really but at the same time, the series has been on a downward spiral and nothing had been done to improve it!
I need to see more, but tbh a lot of what I saw was pretty cringey.
I do think a reboot is the way to go though.
@RubyCarbuncle Ngl I was really hoping for a fictional world like Stilwater but this isn't bad honestly.
Just not feeling these characters after putting so much time into the 3rd game. Gameplay seems alright but just seems off.
@Netret0120 This is the impression I got, and I think I know why.
I think the characters in this game start a criminal enterprise to help pay off their student loan debt.
That's....that's pretty cringe.
@RubyCarbuncle i mean , north america is a huge continent with basically 48 contiguous U.S. countries (states) within it . and thats not even counting canada and mexico .
gotta love 'merica and the variety
It looks terrible, especially character designs. So generic and uninspired all around.
@kingbreww I rewatched the 2016 Ghostbusters movie again recently (slightly off topic).
I absolutely hated it when I saw it at the pictures on release but thought I’d give it another chance. It couldn’t have been that bad... right?
I bought the Blu-ray on Amazon for £1.43 🤣 new and sealed and with a slipcover and everything.
I watched the extended cut and I did laugh out loud like three or four times. Mostly because I just really like Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy. But during the opening scenes I remembered why I hated it so much. Terrible writing, direction and special effects. So bad!
The opening in the original Ghostbusters is absolutely brilliant and sets the tone for the whole movie. A classic scene. Not one scene in the 2016 movie came anywhere close to that moment (or the egg popping scene, or the fridge scene).
I actually think the 2016 movie could have been good (if the Director and Writers had even the slightest understanding of what made the original movie so great). I don’t blame the actors - they can only work with what they’ve been given.
Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.
One thing I did like was how the proton beam effects came outside the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. I thought that was pretty cool.
I'm not sure that young intellectual equates to hipster for me... I only played 3 and thought it was amusing enough to finish, but I guess I'm not invested enough in the series to have a strong reaction to this video in either direction. It's an open world crime game with a lot of purple in it. That seems to be Saints Row's aesthetic to me 😆
If people like this one I'll check it out in 2024.
@fR_eeBritney pretty sure I heard it did so badly it lost 70 million dollars. Their fatal mistake was their focus on making an all female lead movie rather than just making the best movie they could regardless of what gender/s played the lead roles. It would take sheer brilliance to overcome a project being so severely hamstrung right out of the gate and the writers nor the actors possessed that brilliance. Same goes for this new Saints row. They’re focusing on the wrong thing. No one cares (obviously I mean in general as proven by it selling very well) who the leads are when it’s a kickass game with a kickass story, graphics and gameplay. Coming in with an agenda and trying to make all the pieces fit to that is a fools errand. It’s called trying too hard and people can sense that from a mile away and judge you for it with ruthless intensity. People don’t like fakes sycophants and phonies and as more and more of that is being pushed on us people will vote with their wallets
This game looks as if Fornite took place in San Francisco, I really dislike it.
It doesn't seem counter-culture, which is the one pillar of all Saints Row games. But this is only one trailer.
Plis if it is going in a new direction, it will be the 5th Saints Row game to go in a new direction!
It looks about as good as Destruction All Stars looked, which is to say it looks like it should be free to play, and even then worth about a half hour of playtime.
Four middle class teens from the suburbs that just graduated from high school and are now bored. What to do? Get a McJob? No way!
Then as they sit in a coffee shop with faces buried into their iPhones one of the four, Urkel, giggles and suggests they should start a gang. All four unanimously squeal with excitement at how really awesomely cool that would be. Thus a gang is born.
I've beaten Saints 2 and 3 and played a teeny bit of 4 and I'd like to see more before making a final decision on this reboot.
I predict a 68 metacritic, with a user score of 6.0 and mediocre sales.
I liked all of the saint row games except for gat out of hell. I think a reboot is the best direction to take the series. Johhy gat is not gonna cut it in today’s ( sensitive) culture
Looks like a decent time waster for the casual audience as a new generic IP.
Looks like total garbage as a saints row game. Wrong IP for this game.
I see this going down about as well as the Thief reboot.
@nessisonett That's why PS Now and Game Pass exist. So you don't have to make that kind of loose-lose decision.
New trailer hasn't blown me away to be honest - although trailers rarely do these days, but what I have seen looks a bit more in line with SR3, which was one of my favourite games from the XBox 360 era. Hopefully they recapture some of that spirit, although the goofy humour doesn't really do it for me these days.
Looks like a soggy wet turd of a free to play game.
As someone who owns all of the previous Saints Row games, I’m looking forward to the reboot.
The first 2 SR games were great and were much more grounded and then 3 and 4 decided to take it a bit further into the realms of ridiculousness (not knocking it, I loved the idea of having super powers in SR4), but I’ve seen a lot of hate already for this reboot because of the trailer for some reason saying it looks like they’re going “woke” (not sure a lot of people understand what woke actually means based on that)
@kingbreww That car was well ahead of it's time, I mean you even got to keep your partner or kids separate. Make it electric powered or hydro fusion and it would do well in 2030
@Jayofmaya I mean it’s no Canyonero but yes that’s a possibility haha 😉
@The-Sega-KiD this is true, gaming is currently in the throes of doing what Hollywood has done over the last several years - giving consumers what they think we want, or even more likely what they think we SHOULD be getting. Gaming is a diverse space, yes, but one thing I love about some franchises is the irreverence to convention and the anti-hero types. The hipster vibe and woke messaging in newer games is a turnoff for a lot of 30+ gamers, right or wrong. I’m not saying it’s bad to have more diverse characters and representations; that’s not an issue. But who wants to play a game in the Saints Row series as college hipsters? I am more and more drawn to retro gaming by the day as devs push symbolism over gameplay and story.
@kingbreww Now I just want to play Simpsons Hit N Run again even more. I stumbled upon some youtuber who made a big portion of the map and all things necessary (including kick physics and damage) for the first mission to run and it was really cool, even one of the developers commented on it saying how much fun the team had making the original.
I think it looks neat, I've played SR3 and 4 and I personally enjoy this series for the crazy stupidity and sandbox mayhem.
I'm not too concerned about the setting itself personally.
I would have been happier if they made Agents of Mayhem 2 and not this game whatever it is! Agents of Mayhem would have still been a day one buy. It wasn't great but a ok fun play by the time I finished it. I will wait on reviews and score the game gets before I even think about buying it. Bad thing is I feel they are going to be in the toilet because so many preformed opinions.
Saints row? More like saints NO hahahahahah : (
bring back septic avenger missions and I'll buy it half price.
I'll need to see more...really only ever played Saints Row 2, I liked it from what little I did play.
Highly doubt I'll be getting this day one, what with Horizon: Forbidden West releasing in the same month.
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