There’s less than a week until the GTA Trilogy releases on the PlayStation 5 and PS4, and label Rockstar is behaving customarily coy. Despite preloads from the PS Store already being live, the publisher has settled for a single 60 second trailer of these titles – and we still don’t know how much of the soundtracks will be intact, or how the new control schemes will work.
At least a bunch of new screenshots, spotted and shared by GTA Net, have surfaced online. These span all three titles – GTA 3, GTA Vice City, and GTA San Andreas – and we reckon it’s looking pretty good, don’t you?
Are you counting down the days until the return of these classics? Debate the Best GTA Games and let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 60
I don’t even care. They’re already pre-loaded on my console and I can’t wait to jump in.
I can imagine the soundtracks will be mostly intact, Rockstar rarely disappoints if we’re being honest
I can’t hear Billie Jean in any of those photos. Pre-order cancelled and PlayStation 5 in the bin.
@Jacko11 same! Looking forward to the soundtracks. Vice City and San Andreas has always stuck with me. The radio stations were always great to tune into.
Do we even know if this game uses the cover mechanic from GTA V? Or is it just the aiming they've added? What about climbing up on objects? Saying that it'll have update controls can mean anything really and it's strange to me that it hasn't been fully revealed yet.
@munstre Yeah it's a bit confusing. It's looking increasingly like the PS5 version may be enhanced backwards compatibility, but still not totally sure.
@munstre The rumours are they’ve made it so the DualSense can hum Billie Jean.
@munstre Same, but when you look at the pre-order page on PS Store it implies it's BC. Very odd.
We'll know for sure next week I suppose.
@Daveuppercut Yes, climbing looks to be confirmed. One of the photos shows Tommy climbing on a box of Billie Jean tapes.
I just want to see the improved gunplay more than screenshots. Il probably be buying it regardless lol
This is more of a remake than a remastered.cant wait to play 3 of the greatest games ever made in one getting the physical copie on December 7.cant wait.word up son
The character models may be uncanny, but the world looks beautiful.
Am I the only one? I've finished many open world games over my 43 years of life but I cannot get into a Rockstar game. GTA 3 blew my mind at first but the story never motivated me. Red Dead's controls felt dead to me. I must be missing something.
@hookedWORM17 I recommend you try Vice City. That game has got Billie Jean and it turned it from a 3/10 to a 10/10. Simply put, that track saved Rockstar from the brink of bankruptcy.
@SoulChimera I mean, the music was a big part of its success, you can’t deny that. Take away the killer soundtrack and all you’re left with is R*’s janky gameplay, which is and always has been the weakest part of their games. Even with updated GTAV gameplay it’s still going to feel ancient because GTAV is a PS3 game.
@hookedWORM17 The attention to detail is second-to-none. GTA 5 has its fair share of flaws, but if you spend time in that open world you notice tiny little details that native PS5 games don't even have.
Red Dead Redemption 2 takes that attention to detail even further.
Rockstar's open worlds are in a league of their own.
I don’t have any nostalgia for GTA3 and Vice City having only played them a little at friends houses, but San Andreas is a different story. I’ll sit tight to see if they sell them separately. But I could certainly be tempted to grab all 3 in a sale at some point.
@get2sammyb On Xbox there's a Series S/X versions.
I never got to truly play these, my parents were against me playing M rated games back in the day so I missed out on a lot of classics. So I'm pretty hyped to check these out.
I really really don't want to buy them because I won't have time to play them much, and probably go on sale at some point. But I almost preloaded last night. Once I get that far it's only a matter of time before I pay the money.
It looks kind of like just a modded version of the original games. Like, it's technically prettier I guess but it kinda makes it look weird too.
Oh FFS. I'm stood cooking tea having one of those flashback flashback flashbacks and singing she's on fire in my head 🙈
@get2sammyb While I preorderd on ps store,the specs for the xbox versions on their store show "4k Ultra HD and HDR10. So its probably the same on ps5.I predict only ps5 will have 60fps. THe ps4 and ps4 pro will probably only go 30.
Gotta pick this up just for Vice City (I'll eventually get to 3 and SA.) Killer soundtrack and want to revisit with the QoL improvements.
@munstre I have already preloaded the native PS5 versions of each game so yes. It is native.
@get2sammyb It’s native. We’ve seen that since preloads started yesterday.
@get2sammyb @munstre the PSN store confirms there's a PS5 version.
The backcompat notice Sammy mentioned is also on other game listings where you get both versions, like Maneater.
As much as I love these games, the lack of information so close to release is a little concerning...
@SoulChimera I love Saints Row 2 and 3 soundtracks but I wouldn't have completed them without the gameplay being fun.
@Daveuppercut hopefully you can haven't been able to complete vice City because I always get killed by the final 'boss' before I even have the chance to lock onto him
Will get these on Steam probably and see if any mods pop up. Perhaps the current mods won't need too much tweaking to get them working with these versions
@playstation1995 can't agree, dude, especially after finishing Mafia remake. Now, THAT'S a remake. These just look like remasters, not much better than a top tear mod team would be able to do.
Still not sure about this collection. The price is ridiculous. Is all the music still intact?. How is the performance?. Also, have the games aged well?. Not sure I have to time to play these games again with already a rather large PS5 and SX list to hopefully get through...
@Texan_Survivor it's a joke. They are pissing on our rug, man.
Any remaster has no business coming out if it doesn't look at least the same as our false memories of the original. These look worse than I remember them looking. I know it's a false memory but let me give you examples of remastered games that were done so that they look better than our false memory of the originals:
Shadow of the Colossus
Yakuza Kiwami
Another World (20th anniversary)
Grim Fandango remastered
The Secret of Monkey Island, remastered
@Slippship I would not really bother with reviews these days. It's only an opinion from a fake specialist. If it's your thing, get it. It's your money. Wait for user reviews or lesser known reviews...some of the major reviews from big name publications are absolutely *****...for the most part.
@Mezzer all the ‘professional’ reviewers stan for R*, big time. I’ll be genuinely shocked if this collection gets less than a 9 from most of the big sites. They’ll be trippin’ over themselves with praise. God knows why.
@oconnoclast right at the top of the page, above the price it lists both PS4 and PS5.
Not all games say they're crossbuy in the description, I guess that's probably up to the publisher to add that info. Energy Cycle is PS4/PS5 cross buy (and maybe Vita cross buy for new buyers too?), ,but doesn't say it in the description, only in the list of platforms the product is for.
Just make sure they have the full Vice City soundtrack from the original. Everything else we can deal with
@TheDudeElDuderino Your false memory is really false though as ive platted the ps2 versions on ps5 and they are shocking to look at. Its almost painful.
@get2sammyb I have the PS5 versions already on my PS5 and they're classed as PS5 games as the pre-order nets you both PS4 and PS5 versions. Of course the PS5 versions could just be PS4 versions under the PS5 name but then why both having PS5 versions then? Surely it would just make sense to do what Bioware done with Mass Effect and just have them as last gen versions only.
@TheDudeElDuderino Have you actually replayed the original games on PS4? I own the classic versions and they look really dated and old, these remasters look far far better. Your "false memory" is purely subjective and it would be unrealistic to R* to make them look like how random people picture them in their head, the difference is night and day if you check out the classic versions and then compare to the remasters. Also SotC was a remake not remaster on PS4.
Like I said the other day,for a full price "remaster" ($90 or so in my neck of the woods),the lack of any "fully restored soundtracks" marketing alongside all the 4k/60fps super duper shadows & lighting blurb has me smelling a dead rat.
And given it doesn't have new content as far as the gameplay goes,why the lack of any in-game footage?🤔
Static screenshots (possibly pc),all look fine & well,but the whole lack of info has me suspicious Take-two took the cheap route & its still based on the mobile ports with a few bells added on & riding nostalgia to sell it rather than a fully featured (the soundtracks were as much part of the 80's/90's atmosphere in the ps2 originals), remaster. 🤔
Nothing to debate, GTA SA was and is still rated the best GTA game ever, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
@Robocod It’s doesn’t matter how pretty they make the graphics, the combat control in all these games is not even passable. They are beyond dated. This seems like a cynical cash grab. The most ‘dude-bro’ games ever along with COD.
@Robocod Music licensing in games is a whole other issue in general. You’d think by now they’d have more robust contracts. Digital rights management has come leaps and bounds in the last few years yet a company as huge as Take Two can’t be bothered restoring a soundtrack. Weak.
@fR_eeBritney I’ve never enjoyed their games. Literally the most overrated games ever for my money.
I want to play this, but I ain't playing that much for a REMASTER, this money grab NON REMAKE is Rockstar been cheap and lazy and people will just eat it up, going to be funny if the original soundtracks aren't there...and what's with no actual gameplay , probably still janky scrap, it's funny how've they've put so much effort into showing people what's changed but lack actual live play.
So if its still wonky gameplay, less good music and dreadful story, it's got nostalgia going for it, which will last all of about 3 days. And that's also a problem because will be done under the nostalgia period so I guess it will be 8 and 9 reviews everywhere
@Arnna Granted music licensing within games is a minefield in itself,as you say. Though when even the likes of EA surprisingly sprung for say Burnout Paradise to keep its song list,it just exemplifies Take-two's attitude to patch songs out of the likes of GTA IV,or the delisted ps2 classic versions of the GTA Trilogy hardly bodes well!
Are the three games separate downloads?
Never played vice city back in the day and didn't particularly like San Andreas all that much (it was 'fun') but my plan will be to get the 7 day free trial of ps now and use it to play 3. 3 was my jam.
@Loftimus @WallyWest which part of "false" did you two geniuses interpret as "less false", "not false", "false but tomato". C'mon dudes, keep up.
The point of my post was not to say that the original looks good at all or that the remasters don't look better. The point was this (don't @ me, re-read until god rays apear and angel hymn starts playing in your ears):
There are studios which surpass the best rose tainted memory of the originals by making remasters which are true to original but somehow look way better than anyone remembers them looking and there are studios that make remasters that you have to revisit the old version to go, oh yeah, the remaster looks better.
One is stellar work, the other can be done by algorithms and machine learning.
These remasters look like latter (yes, they look better than originals, but what doesn't at this point?).
@WallyWest The file sizes between ps5 and ps4 for this game are slightly diffrent. Which means at the very least its a slight improvement. Probably 60fps enabled.
@yunsung Yep ,on my ps5 it has 6 files to download, Naturally I only chose the 3 ps5 versions.
@TheDudeElDuderino tell that to grove street games. It doesnt matter how false it is. You're still wrong.
@Loftimus there is nothing to be right or wrong about. Go back to enjoying that corporate lollypop.
@TheDudeElDuderino so because i dont agree with your ridiculous demands for a remaster, im sucking on a fat one? It sounds like you don't even like the games so why do you even care what they look like?
@IAmGamer2022 I wanted to. Try commenting this on other articles and you’ll be there all day.
Can always mute me my dude.
@Loftimus no, you're not being savage on that corpo lollypop because you don't agree with me, it's because you think a billion dollar company didn't have to do better in order to get your money. Have you seen any of the mods for these games? That's on a shoestring budget. I expect more from those who are going to reap millions off of these remasters.
My favorite GTA is vice city which I already purchased multiple times. I've owned every GTA since GTA, so it's not like I am not nibbling on that lollipop, but it's 2021, almost 2022 and what they showed us so far is unacceptable for this day and age, and is just lazy money-grabbing crap.
From the looks of it the shading and gameplay looks crisp
Does anyone know if the ps4 and ps5 versions of the gta trilogy are the same or different graphically?
I wish they spent a little more time on the character model and car detail. But I'll still nab it.. just for Vice City alone but of course I'll play all 3 to get the trophies.
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