What's the best Final Fantasy game to ever grace a PlayStation console? This is the (rather demanding) question that we want you to answer. Below, you'll find a list of Final Fantasy games, both mainline and spinoff. We need you to rate the games that you've played, and these ratings will feed into a Final Fantasy ranking article that we'll publish in the near future.
But before we get into it, let's set the stage with a bit of an overview. Final Fantasy is easily one of the most recognisable brands in gaming. Square Enix's primarily role-playing series has been trucking along for over 30 years, and while it's certainly had its ups and downs, it continues to be a hugely successful franchise that captures the hearts of many.
Final Fantasy VII — originally released in 1997 for the PlayStation — is the game that sparked Final Fantasy's meteoric (pun intended) rise to mainstream popularitty. It was a title that helped define Sony's first console, and it introduced entire generations to the concept of Japanese role-playing games.
There was a time when Square Enix — then called Square, or Squaresoft — would launch a new, mainline Final Fantasy game every year or so, but that cycle has changed dramatically over the last decade. Like many Japanese companies, Square Enix hit something of a snag during the PlayStation 3 generation. Games were taking much longer to develop, internal costs were rising, and the hardware could be difficult to work with. Flagship titles like Final Fantasy XIII were delayed and at least partially rebooted multiple times, and Square Enix was struggling to find a foothold.
Since then, the publisher's managed to pull itself back together, and much more recent Final Fantasy projects, like the ridiculously popular Final Fantasy XIV and the long awaited Final Fantasy VII Remake, have put the series back on the map. It's fair to say that Final Fantasy is on the rise once again, even if strange spinoff titles such as Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin continue to raise an eyebrow.
Anyway, let's get rating, shall we? In the list below, we've included the most up-to-date versions of most Final Fantasy games. This means that Final Fantasy VII, for example, shows up as the PS4 port. Likewise, enhanced re-releases and remasters — like Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Final Fantasy X HD Remaster, and Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade — are preferred over their original releases. We doubt that this detail will sway the voting process, but it's just something to keep in mind.
Now get out there and rate some Final Fantasy games!
Initial ratings for our list of Best Final Fantasy games closes on Monday 11th October, 2021. Make sure to get your ratings registered this weekend!
What's your favourite Final Fantasy game? Let us know in the comments section below, and be sure to keep an eye out for our rankings article in the near future.
Comments 136
VII, X, XIV are all tied for me in terms of Playstation ones. I’m a bit iffy about the PS1 versions of the pixel games so I’d like to see the Pixel Remaster things come over since they seem to actually be pretty good.
Seven all the way FF7. Choccobbo racing and betting snowboarding Tiffa Materia Story too many to mention......Most Favourite Game of all time along side GTA San Andreas and PES 4. the only thing that has come close in recent years is Yakuza 0.
I mean V is my favorite in the series but the PS1 version is kind of garbo for that. Hmm...
I would also consider giving it to the PS1 version of FF Tactics but that doesn't seem to be here for whatever reason.
@Expa0 Yeah, the PS1 and PSP versions of Tactics are personal opinion. The slowdown in the PSP version is pretty annoying.
I'm a simple guy VII and XIV are my favorites. Honorable mentions for me are IV, VI, and X.
Not many people are going to agree with me, but Final Fantasy VIII is my favourite.
7 is my favourite followed very very closely by 9. They haven’t aged all that well though.
Final Fantasy 10.
It was my first one. It is still my favourite one and "To Zanarkand" is a song I have been consistently sleeping to for the past 15 years.
Final Fantasy 8.
I had to vote Crisis Core to the top. Even with a few mechanics that don't work super well (slot machine), it has a gripping plot, fantastic cutscenes, well voiced and lovable characters and a fun materia system. Easily my favorite.
My love for 8 is undying. I havent played the remaster but I have heard it isn't the best. Last time I played it I played it on PC with mods which were great.
Love the series, each game for different reasons. Hope 16 adds to the fun!
I still would have prefered a full visually upgraded FF7 with a few tweaks.
Final Fantasy 10 is my favorite followed closely by the original Final Fantasy 7. Dirge of Cerberus was high on my list as well.
Do you guys think 8 still stands up well in 2021? I'll give it a shot if so, never played that one.
Final Fantasy X for me. Was my first experience with the series and really fell in love with the story between Yuna and Tidus. Great times!
My favorite was Final Fantasy 9. Loved that game and it's whole style.
Love a great “which Final Fantasy is the best?” debate/argument.
The only two acceptable answers are, of course, 9 or 7. Although I think 9 takes gold, just about.
Well it does seem like there is only one version of any given game here so I figure I'm just gonna ignore any and all version specific gripes and just assume I'm playing the optimal version instead.
(Anyone who says 6 is a poser hipster)
Final Fantasy VIII - its the one game I absolutely play at least once per year
@Bentleyma- couldn't agree with you more! I'm there with you brother!
VII is also joint for me, but thats purely based on it being my first final fantasy game. But 8 was the one I originally wanted. 9 is also impeccable.
Never would've thought an MMO iteration of any series would be my favorite. But XIV is just a massive step above all the others. Easily has some of the best music, story, characters, environments, etc. The presentation is top notch especially when it comes to trials and boss fights. It's a great experience
Really hoping XVI turns out as amazing as it looks in that initial trailer
I would have loved 7 if I had played it. Unfortunately I was a Nintendo fanboy and even worse I was a Nintendo first party fanboy for the longest time.
It wasn't until I got a PS2 and opened my mind that I gave final fantasy a try, which is why I'll always have a soft spot for X since it was my first and it was a blast.
Though I’m not sure I’d really count them as “Final Fantasy” and more of a spin off, I’m going against the grain and will say Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. Such a good game and a shame that NT was a crap follow up. I hope it gets a better sequel with an actual single player campaign. Hell, I’d even take a port of the original.
Favourite is arguably ff6. No villian has come close to to kefka. Then ten and 9
In no particular order… 8, 7, 7 remake and Crisis Core for me.
Yeah, it was an amazing spinoff. I had quite many hours on that playing against family & friends. Single player content and just the sheer amount of stuff on it was on point.
@kyleforrester87 I deny this 😂😂
@kyleforrester87 Wrong! 6 is the best! However, 7R might be my new favorite.
The first third of 7 is among the most flawless gaming experiences of all time, top 5 for sure, but the game loses a little focus as it continues. 4 is almost as good as 6 and 7, as is 10. But what do I know? 15 is another favorite of mine and I might as well get ready for the snipers for feeling that way.
Edit: in my original post, how could I have not sang praises to FF Tactics? The best Fire Emblem game that isn’t Fire Emblem… Unless Square really kills it with Triangle. See what I did there? Jokes about shapes!
I’m going to say Final Fantasy 12, because I can.
Used to be VIII, now it's XII.
Not a huge FF fan but FF12 is the one i like the most so that's my favourite.
Ya'll are gonna let me have it, butttt XV is it for me. Thats the game that got me back into video games more so than any other games after a long hiatus in college so it holds a dear place in my heart
Final Fantasy X will always have a special place in my heart, the game had a great story.
Final Fantasy tactics for the ps1 was awesome, I liked that you could find hidden characters in it.
Honestly not a big FF fan but I played FF7 on PS1 and enjoyed it... having never gotten to disc 2. I basically got to the overworld map area and then got stuck. I decided to get FF7 Remake when it came out and enjoyed it but I'm basically at the same point as the PS1 game after finishing the PS4 game.
I also had some fun in FFX. Apparently I made it all the way to the final boss (according to friends) but due to never knowing I was supposed to level up or grind for leveling, I was destroyed a dozen times and gave up not knowing how to properly play the game.
This is an impossible question.
Instinctively I’d say FF7 because I can’t separate it from the pure sense of wonder and amazement I felt at the time, yet I’ve gone back and it doesn’t hold up to the newer games;
FF8 is better in most respects but ruined by the junction system;
FF9 is great, but the card game is a big disappointment after 8 and it doesn’t have the same sense of scope and originality;
10 I thought was phenomenal on first play, with the best battle system and a graphical leap, yet going back to the remaster I can’t deal with all the unskipable random battles and blitz ball (which I actually found fun first time around), as an adult with much greater limits on my time I just can’t.
11 I never played.
After that it gets easier because I hated the story, quest system and battle system of 12; 13 and the sequels I never played much because I was put off by the linearity and time limit element (although I might revisit). 14 I’ve never played as it’s an MMORPG and I have no time to justify the subscription and hate the genre; 15 was atrocious in every way and is possibly my worst in the mainstream series. Played at launch at least the traversal was painful, fights boring, characters unappealing and story disjointed.
I was too young before 7 and never played the earlier games. The spin offs mostly I’ve not played either in much depth, apart from World of Final Fantasy which I actually really liked.
As for FF7R - I’ll have to reserve judgment to see how the games opens out, but it’s ok.
I don't care if the port on ps1 has longer load times than snes and gba. It is still a 10.
I have a fondness for FF 13 so gave it an 8. 13 2, however... I at first thought 6.5 but then I realised there only like 3 parts of the game that I remember at all and I remember them just being "Good". So then realised I had to round it down, it's avout as good as Dirge of Cerberus lol 9, 10, 10-2 and 12 I have started before but yet to finish. 8 was good, but I give it the same score as it's number. 7 will forever be my favourite and a 10/10.
@somnambulance hey you can’t say 6 is the best but then go on to say remake might be better! 🙈
the rank for me:
1) ff7
2) ff6
3) ff9
4) ff12
5) ff4
7) ff15
8) ff8
9) ff13
10) ff5
11) ff2
i didnt play ff1 or ff14
@Netret0120 yeah that ps4 theme that plays that song over and over can't be beat.
XII - unique battle system, great world and a true sense of adventure.
Ff6 was my favorite I loved that game growing up. Wish we could get a port or upgrade.
Original 7 will always be my favorite, closely followed by 6. The first two games that absolutely blew me away.
FF X I personally think is the best Final Fantasy followed by VII
Every chapter is worth playing! My heart is with XV but V and XII are the best games overall imho.
Monster Of The Deep: Final Fantasy XV
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for me. It just grabbed me the most and I could play it on the go.
Putting aside issues related to loading times, FFVI and VII were my favorite ones on PS1. Never played V or VIII, and IX is one of my least favorite games in the series.
On PS2, the only one I could really get into was XII. X was heavily linear and disappointing all-around (although not so much as XIII, which put me off the series for the better part of a decade).
On PS4, XII TZA is my favorite, as it's a really good version of the original PS2 game. And VII Remake is probably the best new FF game to come out of S-E since the early 2000s (which isn't hard when XIII and XV are the competition).
Never played the MMOs.
VI will forever hold the top spot for me. I bought the game for PSone only for the demo disc of X. I didn't play it for years after that when my girlfriend (now wife) suggested we play it. My first FF was VIII so that always holds a special place for me. IX is awesome too. XV is dog poo. It actually makes me worried about forspoken.
FFX is my favorite game of all time, so clearly it's the best Final Fantasy
I really enjoy the Final Fantasy series so many of them hold a special place in my eyes with 12, 8, 9 and 10 all being up there as extra special.
However, Final Fantasy 7 is my favourite and is in my top five all time favourite games as well.
It was the first game I saw screenshots of in a magazine where I immediately felt a sense of wonder and pure fantasy that I hadn’t experienced from a magazine and it gave me that first feeling since playing Secret of Mana on the SNES. But FF7 took it to the next level.
I didn’t own a PS1 at the time so I had to wait about a year until I got a PS1 after seeing the game. I became so obsessed I was at the point of having recurring dreams of owning a PS1 and waking up to not have one.
Eventually I got my PS1 and the first game I got for it was FF7. And I experienced pure wonder and joy with every moment that I still feel to this day when I play it. I know most say it doesn’t hold up, but it really does to me.
VI is in my opinion the absolute best and quite possibly my favorite game of all time
All I know is that final fantasy 13 is the worst.
FF 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are the best no question about it. Once Sony got their hands on it with 7 the series just went downhill and became utter garbage.
FFX will probably always be my favorite. The 1st JRPG I ever finished and also the 1st video game I ever purchased with my own money. Love that game.
My 1st FF and JRPG I ever played though was X-2 which always throws people for a loop!😅 I know people love to hate on it cause it's not as great as X but I still thought it was great in its own way.
@kyleforrester87 Lol. I’d still say 6 trumps 7R, but only because it doesn’t have cat fetch quests… and it does have the nostalgia.
1. FF6
2. FF7R
3. FF4
4. FF10
5. FF7
6. FF15
7. FF Tactics
8. FF8
9. FF12
10. FF9
11. FF5
12. FFX-2
13. FF13
14. FF14 (when I played it years ago)
15. FF1
16. FF11
17. FF3
18. FF2
The great thing about about Final Fantasy is that everyone seems to have a different favorite and different list.
Final fantasy 7 for me.final fantasy is the most reckonizing rpg ever i got to admit that.word up son
There are two PSP games missing from this list.
1) Final Fantasy IV Remake
2) Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
I know XIII-2 is gonna bomb this, but one can dream. Such an underrated game and definitely the most fun of the trilogy.
4-9 are all gold, though 6 and 8 are too for me. Unfortunately the ps1 version of 6 is underwhelming-so 8 wins!
Also—unpopular opinion-but 10 is mediocre at best. I do like the battle system though!
@DVS Did they sell separately, or just in the complete collection. If they didn’t you’d have to include the story inbetween.
Bit random, short for clicks..
I'll bite. Final Fantasy VII every time.
I'll give War of the Lions 10 stars, just let it be noted that my vote is actually for the original FFT on PS1, not the PSP version.
@mattesdude On PSP they were packaged together. On Vita they were available separately.
Final Fantasy IX for me is not just my favourite FF game, but pretty much my favourite game of all time. It is absolutely beautiful in my eyes. The characters, the towns, the music. I love everything about it. The moment where Vivi walks out of the Black Mage Village Inn and he's looking up at the sky, whilst Zidane is telling Garnet that he is looking for a place to call home is just... It turns my heart to butter. It overwhelms me. Nothing short of magical storytelling. Vivi and his storyline and the way his character grows throughout the game is a pure master stroke. My all time favourite FF Character.
@CthulhuFhtagn XII is hugely underrated. Theme song (Kiss Me Goodbye) is dope too
Final Fantasy 13 , because it was my first
i liked the music , graphics , and atmosphere of the game it was really dope. i wouldve beaten it if it wasn't so long . tbh , i don't think 13 gets enough credit for its aesthetic , its so clean and good , i know all final fantasy games look good but 13 is beautiful though.
Gave VII, VIIR, VIII, IX, X, and Crisis Core a solid 10 star. The classic FF1 is also a 10 for me.
Type-0, XII and Dissidia 012 are 9 stars
XV is an 8 star
Lastly, gave the XIII trilogy 4 stars, AKA, the worst Final Fantasy games IMO
VII, VIII and IX will always be the holy trinity of Final Fantasy games for me during the PS1 era. I wanted to give X a 9, maybe 8 stars since it wasn't exactly a personal favorite of mine but I remember how good the story of X was and the characters are great as well so I ended up giving it a 10. FF1, I'm playing this a bit late on my PSP but I'm loving every bit of it so far and I have to give credit where credit is due. Then there's VII remake and Crisis core, which expands to one of my all time favorite Final Fantasy games and Zack is just as amazing as Cloud is.
Played Dissidia on PSP for countless of hours and I got to say that there's no other fighting games like this out there but I gave Dissidia NT a lower score since it is more of an arcade fighting game. Also played the heck out of Type-0 back then. XII is so underrated and and deserves more love. ]
I have a love-hate relationship with XV. I was excited to play this when I got my PS4 but finishing the game from start to finish was frustrating and that linear level near the end was so annoying. It doesn't help that a lot of what was shown in the trailers never ended up in the game. The open-world to me, while beautiful, felt empty. I gave the game a 2nd chance after a few months, ended up loving it for the most part and the Royal Edition made the game better at the very least
Then there's the XIII trilogy which to me, are the worst games out there. I tried to get into this trilogy but not only was the game linear (at least the first two) but I just can't get into the characters and the story.
Final Fantasy 10 12 World of Final Fantasy and FF 7 Remake were/are my favourite. I played FF XIV Online too but admittedly the game just took too much of my time in the evening after getting home from work and I decided to call it a day, at least for now. I might go back to it again but atm I just don't know.
The PS1 games I like but admittedly they haven't aged well and I don't consider them my favourite anymore. That said only recently I put over 350 hours into FF 9 on the Switch, Carbuncle hence my username is my favourite summon.
FF 13 is my favourite, fight me! I enjoyed it so much that when I replayed it last year I beat it in 3 sittings. It was my first ever FF game and the story really isn't convoluted, I really don't understand the hate for the game being so linear considering 10 which I've played the majority of is even more linear and can I say that this game is still beautiful to this day especially on the xbox enhanced versions. I only rated games that iv'e completed, being 12 Zodiac Age, 13, 15 and World of FF. Also played the vast majority of 10 but I feel like I need to start a fresh save because its been so long since I played it.
I think I go 12, 7, 10, 8, 9, 13, 10-2, 13-2. In the middle of playing through 7R so hard to pass judgement yet on it. Never played the oldest 1-6, nor 15 or any of the spin-offs.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Number 47 in this comments section 😏
Final Fantasy 12 is my all time personal favorite. It's an unpopular pick I know but it's a game still today I break out my old PS2 for and still replay every year. If I had to pick a follow up in close second would be Final Fantasy 8. Both are amazing!
Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (PS3) - 10
Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - 9
Final Fantasy XV (PS4) - 8
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - 7
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4) - 7
Haven't played the rest.
Despite some saying it's oberhyped, FF7 has always been the best entry in the series for me. FF6 and 9 are good too.
The ones before 6 are kind of too archaic and so is 6 but it developed the characters and world more. Special mention to 4, but it was pretty basic.
8 was the first real disaster for the series. I know 2 exists, but those were different times. 8 had everything to be great, but baffling design decisions with the junction and draw systems and the unbelievable basketball court scene where everyone remembered each other but not quite was a knife in the heart of that game. What a dumb plot twist!
Anyways... 10 8s alright. 11 was online and i never got too much into it. Ibelieve the story was only told in cinematics or something, so i don't consider it a real entry.
12 i confess i haven't played yet. It felt like 11 offline and i lost interest by proxy, but got the ps4 version. Hope to give it another go in time.
13... the number for bad luck lived up to it's fame. Terrible disjointed mess that made FF8 look great.
14 online... ARR onwards actually gets pretty amazing. One of the goods.
15... trash. Dumb nonsensical, chopped off, boring shell of a would-be game.
So yeah... 6,7,9 and 14 (12?). There. I saved youngsters a lot of their time. XD
PS: FFT is awesome also.
@GorosBat wow , i said the exact same thing ! I love FF13 , and it was my first too!
FF13 is a 10 for me. The rest... meh.
I wouldn't say it stands up well, but if you enjoyed it all those years ago you should still now, added bonus of turbo mode to get through those long talking and running sections. I enjoyed re playing it and getting the platinum anyway
It's like my 2nd favourite FF also so.
VI, VII, VIII, IX, and XIV are my favourites.
XIII, XII, X are my least favourites.
Everything else is somewhere in the middle or I haven't played it.
@DrunkenEagle92 the music in 9 is incredible and it has some of the best character building in a FF game. 7 will probably always be my favourite because at the time I’d played nothing like it and it blew my mind, but 9 is phenomenal too.
Based on which ones I’ve actually played on a playstation console, the ones I’d say were the best would be VII Remake and X (Dissidia 012 and Tactics also qualify if we’re including spin-offs).
That said, if we’re talking favourites and not limited to which ones I’ve played on playstation, then my list would be:
VII Remake
Dissidia 012
To be fair though, most FF games are pretty decent.
For me it would be between X and XII. I Really enjoyed older games for their time but I personally feel they just didn't age that well.
I can't believe it took up to 30 comments until someone correctly said that FFXII is the best Final Fantasy game.
Well, for me the race for the number one spot is tight between VII and VIII. And VIII winning with a small margin. I was a troubled teenager with no friends at the time and Squall and his friends story hit me in the guts.
Never liked that game tbh.
@Samqvist Yeah, it is a bit of a Marmite game, people either love it or hate it.
I love it for the fact that you play as a little street scamp who gets mixed up with royalty, important people and some sky pirates and go off on a huge political adventure with them.
I never understood the hype around final fantasy, it is like there are 30 titles, +30 remakes, people seem to know which ones are good and which ones are nah.. I've tried a few times but do not like it as much as other RPGs like Witcher, Dragon Age, Pokemon. Maybe it is too Japanese for me, I don't know
I share the same sentiment. X will and always be the best FF.
@nessisonett The pixel remaster graphics are (let's be kind) an acquired taste mixing different pixel grids and resolutions.
If you like that good for you.
For many of us they are Franken-game abominations.
PS. Completely agree on FFT, the MOST underappreciated FF. I replay it every so often and it always holds up.
7 remake , 14 and 15 are my favourites with 10 and 13 right behind
1. FF6
2. FF7
3. FF Tactics <-- Don't sleep on it
4. FF9
5. FF8
6. FF12
7. FF5
8. FF4
9. FF10
10. FF15
11. FF13
12. X-2
Not played yet: FF7R, XI, XIV, XIII-2, LR: FF XIII
Will get round to 7 remake soon. XIII-2 + LR: FF XIII coming to Game Pass may make me play these too.
Want to play XIV A realm reborn but the 200+ hour barrier to entry is not possible right now!
FFVII all day.
@Bentleyma- loved it and easily replaced 7 as my favourite.
@Bentleyma- Dont worry dude we are many. Taking the Seed Exams when I used to have to take exams was one of the little things that made me and my friends bond with the characters like no other game had done at that point. They really knew their audience back then. FFVIII for the win. Here's hoping for a remake.
@TBubs311 Me too. Played it well after launch and just fell in love.
Final Fantasy 12
Final fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 9
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is my favorite game in the series, so I'll go with that. FF VII Remake is second but a distant one.
I just started FF X yesterday. It's my first FF game. About 4 hours in and liking it so far.
I always enjoyed the early games of this genre. The first final fantasy game just blew me away.
War of the Lions and OG FFVII are 10's for me.
Hi there fellow gamers.
A Final Fantasy poll huh?
Okay. I´ll give each my rating and share my personal favourites:
Didn´t play XI nor XIV because they are online games.
FF III and FF IX were also pretty good to.
Cheers, stay safe folks and happy role playing gaming to us all
FF7 is among my favourite games of all time (alongside Okami, Batman Arkham City, Uncharted 2 and Pokémon Heart Gold) and I loved the remake too (maybe even more than the original, but obviously it's only 1 part released so far so can't comment too much). I loved 8 as well, but didn't get one with 9 at all.
FF7 > FF7R > FF8 > FFX > FF6 > FF4 > FFCC > FF5 > FFX2 > FF 13 > FF13-2 > FFLR not sure if I played any others 🤔
Its obvious FF X is the winner.
Love FF XII too
12 for me but 10 was probably very close. I just replayed 12 again on PS4 remaster a couple years ago (still held up in looks as well!) the whole way through but couldnt get all the way through 10 again.
For me the best thing about RPGs is the combat, skill systems and character progression, which 12 has one of the best systems of any RPG.
7,8,9 hold a special place in my heart but looking back they weren't actually as good as the later games and were quite tedious for large parts of the games.
@rachetmarvel yeah that was a cash in on the FF name, they hadn't released a game all generation on PS3 so decided to churn out something to make some money, from memory I think this is the first new FF game after they merged as square Enix as well and wasn't something square started by themselves. Basically they had lost their way...
Final Fantasy VIII was not only my first Final Fantasy game, it was also my first RPG. I will always regard it as one of the greatest games ever made.
FF7 will always hold a special place in my heart, so gonna have to vote for the original.
The PSone FF TACTICS I get you wanted to give the PSP some love but the big...now small compared to today's sizes screen was the way to play. For the real deal our FF4, yes 7 was a love affair but I have played all the FF until...10 then came back for this last one.
10 up are good, including 7 remake.
@Bentleyma- yeah, hated the combat in that game. GF's take forever, draw system busted. Monster level scaling. Lot of problems. Music and story B+. Triple Triad A+
@Bentleyma- Its my 2nd favorite. One of the best soundtracks.
@ApostateMage Thats a good point, and also the reason I was very excited about the game at release. But the gameplay, characters and pacing wasn´t my thing.
@TBubs311 searched the comments for this one. XV is a masterpiece (the royal edition, that is).
8 and 11 couldn't tell you the story of 11 but made some great friends and memories back in the day.
8. Always and forever. I love the Junction system, the story, the music...the whole thing. I would rather Squeenix remake 8 before 9, I have played about 3 hours of 9 and I'm sorry but it is vastly inferior.
Final Fantasy VIII. No question.
So many strong contenders. Played them all except Crystal Chronicles and World of Final Fantasy.
For me, it's FF Tactics, 7, 12, or 14.
Who am I kidding, gotta give the nod to Tactics.
@TraCuz- Its so cheap to buy €20 i loved the original its one of my favorite games around.
@KidBoruto Im still dissapointed that they just didnt upgrade it visually so we could have played it years ago. Instead of waiting with FFR7 where they keep upgrades out of the physical copies. I can still can play FF7 completely from start to end preservation of the game. With the first extension on FF7R and they didnt even put in the effort to print it in the 100GB Bluray. Whats the use of big discs if you still refuse to print the content on the disc.
Final fantasy 7 original game on 1, close second is Final Fantasy 8 and the 3rd is Final Fantasy 9. I have to finish Final Fantasy 10 and 12. Final Fantasy 13 would be nice to see a complete rerelease.
The PS4 Final Fantasy games are quite a step down nothing is completely available on disc and i dont like the main characters of 15. Also read that its nit complete because the dude who made the game left.
Final Fantasy 7R im so dissapointed that they again refuse to give me a complete physical release so ill wait untill its cheap or ill get a complete edition or ill just skip it.
Final fantasy 8 is my favourite final fantasy 3 is a close second
The answer is 6 is the best, with 7, 8 & 9 also being pretty great.
I'm still amazes me that 10 is held in such high regard. The awful characters and voice acting made the game unplayable to the point where I gave up on it and pretty much the series. It also stands as the point where Japanese game companies thought that annoying whiny American teens are the standard voice actors for pretty much every rpg protagonist. A sad day indeed. It basically made me realise that the people who make final fantasy had completely different ideas about who the characters were and the way they came across. 12 is the only one I've played to completion since, which was ok, but still not a classic.
Never understood the love for VII. I fell in love with FF because it was Fantasy. All the games set in the modern world simply don't interest me as much and lose part of the magic.
Controversial opinion: FFX-2 Was actually a very good game. People don't like it, because it wasn't the sequel they were expecting from Final Fantasy X. I'll die on that hill.
What's you favourite Final Fantasy and why is it 6 7 or 8?
Honestly XV. Now the dust has settled on the cross media push and all the DLC the story is immense. You’re looking at Episode Ardyn > A King’s Tale > Kingsglaive > XV interspersed with the other DLC and the anime series > Comrades > Dawn of the Future hardback for the full experience.
XV also has a clever inverted structure. In VII for example as the story ramps up, so does the world open. By the time you’re ready to take down Sephiroth you take a 2 month vacation whilst you hoover up side quests which is unrealistic and anticlimactic. XV inverts this by narrowing the game world as the story progresses so you do the side quests when the story is inconsequential but save the world when the time comes.
The stag do plot I thought was excellent. Keeping the party small allowed the bonds of friendship to really show. Did anyone really feel Cloud gave a toss about Vincent or Cid at any point in VII?
My favourite final fantasy game is Final Fantasy VII Remake. Never played the original but really loved playing the remake. My first final fantasy was 13 and it got me into the series. Played 1-4 remasters, I think I played them on the DS or maybe on mobile. Didn't like 15 and I know I won't like 16. So I'm just going to be waiting for 7 remake to complete and then look forward to maybe another remake of an old final fantasy game. Maybe 8 or 9.
Anyone else think 12 is the best? For some reason I've always really loved that one. Tactics, 6,7,7r,8,9,10 all real good, very hard to say which one is better. 15 wasn't as bad as some seem to think it was, it was good enough for me to get the plat. 1 was the first turn based rpg I ever played, and is what got me liking the genre, so it may not be one of the best, but it's one of my best video memories (it really doesn't hold up very well today). I just wish they would either remake or do a sequel to tactics!
For me the 'Golden-Age' of Final Fantasy is VI-X, from X-2 onwards it's been a very mixed bag.
XII - Didn't feel like a FF game to me, less of a character driven story.
XIII - I like alot! I just wish the Auto-Battle tab was removed.
XIII-2 - Even better! Caius was the villian the series needed... I just don't see Serah as protagonist material sadly.
XIII-LR - Too many mandatory sidequest sand bad ending.
XIV - I don't play MMO's certainly not at a subscription.
FFT-0HD - Trash... have nothing good to say about it.
XV - A mess, the 2nd Anniversary conference buried this game - Kingsglaive was good at least.
My favourite overall is VIII. I know it has setbacks like the lack of character development in side party members but the story of Squall was wroth it for me. Also it has my favourite art direction in any game - & OST too! I hate hearing people whine about drawing in battle, as soon as you unlock the GF Shops oy can bypass all of that.
6,8,10 and 12 for me.
FF VII Remake is the best, in my opinion. Too bad it wasn't released as a full game. I hope the next FF remake Square Enix decide to make will be launched as a complete game (my hopes are FF VIII or VI)
Will now have to drop FF8 from my favourites list because I found out (when preparing to play through the remaster) that is has a enemy level scaling, and to such an extent that it is actually a disadvantage to level your team. Hate, hate, hate this in any RPG.
7, 8, 9 & 10 were the golden age for me. 7 got me into the series when I was 11 but the series peaked with 15 for me.
This poll is laborious. I wish you split this into two articles, one just covering the mainline.
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