It's the day before Sony's biggest gaming showcase of the year, so naturally, the internet is rife with fake leaks. No matter whether it's a full rundown of the entire PlayStation Showcase or fanmade concept art for a brand new handheld device, there are a lot of online users with uncles at Sony who claim to have the scoop. Of course, they're all completely wrong, but it's quite fun to see where people's imagination takes them in order to try and convince the internet what they're saying is real.
For starters, we have the classic fake leak which includes an entire rundown of the event complete with timestamps. So according to this leak, Bloodborne game producer Teruyuki Toriyama will be first up alongside Jim Ryan with a "world premiere trailer", presumably of a new game. This is the same Toriyama that left Sony Japan Studio last year to create new IPs and has now joined a VR developer, by the way. It then goes on to state the infamous Abandoned creator Hasan Kahraman will be there with another "world premiere". There'll also be a God of War Ragnarok trailer, the buyout of Bluepoint Games, and Jim Ryan will sign the showcase off with a speech that comments on PS5 availability in 2022.
Yeah, alright, pal.
Next up we have a classic fake leak from 4chan, which prefaces: "You can believe me or not, I really don't care." This is probably the funniest one so we certainly won't believe it. What makes it so humorous is the leak says Naughty Dog will announce a standalone expansion to The Last of Us: Part II called The Last of Us: Brotherly Love that focuses on Tommy during the events of the second game. There will also be a new game from Media Molecule called Alive and Sony Bend will tease its new open world IP.

We already know this leak is fake because it says Call of Duty: Vanguard will feature with a multiplayer trailer, which actually released yesterday. However, we just want to bring up the title The Last of Us: Brother Love once again for a good chuckle. The Last of Us: Brotherly Love. Hilarious.
Next up is a new PSP, because of course someone's produced fake renders of another Sony handheld device. The images look fairly sleek to be fair, but Sony is just not going to make another PSP. Come on, we can do better than this. The leak features images of the PS5 home screen, insinuating you could possibly run PS5 games on the handheld. That's also not going to happen.
This final leak is actually the latest one, breaking just a matter of hours ago. Apparently, Days Gone developer Sony Bend is making a Men in Black game, per a fake retail listing from EB Games. This ignores the fact the studio has already confirmed its working on a new IP. But, you know, we found it fairly funny and figured to include it. Here's an image of what the now-deleted listing looked like:

We're just a day away from the actual PlayStation Showcase now, so there's not long left before we find out what Sony actually has in store. For now, we can have a laugh at all these fake leaks. Which one's your favourite? Share them in the comments below.
[source resetera.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 37
That P5P Render looks pretty good...someone put a lot of work into this for basically nothing lol
lol a psp that can play ps5 games,don't people know how expensive that system would be?
the battery alone would have to be very costly if it wants to work longer then an hour lol.
Well you guys are sure going to look silly when Last of Us: Brotherly Love shadow drops tomorrow
Well, my mate Dave brothers wife knows someone that met Jim Ryan and they've filled me in on what's happening tomorrow.
No spoilers, but there will be games shown, some of them will be open world third person story focused...I can say no more in case the source is revealed
Nod ya head! The fake leaks are coming!
A Last of Us Part II expansion featuring Tommy released with a Directors Cut does actually seem quite plausible although perhaps with a different name...
@Lyonjak Could you share the details with me? I could update this article and include them!
@Lyonjak @LiamCroft I don't know - didn't they explicitly say there wouldn't be any story expansions for TLOU2?
@Voltan Yes, that's why it would be fake.
I'm pretty sure they'll open with something big - like an announcement of a sequel to something big (the way they did with Miles Morales in June and Final Fantasy XVI in September last year).
Horizon is not it (it would be if they were just announcing it now but not after a whole State of Play about it).
God Of War would be it but I don't think they'll open with that - somehow feels more like the encore.
I have so many things to say.
First of all, does anyone even care about Men in Black in 2021? Lol there is no movie coming out, why do a videogame now? Makes no sense.
Second of all, Last of Us 2: Brotherly Love lmao this is the best name ever!
Third, I would LOVE a new Matrix game actually, and this one makes sense since we're getting the movie trailer on the same day!
Fourth, my uncle actually OWNS Sony and he said that Naughty Dog is joining forces with Insomniac to do a Uncharted and Clank: Electric Bogaloo.
To end this comment...I don't believe any of the leaks unless they have KNACK 3 baby!!!!
Haha, got to love these.
Men in black by bend studio 😄 haha.wtf😂word up son
@LiamCroft ok but keep daves brothers wifes friend out of this so there's no consequences. They've told me that games involving shooting will also be revealed, they mentioned something about haptics being discussed, their will be an emphasis on strong narrative content, probably something involving a historic setting with swordplay and horse riding! Never heard of anything called God of War so that won't be there.
People are inctedibly desperate, aren't they😂
My friend's wife's cousin has confirmed there will be a new IP reveal. Something to do with cleaning a Dragon's teeth.
During a processor shortage... make a new system when the newly released system can't keep up? Sounds like late 16bit era Sega more than Sony. 😆
Secondly... when was MIB last relevant? There was a failed attempt at a reboot a few years ago. Was that the last?
@Telekill "Sounds like late 16bit era Sega" no, I still have PSSD (post-Sega stress disorder) from the console wars. Too soon. D:
@Telekill There’s a really fun ride at Universal Orlando that people really like. Does that count?
I want psp 2 that's actually a ps4 portable 😃
@FatalBubbles That's something. I'll have to give it a shot when I take the family in a couple years. Did Universal Studios in CA a couple years ago and even the kids loved it more than Disneyland.
@Telekill It’s a shooting ride, super fun. Lots of good rides at Universal Orlando. Have fun!
You know... Title aside, I'd play the Tommy expansion. Every trace of him you see as you make your way through the game with Ellie points to a path of carnage and badassery.
@jdv95 Well, if more funding went into nano batteries instead of something dumb like military "defense" budgets we could have these nice things.
@jdv95 If it was functionally a streaming device for Playstation Now and PS5 streaming, I don’t think it would be that expensive. A Switch can do that. A phone could do that.
Of course I don’t believe this rumor at all.
No way, Knack 3 is the whole of the feature and we'll get a quick few clips of some other updates at the very end.
@AFCC Comment of the day, you made me chuckle XD.
a story dlc for TLOU 2 would be amazing though.
While obviously fake, I do rock with the idea of a TAWMMY TLOU2 DLC
If you are going to go for bonkers rumours then really go for one.
I predict Sony will retroactively brand the PS Vita the PSP2 and then immediately announce a PSP3.
I want my PS5 PRO!
As ridiculous as it may be but I would definitely love to see a successor to PS Vita with access to the Vita and PSP store. Doesn't really need to play PS5 games directly, maybe a cloud streaming or something.
Any new Sony portable would be doomed to failure after the way they handled Vita. No consumer trust there.
Honestly the fact that MiB is just SO FAR out of left field, might hold some credibility to me. Sony own the ip anyway. A "new ip" might be referring to the team working on an ip that they hadn't before (uncharted, syphon filter, days gone etc).
With all these little announcements appearing though there might actually be something of note at this showcase and I might actually get some interest in the ps5 (for 2023 when the chips return and the slim model is released).
Oooh MiB sounds cool.
@BoldAndBrash None of the Spider-Man movies had realistic physics, why would you expect the games to have it?
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