The PlayStation 3 is approaching 15 years old. That's enough to make all of us here at Push Square Towers feel like relics, but it doesn't feel like all that long ago, does it? The console might have struggled to get off the ground at first, but it flourished later on in its lifespan as Sony found its footing with top-notch first party games and improved online play. In such a fast-moving, forward-facing industry, do you ever stop and wonder what PS3's online games are like nowadays?
The machine was the first to throw us into HD visuals and proper online multiplayer, an area that's of course grown in leaps and bounds on PS4 and PS5. We had to wonder, though, how PS3's online scene might be holding up after all this time.
Join our very own Liam Richardson as he tumbles down the rabbit hole of third-party multiplayer games to see whether players are still turning up. How many teammates can he find in Battlefield: Bad Company 2? Are there still people playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood's sneaky stabby multiplayer? Will Liam find joy or despair after firing up Need for Speed: Most Wanted? You'll have to watch the above video to learn the answers.
Are you still playing PS3 games online these days? If so, which ones? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 56
Playing TF2 Orange Box on my friends PS3 was my first ever online multiplayer experience..I bought a PS3 and OB the next day!
STILL my favourite online game I've ever played tbh, had no idea the servers are still running ( may boot it up and try it later) 👍
I still play my PS3. It was hooked up all through the PS4 generation and is still sat next to my PS5.
I even still buy games for it in second hand shops that still have them. Can you believe I picked up Mercenaries 2 recently for 75p, crazy.
I'd still like to play my games online for the trophies but most of them have shut down. Two recent ones I've tried are, Overlord 2 and Mercenaries 2 of course.
I can confirm I personally don’t play online PS3 games anymore.
I played Xenogears and 3d dot game heroes on my ps3 this year and next year I am planning on playing Drakengard 3 .
still have abit of a backlog of ps3 games Ive yet to play :3
Not online but lately, I'm playing with my PS3 regularly with the Tales games which got me interested again after getting Arise. Symphonia is a great game and I understand why fans loved it.
I turn my PS3 on maybe once a year, if I have something I want to play. But it takes so long to do anything, I give up fairly quickly.
Regarding the PS3 and online, I'm surprised there's not been an article on Push Square about the expiration of the Let's Encrypt root certificate (expires today). What will happen?
Been tempted to jump back into Warhawk but knowing I would be so far behind makes it lose appeal
MysticM on youtube did a similar fantastic video on this.
People are still playing online in 2021. GTA5. The call of dutys still have healthy communities
I played Uncharted 2 and 3 every now and then all the way until the servers went down. Uncharted 2 at launch to this day was still the most fun I ever had in an online game! Sadly an update (1.05 to be exact. I will never forget) eventually broke the balance completely for it but even then it was still pretty good.
I literally didn't buy a single game for two years until Uncharted 3 came out because I was that into Uncharted 2 online! I was so sad to see the Nathan Drake collection wasn't including the multiplayer for those two games.
I still play my PS3 every day. Been completing all my unfinished games. Feels good to be going through my backlog.
Still playing through my PS3 backlog which takes a while when trophy hunting.
Just completed Quantum of Solace (textbook FPS of the late noughties) and got all single player trophies. Will miss out on the platinum because of MP trophies and servers are now shut down, a problem many PS3 games will face.
Still have my PS3 set up in the main room but I dont play it as reguarly as i used too. Maybe once or twice a week possibly more if I really get into something.
No Liam I do not use my PlayStation 3 for online's got a hens egg when I switch it on........agreed sad to see the excellent SSX get no love.
I still play PS3 a lot but can't say I have played an online game on it recently.
Last I checked there were still players in the original Bad Company and there are still official DICE servers in BF3. I'm sure if Sony hadn't shut down all, if not the majority of their first party MP servers there would still be players on games like Killzone and Resistance.
Also not on PS3 but, RIP Drive Club. Gone but not forgotten
I've been trying to play Dead Space 2 online but have only encountered one other person. I usually logon to check every other day but don't come across anyone. I was surprised to see their were still decent amount of people playing Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
I do still play PS3 in general a couple times a week. Currently Playing through FUSE, Drakengard 3 and need to play through Dead Space 2 on Zealot difficulty. I still have a lot of love for my PS3.
We still play Skylanders with the kids but nothing online. I’m surprised you still can!
I traded in my PS3 when I bought my PS4 in 2013.
So no (in general) If I want to play old games online, I can just boot up my PC.
I've been a bit disillusioned with the direction modern day games have been going so I've gotten my Wii, PS2 and PS3 out of storage to go back and play my collection of games. This has even awakened my love of going bargain hunting at local places to see if I can't snag some great games for like a dollar or two. Recently I picked up Warioware smooth moves on the Wii for a buck! That wouldn't even get you a couple worthless digital cards via microtransaction gacha nowadays.
I just finished Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker on PS3. I didn't try the coop part though.
@Squanch I'm missing one trophy for the platinum (the one related to the hardcore mode).
@vhsodre Yeah, beating the Zealot mode is the last trophy I need for the Platinum. The problem is you are only allowed to save 3 times throughout the whole play through. So, I just need to find time to do a complete play through in one sitting.
I started replaying Dark Souls 2 recently but trying to login to the PSN on PS3 with 2 factor authentication is a headache, so I didn't bother.
@ATaco I am also disillusioned with the direction modern day games are going PS4 will be my last Purchase I will go down the emulation road on P.C. and unearth past Gems.
I still play PS3 games (still working through the backlog 😆) but I never play online.
Only online game I play is Fortnite. No shame 😬
Don’t feel bad, I play Fortnite as well.
I’m not great at it but I play it mainly because my best friend is a crack head about it and for my second best friends it’s one of the only games he plays online since it has fairly small updates (he’s on a real strict data cap and his gf sucks it dry with Netflix, ah the wonders of living in the rural United States). It’s the only game we all three like and can play together.
That said, I’ve already told them that once Battlefield 2042 drops they won’t be seeing me on much for about a month at least lol.
I'd like to try if someone is still playing Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars
I was playing Battlefield 1943 sometime last year to wrap up some trophies just to complete it and quite surprisenly there was actually still a good decent playerbase in it. Didn't have any trouble at all finding a game. The controls did feel weird to return to though
@GADG3Tx87 I got the online trophies in Mercs 2 via LAN play and 2 ps3s. You could try that if you have a co op partner.
Unfortunately the person that I want to play with lives 300miles away. I moved away a few years ago.
It might work for Overlord 2 though because my brother and I want to go for the trophies.
My PS3 functions as a wonderful paperweight.
It also can serve the dual function of an effective doorstop.
I still adore my PS3. Just upgraded it to a SSD and it makes a decent difference if you download games from PSN. I find most games don't have as many lobbies as they do on 360 but COD still pulls impressive numbers on PS3. I just wish Sony and other publishers would put it a bit of effort into having sales as many of the games are woefully overpriced in 2021. The 360 still gets games on sale, not just thru backcompat, but on the actual marketplace. Anyway, long live PS3 and maybe I'll see a few of you out there 😎
Destiny TTK and Dark Souls on PS3 for me. Still play them
I still play my PS3, but not multiplayer. Mostly classics like Dragon Age Origins, Ni no Kuni, Red Dead Redemption, etc. I have my PS3, 4, and 5 hooked up to the same TV, so it's basically whatever piques my fancy!
ps3 games? yes! online modes god no, have no interest and most games online have been removed by now
i played MW2 about last week ago . People forget that the PS3/360 era is/was the golden era of online MP gaming .
well , not that it matters to the users here at pushsquare , multiplayers the devil 'round these parts :/
I'm still playing PS1 games and I bet there's loads like me out there. In fact I'm doing it on my launch day console, although my ps3 does most of the PS1 and PS2 playing just for ease . I have all 5 generations sat under or at the side of my TV and wouldn't want it any other way.
Mine is still plugged in. Recently replayed Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time after finishing Rift Apart.
I play ps3 all the time loads of great games stuck on that system and its an excellent media player as well.
online not so much as most of the games i play the servers have been turned off. I still play mass effect 3 multiplayer though as thats still up and running
"The machine was the first to throw us into HD visuals". But it wasnt at all..the xbox 360 launched before the ps3 and supported 720 and 1080 (occasionally) so i'm sorry but thats incorrect reporting..the ps3 and xbox 360 hardly ever hit 720 or 1080 targets at acceptable frame rates..if 720p is considered to be half hd then a heck of a lot of that generation cant really be classed as hd..and before somebody starts having a rage fit and calling me out on this i'm aware there were exeptions to the rule but not that many if anybody wants to be honest...edited..sorry the xbox 360 output was a native 720p but the image could be upscaled to 1080p if your tv supported upscaling..the tv did the upscaling apparantly..
I sadly ditched my PS3 into my closet once I got my PS4 in 2017...but it's still there in case I get nostalgic.
I think it WOULD get used online if the servers hadn't been shut down! I'm referring to such fun multiplayer games including the original LBP and ModNation Racers in particular.
I was until recently using my PS3 to watch Sky in another room and the streaming was fine
Haven’t kept any of my old consoles, so no - not playing PS3 multiplayer games.
Not playing PS3 games at all.
Even traded in my PS4 Pro, once I got a PS5.
Sure I still have loads of PS4 games and about half-a-dozen games for the 360. Not sure if they even work on the series X.
Played through Mirrors Edge again recently, after playing Catalyst.
But it is surprising just how many of my games are remasters of older games.
Kept playing the original Mass Effect games up until the Legendary Edition arrived.
playing FONV on my ps3, yakuza 4 and just did all the DLC for Deus Ex HR, which was phenomenal and held up well. I find that PS3 games have more character to them, and feel more visceral.. Stories are more vibrant.. I think a lot of these new gen games, are just all about flash and optics, with trash stories and bad plots and character developments.. My ps3 second gen still works, even though I had to get it serviced once, They don't make the components anymore so when it dies, so does all of my options to play on my ps3, Sony upgraded me with a 256mb HD just as a present for free!!
The online games that I loved the servers got joe-joe'd
@The_Moose All MP trophies for games that no longer have active servers should pop for us gamers automatically.. There are a lot of games on PS3, that for trophy hunters, will be painful because they have friggen MP trophies, sooo TRASH!!
Just played and finished Peacewalker HD on PS3. Servers are not active though I think. Great game though! All I have left is Rising.
@MakersMark 256mb HD or memory card
Sure am! Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout 3 and NV, Tales of, Star Ocean, PES, Tiger Woods, Silent Hill, Oblivion, Eternal Sonata...and many more. Some absolute belters on PS3. If my PS3 breaks, i'll buy another one!
@Squanch I wonder if you can find other people on a Dead Space subreddit and figure out a time for you all to join up.
I use it to play DVD's, so I don't have to bother taking game discs out of the PS4...last week I dug out the Transporter trilogy, Crank and Crank High'll probably be boxed when I get a PS5, but I'm now tempted to buy Quantum of Solace mentioned above...I have revisited AC games on it occasionally, but I do find the controller a little small and uncomfortable these days
Wish they kept the MAG servers running.
The forerunner of current live-service console shooters.
@Darthroseman You know. I never really thought about that. I'll probably give that shot. Thanks for suggestion!
@Squanch I did wrong not trying to do this when the game was still fresh in my memory. Finishing the game on this condition will be tough if you forgot what to do.
These Ps3 games I still play online. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Battlefield 1943, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Tekken Tag 2, Tekken 6 & Bioshock 2. These are in order from most to least active.
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