Update: More unusual and amusing images from the GTA Trilogy are beginning to emerge online, and while we're still uncertain of how representative they are of the final product, they're certainly a hoot:
One fan also spotted this shop window in Vice City, which has an incredible three spelling errors on it:
Perhaps Rockstar can explain this away as an in-universe gag?
Original Story: It’s early days for the GTA Trilogy, which wasn’t supposed to be playable yet but is already being shared all over the web. A lot of the early footage looks really good – GTA San Andreas, in particular, is incredibly detailed in its new high-resolution format – but other parts don’t show quite as well. One particular point of contention is the art style employed on some of the more disposable NPCs, as illustrated in these Reddit posts embedded below:
Other fans noticed that Old Reese, the barber who bears an uncanny resemblance to Morgan Freeman, is no longer particularly old:
Meanwhile, some have questioned Rockstar’s decision to increase the draw distance, as the fogging caused by technical limitations in the original not only added to the atmosphere, but also provided a vastness that's just not present here:
It’s worth remembering that these are cherry-picked screenshots, and aren’t necessarily representative of the overall project and all of the work that’s gone into it. Furthermore, these are not remakes like Mafia: Definitive Edition and were never advertised as such – it’s best to think of them as spruced-up ports.
Nevertheless, with talk of performance issues on the PS5 – these aren’t running at a locked 60 frames-per-second, from what we’ve seen and heard – as well as some questionable artistic choices, it’s somewhat disappointing to see these stone-cold classics not get quite the TLC they deserve.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 116
Oh dear. Yes yes, these are just screenshots and could be unrepresentative of the final product but uh, yikes. Glad I didn’t pre-order despite really looking forward to them.
Quite a few reports that the frame-rate can be really jumpy on PS5, which is... well, it's a joke isn't it?
I Iove the internet who picks cherry picked screenshots to get those all important likes so they can feel validated. I don’t blame them this sick society as fostered that but it’s nonetheless sad so many people feel the need to get likes from strangers on the internet
Konami aren’t going to be happy at R* stealing their eFootball character models 😂
@dark_knightmare2 Think you’ve somewhat lost me there mate. I’m not sure out of the many things that happen around the world, laughing at crap GTA screenshots is what makes society ‘sick’.
@ShogunRok the frame rate is all over the place in fidelity! I am assuming this isn't a native PS5 version but a PS4 one, right?
Been playing SA for the last hour on PS5 and so far it looks nice, framerate jumps often though what's weird and this is in performance mode. It does look much better then the PS2 games though, end of the day these are still PS2 games so only so much could be done without remaking it.
@dark_knightmare2 It isn't that deep...
Ive got no interest in what the npc's look like. From my hideout in Portland i can see the alley with the pay and spray in staunton, and cars driving past it. That was special and why would you want the fog? Are you trolling?
Have you all changed the settings to performance mode as mine was in fidelity mode by default.
And id just like to add, apart from the odd visual glitch around lamposts and the rain not looking very good. I think theyve done a great job and it feels great to play.
How is it that they can release something that's inferior to their original releases over 15 years ago?😅
Not gonna lie though I was laughing out loud at those character models, almost makes me want to pay the 60 just to see what other hilarious stuff I can find.
Difficult for me to see this as anything other than a cash grab / infusion for Rockstar.
I find it hilarious certain peoples comments now compared to the same peoples comments pre release. “L”
It's really meehh tbh... technically it isn't Rockstar, it's some Grove Street Games and like I said before whole thing looks more like a cash-grab from TakeTwo. Knowing true R* would've confidently shown gameplay way ahead of release. This is a £15 at best purchase.
"this all just seems very lazy and very rockstar, very sad, they should have just sent it out to an external company to bother with, that's assuming that they did create this mess themselves"
That's a very uninformed comment. It's Grove Street Games not Rockstar. It wouldn't been this average if it was actually them. Calling them lazy...when they were crunching over RDRII making sure insane details like Arthur's throat animating when eating or drinking where were you...
Difference is the Mafia trilogy were 40 max at launch. This is 49.99 or 54.99 for 10 year old games which have been ruined.
I'll wait for the final product to release with patches before I decide anything.
It's weird. Some parts of this collection look great. Others look... wow.
Love the people here trying to move the goal posts so to speak too. Well it’s making me giggle anyway. Rockstar via Grove St. games is still down to Rockstar. Hence the radio silence from them pre release. They knew, and didn’t care. It’s all about getting suckers to pre order as far as they’re concerned
Ive just collected all 31 hidden packages in portland (until the bridge opens) and put out 50 fires (earned me over 300k) and it is buttery smooth so either ive got a magic playstation or i can't tell when it slows down.
Either way, im laughing and this is exactly what i wanted. I am playing gta 3 though so that might be a different story.
@kingbreww nobody that bought the trilogy has anything to cry about bud so you're going to have to score your points some other way.
How about gameplay? Are the games more fun? The new controls working well? What about missions and check points? Is everything more streamlined? I can deal with crap graphics if I’m enjoying everything else.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I do get what he is saying, if Rockstar themselves were the ones programming this it wouldn't look so awful and amateurish. Yes they sign off on this but I'm pretty sure they have to as Take-Two are the ones calling the shots.
@Gloamin yes ps5 performance mode and ive turned motion blur off aswell as ive always thought rockstars is the worst ive ever seen.
@kingbreww it just crashed on me half way through the paramedic mission and i lost everything. That was pretty painful, so you can have that one.
@RavenWolfe81 you’re right it’s not that deep yet people still want that validation
@nessisonett it’s not this per say it’s the constant need by people to get those internet likes by dunking on things to feel validated that is sickening. I mean technology has messed people up. Look at the horrible crime in philly where a woman was sexually assaulted on a packed subway train and people that were right there didn’t to think to help but instead took their phones out and recorded it happening like that is beyond sick.
Groove street games are also the ones that ported the anniversary games from mobile to console years ago and those were a mess.
Hopefully this is better. I wanna see comparisons to those and see if the bugs are gone that were in the anniversary ones.
GTA San Andreas doesn't have its atmosphere anymore. The rain effect in GTA 3 is also looking not the best. Looks as if someone just dropped a white line filter on top of the image. Which is disappointing. So far, not that happy. Originals might still be the best way to enjoy these GTAs
@Jbuggydroid worst part, they never even tried to fix those awful versions. It is actually one of the worst ports in the history
@Loftimus from what I have seen only GTA San Andreas struggles, it is also the best looking from all 3 of them. However, the framerate tests show that they did horrible work with 30 FPS on PS4 consoles. The framerate is super inconsistent and seems to have frame pace issues and tearing occasionally. It constantly jumps frames. It also can drop them below 30 on base model. Which is pretty severe for what it is.
I like how the two guys in the first pic look like they're each from two different console generations lol.
@Bamila yeah thats bad. Im playing on a 1080p screen aswell so that might be helping it out.
Guess I'll be testing things out with San Andreas on Game Pass, and only if things look good, would I consider buying the trilogy.
Glad I still got the originals to play on my ps5 before they removed them😬
With what I've read so far San Andreas is the best looking one of the set , I'm glad that's the one that's with gamepass so I'll play that and not buy the rest till later down the line ,till it goes a lot cheaper and hopefully some patches thrown out
@Loftimus Looks like you're legitimately trying to enjoy the game and see the positives but the games themselves are getting in your way 😅 I hope they fix most of these issues asap for the early adopters who are paying full price for this.
Shock...horror...another quick re-port (not really sure how to class this one)..on one hand i suppose there is only so much you can do with decades old games but on the other hand when you see what blue point did with the uncharted remasters and demons souls it kind of shows which devs do the hard graft (and care about the original material and the customers) and those that see us as living cash machines...i was never going to buy them but i was hoping that they would be great for all the people on here that love them..i'm still holding out for gta 4..
@Juanalf there is nothing wrong with the game i am playing. I'm 100% satisfied. I feel like im playing it for the first time again, but better! Like ive said im playing 3 now, vice city next, so by the time i get to san andreas it will hopefully be sorted.
Disappointing to hear some of this but I have still bought the trilogy and will try it later today and make my own decision. A lot of modern game suffer with just as much of this anyway so my expectations for any new game is low when it comes to performance these days.
Disappointed at some of the art choices but wasn’t expecting greatness there. Would definitely wait for performance improving patches before playing though. Still, not like waiting a bit more is an issue.
I’ve been playing GTA III for several hours now, only did the first mission and spent the rest messing about.
I will say, it’s definitely a bit rough around the edges, I managed to glitch onto Staunton Island almost straight away, but overall nothing game breaking or anything to ruin the experience, I’m having a blast with it.
Love what they have done visual wise and the gameplay is still great.
Looking forward to going through the missions over the weekend and playing more.
God people are such moaners, I'm sure rockstar will fix any issues with updates, it's only been released for almost 7.5 hrs!
Don't forget at heart these are old games with a snazzy new upgrade!
Meh, I'll wait for some actual gameplay. Hard to judge a game simply by looking at screenshots. Beside that, these are old games remastered for the modern consoles so I'm not expecting any major leaps in terms of graphics. My only hope is that Rockstar would one day patch a 60fps on consoles but regardless, I'm picking up the trilogy on my Switch.
My hope was that by subcontracting these remasters out to Grove Street Games, it meant actual rockstar are fully working on gta6.
In reality though, assuming they have many employees still there, they spend their time on gta5/online.
Had a quick go of San Andreas before work. I don't know what the big issue with it was?. Played a few missions and it controlled really well for a 17 year old game.
Regardless of what this game is and what it should be these days what’s for sure is people who buy day one are punished by paying full price for an inferior product (to what it will eventually be in a few months) that’s months away from being 100% ready aka as close to bug free as humanly possible. It’s just a matter of to what degree. Either severely buggy and broken at worst, quite noticeably buggy with certain elements working poorly at best. 3 month minimum wait after release for me 👌
From the gameplay I've seen from people who are playing the game, they look a thousand times better than the PS2 originals on PS4. And what games today don't release without a day one patch? The people playing the game's are lucky that the timer bugged out that gave some people access to the game on PS5, they are playing the unpatched day one version because that's the world we live in. The majority of games have a day one patch, now if it's still bugged after the day one patch blast them.
Half assed phoned in "remasters" that somehow look worse than the originals. Then again when people keep buying shark cards Rockstar has no reason to put in effort anymore. Maybe if we're nice we'll get a Red Dead 3 in 10 years or something.
@ATaco so many low brow gamers keep buying em so they keep pumping them out. With only so much money available to fund projects and remakes costing a fraction of the price to make, new games are becoming less and less frequent. Look for them to make more and more remakes which are less and less quality because they are cheap again the same fools keep buying em broken, day one and for full price. Can’t blame them for preying on peoples stupidity
Anyone else notice that San Andreas is now listed as a standalone game on the PS store?
@Loftimus here you go again. Dude, I told you these remasters are anything but... and while your myopic take can be a personal preference, taking out songs which are a huge part of these games can't be ignored, so please, go on, tell me how the remasters are great when they are missing:
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Ozzy Osbourne – ‘Bark At The Moon’
Kate Bush – ‘Wow’
Michael Jackson – ‘Billie Jean’
Lionel Richie – ‘Running With The Night’
Herbie Hancock – ‘Rockit’
Afrika Bambaataa + The Soulsonic Force – ‘Looking For the Perfect Beat’
Michael Jackson – ‘Wanna Be Starting Something’
Sigue Sigue Sputnik – ‘Love Missile F1-11’
Gary Numan – ‘Cars’
ABC – ‘Poison Arrow’
Aneka – ‘Japanese Boy’
The Buggles – ‘Video Killed The Radio Star’
Joe Jackson – ‘Steppin’ Out’
The Fixx – ‘One Thing Leads To Another
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas:
Tom Petty – ‘Runnin’ Down A Dream’
Joe Cocker – ‘Woman to Woman’
Fatback Band – Yum Yum (Gimme Some)’
The Gap Band – ‘You Dropped A Bomb On Me’
George Clinton – ‘Loopzilla’
Roy Ayers – ‘Running Away’
2 Pac – ‘I Don’t Give a *****’
NWA – ‘Express Yourself’
Ozzy Osbourne – ‘Hellraiser’
Rage Against The Machine – ‘Killing In The Name’
Black Harmony – ‘Don’t let It Go To Your Head’
Blood Sisters – ‘Ring My Bell’
Augustus Pablo – ‘King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown’
Charles Wright – ‘Express Yourself’
The Blackbyrds – ‘Rock Creek Park’
Bobby Byrd – ‘Hot Pants’
Bobby Byrd – ‘I Know You Got Soul’
James Brown – ‘Funky President’
James Brown – ’The Payback’
Lyn Collins – ‘Rock Me Again And Again’
The J.B.’s – ‘Grunt’"
In the words of the great Mr. T: I pity the fools who paid for this trash.
The Ballers seem to be recruiting anybody nowadays.
Preorders for a game without giving out gameplay before release... yikes.
With the loss of a lot of music, and I think much of the atmosphere of the original games lighting and visual design, I think calling these 'definitive' is off the mark. From what I have seen, they look based off the mobile versions, of which San Andreas was previously ported to PS3. At least the grass looks better. I'm still interested to play them, but at the current price I'm not sure at all. Might wait to see how Switch looks as at least would be portable there.
No fog... amazing what it does to the atmosphere of a game and hides the bad looking stuff.
@ShogunRok Well atleast its not a €60 release. 🤪
I figured there were going to be some funny looking character models judging from the trailer but if it's frame rate is inconsistent and not a locked 60 fps in performance mode...that's kind of unacceptable. Hopefully they get a patch out to fix that.
@lolwhatno yep it’s true Elvis Duran and the Morning show were talking about it a few weeks ago
@ATaco go play the originals because these def look better lol
Played a good few hours now of GTA III, i’m happy 🤷🏻♂️
People’s expectations for this were either far too high or none at all.
Another day, another outrage, just another day in gamerville!
I'll wait to actually play it before judging.
*20 year old games
@ShogunRok my PC ran these with better mods than this at ludicrous framerates and that was with an RX480. How can they do such poor a job and with games of such importance to their success? To not get these at a locked 60fps on a PS5 is frankly embarrassing, I'm pretty sure a PS4 should be able to do it
I'm glad GTA3 is coming to PS Now next month. I can at least try that and see what I think before buying them. If I like the look and feel of it then I will probably purchase them although it will likely be further down the line when they're half the price.
Some great music missing from these games now so if I bought them now it would be too fresh in my memory and would bug me. If I get them in a year or so hopefully I will have forgotten by then!
And can't say Rockstar doesn't have the money to work out getting most, if not all of those songs, in these remasters. That's incredibly disappointing, especially when the soundtrack was a huge part of the GTA Vice City experience. Anybody who says otherwise has to be trolling.
@BrettAwesome christ now I'm feeling my age.
@Loftimus Im sorry what? You are saying its ok to look worse sorry the characters look bloody horrible. The NPC's they look like plastic surgery gone horribly wrong. But Some fans will make a excuse for everything.
Its a pity that there has not gone more effort into the characters the world looks fine but im sorry even with that its not that great looking either.
@Gloamin How is this not a solid 60FPS for how it looks it a joke im sorry but it really is
Where are all the reviews?
@Jacko11 If something like a Demon Souls remake can get a rocksolid 60 FPS and looks fantastic in performance mode on a PS5 yeah that baffles me that this mess cant even get a solid 60FPS.
could also say why are people so ready to defend something thats broken and they have not played it themselves?
also how in the world can someone defend that this doesnt have a soild 60fps when better looking and more demanding games can?
@TheDudeElDuderino Crumbs. That is a pretty horrendous list to have had removed from the game - particularly Vice City. When i think back to that game, those are the songs i instantly relate to.
I dont think there is much defending such a lazy rerelease tbh. Sure the games were always fun and that won't change, but its clearly been phoned in to make additional cash because they know people will buy it because GTA is on the box.
The issue is, my expectations from Rockstar are so much higher - and given the revenue they have made from GTA 5 i dont think its unreasonable.
Lets see what they put out next. Its a huge test for them now, as they have lost many of the creatives responsible for Rockstar's success in its prime during the PS2/3 era - and the quality of RDR 2 on PS4.
The "Pre-order" button should really have it's name changed to the "I don't even value my money, just take it!" button . Honestly, there's been so many messy games at launch recently, and GTA trilogy was never anything other than a remaster- I don't know how anyone was expecting a solid, undisputable £60 worth of fully functional, bug-free game to drop today.
If you buy games at launch you're basically paying a premium for the privelege of beta testing, these days. In fairness, maybe for some people this is worth the full RRP of a new game. Maybe you like playing the very latest games, in whatever state they launch in - and that's fine. But if you're complaning about the state of new games, I'm just saying it's not as though there isn't a precedent. If it really bothers you that much, stop pre-ordering this rubbish and maybe the industry will take notice.
It's a remaster not a remake & I think Grove Street Games the devs who have remastered GTA The Troilgy have done quite a good job, far better what I expected.
I just hope if they are gonna work out a few issues and sort them before they release the Android /ios versions
Look at that stupid rubbish! Absolutely abysmal I feel sorry for the plonkers having to touch this old crap up; getting paid for it let alone the penfolds considering buying it. Sad!
@Rob_230 @Gamer83 my dudes, it's enough to make a grown-up man cry. Haha, ok, ok, I am kidding, but seriously, I haven't listed missing songs from GTA3, because, honestly I didn't relate that gaming experience with songs therein.
GTA vice city, and San Andreas though? Get outta here, man, those games are 80% music in terms of atmosphere.
After I played vice city, I found somewhere online mp3s of vice city radio stations, and played them in my ancient car via mp3player to audio cassette adapter LOL... had to constantly remind myself to drive like a decent human being during those rides 😂😂😂
Never play San Andreas but I'll wait for a physical version to go on sale, doesn't look like there be a PS5 physical edition this year either.
Bit sneaky though to release it digitally only 1st and the physical a month later.
Not sure how anyone sees these kinds of offerings as anything other than a complete and utter cash grab of the highest order.
@ShogunRok can confirm GTA3 at least has severe frame rate issues even in performance mode although not as severe as graphics mode its unplayable
GTA3 has severe frame rate issues on PS5 graphics mode its near enough unplayable, performance mode is not as bad but still dips. Haven't tried the other 2 yet so can't comment. Hate to see last gen versions. Disgrace of a remaster!!
@Flaming_Kaiser I haven’t had or noticed any issues with mine though, sooooooo
Plus i’m not sure why you’re comparing two entirely different remaster/remakes
Not defending, just expected less I guess. Again, people getting to over excited
Internet: Still preorders games after a decade of unfinished game launches.
Also internet: "Why the hell are you releasing unfinished games?"
@Richnj to be fair that's pretty much the MO of the internet. Not just with regards gaming, but generally "I want to both significantly contribute to a problem and also whine about it"
Funny. I just retrieved my old PS2 games last night. Hope you simps enjoy your"New" & " improved" versions.
Billy Jeans plays in background
I am shocked this is like this with all the pre info we got. And people paying top dollar for this cash grab
I seems like a left over bargain..bargain bin purchase
@nessisonett ha! Right?!
@dark_knightmare2 These look as if one dude modded them.
Not full on remake but R* did charge full price for them, huh?
To think they were one of my favorite devs of the ps2/ps3 era.
Happens to all game companies. They become successfull and transition into becoming soulless corporations that milk their own content to death until every unit of value has been squeezed from them.
@Flaming_Kaiser It doesnt look worse at all. What planet are you living on? They have done a great job with these games and maybe you should actually PLAY them before making uninformed comments
@TheDudeElDuderino either play it or hush down. You're making stoners look bad.
@Loftimus I think the characters are a downgrade really they look horrible.
@Toypop Yeah and people keep defending this. 🤪
@Flaming_Kaiser Well i dont care what you think mate, my eyes tell me everthing i need to make my mind up and im actually playing the game in real life.
@Loftimus play it? No, thanks, dude, I'm not into that Stockholm syndrome and ****. You have yourself a mighty nice time with your abductors tho.
@PSXDave king
I’ve not long started GTA III and got to say it looks great, it plays exactly like the PS2 version as I remembered.
Just a couple of things that look odd to me though and that’s the small heads on the NPCs and picking up “ladies of the night” in the original they worked the suspension on the cars, in this Definitive Edition they just get in your car, give you a health boost up to 125 then get out and walk away. What’s that all about? In GTA V they get on top of your character and start moaning all sorts but in GTA III that’s a no-no? 😂
@TheDudeElDuderino see what i mean? So if you've got no interest in playing, maybe you should just stfu?
Well the world is a different place now, I'm sure there would be some woke butt hurt people if god forbid they were to depict adult content in an adult game ya know
@Crazybuttocks198 Same here. I'm about about 3 hours in, and I think San Andreas looks great. Some character models are a bit off, but for the rest it looks good - better than I expected tbh. They've done a great job with the lighting and HDR implementation.
@Loftimus sure, as soon as you stop schilling for corpos.
@TheDudeElDuderino Clown. I can't stand the current rockstar, i think their output is ridiculously slow and now lazlow and dan howser have left i think gta has no future, but these games were made at their prime and i believe grove street have done a good job. I dont feel pain in my eyes while playing anymore and that is worth 55 smackers alone.
@Loftimus 🤡 chill, dude, chill, I'm not here trying to scam anyone (unlike rockstar). No one says you can't enjoy badly done remasters. It's your personal preference. Just be, "yes, they robbed me blind but I like them" and we're cool, we're cool.
There is simply no excuse for poor performance in these games on PS4 or PS5, I would never consider paying full price for these games anyway so I am hoping by the time I get to them they will be running in a more reliable manner.
Not sure when that will be though, January onwards looks stacked with games that I am excited to play.
I am starting to think you may be an imposter, are you sure you are the Dude? If there was ever an opportunity to remind someone "well, thats just like....your opinion maaan", it would be in your interactions with Loftimus
@TheDudeElDuderino looks like we wont be cool then and im happy with that. Go and play the old versions with all your favourite MJ songs on it and ill stick to these badboys.
@Loftimus yeah, dude, do that. But it's the "video killed the radio star" that I would miss the most not MJ. Honestly tho, I'm just having a piss, my backlog of modern games is so huge that I have very little interest in revisiting old games I already played, unless their new form is truly superior and not kinda, well, if I ignore this or that.
@Lovespuds well, dude, I was setting it up, but no one hit the home run. @Loftimus is, obviously, not a golfer, and you missed to shut me down by just hitting me with a straight "well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, maaan".
Mark it zero, dude. 😉
I guess RockStar didn't feel this trilogy or their customers deserved much respect and pawned it off to Grove Street Games while ensuring the review embargo was held until release. Now back to making billions on GTAV.
@TheArt ahhh you gotta love fanboy apologists!
"This ain't no true Rockstar!"...lol
@clvr Lol but it's facts it ain't R* but Grove Street Games. I don't even own the game with some buyer's remorse or whatever, and my comments clearly shows I think this Trilogy is quite awful. Not being no apologist here, read well and yeah I'm a R* massive fan!
@kingbreww..... Yep..... CDPR took 13mil sale from shavelware so Rockstar thought why not take a punt on suckers again with pre-orders......
@quinnyboy58....... They Trying to give Rockstar time to patch the so game so it can be reviewed after being patched after launch...... That's why there are no reviews..... They did the same with Anthem and did the same with CP2077......
@GREGORIAN exactly. As seen on here the ones who pre ordered will even defend it 😂
Wow that's alot of bad in-game stuff going on.
@thechetearly Rockstar stopped caring about its fans years ago
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