Update: Following the claims made by insiders over the past 24 hours, EA DICE has confirmed Battlefield 2042 will be delayed. The game now releases on 19th November 2021, and an update on the open beta will arrive later this month.
Taking to Twitter, the development team said: "Building the next generation of Battlefield during a global pandemic has created unforeseen challenges for our development teams. Given the scale and scope of the game, we had hoped our teams would be back in our studios together as we move towards launch. With the ongoing conditions not allowing that to happen safely, and with all the hard work the teams are doing from home, we feel it is important to take the extra time to deliver on the vision of Battlefield 2042 for our players."
Original story: Battlefield 2042 may be subject to a short delay that will be confirmed at some point this week if the very latest round of rumours is to be believed. Chatty gaming insider Jeff Grubb last night tweeted: "Welcome to delay season. More delays coming this week." This is off the back of Techland's decision to push Dying Light 2 back to February 2022, and now more delays are said to be expected for other titles in the coming days.
Since Grubb's claim, those supposedly in the know have come out to clarify he means Battlefield 2042, which is currently scheduled to release for PlayStation 5 and PS4 on 22nd October 2021, or a week earlier if you cough up the cash for the more expensive version. However, the delay in question may not push the FPS back a dramatically long time. According to Tom Henderson of Dualshockers, who has been proven to have some inside information in the past, says the title should still make it out this year. Late November is the current suggestion.
He goes on to clarify: "It also seems like all of this is an unfolding thing right now internally - But we will definitely hear what's up by the end of the week. Dates are horrible to tweet about because they can change so easily, but this is what I've heard."
A Battlefield 2042 delay doesn't come as too much of a surprise; EA has been surprisingly quiet about the game considering it's exactly a month away from launch. Secret beta tests have been held, but nothing the public can easily access. There's also still the final mode to be fully revealed, although a recent leak may have spoilt that party.
Should the game indeed be delayed, we'll bring you that news right here on the site. Would you be okay with a Battlefield 2042 delay? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 28
They should delay it to February. There's not enough games coming out in February.
Unfortunately for me I still have to wait for two of my friends to pick up a PS5 anyway. Seeing as we're locked out of cross-gen play
That’s a bummer. I’ve been really looking forward to playing this with friends. As long as it’s around for winter, however, it’s not the worst thing.
I'd love to see this fully playable in PSVR2 at some point.
Unleashing hell in an attack chopper, along with some friends as crew members would probably be so fun I'd never want to leave the headset again
At this rate it will be released in the correct year….. 2042
@Voltan hahahaah, it appears february is the new November
They should delay this long enough to give it a proper single-player campaign. Then I would buy it. As it stands, I'm not interested in the slightest...
I'm ok with a delay no matter how long it is. I like Battlefield, the Single Player mainly but tbh I have plenty of shooters in my Library already.
Just hope it gets resolved with no issues
@Fiendish-Beaver oh no what will ea do without your patronage
This makes sense considering there hasn't been a beta test yet, and it's supposedly coming out next month.
They already delayed this by a year lol. Its okay I'm sure its gonna kill it this year.
Never ever 29 days before the official release....
@Jslade beta is 1 month before the Release... so it is this month. Why else was there the alpha test weeks ago?
Why do I feel like this will be buggy as hell on release lol
Removed - inappropriate language
Bummer news indeed! Welp I guess I’ll be copping the demon slayer game in October since it was for Battlefield 2042. If Far Cry 6 turns out good then maybe but it’s Ubisoft so I’ll wait for the reviews. Crysis Remaster Trilogy also releasing in October as well.
Sucks for fans, hard pass on the game myself due to no single player campaign.
I'm actually glad. October was already super packed for me with Guardians of the galaxy, Demon Slayer, Alan Wake, Far Cry 6, and House of the Ashes.
I only have Endwalker to look forward to in November.
And here I thought they'd release it a broken and buggy mess with the promise of "we're listening and we care and we'll fix it" just like EA's usual MO. Oh well, a small delay still gives them the opportunity to do that so don't let me down!
That sucks, but for a different reason than you might think. I don’t care that it’s delayed. I was hoping that it released in Oct and by the time I bought it in December or later it would have a handful of patches and be in a pretty good place quality wise. Now, with it releasing in November, it’ll probably be January or February before it is decent.
No worries ill just purchase it when it becomes free on EA Play
It will be nice to play a shiny new bf for Xmas. Getting some 360 no scopes and giblets with the fam is the true spirit of the holiday season.
@OmegaStriver the last 2 bf games have ran fine on console on launch, I've had them both on launch and don't remember any issues except for small things like guns needing a nerf or etc. They had a few server side issues here and there but nothing major. I think it will be fine again this time.
@Fiendish-Beaver tbh their core audience is multiplayer gamers, they would see the stats of how much the single player gets used on the last 2 games and probably realised it's not worth the Dev costs for the minimal sales it brings.you can't really blame them for making a game that best suits their player base. I personally never touch the single player campaigns on these for more than a hour before jumping online just to learn the new physics and gameplay, and now you can use bots to practice so no need at all for me.
@Denni5m you man are so right with all you have said. I am happy with the fact that is hasn´t a singelplayer. I want the whole energy and effort put into a shiny multiplayer because this is battlefield!
@Doctor_Aphra Is there any need for such personal sarcasm? Am I not entitled to an opinion? Does my opinion have to conform with yours?
Until this Battlefield, I have bought every single one, however, I only ever play the campaign as multiplayer holds zero interest for me, partly because of the immature comments one often has to contend with. EA will doubtless do absolutely fine without me buying the game, though I am pretty certain that I won't be alone in giving it a miss this time round. The comparative sales figures will be of interest this time round, though they may be inflated by virtue of the game being the first to appear on the new generation. I'm happy for you that you are getting what you want out of the game, but seriously, grow up! Others may want something different out of the game...
@Denni5m I absolutely get what you are saying. I am doubtless in the minority when it comes to having interest in only the main campaign and not partaking in the multiplayer at all. I hope that this move isn't a permanent thing, but if it is, there are always other games. I'll be giving this game a miss this time round as truthfully, you probably wouldn't want me on your team anyway...
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