Rockstar has released a trailer and a number of screenshots taken from Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition, finally showing us what the three remasters actually look like. And although you can quite clearly tell that these are old games, a lot has been done to touch them up. New texture work and more stylised character models are noticeable, while an overhauled lighting system definitively gives the visuals some additional depth.
All three games will support 60 frames-per-second at 4K resolution on PS5.

The Trilogy certainly looks better than many may have been anticipating. When this collection was first rumoured, there were worries that Rockstar would simply up the resolution and that would be that — but this is obviously a lot more impressive. Enough to warrant that £54.99 price tag, though? We'll let you decide.
How do you think GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas look? Hijack a car in the comments section below.
Comments 121
£55 is nonsense. Other than that, I’m quite positive about the upgraded visuals, especially on the environmental side of things. I think the character design will be controversial but it looks alright to me.
Removed - unconstructive
What about the soundtracks though!?
lol no thanks
increased draw distances is the best upgrade
That's more like it! They just need to confirm that all the original music is in tact and were good to go✌️ I certainly wouldn't pay full price for this but it's on my radar for when I see it on a future sale
Hard pass. Asking $60 for a PS2 trilogy?... I'll play my PS2 copies.
Never liked GTA and the price is too much BUT considering all the negativity surrounding this I think it actually looks quite nice.
No thanks. Rockstar could’ve done better with this. Mass Effect’s rerelease was a better buy.
Slight disappointed. Hoping for more detailed models.
Price is high although 3 GTA games there will 100s of hours of content… will wait for a sale and reviews.
I’m really happy with what Rockstar have done with the remasters. Everything just looks a lot cleaner, shaper and brighter, particularly the lighting effects. As for the price, £54.99, I think it really warrants it for the quality of the remaster and your essentially getting 3 great open world games for the price. There’s no questioning the quality of them either.
For those who have Xbox Game Pass you can try GTA: SA remaster day one on 11th November. It could be a great way to check out the remaster before laying down £54.99 for the other 2 games in the trilogy. Although if SA is coming to Game Pass on its own, doesn’t that suggest that the games can be purchased individually?
EDIT: Scratch that, I just saw that GTA 3 is coming to PS Now. It’s a great opportunity for both Xbox and PlayStation owners to try these games before deciding to pay full price. What about the poor Switch owners though? 😧
I doubt they’ll be on PS Now and Game Pass for long though going by how long GTA IV and RDR2 where on the services before, which was not very long. It’s a smart move by Rockstar doing this as it they’ll be expecting people to finish or really enjoy the game enough to buy the trilogy.
This looks really good.cant wait to buy this masterpieces of this trilogy.good job rockstar💛🖤.and November 11.oh yeah my ps4 pro is ready.word up son
So they basically did what modders did years ago? Still seem rather lazy, especially after all the hype they tried to build up around it.
I am impressed. Still, I will wait till Christmas to buy this.
I wish Rockstar would release a remaster or remake of Max Payne 1 and 2 with updated controls.
The price seems fine for 3 of the best open world games of all time touched up!
I was actually expecting them to be lazier than this but I was hoping for a bit more at the same time!
I just need to see a bit of gameplay to see how the shooting and driving works
I know the price is a little steep, but I just pre-ordered it. I love Grand Theft Auto V and I never finished the PS2 trilogy, so I’m looking forward to it.
So they’ve gone from looking like PS2 games to looking like PS3 games. No thanks.
@Gamer_Girl_ that is steep for a ps4 game honestly 😮😮
Its better than I expected but that was a low bar. Still no gunplay tho. Waiting to see that improvement
It actually looks pretty good, in a cartooney sort of way. Personally I'm not going to pay 55 smackers for it, but it'll be a fair while until I get around to it anyway
might actually be worth the money
" ... using Unreal Engine to make these classics more vibrant and more immersive than ever "
Nah, Its still renderware.
That Unreal Engine rumor was misleading.
If they're doing it in UE, then it should be a Remake. But its just a remaster.
So ... Its using UE4 as a frontend for various UI elements for the trilogy's bundle/common launch menu.
Grand Theft Auto Trilogy remasters are being developed by Rockstar Dundee, which previously worked on the Halo: The Master Chief Collection under the name Ruffian Games.
The same devs used UE4 frontend for the MCC collection's UI and menus previously.
This remaster is not actually being made in Unreal Engine.
Its the same ol' GTA III,VC, SA code made using Renderware. Just spruced up a bit. Similar to Halo MCC.
@Nightcrawler71 To be fair they are only remasters, if Rockstar claimed them to be remakes then fair enough.
Character models look like ass the environment upgrade is nice 60fps is great right now it all hangs on the soundtracks if the OSTs are intact then I may get this. My biggest issue is the only game I like and care about is San Andreas and I don't know if I can justify paying £55 just for San Andreas with small upgrades 😕
Only thing impressive about this is the price tag!
Will be cheaper if not bought from Rockstar. Id expect it will be possible to get this for 45 at launch. A little too expensive for me right now - i'd rather play something new and already have Kena and Beyond a Steel Sky on preorder for November - but maybe in a future sale
I can just see this selling like candy during the holiday season.
Looks about what I expected. I'll go ahead and pass on this.
Looks better than I expected, but $59.99? They're probably trying to ride the nostalgia wave, and I hope it doesn't work.
It's not like they are some RPG masterpieces that are a must. Hard pass.
I'm pretty disappointed with the character models, but I'll still probably pick this up on sale.
Think I'll wait till its under £20.
Static screenshots look alrightish,though kind of remind me of preview shots of the likes of GTA SA I saw ahead of the eventual ps2 release years ago.🤔 Tricky to judge the YouTube video vs proper gameplay.
My biggest worry still is what's going on with the soundtracks,especially Vice City's? It would be the same as crossing the river in RDR 1 & not getting that magical moment!
For a full price release,(even if a compilation),soundtrack is as important as (hopefully),retaining the original gameplay of sorts. I would say I'd wait for a sale but Rockstar can be stingy on that front...LA Noire still costs $45 odd in my neck of the woods 50% off!
Certainly the old days of me being an excited day 1 buyer of Rockstar is long gone. I'll wait & see more footage/info. Not sold yet.
I quite like the look of this. I’d love to play through GTA3 again.
It looks like they've done a decent job, the lighting especially. I'll get this in a sale some time.
Graphical glow up is much better than I thought. Agreed that the character styling is a little controversial but I don't mind it on first view.
If the full unchanged radio stations are included I will definitely bite... in the first sale.
To be fair, looks better than what I was expecting but… I wasn't expecting much at all. Characters look a bit too cartoony though. Hopefully, they'll show some gameplay soon.
@gollumb82 Remedy developed Max Payne 1 & 2. Rockstar developed the third instalment.
The models actually look like the GTA style artwork in each game, it looks weird to me.
I went to Rockstar's website and it seems it implies the PS4 version will not be at 60 FPS
Definitely NOT worth the initial price.
It looks impressive graphically but I still see the same base PS2 engine behind those updated graphics and draw distances so nothing much has changed then.
Controls have to be better than the PS4 versions of PS2 which is one redeeming factor but I'll still wait for the sales...
Right, but from what I know Remedy sold the rights to Max Payne to Rockstar.
This is a great buy when it’s on a deep sale
I see alot of people throwing the sentence "they should have just done a remake" and I can understand the want, but when you talk about remaking something, that means, new assets, new character models, new map textures, made on modern hardware from the ground up.
you what that costs folks? time and money. time and money that could go towards something new, that's why they went the remastered route here, and frankly, I like what they're doing here, it's more than just a resolution bump, plus it has quality of life features and everything, so honestly, I think Rockstar deserves credit for putting in far more effort than they had to, because reality is, as long as its not broken at launch people will buy this and it will do well, even if it was just resolution bump put on a physical disc.
Looks like *****. No actual visual upgrades. Sure the frame rate is great but once again Rockstar ***** posting games just to make a quick dollar.
Even with 60FPS and 4k on my PS5, i cant justify this with my back catalogue...
May wait for a sale, if anything.
I'm well keen! Brings back lots of fond memories. Definitely one for me!
I like what they did, very interested, but maybe lower the price by $10 or $20
Strangely I like the retro look It would be strange all next-gen real looking I think. Sounds good. I hope Rockstar delivers.
You guys are easy to impress .
Week people and without knowledge of games doing this. This is garbage from rockstar at a high price. Just too sell. Look the mayority talking that not worth 59$!
A whole lot of people crying about the price tag. Am I about to call people entitled in a non PSPlus related article?
Get over yourselves, you’re buying it regardless.
This is exactly what could have been hoped for when first leaked, and yet still not happy. Grow up
The humor seems a little more endearing at least than in gta5, less annoying juvenile dumb, from the little i can hear in that trailer. I never played the old games, loved gta4, especially car physics, control.
Hey this looks good...I am impressed at what they have done.....Can't wait to gamble on the Gee Gees and play poker then shoot sum pool listening to Rage Against the Machine Killing in the name of ...then pop into my modded car listening to Young Turks by Rod Stewart in San Andreas .....yes it could of been a brand new game but when you look at the incomplete FF7 Remake I for 1 am looking forward to a revamped version of one of my Top 3 games ever made.
Looks nice but i dont want to pay €54/60. Ill wait for a discount to €35/40 and thats hifg because lets be honest its a Spyro remake and those where even cheaper.
It is 100% worth £55 and ill be there day one. This is exactly what i was after and a few missing songs wont put me off either. Only two weeks as well!
Removed - unconstructive
Looks decent I guess, people now have hands with fingers in GTA.
But, I'm probably going to wait & see if Wal-Mart has it for $49 at launch.
@chicken_chaser This looks 100 times better than what Sabre did with Halo CE and 2 though.
I've reverted back to classic graphics in the older Halo titles because the artstyle of CE and 2 were mostly obliterated by the remaster. These GTA remasters look to keep the old artstyle (even if some here seem to care more about graphics than artstyle) and that's a huge plus for this project.
To be honest I expected less but wanted more improvements visually & graphically. The price is too high, but I'll happily check it out on Playstation Now, GTA3
This does look like something I want to give ago for sure, I'll definitely rent it but not gonna buy it.
Wouldn't pay 55 notes for this.
£30 max.
And with intact soundtracks.
@Ken_Kaniff Should have gone to specsavers!
Participate in Take Two cash grabs and you will continue to get them. Enjoy RDR and GTA going full live service AND paying for rereleases of 10-15 year old content, as if it isn't pretty much already the case now.
@yungcodyne No visual upgrades? Did you watch the same video? The one at the top of the page, yeah?
@Number09 Am playing FF7 remake right now (chapter 10), it definitely has chapters. I've been impressed with most of it, except for those dreadful textures and narrow passageways. The extra side stuff isn't particularly interesting so far but there wasn't too much of it, either.
Looks good, better than what I was expecting. However, I'll still need to see the gameplay improvements before I decide if I'm gonna get it. Will probably wait for the first sale, regardless, though.
Wow. I had pretty low expectations and somehow I'm still disappointed.
I like the art style. It keeps the original style whilst improving them. And £55 isn't really unreasonable for 3 great games.
The Halo MCC bundle ... not the individual anniversaries.
I like the look of them, glad they didn't change too much, these games are iconic. Hope the controls are improved though. Also, it's a real shame Vice City Stories was not included, I really liked that one.
Is this a new indie game? Sure, looks like it.
Nostalgia can be a powerful thing!
Any news on PS5 physical yet?
Full price is way too much, but I appreciate the effort and am honestly suprised about the quality. Will get this on a discount.
if you watch the trailer you can tell there is 100% many vissual enhancements , of course they aren't going to completely over haul the character models or that would take forever. 60 fps , and lighting , shadows , all that stuff wasn't even a part of the game back then.
Why is this called 'the trilogy' when starting at gta3?
Looks a bit better than anticipated but will wait for a cheaper physical release.
Why are so many people concerned about the soundtrack - what's the story there in terms of some/many of the songs no longer being in the game possibly?
@BlaizeV honestly it's not too much for the price in my eyes. When classic trilogy droped on ps4 it was 25 or 30 bucks. So 10 bucks a game. Remastered on new engine with all around graphic improvements. Just because they didn't go hyper real graphics and wanted to keep it as original as possible. Yes I would say that this worth 20 a game. The same I would say mario 3d allstars was worth 60 because each game 20 bucks with lazy port job. It beat hunting down 3 systems and 3 games to replay them. If you dont own a ps2 and the trilogy. You would pay more then 60 or around that to find them With a system.
It will be on sale for 1/3 or even 1/4 that price by next holiday season. It's not like the games are going to age much (more) in that time. Save your money.
Some of it looks good and some of it looks really bad
Looks *****
I will bite at £55, they look much better without losing the style or charm.
@MatthewJP Its called the Trilogy because GTA3, VC and SA are a Trilogy and are all set in the same universe and cross over with each over and took place over the PS2 era.
As for the soundtrack well due to licencing issues a lot of tracks were cut from any releases what aren't the PS2 originals, as the soundtracks and radio stations are a huge part of GTA it means losing a bulk of the songs is a big loss.
Looks surprisingly good, if these upgrades are all across the games and not only on select scenes.
lol they cut massive corners
I'm interested in seeing what they do at Rockstar in between "big" productions. Insomniac Games, for example, produces game after game. Now I'm a huge fan of Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2. GTA V was excellent, but this is all they could come up with when GTA 6 was in pre-production, which it should be out of by now? All they've managed in the three years since RDR 2 is remasters of old games and GTA:V E&E. Yes, GTA:V online exists but is just a tonne of DLC shovel ware managed by a team. They appear to make a lot of money for a small amount of output. What is the status of RDR 2 next-gen Rock*? 3 gens of the same game at full price is egregious. Mindblowing in 2013.... not so much in 2021.
If I'm being honest; I've seen better work from the Modding Community, and they're doing that sh@t for free, if Modders can make GTA San Andreas reach the graphical fidelity of GTAV, than Rockstar really has no excuses.
Imagine an option to be able to switch between the original graphics of the PS2, with an actual Remake version akin to GTAV, think Halo Anniversary Edition.
I’m all in on this. I can’t wait!! For me, £55 is a bargain.
60 euros for this is an insult. really.
come on we paid 40 for complete remakes that looked incredible.
I will pick this up when its less than half the price.
Shout out to all game devs there.
give us something NEW.
I guess I dig the lighting, in some scenes it is inferior to the originals though. My main complaint here would be that overall it looks like Fortnite or Sims to me. Character models especially have this plastic look and shine to them, like these are action figures. Very bizzare stylistic choice. If there was any artistic direction here at all... Characters look separate from their surroundings at times.
Everyone praising this ugly mess should go back and compare the remasters to the originals. Some of the details and interesting visual solutions R* were able to achieve in 00's are gone in this. It looks plain now, and plastic. What a failure.
To be fair, the negativity is mostly because we all want GTA6. But when looking at this objectively, it's the best we could ask for a remaster. I might might even dare to say the best remaster up until now?
Only a remake could make it better, but then you'll lose the authenticity they probably wanted to keep in place.
Never preordered a game before but this time around I did it. Ready to dive again in these 3 GTA’s and then GTA V in March. Hey Rockstar make it perfect, GTA IV DE in January and GTA VI in September?
Im glad it has slightly more polish than I feared, but younger generations wont forgive those character models, they sim0ly expect more and it should have been realy easy to deliver far better characters. If this had been priced properly at £35, I jump in instead of waiting for a sale, but given how old all this code is at this point, the pricepoint is a rip off... There are no dev costs to recover at this point and the 'remaster' is definitely minimal effort.
I think the price point is fine but I can understand why others might not be too impressed. I see it as 3 classics with some modern features that are very appealing to me and quite frankly I am surprised at the effort Rockstar put in (I had very low expectations). It won't be for everyone but I am pretty pleased with what they have done and am happy with the price. Vice City and San Andreas are still way above 4 and 5 imo so I am looking forward to reliving those memories. (Fat CJ )
@twitchtvpat Still we got remakes at a lower price so yeah. It looks shiny and nice but not at €55.
@Ghostngoblins Never preordered a game before and this makes you put in a preorder?
Collection is not worth full price to me, will be waiting 1-2 years until it's $25.
I love the visuals so much.
@Iver I would happily pay full price and change for a remastered IV, my personal favorite story from any GTA unfortunately we seem to be the minority in wanting a remaster.
For 60$ this should look like R&C Rift Apart.
Is anyone getting tired of this growing trend of repackaging old content to sell again. Especially considering the vast majority of those doing it are doing it through massive developers with enormous pools of staff.
It seems the trend now is to devote staff to developing live service content alongside these half backed "remasters." If new content is ever made in a 5-10 year span, they utlize the same engine and assets over and over again with a few cosmetic enhancements and label changes and charge full price for it.
Its a bummer to see what happens when a publisher and or developer gets popular and huge due to the revenues from that popularity only to convert their model to a profiteering one completely disregarding how they got so big in the first place. Its a slap in the face of those that literally funded their growth.
@Jayofmaya YES and it's subpar. How dare they call it a "remaster." Rockstar can fool you and be their tool but I'm not blind to half assed game development. Again, shtposting games is their forte and nostalgia shouldn't solely sell games, it's kind of pathetic.
@Flaming_Kaiser yep. What does make you put on a preorder ? Cyberpunk hype?
@Iver I’m sure that if this DE sells well they’ll think about it.
@Flaming_Kaiser those remakes are just 1 game , this is 3 games. you can't really compare them
ill be picking this up. will play gta 3 and vice city again. will completely skip playing San Andreas over.
@yungcodyne If you want to feel that way, that's ok. It looks good enough to me and so I'll get these at some point possibly. Maybe I'll wait for them to discount on steam and then see what mods are available, though.
@twitchtvpat Spyro was 3 games. 🤪
@Ghostngoblins Games where i know i want the game with research, trailers. Studio's that have proven themselves with games i love.
Loved Vice City but this looks ok at best. No wow like with Demon Souls, Rachet and Clank, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot. Its fine at €35/30 price point.
Cant tell anyone what they should preorder but i find your reaction so weird. And kinda condescending towards games that put in way more effort.
I still dont own Cyberpunk and i will wait untill the PS5 version after a full review thats one studio i wont be buying games from because they lost my trust such a pity they made fantastic games. Such a pity but money really makes everything not matter anymore.
@Robocod Exactly. The soundtracks were a huge part of the original games. As a young teenager discovering some of the classic songs and the atmosphere it created (especially in Vice City), was the cherry on the cake of great gaming for me.
@Assassin166 I'd played the original GTA on ps1,& nice fun at the time...but had skipped all the hype & missed GTA 3 initially...then after seeing numerous mentions of GTA Vice City in ps2 gaming mags,hired it out with a buddy from the video store...& we were hooked the moment the C64 style loading screen,to Broken Wings playing in the intro,to the immortal Billie Jean as the first song playing leaving Ken Rosenberg's & we were in 80's heaven! (Even between the dreaded RC missions in Vice & esp. San Andreas).
The soundtracks & original gameplay helped greatly convey the 80's/90's atmosphere in both VC/SA,& it felt cheap when Take Two didn't renew the licences in the subsequent ports. I'm guessing its why we never saw LCS/VCS never get ported onto the ps2 "classics" range either!😕
I was hyped for the game and now im not. Its developed by Grove Street Games. The same team that make the anniversary editions of 3, VC and SA. They really messed those games up and every port game they developed. History always repeats itself
Rockstar didnt develop this, Grove Street Games did. So other than RDR2, Rockstar only has been working on GTA6 if it exists. Either way, they have been working on something. Not this or the gta 5 remaster, all done outside rockstar
San Andreas is a master class satire on 90s American culture. I never played it on PS2 like my friends did; I had the PC version. It’s a dated game, but the writing, dialogue, and voice acting are just as good as anything coming out today. The game is absolutely hilarious.
Being an American immersed in American pop culture and history, I was able to get all of the small jokes and satire the game employed. And it was the time of my life playing through the story.
GTA V tried to do the same thing with early 2010s American culture but… it missed the mark in a lot of ways, even though I think it is the better game overall. But nothing tops San Andreas satire on American pop culture. It’s absolutely brilliant.
What about the soundtrack though? Stripped out? Replaced? A mix?
@Yaycandy Thank you for bringing this to my attention; Take Two's "FORM 10-K" suggests a major push for GTA 6 in the future years. GTA 6 is on its way. As everyone knows, Rockstar promotes their major franchises years in advance of their release. In my opinion, it's not ideal if they only manage one game every 5 or 6 years.
Their games have so much soul, it takes years to do 1 game now with the amount of drawn detail that goes into them. Hardware limitations made it easier to bang out games quickly in 7th gen. I mean RDR2 you can count individual hairs and see the horse balls shrink in the cold. Lots of detail takes awhile. Im sure when GTA6 comes around it will be amazing looking. They did lose Lezlie Benzie since gta5 and other people who imo made the series what it is
@Yaycandy They are, without a question, at the top of the heap. The constant cash-cow that is GTA: online allowed for that level of focus and dedication. Apart from CDPR, no other developer has such privilege. There's not much to say about that. RDR2 is one of my all-time favourite games. Rockstar could release more and sooner if they wanted to. Everyone is constrained by the same set of hardware limitations. Other studios can generate four games in a single generation, but Rockstar can only accomplish barely one. The dedication and amount of detail are only part of that formula, coupled with the management's decision to release fewer titles and sell more MTX, as shown in RDR online and GTA. I love the development team and what they produce, however, rockstar uses a well-defined business practice. Make as much for as little content as possible. This has been their business practice for many years now and I don't care for it.
@Flaming_Kaiser closer , but i mean are you really comparing 3 games that take 22-24 hours to beat to 3 games that take like 115-120 hours to beat?
@twitchtvpat So how old are these games and i really dont care if games are long i played them.
The enhancements are fine nothing special i hear a lot of people that say that modders have done a better job with enhancements.
Yeah i call them a nicebut nothing special with the upgrades.
In all reality, they dont have to make another game. They have put in the work for 20 plus years. They will re release 3d trilogy and it will sell alot. Now there is some work done to it. But they could also do the same with gta iv. Re release it for ps4/5 without framerate caps. Do as little to it as possible and it will still sell so many copies it wont even be funny. Exactly what they are doing with gta5 ps5 upgrade. They can just keep selling these games one after another as re releases and we will keep buying them. So much profit gain for them with little work. Free money really. Same with red dead revolver. I would love a remaster of that and the first RDR. Bring a remasters of bully, warriors, manhunt and a mid night club trilogy.
Talk about free money for them. Imho i wouldnt make another game, the end game is money. They have already been to the top countless times. Nothing left for them to “win” as a company anymore.
Passion burns out
I think soundtrack will be cut down badly. Otherwise, they would have stated completness of the soundtrack in the promotional materials. They know we want it.
They are testing the waters before signing off RDR1 to full remaster, I think.
Three fully remastered classics for £54.99 is perfectly reasonable - if the soundtracks are intact.
As I have PS Now and Game Pass Ultimate, I'll only need to hope that Vice City comes out for Switch Online!
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