Fortnite character and Horizon Forbidden West protagonist Aloy today joins the roster of playable characters in online RPG Genshin Impact for a limited time. After you've downloaded update 2.1, you'll be able to log into your account on either PlayStation 5 or PS4 and claim her through the in-game mail system. She will be available until 24th November 2021, with PC and mobile phone players granted access from 13th October 2021 once work on update 2.2 is complete.
You can check out how Aloy plays through here. Will you be taking her for a spin? Unlock Aloy in the comments below.
Comments 22
@lolwhatno I was considering putting it in the headline, but maybe that was too much. All in good fun!
Great another bow user.
That tagline should be hung in The Louvre.
Exclusive!! Who needs Japan studio when this kinda content comes our way!
"Fortnite star part of another game"
Random gamer shouts at website
I've always thought Horizon Zero Dawn was one of the better Fortnite spin-offs
@LiamCroft I laughed a lot when I saw it!
Still plodding around in the prologue In this game but enjoying it a lot and heard it gets better. Now Aloy is in it I have to keep playing, fortnite isn't for me though No matter what characters they cram into that game!
Literally the reason I'm going to play GI now. Well done, miHoYo.
Although I'll be playing the PC version, since it'll run much more smoothly than on my PS4. It'll take a while to get to the point where I'm able to collect her, anyway. Hopefully there's cross-save if I ever decide to get a PS5.
@MightyDemon82 Yep. I've seen my nephew play Fortnite, and there's literally nothing they could do that'd get me to play that obnoxious game.
I think this article could be a good method for determining the average sense of humour of readers. Lol
I cant wait to play Horizon Forbidden West: Featuring Aloy from the Genshin Impacts Series
Why does she look ten times better in Genshin's art style? Still not a very appealing character design IMO but they've done wonders with the source material.
@Ralizah There is cross save now between PS, mobile, and PC.
She looks out of place in Genshin, to be honest. It's like she's faintly glowing, but none of the other characters glow like that.
Nah she just doesn't seem as fun to play as ganyu, and besides Raiden shogun is the real star of this update which I luckily pulled in 20 rolls. At least she's 3 extra pulls
I remember when this game was just a "breath of the wild clone" but man the 2 new areas blow away literally everything in that foggy snoozefest of a world out of the water. They're insanely gorgeous
Just got her earlier but only just started Liyue province at AR 20 so can't even get her/predator Ascension materials until I get to Inazuma apparently lol Kinda useless at level 20 cap.
Nice, I'll Try and do the PC to PS5 cross save tonight.
As nice of a gift as this was but Raiden Shogun on first pull totally made my day.
I hope we get more 1st party Sony guest characters. Vouching for Lady Maria from Bloodborne
Do you need to be at a certain point in the game to get her or be a certain level?
@Jayofmaya well, by the time you make it to Inazuma, you may not even care about leveling Aloy anymore. The common item drop for her ascension comes from the most powerful enemy in the game, like significantly more powerful than anything else. So you'll probably need to have already leveled some strong characters.
I don't know what's up with these flying slimes. My Eula destroys most mobs in 2-3 hits, maybe 5-6 for the big guys, but these guys take like 20 hits. Plus they can fully heal, so sometimes double that. Oh, and since they fly, some of them just stay out of reach and never come down so you either need a ranged DPS or create some geo constructs to stand on.
Aloy really doesn't seem worth the trouble to me.
@Milktastrophe Ahh, I'm AR 22 so she looks great considering I only have the first 4 chars given, Aloy, Noelle and Rosaria. Currently it takes a lot to kill things in my new world rank lol Maybe I'll see if anyone can help me early on (I think you can play with someone 2 world ranks different if I remember correctly?) So I can get the materials whilst she's still kinda good.
Welcome to Genshin, Aloy! I look forward to playing as you eventually...assuming I ever give Genshin another try XD.
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