GTA Trilogy has some well-documented graphical bugs and glitches, but the rain is one of the standouts. This clip from GTA San Andreas perhaps shows it off best, as it essentially resembles white streaks all over the screen. To make matters worse, the rain doesn’t hit any pools of water, so you get a strange, eye-bleeding effect.
In the original GTA San Andreas on the PS2, the rain is rendered in the same way, although the low-resolution, hazy presentation enforced by technical limitations gives it a more granular, grainy look – and thus it actually better resembles real-world rain. This is an example of where porting the original code but presenting it at a higher resolution actually ruins the visuals.
Another issue that fans have spotted is in the form of spelling mistakes. It seems that Grove Street Games has used an AI upscaler to recreate original assets at a higher resolution, but because some the characters in the original art is unclear, it’s resulted in all kinds of errors. Here are some examples:
Patches will need to come frequently over the coming weeks to clean some of these issues up, as Rockstar is charging quite a lot of money for these remasters, and frankly they deserve better than this.
[source, via,,]
Comments 57
So happy I didn't go for these. I will wait a loooooong time til all the bugs are gone and the price drops... a LOT.
Just shows how little care they put into the ports.
All in charge of the purse strings should feel ashamed of themselves.
What’s worse about that last one is the ‘guitarhenk’ sign when it should say ‘guitarwank’ therefore completely ruining the joke.
I’ve had the rain issue in III and a glitch that the car fell thru the ground which I earned a trophy for an insane stunt jump.
@nessisonett Yup.
The "Difinitiv" post had me dead lol!
A trainwreck that keeps on wrecking. Rockstar should be ashamed for releasing a garbage remaster in such a state. I do hope people get refunds.
@meistergeister At least you got the Trophy!
I will 'honestly' be surprised if they run 'bug fixes/updates' on this game.
If they do it will be happy and surprised reactions from me but for now I will still to the PS2 editions.
All this evidence it's a money grab and ppl will still defend em
Keep them coming 🤣
So let me get this straight - R* hired these Grove Street Games to oversee this Definitiv release of their classics? And these guys I've heard, aren't exactly the bastion of remaster development, to put it mildly.
Someone get Bluepoint on the phone... oh wait, that would cost Take Two too much money.
@JB_Whiting and got android/iOS versions coming next year
It will b funny if them versions are better than the console ones
And yet there’s still the odd few that defend this garbage saying how “they’re enjoying it”. Well having low standards is nothing to boast about 😂
Does anyone know who is doing the quest 2 version Of gta:sa ?
The physical release of this compilation really is a waste of plastic is this up there with Tony Hawk 5.
This is just beautiful. Wonder if it will be fixed by time I pick up the disc copy in about March 2023?
A tweet from grove games
It’s so fun to see players out there really enjoying what we’ve put together for them. I’m honestly enjoying this unparalleled level of scrutiny on our studio. Today we are celebrating our monumental project launch, while we work on updates.
Are they having a laugh ? Celebrating ?
Taken from
@Martsmall Celebrating how many gullible fools have parted with their money for this crap, and lined their pockets. When they say enjoying the game they meant enjoying paying us for inferior work.
@Flaming_Kaiser it will look good on a shelf even if never played...
Doesn't Rockstar have like 2,000 plus employees? Would it have been too much to take 50 or if you want to go really crazy 100 of those 2,000 employees and have them do this remaster with the care that it deserves?
@kingbreww Low standards, huh? So people are not allowed to enjoy the game even though it has a few bugs? Quit exaggerating- this not a Cyberpunk type of catastrophe. I'm guessing quite a few are playing and having a good time. I'm a few hours in on San Andreas and it's been a blast tbh.
"All you had to do is use spellcheck CJ!"
-Bag Smirk
Imagine paying full price for this
Not sure what's sadder...that Take-two aggressively pursued Modders (who managed far better efforts than this) with cease & desist orders rather than hire them alongside Rockstar actually handling this in-house with the budget & attention to detail that a best selling trilogy "definitive edition remaster",with full soundtracks etc.deserved,or that Rockstar acolytes are still defending this lazy overpriced port when there are far better examples of remasters out there!😑🙄
That's got to be some of the worst rain I've ever saw in a game, horrendous
@Robocod If Take-Two really cared they could have easily taken Bluepoint (who also did great remasters not just remakes) before Sony and offer them double of what Sony paid, why insist on having these Grove street guys who have a history of failures?
Remember Take Two said that the success of this would determine if they make a Red Dead Redemption remaster.... Anyone want to see that get butchered too? Have John Marston look like a Mii character?
My question now is, are Rockstar looking at these plethora of issues, angry that their reputation is being tarnished by Grove Street Games and potentially will get their own in house devs to assist in massive patches?
Or just ignore it because this'll likely still sell major numbers and GTAO is raking in a ton of cash for them on a daily basis.
The rain not falling on the water, but behind it in that clip bothers me to absolutely no end lol
I’d say the worst thing about this is the effect it’ll have green-lighting a RDR ‘remaster’, but if this is the kind of job we can expect it’s probably better being left alone!
@get2sammyb can't wait for the next GTA trilogy bashing 'news' announcement you'll make.....
i remember the ceo of take 2 straus zelnick saying "we don't do regular remasters" pointing out the hard work they would do with them.
granted this was made by another studio but surley take 2 or rockstar had a role in overseeing the project no?
Do you see a lot of people defending them in this comment section?
@BrettAwesome does my comment say anything about in this comment section ? Go to the tweet they put out u will see plenty
@havoc33 yes, low standards
It can't just be because of it being upscaled though. There's no way all of that stuff was misspelled before and we just didn't see it, especially this that aren't even close to being right. I think it's just the fact that the company that handled this is lazy and shouldn't have been hired for the remastering more than anything.
Even if any of it was, it still shows how much the company didn't care.
We know GTAV next gen was meant to release November 11th and that got delayed to March 2022 so it seems what happened is the GTA trilogy and GTAV next gen release dates were swapped (i.e. GTA trilogy originally planned for March 2022) when the latter was delayed and that's why the state of the GTA trilogy is rough.
@get2sammyb yes! One easy one down towards the Plat if I go for it. The Plat don’t look to hard other then the tedium of collecting the 100 packages.
@OMGitsLiamT to be fair, if the game isn’t perfect, you can’t blame him for capitalising on it, clicks mean money. Over the past few years the comment section here has been getting more and more Twitter about everything.
This isn't anything for the gaming industry, it's more or less the norm it puzzles why people pretend to act shocked by bugs & glitches in a game. Is it right it happens of course not but it's gone on for decades, & I am sure it'll carrying happening wether you buy the game or not. There is zero point in getting over excited about, games like the Mafia 3 are still buggy until this day where you have to use work arounds to earn certain trophies. Being a new release & published by Rockstar the likely hood it'll be fix is pretty high so there is that.
I'm hoping by the time I get the physical version some of these major issues will be corrected. That rain in GTA3 is a killer.
@SoulChimera that's true to be fair in regards to clicks. It is a job at the end of the day.
@nessisonett or it shockingly reveals the true name of a totally different game: Action Henk.
I bought it. Knew full well I had no idea what I was getting but I can afford to lose £55. Not overly impressed at all, needs a lot of ironing out. A lot.
I can ignore the spelling mistakes, though that is just plain laziness. By all means use AI to help, but mark it's homework at the very least.
The environments I think look good and stay true to the originals but improved upon. I particularly like San Andreas, though I've been to Grove Street and the immediate area only.
The character design, poor. I can get behind the cartoon effect, but surely they must have seen the state of some of the characters before signing off on them? I wouldn't trust Reece the barber around my kids.
That rain! GTA3 clearly wasn't tested because the rain is an absolute mess from the very beginning.
I've been killed by police twice on Vice City because I didn't pause. Got up to make a drink with no stars. Got back and I was getting wasted for minding my own business.
And I know it's a game based around a life of crime, but FFS, every time I get out of a car some f*****r nicks it!
And I'm sure it's not my TV and headphones being the issue. The sound quality is extremely poor. Sometimes has some bass, sometimes not. Had the occasional radio cutout on VC too.
But other than that, I'm having another go after. So not £55 totally wasted I suppose. It's absolutely not worth £55 or anywhere near.
honestly the spelling errors are just funny , and doesn't really make the game worse. its unintentionally funny , i mean cm'on mans heat. thats funny. people need a sense of humor. as for the rain though that's horrible and needs to be fixed 100%.
@kingbreww maybe we should all follow your standards seeing as though you are master of them? Can you please send me the list of games I'm allowed to enjoy?
Seriously get off your high horse. Some people just crack on with life a don't let little hiccups make them ***** their pants on the Internet. I've been playing it and yes it has bugs but it isn't unplayable.
More importantly how much of this have you played to judge the rest of us so?
@MyThoughts31 I'd rather be a gullible fool than a mood hoover in the comments page. I'm amazed how many of you vocal superiors have only bought perfect games without bugs. Please lead the way with your negativity and constant moaning. Honestly the derogatory comments for people just buying games is insane.
These fools seem to be the ones propping up the video game industry because if you are only buying games that are clear of bugs then there aren't that many if any at all.
@Alpha_Pulse Methinks thou doth protest too much
@kingbreww Judging by your previous comments your response is as expected. For someone who holds quality in such high regard I expected a full stop at the end of your sentence. But hey, I'm not one to boast...
@Alpha_Pulse Cool story bruv, needs more dragons 👌
@Alpha_Pulse someone had to say it.
The amount of complaining about people buying games and spending their own hard earned money on what they want is ridiculous.
Yes the game has issues. Yes it should be fixed. Do I regret spending my money on it? Nope.
@torne 100% with you. Bugs used to be seen as funny in games too. I'll never forget the Skyrim bug I had where the NPC's would drop through the floor when I tried to talk to them! 😂
I had one in GTA where one of the hookers I had to pick up had no feet. 😁
The point is the bugs need to be fixed of course but some need to just need to lighten up.
I do exactly the same thing. I think it's really outrageous that they get away with this and that there are people who buy this for €59,99!!
@Alpha_Pulse showed him up to be the stuck up tit he clearly is. Top work.
@NikKennedy86 cheers! 😂
You're still surprised that Rockstar don't give a damn about their fans?
Just buy the originals on PSN.
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