In the lead up to Halloween, Capcom will have seven different Resident Evil related announcements to share in order to celebrate the series' 25th anniversary. Five of them are scheduled for the 21st and 22nd October 2021, another on 25th October 2021, and then the final one on 29th October 2021. The website for the celebration has actually already filled in two previous reveals, which give us a decent idea of what to expect from the rest.
The first was a Twitter competition to win Resident Evil branded clothing and items, and the other was simply reminding fans of the upcoming Resident Evil 4 VR port for Oculus Quest 2. If the seven upcoming reveals follow in those same footsteps, then we would warn against getting yourself too excited. We have to remember the Resident Evil brand covers more than just games now; it's also a movie series, an anime, a book series, and clothing and merchandising line. As such, it's highly unlikely all seven of these announcements will relate to something you can play on a PlayStation 5 or PS4.
However, there are likely to be one or two exciting reveals. Possibilities include the unveiling of Resident Evil Village DLC, which is confirmed to be in the works. There have also been rumblings of PS5 updates to Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3, while there's also the chance Capcom will bring back the original PS1 titles and port them to modern systems. The announcement of a brand new Resident Evil title, however, seems fairly unlikely for something like this.
If you're interested in further reading on the topic of Resident Evil's 25th anniversary, we asked developers what 25 years of Resident Evil means to them back in March. While we wait for the first reveal, what do you hope to see? Post your Resident Evil predictions in the comments below.
[source capcom.co.jp, via twitter.com]
Comments 33
What happened to that resident evil online game
@UltimateOtaku91 They're still working on it I don't know why they're bothering because pretty much everyone has told them they don't want it 😕
Interesting. I know Capcom said there would be some DLC for RE: Village but having played the game, I'm not really sure what direction they could go with it. There's nothing that would make sense after the ending and I don't think there's really anything of note that was taking place during Ethan's events that you'd need a whole DLC for.
A classic trilogy would be neat! I doubt they would announce something huge like a Code Veronica X remake, but one can hope...
The RE7 DLC was brilliant so Village hopefully will have the same.
What I really want is the 'updated' version of Resident Evil 4 that was in the list of 'leaked' games from the Capcom hack a while back.
Hopefully that was not just the VR port as I really want to see what 'additions' they would make to the 4th instalment of the series since it had my favourite story.
I'm still hoping they do a director's cut of Resident Evil 3 remake (before you comment, it's probably not happening).
The promised switch game will be one I’d imagine.
@AndyKazama Yeah, I hope one of them is that.
I'm hoping for ports of the original PS1 games to current hardware could even chuck Code Veronica in there if your feeling saucy
@Keyblade-Dan Why dont they make Outbreak 3 with a offline and online campaing where you can play online and offline that insane a option they could do it during the PS2 era.
They even thought of a way to make extra content they made part 2 after the first one OMG. The shocking part is it worked out the box to.
@Broosh Thats the ine i never finished i cant agree more.
VR mode for Village on PSVR2 is my dream lol.
A new game would be nice. Not a remake or a FPS game but a brand new, traditional style 3rd person Resident Evil game.
@Flaming_Kaiser That would be infinitely better than that RE Verse crap
what about a slow-paced Shmup style top down RPG?
If there is a new RE title in the works then I'd imagine it possibly being Revelations 3
@Gamer83 maybe they could introduce the daughter a bit more… 😊
Village dlc & ps1 trilogy 🤞🏻
@Gamer83 if you look at the tragedy of Ethan winters art book it says that originally Ada Wong was going to be in the game so I'm thinking they might add something to do with her maybe like re 4 seperate ways
Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake is the only announcement I care about.
@Keyblade-Dan I found the games a lot of i rather see a remaster of Breakout then GTA to be honest especially with the online options these days.
@Residentsteven - Yeah, Revelations 3 would be welcome as long as it isn't episodic. Forcing a week long wait between episodes of 2 when they were clearly finished was asinine.
Used to be my favorite series. Hate to see that it's no longer what I enjoyed about the series. I have all my favorites so I'll just replay them when I'm in the mood.
@Kopite Code Veronica X is already available on PS4 as a PS2 Classic or whatever
@Broosh as much i would love code veronica , im guessing it is the stuff from the leak maybe re8 dlc , re4 remake , and maybe the switch rumored game that releases on the switch first , called out rage.
The ones that would make me most happy are;
1) Classic Collection (RE1-CVX)
2) Revelations 3
3) Outbreak reboot
I want updates on Resident Evil 4 Remake...also yes please remaster Resident Evil 2 Remake and release a PS5 RE3 Director's Cut.
i wonder if the rumored timed Resident Evil exclusive for Switch is one of the anouncemt Capcom is gonna make for Resident Evil?
@Would_you_kindly @Bigbangattack_72
Wouldn't mind either one of these as DLC. Though I might lean more towards seeing Ada as a playable character since she is one of my favorites and my only criticism of RE 7 and 8 is we don't get enough of the classic characters other than Chris.
Possible, although I'd think they'd save all that for the inevitable RE 9.
Well today's 'announcements' were all crap
These 'announcements' have all been pants, just in case anyone is wondering. One to go and I would be very impressed if it's even worth batting an eye at.
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