A little while back, Sony announced its acquisition of Housemarque, the studio behind the excellent PlayStation 5 exclusive, Returnal. However, on the same day, an image was inadvertently shared that appeared to confirm a second high-profile buyout — that of Bluepoint Games. Ever since, there's been no word on whether this seemingly inevitable partnership would be made official. Today, at long last, it has.
Yes, Bluepoint is now officially part of PlayStation Studios. The team is well-known for its top notch remasters and remakes of popular Sony properties. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Shadow of the Colossus, and most recently, Demon's Souls have all been very well received, and it seems Sony wants to keep the talented studio around.
Sony has made the announcement via the PlayStation Blog, where Bluepoint president Marco Thrush explains a bit about the studio's heritage. "Austin, Texas has been home base for Bluepoint from when we first founded the studio back in 2006 and we’re now a team of close to 70 super-talented creatives and growing," Thrush says. "PlayStation has such an iconic gaming catalog and for us there’s been nothing better than to bring some of gaming’s masterpieces to new players. Becoming a part of PlayStation Studios, empowers our team to raise the quality-bar even further and create even more impactful experiences for the PlayStation community."
This was an inevitable acquisition, but we're pleased to see the deal officially done. Are you excited about Sony's purchase of Bluepoint Games? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 103
About damn time. Welcome to the family Bluepoint!
Amazing news. Top class developer. Looking forward to whatever they bring to us next. Hopefully Metal Gear Solid. Haha.
And life just got better for King Sony and the global PlayStation empire!!!
Congrats to all involved! I wonder if they have a project in mind already?
Finally it's official
Only one thing to say to this...word up son
Finally. Interesting they were denying it so profusely rather than just staying silent on the matter! Wonder if we are going to get any big game announcements from them anytime soon!
I guess it came down to dotting the i's and crossing the t's... as this would've been a great bit of news to have been included in the showcase earlier this month.
I guess they 'kept us waiting huh'?
great news!! they must have had to iron out a few things before they could fully acknowledge the buyout.
Yeah, I mean nobody makes a graphic like that by accident
acts shocked
Quite the acquisition. Bluepoint has done wonders working on remakes in the past.
welcome to the family son!
Amazing developer, can't wait to see what's next.
Ah what a bit of news!
About damn time and I'm excited for their original IP. Anyway, congrats to both Playstation and Bluepoint games
To the surprise of no one…
They’re a great developer for sure but I’d love to see what they could do with something that isn’t a remaster.
I imagine they will get messages daily asking for a Bloodborne remake.
But ideally, I would like to see them make a Metroid Prime-like game, since Bluepoint has a lot of connections to Retro Studios.
There it is 👌
It’s funny that the one we all (at least I thought) thought was the most likely was finally announced after a few others if not last.
Brilliant news! Can't wait to see what they do next.
They could do a remake like Demon Souls 😅
I’m know what you mean and I also would like them work on a new IP.
also their next game is brand new IP. no remake according to IGN
Makes the Edit from Bluepoint about being Independent kinda funny
This is great news. Now let’s hope they’re knee deep in that Metal Gear Solid remake!
Yesssss!! This studio a PERFECT fit.
ico remake make it happen! If not I wanna see how they cope with building a brand new game for the first time. The talent is definitely there
FINALLY!!! Welcome Home Bluepoint 😁🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊
I think one thing that is apparent is that in this age of media consolidation, "2nd party" developers are becoming increasingly rare.
I am going to go out on a limb and say Arrowhead studios will probably be bought within the next few months.
@The_Pixel_King they said their next Project is an original IP
Welp, there goes hopes for a Demons Souls PC port. Guess this PS5 is permanently adhered to my entertainment center.
@IonMagi Oh, okay. Must’ve missed that. They’re such a talented studio, I’m sure whatever they’re working on, it will be technically excellent.
So glad to see Bluepoint Games finally join the PlayStation Family.
So many dormant PlayStation IP's deserve to be the Remake treatment, but I also would love to see them create their own original IP at some point, but I would never scoff at the idea of a Jak & Daxter Trilogy Remake, Legend of Dragoon Remake, Sly Cooper Trilogy Remake or Ape Escape Trilogy Remake, especially if it's being handled by the talented folks at Bluepoint Games.
Plus if Sony ever decides to greenlight a PlayStation All-Stars 2, Bluepoint would be the perfect fit to helm the project, with aid from Asobi Studios & Santa Monica Studios.
Awesome news, can't wait to see what they are working on next!
FINALLY!! very deserving. Talented bunch of folks there. Congrats all.
Games I would like Bluepoint to do
Resistance trilogy remake
Infamous 1 and 2 remake
killzone trilogy remake
or make a new game
Yes thats the news i been waiting for.best news so far this year.bluepoint is gonna be even more of a instant classic studio.shadow of the colossus remake.demon souls remake.uncharted collection.those guys are the best 👑 in remakes.now we can get a metal gear remake.about parasites eves.syphon filter.etc.im so excited sony is the g.o.a.t.word up son
You know @playstation1995 is going to be thrilled by this acquisition, that man been touting for the Bluepoint acquisition to happen for so long... WORD UP SON!!!
As the great man David Dickinson always says....quality,quality,quality..buy quality and quality looks after you.😁
@playstation1995 Ha ha I was waiting for your comment it finally happened 😁🎉🎉🎉
Great news well done Sony, really excited to see what their new IP is seeing how good they seem to be at remakes.
Good enough. I’ve enjoyed their games more than any first party crap Sony has put out since the PS4.
@AdamNovice. 😄 hahaha.like mobb deep say on his song right back at you.respect playa.man that news made my day.maybe ember lab is next.but bluepoint oh yeah been waiting for this.like 🐍 snake said on metal gear ground zero.kept you waiting.haha.word up son
@Keyblade-Dan definitely best news of the year so far.good things come for those who wait.and i got to say PlayStation is king now.i been with PlayStation since day 1 in 1995 in new york city.and i always believed in them.never give up on them.they went from a underdog to 👑 king of gaming.this bluepoint aquisition.wow. is ember lab next..for games about metal gear remake.or syphon filter remake.i will take a bloodborne remake also etc.word up son
@AdamNovice 🙈🙈🙈 Aye, PlayStation1995 called it right enough 😂
Hi there fellow gamers.
Such great news, even though, completely expected.
Bluepoint have been partnered with Playstation for so long and with the latest success they had, it was a no brainer.
@playstation1995 you called it my friend and we finally got them. Now we just have to wait for games anouncements.
Welcome to the family Bluepoint.
You kept us waiting!!!
Cheers, stay safe, and happy gaming to us all. Word up Son!!!
@patronmacabre yeah makes sense, as they are both Austin Texas I believe...🙈
@JustPlainLoco 😄 definitely its about time.and yes i been calling that aquisition for a long time.i knew it was gonna happen.but wow now all those amazing remakes that can happen.about a resistance trilogy remake.or sly cooper collection remake.or syphon filter remake.or metal gear remake.bloodborne remake.wow.etc.best news of the year so far.bluepoint games is going to be amazing.maybe ember labs is 🤔next.but im extremely excited.the legend.the myth. Sony PlayStation.been with sony since day 1 in. September 9 1995 in new york.respect.word up son
@playstation1995 parasite eve,yes ,yes and yes again
@colonelkilgore Hi there friend.
I see what you did there and a huge MGS fan I aprove immensely.
“Building the future, and keeping the past alive - are one and the same thing.” Solid Snake
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
good news. loved some of their work! looking forward to what they have in store next.
@RaZieLDaNtE. Whats good playa. What games do you want from them.me i want a resistance trilogy remake.a sly cooper remake.a metal gear remake.a bloodborne remake.a syphon filter remake 😲.now that would be legendary.word up son
Wow, nicely done. Great new piece in the collection.
Sony is building up nicely
Housemarque, Nixxes Software, Firesprite and now Bluepoint Games. Sony been busy this year, makes you wonder who else they might try and acquire next?
I think Ember Lab would be a great choice, I also think they should acquire a fighting game centric studio, because Sony really does need a fighting game franchise to call their own, problem is; I don't know who could fill that void, Arc System Works maybe?
And if they want more VR centric studios, I would go with the studio behind Farpoint on PSVR (Impulse Gear), and the studio behind Firewall: Zero Hour on PSVR (First Contact Entertainment), as well as the studio behind Moss on PSVR (Polyarc).
Wonder why it took so long to announce!
@playstation1995 Came to the comments section just to look for this comment. 😌
@playstation1995 Hey there friend.
Man, asside from a unique IP from them, there are quite a few I would love to see make a comeback.
Resistance is a really good call. Loved those games on PS3
Cheers, stay safe my man and Word Up Son!!!
Congrats to Sony, though I don't think this was a surprise to anyone - nor does this announcement really set the gaming world on fire.
It's nice to see that Bluepoint is now looking towards developing something new rather than constantly being type-cast as the "remake" team.
@JustPlainLoco Hi there friend.
Ember Lab is a good choice for sure.
Their first game Kena, is a pretty old school, action platformer game that fits well in the PS portfolio.
And as for a fighting game company, it may be a somewhat difficult to aquire any.
Having said that, Arc System Works would be a phenomenal acquisition for Playstation.
Or maybe even Soft Circle French-Bread, creators of Melty Blood. That could be a thing.
Sony is sure getting lots of quality studios all around.
Good for Playstation, awesome for us 😉
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@JustPlainLoco I agree Ember Labs would be a fantastic fit. Playing through Kena now and it’s got PlayStation written all over it. If they do acquire some VR studios I’m hoping for Polyarc or Squanch Games. Would also like to see Supermassive and Hello Games.
They're only a team of 70 which was even less for most of their works? That's quite impressive, they do fantastic work.
No word on how much they paid? Surely it was less than the ABSOLUTE BARGAIN they paid for Insomniac, literally the best studio in the world imo.
@patronmacabre It doesn't need a remake though. It's not even that old either. Remaster? Sure why not, a remake is not needed.
@Arisen Omg yes Ico, maybe one day I can finally complete the ueda trilogy
@RaZieLDaNtE huh, you're pretty good! 😉
Has there been any news about blue box game studios seems there ps5 game has been abandoned
@playstation1995 I'm hoping their next game is a Marvel one, how about...Ghost Rider?
I kid, I kid. Glad you're happy mate, makes up for the Steelers.
About time too
SHOCK! SURPRISE! I totally didn't see this coming!
Next thing we'll find out is that there is no Switch Pro!
Soo, legend of dragoon remake when? 😃
@Shepherd_Tallon. Haha.defitnetly whats good playa.its about time but bluepoint aquisition is the best thing sony as done this year.word up son
@Col_McCafferty. Hahaha definitely best news all year bluepoint aquisition.now my Steelers will get a win this Sunday.its gonna be a live televisise game.word up son
“I'm just a man who's good at what he does." Making puns 😉
Reboot resistance please
I am very glad for Bluepoint.
And for us gamers, because their recent remakes are superb and they are making an original game next!
I’m generally not for every studio getting acquired between MS and Sony, but this one just makes sense. I’m happy for all involved, I know good things are on the horizon from them.
Worst kept secret but like Insomniac and Housemarque before it, Sony had to lock Bluepoint up given how things are currently going down in this industry. Far too important a partner to risk losing.
All hail the remake kings! Bluepoint games is a studio of serious quality. I’m still playing through the Demon’s Souls remake and am in awe of what they accomplish time and again with their stunning recreations.
Awesome to hear Bluepoint is working on original content as well. The future is bright for Bluepoint!
@patronmacabre The only connection that the studio has to Retro is the founders. The studio alone, has no ties. So...not sure how that amounts to "a lot." While a Metroid type of game would be interesting, it's not likely to happen.
That is all.
Yay sly cooper trilogy remake confirmed!
About time. Bluepoint is an institution and their work on Demon's Souls was amazing.
Future looking pretty bright.
@patronmacabre as much as I'd love that too they won't be able to. Metroid is Nintendo exclusive, and Bluepoint was bought by PlayStation. Since Metroid is one of Nintendo's crown jewels they'll be a bit reluctant to sign the rights over to a studio that's owned by one of their competitors
@Cherip-the-Ripper ICO?! YES PLEASE
@Aiodensghost I meant a game in the vein of Metroid Prime, not the exact IP.
@InsertUsername Beyond the original founders, 7 additional members of the original Metroid Prime development team joined Bluepoint as of 2019.
These are small-ish studios based in Austin. There is a sizable amount of overlap. Armature (Recore developer) also has a few former Metroid Prime members.
@Broosh and a Bloodborne PC port.
@patronmacabre they could feasibly do that, but then they would to create an IP for it. I hope they do it
After "losing" Ninja Theory, this became a necessity. Happy to see that Insomniac, Housemarque and Bluepoint are now Sony first party studios. I wonder if Sony will make a move for Ready at Dawn or Sumo Digital.
i want to see them do a new game ,i'm sure they might do a remake here and there , but its time for them to do something new.
Push Square a few days ago: Bluepoint buyout isn't happening, move on.
Push square now: welp...
@patronmacabre Good to know, but doesn't change what I said. The studio itself(not the employees nor founders) has no link to Retro.
@lacerz They have done a pretty good job with the Little Big Planet property, but I don't think it's likely. They would probably cost more than Sony is willing to pay. The upside would be they would also acquire a handful of studios that Sumo owns.
@twitchtvpat According to IGN(if they can be believed), is that they are working on an original game. Hopefully it's true, because I feel it's time they make their own properties to form some type of identity of their own.
great news! personally, i would have bluepoint work exclusively as a remake studio. sony has enough studios working on original content at this point and bluepoint was filling a very unique void in the gaming industry with its remakes. sony could bank on that strategy for many years to come and it would garner huge enthusiasm from fans of various defunct IP.
Happy news! I still need to play Shadow of the Colossus PS4 and Demon's Souls PS5, but I did enjoy their remaster of The Uncharted Trilogy.
You know there's the guy at Sony like oooo hang on I'm sure I have a graphic for this somewhere 🤣
Can't wait for their original IP. Still very impressed with the Demon Souls remake.
@lacerz Facebook already owns Ready at Dawn, and Tencent just recently purchased Sumo Digital.
@wiiware That would be a dream come true.
Worst kept secret ever, but good that they have them locked.
Btw Bluepoint... those lost colossi... we really want them. PS5 version + lost colossi. Pleeeeeease!
Just make it an optional mode that purists can opt out of, but the rest of us fans really really want to experience those fights that got scrapped.
@Porco nah , they've been saying they want to make original games , i don't think they would purchase them just for remakes either.
Great news, with Insomniac churning out spectacular looking First party games............. I can't wait to see what Bluepoint games will bring to the table............ Remakes and there own games 😉😉😉
Completely off-topic but I have to say it. Hermen Hulst is my new future ex-husband. lol.
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