The PlayStation 4 version of Psychonauts 2 is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Despite being perfectly playable on Sony's last-gen system, it's almost as if the world doesn't know this particular version exists as marketing is pumped into the Xbox Series X|S and PC versions of the game. That's completely understandable given Microsoft now owns Double Fine, and it's hardly a surprise time wasn't set aside to produce a native PS5 version either. We all know the game looks and plays better elsewhere, but if what's available on PS4 is your only option, I implore you to take it.
We've still got a member of the team penning a full Push Square review, but in the meantime, I wanted to share my own first impressions. I took the original Psychonauts game for a spin a few months back and fell off quite quickly. While I enjoyed the story and characters, the gameplay was just too archaic for my tastes. 16 years later, however, and this sequel already provides some of the most fun I've had with a videogame all year. That's after just three hours of play.
What has really struck me so far is the sheer amount of creativity on show. From innovative approaches to 2D platforming sections through to how the powers are handled in the early game, I'm in a constant sense of awe and wonder as Psychonauts 2 introduces new mechanics and features to me. It really does deliver on its promises, constantly keeping you guessing about what's around the corner. The core gameplay is super solid too, with precise platforming a joy to partake in and serviceable combat that is spruced up by the abilities of the mind.

However, it's the characters that are the real stars of the show. Raz already feels like my best friend, bumbling his way through The Motherlobe in an attempt to rid himself of his new position as an intern. The scene where he's robbed of his clothes is a real highlight, and so too are the ones where Lili just loves giving the protagonist a quick punch. It's all so delightful and charismatic; I can already tell I'm going to have a wonderful time with these new faces.
You don't even really need to have played the first game to understand what's going on. Yes, it is a direct sequel and playing PSVR game Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin would help with the second game's setup too, but I feel like I have a fairly decent grasp of what's going on. A handy cutscene plays at the very start to get you caught up, and it helped me a ton.

So, I get it. Psychonauts 2 may not look or run at its best on PS4, but I really don't think you should let that stop you from checking the game out if it caught your interest pre-release. The game has absolutely lived up to the praise from other critics so far, and I can't wait to play much more this weekend. Think of this as a PSA: the PS4 version may not be the best, but you really are missing out on a wonderful title if you choose to skip Psychonauts 2 because of that reason alone. Double Fine has something special on its hands here and you owe it to yourself to experience it.
Have you been playing the PS4 version of Psychonauts 2? What are your first impressions? Share them in the comments below.
Comments 82
I've never been a Double Fine fan, and even I've been having a lot of fun with this one. Everything about it just clicks and compliments each other so well. I can only imagine what they could have pulled off with the Dualsense features.
It’s a fantastic game. Don’t let bias keep you from playing it!
It's superb really! Great fun, didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I do to be honest. Highly recommended.
I had a similar experience with the first Psychonauts where after a few hours, I had had my fill and moved on. For some reason though I came back to it a few years later, picked up where I left off and enjoyed finishing it. The VR game was good fun too, if a bit slight.
Psychonauts 2 appears to be headed to my wishlist based on all the positive reactions. Of all the studious to fall into the ravenous maw of big green, Double Fine stung the most for me. Might as well make the most of this last fling.
The game is awesome and the difference between PS5 version (PS4 but 60fps) and the Series X version is BARELY noticeable, I have both and I tested it!
Just play the game, you will have a smile on your face the whole time!
Whoops. It passed me by.
Huge fan of the the original some years back. I will be getting the sequel on PC.
I’ll probably play on PC in the coming weeks. I played the first really recently so I’m not quite ready to jump on the sequel yet.
I have an Xbox One and I will be buying this for my PS5 to play the PS4 version. Honestly, I am not a fan of Xbox game pass for this simple reason. Sometimes games sit in my digital library for years before I get around to play them, and games rotate in and out of game pass which would put too much pressure for me to play right now and not whenever I feel like it. Although 1st party games probably don't rotate out like 3rd party games.
@Dman10 First party games like this will not leave GamePass. So no pressure to play it quickly.
Really liked the style of Broken Age so I'll likely get this when its discounted. I'm sure doublefine aren't hurting without my full price purchase based on the critical reception.
This game look like a late ps2 or early ps3 game I’m good.
@4kgk2 I agree, screenshots do look pretty poor but in action the game is gorgeous, and it's also one of the most fun games I've played in a long time
Huge fan of the original since it released in 2005 and after finishing this one I can say it is EASILY GOTY so far.
I had the 1st one way back when because I am old.
Old enough to know better.
This new one sounds like it's well worth getting....which I will.
Just waiting for someone to say they're getting it gamepass !
@4kgk2 If that’s your only take away to not play one the best games of the year, your loss.
@awp69 Hear hear.
I'll wait for it to come to PS+ 🤪
Yeah, this is why of all of Microsoft's acquisitions (so far), double fine probably hurt the most. Very underrated studio with a bright future
For those buying now, a £50 PSN card is £43.85 at Shopto.net
The original game holds such a dear place in my heart so definitely getting the sequel. But perhaps in a sale as I can't bring myself to pay £50 for a digital game. I know they've heard people asking for physical to come. Hope it's the case!
There is no way this game is worth $60!! Looks like a $40 game. The first one was horrible but all the praise on this one interests me especially hearing people say that they also didn’t enjoy the first. It’s going to have to go on a pretty good sale for me to take a chance on it.
@awp69 in all fairness the screenshots really do look hideous. Seems like it's getting a lot of praise so might still give it a try (no loss for trying it on game pass) but my first impression was similar to @4kgk2.
I just play it on gamepass pc, the game is good, real good. I think I like the gameplay and story more than ratchet ps5, the graphics are way better on ratchet ps5 though.
I think it's a mistake microsoft cripple ps5 version of the game, more ps5 gamers should play this game but I won't recommend ps5 version because of it.
Excellent game and the PS4 version on PS5 barely looks any different than the Series X. Still looks and plays great. Dialog is just as funny as the original was 16 years ago too.
Never cared for the original, so I'll likely pass on it for the time being. The hideous character designs don't help, either.
@wiiware There is no ps5 version.
Completed the game last night and currently trying to mop up the last collectibles but the game was frankly wonderful with a superb story, lovable characters and a seemingly unending slew of surprises and creativity. Just when I’d cemented one level as my favourite something else would come along and leave me grinnning and chuckling not to mention thinking that for a last gen game it didn’t ‘are look utterly gorgeous with some beautifully crafted levels and a Laika-esque quality to the look of the world and characters. Packed full of cool ideas and levels that consistently add more twists to a simple premise the story builds with emotion, genuine shock, twists and a satisfying payoff that left me more impressed than Rift Apart. After Returnal it’s easily my second favourite game of the year and one that I can’t recommend enough so I’ll just say buy it and bloody well play it, okay?
I am having a blast with it.
The levels are so creative! The amount of imagination at play here is fantastic... and controls are spot on.
Also the perfect game to play between Iki Island and Arise.
"Just when I’d cemented one level as my favourite something else would come along and leave me grinnning and chuckling"
Yeah, same here.
@nessisonett This was the game the got me to get onto Gamepass on PC. $1 trial sub to play Psychonauts whenever:)
@uptownsoul It’s a banner title for Gamepass and MS, doubt it will ever get onto PS+. $1 trial Gamepass if you have a PC that can run it.
I’ll play it when I feel like it and I have a feeling that will be fairly soon.
@4kgk2 honestly, these days I don't get why people still whine about graphics. As long as a game is fun, I'll play it.
My original comment was "gameplay > graphics" but it was too boring
So you’re telling us to support a company that’s holding back quality and features from one specific audience?
@BamBamBaklava89 Supporting the developer doesn’t come into it. the dye has already been cast as far as double fine is concerned and the fate of future games regarding PlayStation is sealed.
The only question left is is what they’re offering us worth it?
@BamBamBaklava89 Sure sounds like it. Imagine the backlash if Sony only released MLB The Show this year on X1 and not Series X. It’s amazing how much crap gaming media allows Microsoft to get away with (including dedicated PS sites!) but not the other way around.
People realize Double Fine probably don't even have a PS5 dev kit right?
Game is great. Can't stop playing it. Took off two days and played the game mostly. Oozes with style and is generally hilarious. Visual design is near perfect. Platforming and combat our fun. Story is easy to follow and wacky. Can't get enough of the emotional baggage.
@Bleachedsmiles Yes, there's only ps4 version that has 60 fps rather than full ps5 version. That's why I can't recommend it for $60, $70 ratchet ps5 is way better deal for ps5 owners.
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Sorry , gonna have to pass this up .
While I'm not a fan of this being a full 60 dollar release this game is fantastic so far and you can't go wrong with any version.
Played about 5 hours so far. The art style isn’t my favorite but that’s my only complaint. It controls really well, the characters and story have been great so far and the powers you get are fun. It feels like what would happen if Comedy Central made a R&C game to me.
I actually want to get this and play it on my PS5 once I'm finished with Judgment.
wanna get it, will wait for a sale
Looks great i just wont buy digital only titles maybe at €10.
Double Fine games have been the only games I've bought digitally, to support them to hopefully get a Psychonauts sequel. That said I do find it a kick in the teeth after that to not get the best version released for both Xbox and Playstation.
If you want to talk about settling for an inferior version, I would have been happy to have the game without the Microsoft funded extra bosses etc. As long as everyone was able to enjoy it equally.
But they sold out, and you can bet a third full game won't be available on PlayStation in the future.
With that in mind I sure as hell won't pay £50 for a digital copy.
The disparity of quality between Series X and PS5 running the PS4 version isn't even as bad as the disparity between the Xbox and PS2 version of the original.
@uptownsoul Yeah, I can fully recommend the game if at least it's the same version as xbox series x, but I heard ps5 version is even worse than series s (because it's only ps4 version with 60 fps support).
Nah, I don't buy games where the developer will never make anything for me again.
But you're welcome from all the PlayStation fans that supported the game on Kickstarter and helped make the game a thing at all.
Meanwhile, all of Microsoft's money and Halo Infinite is still garbage. Don't even pretend that it somehow helped Psychonauts.
But plenty of game pass users will let it "pass" by as usual.
It's baffling that there are some people here refusing to play the game because it doesn't have a PS5 version, or because Double Fine are now owned by Microsoft.
I'm a fan of video games. I love gaming. I have and always will enjoy playing a good game.
Seems some people are a bigger fan of Sony the company itself than they are their actual hobby....
@pip_muzz Couldn't have said it better myself. I like my PS5 and XBSX but above all else I love great games, regardless of platform.
@uptownsoul Why not? We’re lucky to have it on Playstation at all. Shouldn’t you be supporting it Day 1 full price is so? If you wanna “stick it to Microsoft” get a $1 trial then cancel it.
@pip_muzz Welcome to the “console wars”. Complete and utter nonsense where people want to believe they made the best choice so they try and degrade anyone who has a different opinion.
@pip_muzz to me, it’s baffling people are defending a company who released an inferior product to one specific audience.
@BamBamBaklava89 It's nothing to do with company defending.
If PlayStation is your console of choice, then you're getting a lesser version. That's clear. However to not play a great game simply because it's a "lesser" version, that's the baffling part.
I have played many a shoddy port in my gaming years simply because that was the only version of the game I had access to at the time. And guess what.... I enjoyed it still!
Bottom line. PS4 has a fantastic new game released on the console and people are refusing to play it for the most roundabout of reasons. Like I said. I like games first and foremost. Seems not everyone feels the same.
Edit: it's also not one specific audience. People who only own a Xbox One (there must be some of those people still right?!) are also getting the exact same version as PS4 owners.
@andrewsqual I'll take Tim Schafer's word on cut content getting added back in and getting access to a clinical psychologist for consulting on the writing coming from Microsoft money over fanboys salty over a game they can still play a great running and looking version of anyway.
I can't speak for everyone else, but I would have bought a Series X if it had enough games that interested me, at the moment one game does not justify that.
It IS a hobby and not everyone has the money to buy every console, even if there wasn't a global shortage.
Some people who are console biased for whatever reason are calling this a 1st party game, it's not, it was conceived and initially financed by gamers who represent both console options and PC.
Doublefine was scooped up while it was late in development.
It's unfair that an equal experience isn't being offered to all interested gamers and also that it's being tied to digital only to try and sell gamepass.
People complaining is how companies know how share prices will react, if enough feel strongly about something then they can choose to amend their original plans, and sometimes that benefits everyone.
I would’ve bought Psychonauts 2 day one on PS4 if there was a physical release but there wasn’t one which is kind of weird for a full priced game.
I'll buy it at a later date it's just not on my must have list of games right now.
I never saw what some folks see in Double Fine but maybe when I get a Series X I'll give it a try. But I've yet to play a Double Fine game that clicked with me.
@feral1975 The game was never announced for either PS5 or Series X until after Microsoft purchased the company.
Consider this, it would be equally ludicrous for Insomniac Games to release a special edition of Sunset Overdrive for the PS5 (since they're now a Sony company) and then Xbox fans whine they're not getting the Sony produced new version on Series X.
The Series X version is something Microsoft have very clearly pumped money into to promote the Series X. But the existence of that "next gen" version doesn't detract from the version for PS4 and Xbox One. Everyone here seems to forget that the PS4 version is identical to Xbox One, are Microsoft also abusing their own Xbox One users with the Series X version?!
As for not being able to afford all three consoles, what are you complaining about?!?! The game has been released on a Sony platform?! It's like it should be a PS exclusive or nothing else matters with some people.
The concept was sold on consoles that were available at the time, if they were aware of new consoles they would have had NDAs to not discuss them. Games are announced on older consoles all the time but get copies for old and new platforms on release.
If it was upgraded to Xbox Series X it should have been upgraded for PS5. The Xbox One owners are in the same boat as the PlayStation owners, if they want the best experience their only limited choice is to buy the Xbox Series version.
If a console manufacturer believes in their platform enough it shouldn't matter, they'll still get money.
It's a different matter for in-house studios that have been created from the ground up, while I think it's still unfair for the consumer at least they've put the effort and money in from the start.
The same also applies for any Insomniac games, or any other previously independent studios as I loath the idea of any console manufacturer buying developers up and keeping them for themselves.
@uptownsoul I must be missing something... what exactly is the issue with the Playstation release? I mean we're lucky in the sense that it's available on Playstation at all i.e., it's an XBox Studios game. Could have been made exclusive.
@andrewsqual So petty. Do you have issue when Sony buys studios up? Sunset Overdrive will never get a sequel now on Xbox because of Sony. Really though if you actually gave a damn about the game fully you wouldn't stop this from letting you get a pretty great game.
Either way you play this game it's bloody well good , and for those who won't buy it cause it's a Microsoft company , you really need to realise company's exist to make money and that will never change and stop cutting your nose off to spite your face you really are missing out by not playing this game
All those fanboys who want to put down this game because it somehow takes away from Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart (spoiler alert: it doesn't) should take an L now.
@uptownsoul I gotcha. I don't understand the point — personally I don't buy more consoles to play less games — but I get were you're coming from.
Playing on a 75” TV via a XSX and it looks great, not grainy, and sharp. I also own a PS5 and suspect that it looks good on that as well.
When it's on sale for about a tenner, then I might be tempted.
What a shame that MS are treating Sony fans like mugs and even bigger shame that some are happy with this!
Inferior version that costs more but apparently we should consider ourselves 'lucky' to be getting the game at all?
That's some ***** up thinking.
@andrewsqual what a terrible attitude. Consumers shouldn't care about console wars, leave that to the marketers. We should only care about the games, and despite not owning any Xbox system, I have no ill will toward Microsoft. I will probably end buying one eventually due to Bethesda and Obsidian being owned by them now.
@uptownsoul That makes sense. I don’t have a PS5, but from the outside it seems like the whole library is PS4 games one way (backwards compatibility) or the other (PS5 version is PS4 with similar performance boost to BC plus DualSense support).
lol @ all the people on here complaining. Best thing is to own both consoles. I can easily play this on my Xbox Series X and also have a PS5 for Sony titles.
Really surprised this one is not getting a physical release, even on Xbox.
@Dman10 this is exactly the reason that I don't like gamepass. You can have too much of a good thing. I prefer to buy a game that I intend to play to completion in my time.
I was interested in this when I seen the reviews but after seeing them not offering a ps5 version.... sorry no buy.
I’ve been playing this since release on Gamepass. Could be my GOTY so far it’s that good. It’s just pure platforming heaven, the type we very rarely get anymore.
@Saucymonk lol you can buy the game on Xbox without GamePass. And if you have GamePass, this game stays permanently in the library due to it being first party game.
@uptownsoul Makes sense. I hope Psychonauts 2 is the only game that might lose you.
@kingv84 lol lol lol
Any game breaking bugs that will never be patched? I mean, it's doublefine. I may try this on gamepass but I am never buying a doublefine game ever since that The Cave scam.
@uptownsoul Microsoft wont release it through PS+ they r slowly removing every Bethesda Game from PSNow and the same will happen with the games on PS Collection, as soon as the contract expires
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