You don't know how much we've been itching to write this feature: Sony has finally confirmed its big gaming showcase for Thursday and we've got predictions to share. The Push Square editorial team has come together to each reveal two predictions: one with a somewhat realistic chance of happening and another that's based on dreams rather than reality. These are the PS5, PS4 games we both expect and hope to appear during this week's PlayStation Showcase 2021.
Sammy Barker, Editor

Realistic Prediction: Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Multiplayer Game Will Finally Be Revealed
Surely it’s time for an update on Naughty Dog’s online multiplayer game? It’s been well over a year since The Last of Us: Part 2 released, and the company has been aggressively hiring for the franchise’s online spin-off ever since. While I’ve been patiently waiting for this game, I think it’s finally time we got a glimpse into what the developer has planned; it recently said that it wants to make a “cinematic experience between players”. Outside of Gran Turismo Sport and MLB The Show, it’s been a while since Sony released a hit multiplayer game, so I’m both predicting and hoping we’ll get a taste of just what it’s been cooking behind-the-scenes.
Dream Prediction: Sammy Wants More Than What We Know About Already
This is probably going to be a cop out, and I can already feel the deathly stare of my colleagues’ eyes upon me, but I just want to be surprised. It’s been a year since the last PlayStation press conference, and while I’m enjoying my games at the moment, I feel like the industry has been really stale in 2021 as a whole. I understand Sony wants to announce games much later in their cycle now, but if this event focuses firmly on projects we already know about, then I think I’ll be disappointed. We’re nearing the anniversary of the PS5’s launch, and I think it’s important that Sony is able to wow us with known quantities like God of War: Ragnarok but also surprise us with projects we never saw coming.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor

Realistic Prediction: Sony Will Announce New PS Plus Incentives
If recent reports are to be believed, then Sony has been thinking about how to add value to its subscription services — particularly PlayStation Plus. It could be argued that Plus has needed a bit of an overhaul for a while, and this event could be the place to make potential adjustments a reality. That said, I don't think Sony will be implementing sweeping changes to the entire thing, but I can see it announcing additions or alterations. Just enough to sweeten the deal and refresh the service as we head into the PS5 generation proper.
Dream Prediction: Final Fantasy XVI Gets a March 2022 Release Date
Final Fantasy XVI is probably the most excited I've been for a new Final Fantasy game in around a decade or more — and that's because proven Final Fantasy XIV talent is at the helm. If we get anything on Final Fantasy XVI at Sony's event then I'll be happy, but the dream is for Square Enix to finally unshackle itself from the memes and actually release a video game in a timely fashion. Funnily enough, this concept might not be so farfetched. Just recently, Square Enix has said that the next time we see Final Fantasy XVI, it'll be a lot closer launch. On top of that, the game has supposedly been in development for years already — and it's apparently coming sooner than people think. March 2022, baby! Believe it!
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor

Realistic Prediction: GTA V's PS5 Version Will Finally Be Shown Off
Last June, Sony and Rockstar announced that Grand Theft Auto V, initially a PS3 game from 2013, will be "expanded and enhanced" on PS5 this year. That's right: a second remaster of a game approaching a decade old. I'm being a little facetious; GTA V is obviously an enormously popular game, partly thanks to GTA Online, so it makes sense to keep that train rolling. I think it's fairly reasonable to expect the PS5 version will appear in some form or other during PlayStation Showcase 2021.
Dream Prediction: MotorStorm, Baby
As for what I'd love to see (but probably won't), right now I'm in the mood for MotorStorm. Bring it back, Sony. Whether it's a remaster or a brand new entry, I just want to be back in that space. Extreme off-road racing with mixed vehicle classes, arcadey handling, and breakneck speed — it's so much fun. With PS5's grunt and DualSense's awesome features, it could look and feel mind-blowing, too. Evolution Studios might be gone, but MotorStorm still has a chance. Please?
Liam Croft, Assistant Editor

Realistic Prediction: Gran Turismo 7 Shares New Gameplay and Tight Release Window
I'm a simple man this week: show me Gran Turismo 7 and I'm happy. I grew up obsessed with the PS1 and PS2 entries, and since Gran Turismo Sport took the racing series in a slightly different direction, I'm looking forward to the seventh mainline instalment going back to its roots. Give me those events. Give me those endurance races. I want to see them all in a new gameplay trailer focusing on both the driving and how the events are handled in the menus. Then finish the showing off with some sort of release window. I don't expect an exact date, but a specific month to look forward to would be appreciated.
Dream Prediction: Metal Gear Solid Remake Developed by Bluepoint Games
It's five minutes before the end of the PlayStation Showcase and Jim Ryan reveals himself, taking centre stage. "Thank you for joining us for our latest look at the future of PlayStation 5. Your passion drives us to deliver the most cutting-edge titles, combining new ways to interact with best in class gameplay. From everyone here at PlayStation, we appreciate your support. Now, let me leave you with one more thing."
It's a Metal Gear Solid remake from Bluepoint Games. We see Shadow Moses. We see Revolver Ocelot, Otacon, and Solid Snake from various scenes throughout the game. It's targeting a launch in late 2022. A PlayStation Blog post shared shortly after the showcase clarifies that Sony has indeed acquired Bluepoint Games.
Those are some of our realistic and rather unrealistic predictions, but what are you both expecting and hoping from PlayStation Showcase 2021? Post your own PS5, PS4 predictions in the comment below.
Comments 109
That MGS image is making me nervous! I want it SO BAD. PLEASE
Im not going into this with massive expectations, but I always wish that my Sly Cooper Bros finally get a Sequel.
Bring kratos in and I'm sold
Not bad for realistic predictions.
I am expecting for COD Vanguard information, Deathloop information, fnaf security breach information to happen in this showcase as well
If anything Silent Hill related exists this has to be the time to show it. Probably my dream prediction at this point but here’s hoping for SOMETHING horror related. Outside of that I think Naughty Dogs multiplayer game and GOW are pretty much a lock at this point.
My Prediction Is That We Will See Games.
I think this is going to be a good show with some unexpected tricks up their sleeves. A PS+ revamp would be most welcome and I just have a feeling that this is the occasion where it will be announced.
FF XVI in March?????
Elden Ring in January, Horizon in February... That would be crazy.
Fully expecting a PS+ revamp. I keep saying this, but I'd love to see them give us a pick and choose option.
Pick what you want from Now, Funimation and Plus.
And while I don't expect it to happen, I'd love a legacy service for the old classics.
Metal gear solid remake please
a few of mine are pretty realistic , but it would include the new san deigo studio's game announcement with a teaser ( possibly new uncharted) , god of war game play trailer, blue point purchase and ps5 game announcement / teaser , naughty dog announces last of us ps5 mp game.
FFXVI and Hogwarts Legacy, please.
Realistic: Teaser for GOW. Gameplay for GT 7. One brand new IP (maybe from Studio Bend as they must be confident if Days Gone sequel was canned)
Unrealistic: Killzone or Resistance. Imagine they countered Halo with one of these.
Don't show me: Deathloop (I know it's coming). Kena (I know it's coming). More Directors cuts. (Let's dial that down and get new IPs)
Edit: I'm keeping expectations low. Kratos taught me well.
Realistic: More Horizon 2 gameplay footage.
Dream: New Uncharted with Nathan Drake as main.
Unrealistic: Shenmue 4
unrealistic for me would be like remakes for the first jak and daxer , resistance fall of man , and infamous.
I’d like to see lots of weird stuff. Indies. Games requiring weird hardware attachments (maracas, power pads, etc). Indies being allowed to mess with PS franchises (HZD turn based?). More 2 player games. Stuff that is over-the-top joyful like Astro — maybe preview Team Asobi’s new thing. Stuff that connects your phone (in-world murder mystery?). Just go nuts. Don’t take everything so seriously. Playstation is a toy.
With the FFXVI team basically being the squad that brought us FFXIV Heavensward... There is a realistic chance they've been at work on it from around 2016/17 and those developers are a lean, mean team so a March 2022 release is well with reason - it'll all depend on how the Pandemic's railroaded JP VO recording.
I'm predicting at least the following:
GoW gameplay or story trailer
Dreams PS5 version
Bluepoint acquisition and new game
TLoU multiplayer
All of that would be nice but what I really hope for is some Returnal DLC.
Im also rly interested in that after show bit with the Team Interviews and so on. I think thats the first time they do this
Love it haha! Particularly the MGS dream and Sammy's critique of not just seeing games we know are coming, but a complete surprise showstopper is exactly what Playstation fans need right now!
The only thing I want is Megaman Legends 1&2 remade and Megaman Legends 3 to come out in 2022 <3
If we get an MGS1 remake, we need remasters of MGS's 2, 3 and 4 as well.
I'd like to see some stuff that finally makes me want a PS5. No idea what that is really, but it's definitely more than remasters and games I can still get on my PS4.
I predict bluepoint aquisition.and a new Japan studio forming at the g.o.a.t 👑 PlayStation.bluepoint making metal gear remake.god of war ragnarok trailer and a sly cooper game.either a collection or sly cooper 5 or collection.resistance collection. Dragon dogma 2 word up son
No predictions about Abandoned or Silent Hill, huh..
Seems like you know something and don't tell us...
I'm joking, of course.
I'm expecting an Abandoned trailer with Hassan live on stage giving a real-time demo, then during the demo things start going weird and Hassan doesn't know what's happening. Then Pyramid Head appears on screen and spotlight goes onto Hassan, who then peels his mask off, Mission Impossible style.
It's...Hideo Kojima.
It was his new version of Silent Hill all along!!
Oh how we laughed, with tears of joy.
Realistic? People will moan about everything shown.
Surprise? Nobody moans.
Hopefully some FF XVI, Hogwarts Legacy gameplay and Ragnarok gameplay dream announcement anything Sly Cooper or Legacy Of Kain related
@Shepherd_Tallon we do know that 2022 is going to be completely packed with major releases, one of the biggest gaming years ever. So I could see it with FF16 out before summer hits.
All I want is Bloodborne FPS patch.
I want a new Motorstorm too. One of my favourite series on the PS3. A shame it wasn't more popular imo
Im going for an announcement that bluebox's app has been updated during the stream.
No-one think it's time for a reveal of part 2 of FF VII Remake?
It would be really nice to be genuinely be surprised by something new that hasn't been rumoured or leaked for a change.
I would love Silent Hill or MGS, a Infamous surprise and the Bluepoint acquisition news. Also they might buy Ember Lab too.
Something completely new from Naughty Dog please.
Not just a new Factions and not just another remaster/Remake.
Plus Death Stranding 2 with loads more walking. (Honestly)
@HUMPERDOO That’s exactly how I feel!
@Barryburton97 If anything, I’d expect a ‘Left Behind’ style DLC from Naughty Dog - probably with Lev as the main character.
FNAF Security Breach info would be awesome
Realistic: 15 minutes of Deathloop.
Unrealistic: Dino Crisis Remake.
Dream Daddy x Kratos
TLOU 1 Remake x GOW Ragnarok x Forspoken=sold
They will show GTAV but we can only hope they don't spend too long on it. We don't need to see much for a game over a decade old. Right?
My realistic predictions are: God of War 5 gameplay, GT7 gameplay and trailer from the new Naughty Dog multiplayer game.
My dream predictions are: Metal Gear Solid Remake by newly acquired Bluepoint, New Fromsoftware exclusive game and a new Twisted Metal.
Side note: if I see a single Deathloop trailer I'm quitting the broadcast in that exact moment.
Anyone remember that Discord and Sony announcement a while back? Reckon we’ll learn what that’ll look like instead of communities.
Would love a new Motorstorm
I'd be up for a remake of MGS or Silent Hill.
A God of War 2 (or 5) trailer.
Some more on Pragmata.
Something truly surprising, which noone could foresee.
Hopefully enough to please the majority on here.
Ragnarok and GT7 have pretty tight release windows if not dates. I think Factions is a no show. Forspoken deep dive with release window, MGS R announced by recently acquired Bluepoint. GTA5 footage, a new IP and hopefully Pragmata update
A GT7 release date would do me… PLEASE!
@Col_McCafferty I bet you go to bed and are tossing and turning worried that the next day there will possibly be someone complaining on the Push Square comments 😑
I'm with Sammy as I want to see something new, not just gameplay to stuff we already know about and god help us if they show Deathloop gameplay 😅
A MGS Remake from Bluepoint with the reveal Sony have bought Bluepoint would be huge.
@fR_eeBritney Dino Crisis is ripe for a Remake. But that's a Capcom thing to announce though, no?
-FF16 and TLOU2 multiplayer will make me happy.
-A Sly Cooper 5 announcement would blow my mind.
@ArthurDent42 @Quintumply While I like the Motorstorm (Pacific Rift) logo, Evolution are dead - Sony killed them - and with them they took the PS' best arcade racers.
@itsfoz God I hope so, soon as that app/integration comes out I'll be moving my FFXIV sessions over to PS5 on't big telly.
My dream announcements are, and have been for many years, Playstation All-Stars 2, and a Bluepoint remake of God of War 1 and 2. Would be ecstatic about either of these, though I understand neither are realistic.
Personally I'd be happy if they don't mention or show ANY game that we don't already know about and concentrate on brand new games only.Of course that in itself is unrealistic as I expect ten minutes will be on Deathloop..
Id love an Infamous Collection to be announced as I only ever played and loved Infamous Second Son/First Light.
A new Burnout game announced.
Gameplay on Callisto Protocol.
Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake announcement.
Days Gone 2 surprise announcement.
Sly Cooper/Jak And Daxter crossover game.
My predictions:
I'm hoping for GOW2 reveal - either trailer or gameplay or anything. And then at least two new things, don't have to be big, but I'd like to know what comes after the known quantities.
Realistic, cause rumors and scuttlebutt-- MGS remake from Bluepoint and maybe a new From Software exclusive?
Dream predictions-- Something Sly or Jak related and/or Sony Bend tackles a Wolverine game or reveal new IP
I honestly have no idea what to expect, but would love to see something about Forspoken and FFXVI. And of course everything and anything Kojima. What my dream is, however, is to have a timeline for the big releases up through summer 2022. I would love to go back to purchasing one big game a month and being able to plan it like I used to.
Out of those I really wish Liam's dream scenario comes true. I'm 36 and I think I would actually get some tears rolling if I saw a MGS remake trailer, I absolutely adore that franchise.
Ok, I see your MGS one and I raise the odds.
We'll get the one more thing, you see a field of photorealistic white flowers, there's no music playing, you just hear the wind and after a few seconds you start hearing Donna Burke's voice singing "What a thrill, with darkness and silence through the night. What a thrill, I'm searching and I'll melt into you." When she gets into the snake eater part, we get a date, 2022. Nothing more, not even a title.
I would love a new IP..
Motorstorm and GT7 would be perfect for me. No excuses not to show GT7 gameplay after all this time. I know Motorstorm is a forlorn hope, though😟
I think everyone has the realistic predictions covered already!
As for less likely reveals - I genuinely believe we are getting two, maybe three, out of the following four:
SOCOM reboot from Guerrilla
A new Uncharted starring Cassie Drake
Sony Santa Monica's non GoW game, a new sci-fi IP
Whatever Sony Bend have been up to.
My realistic predictions:
>Call of Duty: Vanguard (new footage)
>Forspoken (new footage)
>Grand Theft Auto trilogy remastered (announcement trailer)
>Grand Theft Auto V: Enhanced Edition (debut footage)
>Gran Turismo 7 (new footage)
>Horizon: Forbidden West (new footage)
>Kena: Bridge of Spirits (new footage)
>One new PlayStation Studios reveal
>untitled God of War sequel (cinematic trailer)
As for my dream thing to be there? Bloodborne II. Just announce that and I'll be happy.
I haven't been blown away from a Sony press conference since the one where GOW, Days Gone, and Spiderman was announced, so im going into this with extreme caution. We all tend to get way over excited for these pressers from Sony and usually are left lacking.
I'd be happy with footage of Ragnarok and Hogwarts, release dates for them plus Forspoken and GT7. Add some good PS Plus news for the cherry on top thanks
A new Ridge Racer game or Motorstorm please Sony
Realistic: gran turismo with a release date of next spring,God of War trailer.
Dream: sly Cooper and a SSX tricky remake
Unrealistic: something big for Christmas time
@Athrum Perfection.
I thought this was a PS presentation, not a Nintendo Direct!
Jim Ryan will reveal a new hair cut.
I predict a riot.
@Areus why does it show that you @ me? XD
Realistic: updates on everything announced last year and a few things we know about from this year
Unobtainable dream: it turns out the new studio Paradox lined up for Bloodlines 2 is Bluepoint, and it's going to be a PlayStation 5 exclusive using the Unreal 5 engine. Releases this holiday season.
God I wish we could get a new Motorstorm. It's a shame Driveclub got made instead, especially when Gran Turismo is a thing.
As for my dreams, I'd happily take: PSASBR, Sly Cooper, or a new Tearaway game.
I’m hopeful for Ghost Wire Tokyo release date. Game seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.
Definitely up for a MGS remake via Bluepoint.
@AFCC Yeah, MGS remake would be amazing. Such a great game that I have so many fond memories of. I must of replayed it 10 times on the original PlayStation. It's sad that you can't experience its brilliance anymore (unless you have a very old console and can live with the 32 bit era graphics), and I reckon lots of new players would take to it if it was modernised and made accessible on newer platforms. I don't hold too much hope that it will happen, but I'd be thrilled if it was actually in development.
My main hopes are that this isn't just mostly made up of new trailers for games we're already aware of. My most hoped for is that they announce the bluepoint acquisition and then announce a MGS remake, call it Shadow Moses and then a remastered collection available to buy on the PS5 that day. The Metal Gear rumours are killing me.... and every time i'm left disappointed. I can't even play the HD Remaster collection on PS5 for goodness sake! Couldn't even play it on PS4!!!! Please don't let me down AGAIN sony....
Maybe some hardware related stuff, new dual sense colours, and official coloured face plates would be nice.
Life a few others here, I want the over the top arcade action of a new Motorstorm, Twisted Metal, or something along those lines.
Also, Street Fighter Alpha 4 from Capcom in collaboration with Arc System Works, while I'm dreaming lol
@Grumblevolcano This is a very realistic prediction! Add in a surprise remaster of inFamous series and I'm sold.
I'd also like to see updates on Hogwarts Legacy if possible, it's been far too long.
I'm on the MGS1 Remake hype train too to be honest. There is a slim, very very narrow possibility MGS6 will be made - someday - if MGS1 Remake is in fact real and does well. Hey, they may even bring Kojima back even if that is in a limited capacity. Pipe dream? Probably, but stranger things have happened.
I think MGS6 would itself be a remake of the original two Metal Gear games (the MSX titles made in the '80s), as thats the only piece of the timeline left untouched at this point. MGS4 pretty much put a bow on things story-wise, so there isn't much to go on moving forward from there in the chronology.
All I know is the internet is thirsty for a MGS remake and I have no qualms with that.
I want true, first hand contrite appologies for how the first year of the PS5 has gone. Some of it is their fault, some of it is not, but I want them to tell us that they're sorry, and that they have a plan to make things better over the next year.
Until more people actually own a PS5, or have the HOPE of owning a PS5, then knowing games are coming out sooner doesn't really matter much anyways.
Just going with Dream Predictions:
Honestly? I expect disappointment. How can you have late announcements of delayed games...Horizon being February at the earliest...and expect anything else early 2022?
Ok I’m really not good at speculation. I prefer facts. Of course updates on announced games and more importantly gameplay.
I do think there’s going to be a couple of big surprises probably unexpected ones. Funny we don’t say megatons anymore. A couple of megatons then.
Go Jim. Let the games do the talking 👌
I would like first party first person shooter again. It's been a while. Time for S.O.C.O.M reboot, or maybe just a Killzone title. Resistance series? At the end Syphon filter. Hehe.
Also hopefully we see those speculated GTA remastered titles together with updated GTA online standalone from rockstar.
First party FPS would be great. I just wish Sony would give themselves a bit of variety and not just the samey 3rd person adventure games.
HZD: FW more gameplay will be showcased. Sony's showcase are always underwhelming compared to the hype. I wish Project Awakening gets a release date.
Otherwise? I don’t know, surprise me. After having played Psychonauts 2, it would be really fun to see something imaginative like that from a bigger Sony studio. Or just cartoony like Sly or Jak & Daxter. I’m not holding my breath, but one can hope.
Oh, and a starting time that isn’t midnight over here on a weekday.
@Orange_Juice I am almost sure you can play the game on PS4 and PS3! On PS3 I am 100% sure though! You could buy the OG version there
Gimme some GT7.
@The_New_Butler Hi there friend.
The Order 1886 was one of those games that truly felt like I was just playing the prologue.
Just when the story was getting interesting, the game ends......
In a cliffhanger no less.
A sequel could very much improve both the pacing and the enemy A.I. wich wasn´t that good.
Also those anoying QTEs need to go way.
And even more cool and excentric weapons by Tesla.
But just like other PS tittles, I don´t really see that happening.
Still one of the most visually impressive games on PS4.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@Athrum Hi there friend.
As a fellow 36 year old man and huge MGS fan, if that happens,
I would truly shed tears of joy and would replay that trailer over and over again, saying to myself: "is this real?"
But I´ll, do you one better.
What if Kojima Productions, with Bluepoint could somehow Remake both Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 for PS5?
Can you imagine? Snakes first two missions? Meeting Grey Fox for the very first time in MG1 and that epic Boss battle with him in the minefield in MG2? MIND BLOWN.
A guy can dream.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
GTA Trilogy remasters, por favor. For the PS4 too, unless they come with a free PS5.
I’m predicting they take a page out of Nintendo’s playbook and do a big stealth drop the day of the presentation. Also, I would love to see a massive PS Now overhaul, all titles available for download maybe?
@RaZieLDaNtE the year of dreams, mate.
Imagine legend of dragoon remake..I'd explode 😂
@Telekill no sir no more shenmue lol
In my dreams - a return to Resistance, particularity R2 with decent online MP, a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, a Cole based InFamous (Deslin was annoying and didn't feel as powerful), a new IP that is a proper space opera in a procedural generated world where you can follow multiple story arcs and spend over 500 hours in game and still not have finished everything. I don't want much honest. Just push my PS5 to the limit now I finally have it please.
@0niguy We need one more to finish the story then I'm good with the series being done. Suzuki needs to get it done. Fans have been waiting 20 years for an ending.
I’ve been feeling very pessimistic about PlayStation showings lately and I’m not sure why. Gaming on PS5 has been awesome for me. I think I might be broken..
My predictions for the showcase:
More Deathloop, more Horizon gameplay, no mention of BluePoint (I’ll believe the acquisition is real when they say it’s real).
What I want from the showcase:
These InFamous rumors to be true (really anything infamous is good to me). Anything Metal Gear related. FFXVI. Remasters of other PS3 exclusives (I didn’t have a PS3, so everything is new to me). Don’t spend time on gameplay of Deathloop, Horizon, God of War, or Gran Turismo - I don’t need to see anymore from these as I’m already sold.
Sounds like there'll be too much GTA5 footage for my liking. I mean 15 minutes!?
If Housemarque is working on something new aside from Returnal dlc then i think it is far too early for them to reveal anything aside from a title reveal.
My most ridiculous prediction is that Rockstar games comes on and reveals Agent as a PS5 exclusive with a lengthy trailer and thats the game David Jaffe was hyping up on Twitter. That would be the only reveal i want truly. I'd play a MGS remake but i feel like that game should be left as a product of its time like Medievil should have been.
@Faenor Hi there friend.
If I could give more than one like, I would
Man, those Keyframes are awesome. Job well done on the artist who did it.
One of the best Boss fights, filled with backstory between two warriors.
"That´s it Snake. Hurt me more. Mooore. Moooooore."
Was weird and funny the first time I heard it and it is still werid and funny now.
Thanks for sharing.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
New Super Monkey-ball with career mode incoming
As much as I’m looking forward to gran Turismo 7 and horizon forbidden west I’d love to see a new Motorstorm game .. would be incredible on ps5 .. make it happen !
My predictions: no FFXVI, but we get another Stranger of Paradise trailer and release date.
GTAV for PS5 new changes info/release date. Announcement that GTAVI is in the works but just a title teaser.
A Kena reminder.
Gran Tourismo release date.
GoW in game footage.
NBA 2k22 & FIFA 22 trailers.
TLoU multiplayer.
Forespoken, Hogwarts, solar ash, ghostwire Tokyo and Pragmata updates.
PS+ Updates
3hours of new Deathloop footage
I cannot think of anything dream off the top off my head, however I'd love to see Yakuza Kiwami 3. Yakuza 3 hasn't aged well
GT7 coming March, so I am going to get an Xbox Series X and Forza Horizon 5 for a few months 😂😂🤠
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