A whole 16 years after the original, Psychonauts 2 has finally arrived. Raz is back with another wild adventure that takes place directly after the events of the first game, and it seems like the long, long wait has been worth it. Reviews are now pouring in from various outlets across the internet and almost all of them have something good to say.
It's worth noting all the verdicts below cover the Xbox Series X|S and PC versions of the game. Right now, there is not a single PS4 review. That explains why we've had no luck whatsoever tracking down a review code. Our thoughts won't be posted on the site for some time, if ever. Let's see what everyone else thought of Psychonauts 2, however.
Pure Xbox - 10/10
It's honestly astounding how incredible Psychonauts 2 is. After 16 years, the expectations for the sequel were so high it felt as though they were impossible to meet. We don't know how they did it, but the wizards at Double Fine not only met them but smashed through them with ease. Psychonauts 2 is an extraordinary achievement in both its gameplay and storytelling, balancing heavy themes of mental health with its whimsical world. In lesser hands, it could have been a disaster, but the team has taken every aspect of the original game, built upon it and respected the fanbase in the process. Psychonauts 2 is the best game of 2021 so far and one of the greatest sequels ever made.
Eurogamer - Recommended
Psychonauts 2 is, once again, a universe of damaged teachers and teaching environments, a space for thinking through dark thoughts with varying degrees of earnestness and absurdity. Its worlds are works of matchless invention, its characters a joy to exist alongside. I might have missed it first time round, but I'm glad that games like this are still being made.
Game Informer - 9/10
I adored almost every second of Psychonauts 2. It achieves something I don’t often see in games – a continual sense of awe as each of its worlds unfold. It took 16 years to reach release, but Double Fine has delivered an incredible sequel. I hope we get a third installment that doesn’t take nearly as long to create.
Gamespot - 9/10
On the surface, Psychonauts 2 is an engaging, ambitious, honed-in take on colorful 3D platformers. However, the most rewarding aspect hasn't just been mastering its platforms or combat, but peeling back the layers to see what's beneath it; to take a closer look at its characters, the depth of their struggles, fears, and regrets, all of which serve as the game's foundation. It's an emotional, hilarious, and, at times, devastating story, but a story about forgiveness and second chances. It's an astonishing achievement in nearly every regard and the quintessential display of Double Fine's mastery in story, gameplay, and distinct direction, making it the studio's best game to date.
TheGamer - 9/10
Even in those moments of collectible cursing, I had an absolute blast playing Psychonauts 2. It’s rare that a long-awaited sequel does most things right, but this is one of those times and I’m confident in saying that Psychonauts 2 is Double Fine’s best game to date and an early contender for game of the year. Just don’t keep us waiting a decade for the next one.
IGN - 8/10
Psychonauts 2’s weird and wonderfully written story is full of interesting, nuanced characters that I instantly fell in love with. Most of its fresh ideas go a long way toward elevating the Psychonauts formula into the modern era, though its enticing new equippable pin system can be a little too stingy. Double Fine has also done a great job of expanding this universe toward both grander and more intimate threats without losing the joyous childhood adventure vibes of the original. It may bring a bit of that mid-2000s action-platformer clunkiness along with it, but Psychonauts 2 is still just about everything I could have hoped for from a sequel to one of my favorite games.
Video Games Chronicle - 8/10
It’s always a risk creating a sequel to a cult classic so long after the original, but in Psychonauts 2, Double Fine haven’t only made a game that respects the original and takes it’s characters to new heights, they’ve set themselves, and new owners Microsoft, up with a platforming franchise that can thrive for years to come.
Are these reviews enough to convince you to buy Double Fine's latest adventure? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 101
Can’t wait to play it.
Loved the first. Diving in day one on my Series X. Can’t wait!!!
A sequel to a game that I never thought would happen. I recently got a PC so I might get it on that.
With regards to a Push Square review, we've basically been stonewalled by Double Fine and haven't been able to get PlayStation code at all. (Or even a response out of the developer, to be honest.)
It's our policy to only review PlayStation code. If there's enough interest we might buy a copy at launch, but realistically we're veering towards not covering this one unfortunately.
Just wanted to make you guys aware!
Cant wait to play it, but not day 1. Too much in my backlog, and not paying 50 quid to line microsoft pockets for a digital only release
Ghost of Tsushima > Psychonauts 2 > Tales of Arise
That is the plan! Perfect alternate tag team game with Tales for me.
I need to play the first one first, soooo... some day
Oh man this looks so fun I can't wait
I suspect MS want the general public to believe it's a Xbox game really, so the online review narrative will be all sourced from Xbox review codes only.
@Voltan The first game was/is really cheap, so if you have an xbox or just an xbox account, go grab it while you can.
Edit: it still is £0.91 for 1 more day.
Good to hear! I was a little worried about this game but it seems like the team managed to deliver.
As a PS5 user, I'm glad I pulled the trigger and got a Series S as a GamePass machine for this kind of game.
(Specially since there's no release date for a PS5 version, only PS4)
I really need to play the first game. Only saw some videos on it and that's about it.
Nobody should buy this game on PS.
@The_New_Butler Sadly they've just proven almost impossible to contact.
As Liam mentioned in the article, there are zero PS4 reviews so I guess they just don't want that version to get any coverage at all.
Very very excited to play this now. Hopefully it runs alright on my laptop!
Didnt play the first but this looks right up my alley. I’ll fire it up on the Series X tomorrow and hope I can figure out what’s going on. Reviews are very good, looking forward to it.
Really looking forward to playing it but I'm not paying £50 for a digital only game (or any game digital for that matter) I'm happy to wait, with it being on Gamepass it will at least get more people playing it.
@Fenbops is the first game on there? Well worth playing
@talocaca yep same here this is exactly why I bought a series s, tbh I'm not playing much of it so far, played a bit of halo and gears not really enjoyed them. Only really liked Forza and ori. I did buy deaths door and really enjoy it so far. But for these types of games gamepass is great, and when I play the Xbox the rumble is crap after experiencing the dualsense controller everything feels flat lol. Hopefully will get more use out of the Xbox in the next few months, I only put it on daily to do the Xbox rewards, nearly got a free month of gamepass already after about 3 weeks lol
@Richnj I'll get it on PlayStation. I heard that the PS4 version is not the best way to play it but I don't have an Xbox and I refuse to use any of my PCs for games
It's probably still fine
@get2sammyb I’d personally love a review for the PushSquare team. I want to see the PS crowd review it to see if there’s a variance from Xbox based sources, honestly.
Anti-professional move to neglect playstation for review codes..i hope they get their money form gamepass cause they won't do very good with playstation ecosystem aka money printing machine.
@Kopite it is. I just have no willingness to go back and play an original Xbox game to be honest, most haven’t aged well. I know that I might be missing out but ah well.
This looks great. I wish we could get a remaster of the original. The PS2 version on PS4 is rough stuff.
@Col_McCafferty And why should nobody buy this game on PS? Unless of course you mean people who can play this on Game Pass at no extra cost on which ever device supports it then yeah I’d agree.
The 1st one is a classic.
May well get the PS4 edition.
@Fenbops A few of us played Psychonauts last month and while it has aged in a few places, it’s really really great and for the most part has aged quite well.
Looks good, I still have 2 month of pc gamepass so I'll download it right now.
Definitely excited to jump back into this series. Loved the original and even the VR game Rhombus of Ruin (very underrated gem turning the series into a point and click adventure game)
@Agramonte some great gaming ahead !
@Col_McCafferty ....why not ? 🤔
@get2sammyb Could be PR, make the buzz all about Xbox to get the effects of time limited exclusivity when it's really day and date just by keeping the review code exclusive. Or the PS version is a rough at launch and they weren't ready for reviews. Definitely a weird situation. MS isn't even publishing this one though, so that just adds to the mystery.
@get2sammyb after reading your response I will sadly not be supporting this game. It is a multiplatform game and how Microsoft has tried to make people believe it isn't is shameful. I hope this game can survive on gamepass.
No PlayStation reviews? Yeah can't say I'm surprised but MS trying to pull the wool over people's eyes.
@Daleaf make sure you check Sunset Overdrive! It's THE one Xbox game I always wanted to play.
I got 3 years of GamePass for $80 (around $2.20 a month). There is no way in hell that business model is sustainable 😅
@Col_McCafferty completely agree, everyone should buy an xbox and enjoy it for free on gamepass. Well said 👍
@talocaca yea I have that in my play next list so will give it a go after I finish ghost dlc.
Yea it's no way a sustainable way especially since after 3 weeks I have pretty much got a free month just by doing daily tasks for the rewards. And I got 1 month for a £1 and 3 months free when I got my series s so basically will have gotten 5 months for a pound and don't see myself having to buy a pass with the rewards points lol.
@Deljo hmm, then it's not free is it?
Don't buy any game that is released day one on Game Pass but you have to buy on PS. It's idiotic.
@Royalblues How do i know what the game is like with no reviews in combination with no physical release its a easy pass for me.
@KingPev See ABOVE reply. Have some self-respect Sony fans, don't help subsidise GP.
Same goes for any game that released day one on GP but Sony gamers are expected to pay actual money for.
Imagine depriving yourself of a good game over console war BS
@Col_McCafferty I'm agreeing with you bud, gamepass is great
No Ps4 version? Why even play last gen consoles anyway. Ps5 or nothing
@Deljo Only if you have a PC or Xbox. If you don't then it's anti-consumer and you can't help but hope it fails.
MS are a scummy company my friend
[Reads comment section]
I think I just found Jimmy Buffett's lost shaker of salt.
@talocaca There will be no ps5 version, Psychonauts 2, as well as Hellblade and strangely, Minecraft Dungeons, are 9th Gen Xbox exclusives
Got it ready on my Series S because its on Gamepass, very much looking forward to playing it.
@Col_McCafferty you've got it all wrong GP is the best thing since sliced bread and Sony is the devil incarnate.
Those without an Xbox should consider playing on pc. Join GamePass for a $1 and you can easily finish the game and not renew. Minimum requirements are pretty low.
I hope this situation isn’t mirroring the original game. If I recall, wasn’t the original much better on Xbox than Playstation 2, to the point where it’s a disservice to play the PS2 version? The original is a game I know I’d enjoy but I’ve always avoided it as I don’t want to play the PS2 version and I’ll never own an Xbox.
Maybe the PS4 version has issues too.
@NEStalgia Wrong, Microsoft bought publishing rights from Starbreeze in 2018 for 13.2 millions (after buying DoubleFine Productions and before the announcement), the publisher needed money, going toward bankruptcy, and so they could no longer postpone the game and launched it in 2019 with all the boss battles cut from the game, with the acquisition DoubleFine asked for time and money to reintroduce cut content and polishing.
So, yes, Xbox Game Studios is the publisher.
Edit: Is was in 2019, I just got confusing while typing.
@zebric21 @Col_McCafferty But Sony some times pays third-party publishers to do PS reviews codes only, Sony some times also pays for Next-Gen exclusivity on third-party games, it is something rare that can only happen once every ~8 years, but an easy example is Injustice.
How can you say it is anti-professional/anti-consumer when it happens to your platform and ignore when it happens to the rival platform?
@Col_McCafferty So if someone hasn’t got a PC or Xbox, MS are a scummy anti-consumer company? I currently don’t have a PlayStation so would I be right in saying Sony are a scummy anti-consumer company because I can’t play their games on anything other than a PS?
Your just a salty Sony fanboy who hates the fact that a MS first party studio has created a really well made game. Be grateful you even have the choice to play it on your precious PS.
@MaikonCSGarcia because of fanboyism
@GravyThief The problem with the original is that it would be an Xbox exclusive, in the end due to development problems Microsoft gave up and DoubleFine had to find another publisher, the game was developed with Xbox hardware in mind, thought of as an exclusive, optimized as an exclusive, with the new publisher had to release on PS2, but they only did so after months and not very well optimized.
@Sakisa don't have to imagine it sadly, some ps fanboys in here making up the weirdest reasons not to play this game. Not my loss though. The whole review code thing is odd though, an other comment says the first psychonauts underperformed on the ps opposed to xbox so could see that happening again sadly.
@MaccaMUFC ha, grateful?!
No mate, we're being asked to subsidise it's release on GP. No PS gamer should fall into this trap.
Also, don't like reading pro-Sony comments then you know what to do and where to go.
@MaikonCSGarcia Not talking about codes here more the fact that PS gamers are having to buy this game whilst it's released day one on GP. Don't care about the reviews or the game itself (not my bag), just a matter of principle.
I'd be saying the same if it was the next Elder Scrolls for example.
@Col_McCafferty Boy it must really suck to know that every time you buy a Sony exclusive game, you are also funding Microsoft via Sony being able to pay for it's Azure subscription!
NOTE: Kind of a joke...but it is true. So much hate towards Microsoft, yet Sony does have an active contract with Microsoft. So even buying Sony products funds Microsoft in some way, shape, or form and that...yep...funds Game Pass in some way!
The comment section on articles here read more and more like an advertisment for gamepass.
It's just a copy and paste "I'll be playing [insert game] day one on game pass on my series X"
Why people call out Sony "fanboyism" on a playstation centric site does give me a laugh though.
@GamingFan4Lyf you're really stretching there mate lol.
@MaikonCSGarcia this isn't about sony..it's about a new game that we need to know if it's decent in our platform of choice..remember the cyberpunk fiasko? do they expect to sell? or they don't care?
@Col_McCafferty I know, but it's crazy how intertwined everything is on the business side of things. I mean, developers line Sony's pockets with doing recordings in Sony studios as well as hardware manufacturing through smaller hardware bits and bobs.
The whole "us vs. them" mentality is just ridiculous.
@zebric21 They dont, it may get PS4 reviews later (even free codes), but just after release, that not something new, as I said Sony does it all the time, the reviews for Xbox come eventually, not as many as in the PS4/5 (after all most sites want to make reviews before launch).
My point is not about company A or B, it is about your behavior, for you so far it was perfectly normal that company A pay company B not to make company code available for company C platforms, but you were offended when company C did the same with company A
@Col_McCafferty...I'd say people play it on whatever system suits them perhaps ? I'll be playing it on GamePass, like people have the choice to have more than one console and not be rabid fanboys
@MaikonCSGarcia Ahh, I hadn't seen that. I stand corrected.
My guess is still that they're either keeping the pre-release buzz on MS to get the marketing effect of "timed exclusive" without actually making it exclusive, or the PS4 version has issues going into release they don't want showing up in reviews.
It's definitely a curious situation. It doesn't seem too likely MS is playing anti-PS games considering everything else they've been publishing multiplat has been pretty no-nonsense. It reminds me of Cyberpunk though, with no review codes going out for PS4/X1 to hide the fact it was a broken mess when the first reviews went out.
This isn't coming out on playstation so I heard...
@The_New_Butler It might be what Microsoft and good old Gamer Phil have been saying, but it won't be what they do. The Bethesda purchase has two goals - 1) fill the void on Xbox where there should be great exclusives and 2) ensure that in order to play these you need to join their ecosystem, because they won't be available elsewhere.
It's solid business sense, but at the same time nobody appears to be calling out Phil Spencer for his smoke and mirrors s**thousery. Let's be clear - he is pro Xbox first and pro-gamer second.
@The_New_Butler Absolutely agree - I have no real issue with it other than, as you say, the churlish nature of this particular rollout.
Again, Phil Spencer's following solid business practice here in order to grow the brand he runs - it's just interesting that when Man In Standard Shirt Jim Ryan does similar he's immediately jumped on. I guess he needs to start wearing Parappa t-shirts or something.
@NEStalgia Sorry, yes I do agree with u on that, but they r definitely changing attitude towards Playstation, no Psychonauts 2/ Hellblade/ Minecraft Dungeons on PS5.
Thinking now, even Zenimax is not releasing that the new AAA games on PS5 (Redfall, Starfield), Quake is just a legacy IP being remastered, probably in development before the acquisition, the same can be said about Skyrim, Bethesda did say in 2020 that they would make Next-Gen update for their games Skyrim AE is basically this + a Bundle with paid mods and I can see they doing the same for Fallout 4 soon.
Never saw the appeal to the first game and I don't see much appeal to this one either. I'll be buying Aliens and the Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut on PS5 as I never played it on PS4 plus it's more value for money too.
I'll check this out at a later date when it's on Sale, not worth €60 IMHO.
I played the original on the Xbox years ago and thought it was quite good, not as great as it was described to me at the time. I haven't exactly been holding for the sequel. I do still enjoy a 3D platformer though and its not a common genre these days, so will look it up in more detail.
@Col_McCafferty “ we're being asked to subsidise it's release on GP”
You seem upset MS is doing this. What were you expecting them to do? I mean, if you don’t want GAmepass, that’s understandable, I guess, but it’s kind of weird to complain that they would expect you to pay for something when you aren’t subscribed to the service. We’re you hoping they gave it to all PS owners for free?
My memory of the original is not so good. But the sequel sure looks good.
I think a lot of ppl have forgotten it's all about the games not on which console you play em as long as you enjoy em why Care what system? Such school yard behaviour ,my dads bigger than your dad bs
@Col_McCafferty Maybe you should be complaining that Sony won't allow Gamepass on PS because MS have pretty much said Gamepass is welcome to anywhere what wants it. End of the day MS created a great service with great value and Psychonauts is now a MS owned series so why shouldn't they put a game they own on its service? Its not MS's fault that Sony are lagging behind with PS Now and not wanting to compete in that area of gaming.
@get2sammyb I doubt this is a devs decision, but I wasn't expecting Xbox to do this! It's sad if we don't get the definitive review from PushSquare.
Also, the game is on Gamepass but with all the praise it has been getting I went ahead and actually bought it for PS5!! to support the devs. Now I feel like Xbox didn't deserve my money if they are being like this....
@AFCC But, at least it is a first-party title, Sony pays third-party games to have pre-release reviews codes as PS4/5 exclusives, it is not new, u r just shocked cause this time PS4/5 is the one harmed, not Xbox...
@MaikonCSGarcia I never saw any Xbox site not reviewing a game day one because of not having a code! At least as far as I can remember...
@GravyThief for what it’s worth, the first game is available for PS4. Digital only release, there was a limited run release, but, well, Limited Run. Not sure how much that would cost these days on eBay.
I do share your fears and would hold up until some PS4 sites get copies post launch and review the game on PS4, and see if it runs well. As much as I fear that, the game also runs on VCR Xbox, and that machine is terrible, can’t see it performing worse on either PS4 than on the launch XBox.
Just to update you all, we got PS4 code now and will be reviewing the game later in the week! 👍
@mrtennis1990 'shameful' strong words. You honestly think Microsoft doesn't want money back from porting to the PS4? I think it probably has more to do with it being far easier to get codes out for Microsoft for their own platforms than getting the PS4 codes out. Either that or they want the reviews to reflect the best version so they send out the best versions - which they all do.
@AFCC They usually give the same notes from other platforms (kinda bad, cause a game can be good on PS4, but bad on Xbox), like for exemple there is a French website that did the review of PC but they still on Metacritic for Xbox, Playstation and PC.
Microsoft's acquisition of DoubleFine was the biggest blow to me personally, of any studio they have bought so far (including Bethesda).
DoubleFine puts out nothing but pure quality and I really dig their zany, Tim Burton-esque style.
As I understand it, DoubleFine needed money and Microsoft was the only one willing to step up and save them from bankruptcy, so on one hand I am glad Microsoft wrote a check. Sony was asleep at the wheel on that one, big time. Glad Tim Schafer can still make games, losing them would have been a hit to the industry as a whole.
Bummed there is no physical release (on any platform), being a collector and all, but they've said a physical release is not off the table.
I am considering buying a Series S and jumping on the Gamepass train for this game... only thing holding me up from doing that is I'm really bought into the Sony ecosystem and don't want to split my time up between multiple consoles. For example, I'm an avid trophy hunter with 300+ PS games in my backlog at this point, so I'm very hesitant to "start over", so to speak.
Sony is devious and they know what they are doing - they've got me hook, line, and sinker lol.
Someday I'll get tired of the endless trophy grind and buy another system... just probably not today. But I am thoroughly tempted - Series S consoles are available right off store shelves in my area finally and $300 isn't too bad at all.
If it were a third-party game, I'd agree with you. But Microsoft bankrolled and published this game; by rights, they SHOULD get a portion of the money from sales of PS copies sold. They in turn can use that money however they wish, including by propping up gamepass if that's their desire.
It's "subsidizing" gamepass, I agree, but that is Microsoft's right and what is due to them considering they made the game possible by funding it.
Only realistic alternative is for it to be a MS exclusive, and I don't want that. Very grateful its even on Sony's system.
@UnlimitedSevens Do what i'm doing and that is my PS5 is the "main" console and Series S is the MS 1st party/Gamepass/360 machine. Psychonauts 2 will also play better on Series S due to it having enhancements that the PS4 version lacks.
@talocaca remember, that conversion is a one time per person thing. And they are closing it off soon from some reports.
@get2sammyb Happy news, looking forward to the team's review!
@Fenbops they'll be YouTube videos that'll get you up to speed I imagine
Well it's fanboy conspiracy bingo over and done with, come on who blamed the big bad Evil corporation for not having the code
Where have all the the posts saying one of the following gone ?
Microsoft have done it on purpose/ you won't get one till after release date / Microsoft don't care about playstation/ they done it to make it look like a Xbox exclusive
A lot of people here know what Thier talking about lmfao
there is a playstation version?
@spakai There's a PS4 version but not a native PS5 one
Glad you got a code, but can I say it's a bit odd you wouldn't do a review if you don't get the game for free? Surely PushSquare can foot the $60 (or the GBP equivalent) to put a review out for a big release. That's content that will attract traffic to the site, should pay for itself right?
@MaikonCSGarcia that’s interesting, thanks! I knew there was a reason for it, I just couldn’t recall the details.
@Tharsman do you know how that digital release of the original on PS4 plays? Is it just the PS2 version or did they specifically port it? If it plays better than the PS2 version then it might be worth a punt, I do really like the look of the game.
@get2sammyb You wrote about the review code a day later in the 86th post, can't you ask Liam to update the article?
I signed up for the 3m $1 GP on PC in part to play this and Bug Fables. Bug Fables got boring after awhile, hopefully this turns out better. I will be using my red PS5 controller on PC, no Xbox.
@MaikonCSGarcia if the game is the same I guess I have no problem with that! Unless it has some serious issues.
For instance, we know that on Xbox Psychonauts is 4k, and on PS5 it's 1440p, but I saw somd videos and there is barely any difference even considering last gen consoles so I payed for the game. For me the reviews for multiplat games are the same for each platform, I just like Push reviewers better
@GravyThief It's just the PS2 version on PS4, no remastering or etc.
@MaikonCSGarcia Because they're intentionally making a worse version that we'll have to pay full price for.
They're not victims. This was done out of spite.
@guestwork Not a worse version it has the same features as the Xbox One, it just dont have a Next-Gen version, as it was never part of the Fig campaign, and the campaign is the only reason that the game was released on PS4.
Or do u think that Microsoft would give u a Next-Gen version for free when Sony dont like doing it.
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