This was coming, wasn’t it? When we reported on unrest among fans regarding the limited GTA Trilogy media available prior to release, we always got the sense a sh*tstorm was brewing – and, well, here it is. Yesterday we shared some scruffy screenshots from the PlayStation 5 and PS4 remasters, and now we have a glitch compilation to hammer home the point. Unfortunately, the framerate isn’t faring much better, either.
It's worth remembering that the Grand Theft Auto games were already very janky on the PS2, so it’s not uncommon to see helicopters crashing in the background of cutscenes – that’s just a consequence of the complicated sandbox systems Rockstar created. Nevertheless, some of these bugs do teeter on amusing, like Cesar’s hotdog fingers and a bikini-clad local’s exaggerated posterior animations. This video compares the compilation to Cyberpunk 2077, but we wouldn’t go quite that far.
Nevertheless, it’s clear that Rockstar – and, indeed, Grove Street Games – has its work cut out getting this project back on track. Some of the issues that are cropping up, like the unstable framerate, are unforgivable – especially when you consider that one of the primary purposes of these ports is to get them running cleaner on more modern hardware. It’s also worth remembering that Rockstar threatened to sue a number of modders working with the original code, and delivered this instead.
Comments 55
Jesus thats abysmal. Anyone denying this was just a cash cow grab looks a fool now. Its the same 20 year old games... but worse.
They certainly are still rockstar games through and through but i love them all the same. San andreas is one of my all time favs and its never been perfect but you're right. Grove street need to get on the frame rate more than anything else. Personally that is all that needs sorting though as now im playing the missions, the slowdown has kicked up a notch.
@Loftimus Yeah I haven't had any of these glaring glitches, but the hitchy framerate is really offputting.
Personally I'm not a huge "has to be locked 100% of the time" person, but I've found myself messing up while driving a couple of times because of the framerate. Not great.
@get2sammyb The same has happened to me and it needs sorting, but when it does hit 60, i'm home!
I like how the video is called Cyberpunk Edition.
It’s not really that fair comparing it to Cyberpunk because that was built on brand new code. Behind the scenes this is fundamentally early 2000s code.
These remasters are atrocious but to be fair I also fell through the beach in Far Cry 6 today and was trapped underneath the game...
I’ve been laughing my head off at some of these GTA screenshots and memes though. Hilarious.
Framerate seems very stable on the Xbox Series X version of San Andreas. Not a terribly impressive “upgrade” but at least it’s pretty smooth. Then again I am playing on an LG CX with VRR so that may be helping.
GTA 2077 brought to you by eFootball.
This release has been a blessing for me, I've only been looking at all the amazing character models people post of all three games and laughing more than I ever have the whole year.
Get yourself a beer or something. I couldn’t help but laugh at that one. 😂😂😂
Between the character models and the loss of 40 songs, this is a tougher sell than baby wheelchairs (NO NOT STROLLERS LEARN THE DIFFERENCE).
We couldn't get one video with yakety sax playing? That should be a requirement for bloopers
@Longondo Federal? They're a UK company. If it was illegal to turn in mediocre work, most of the human population would be in jail
Same here, I’ve yet to encounter anything like this. The frame rate needs a touch up though. But I don’t really care about that. I loved things like Just Cause 3. Haha.
Am I the only one that thinks all this hate is a bit unnecessary?
Played a bit of San Andreas on the Xbox yesterday, the frame rate seemed stable enough didn't really notice any drops. Although I will say the upgrade itself isn't anything special tbh, but it's still a good game, enjoying what I've played so far.
Hahahaha! That last bit...
Fact that these clips are not as long as I expected and span all 3 games make me think they are really not that common.
And honestly: the original games were not exactly flawless. There quite a few bugs on those too.
@Texan_Survivor Technically, ICLA are the ones developing the Diamond and Pearl remakes. Game Freak is making Legends.
I feel bad for the devs because I doubt they would choose to ship this early. But for 2K who tasked them with remastering all 3 in this short timespan, they don't deserve money for this until it's patched up. Nothing is perfect but this is pretty rough.
I'm really interested how it runs on switch.
Most of these glitches are carry overs from the original. They were never going to fix those as that would require more work that the spit and polish they opted for.
@Tharsman Exactly, most of these bugs were all in the originals.
Even some of the body-morphism is accurate to the originals, which exaggerated features and animation to have them be noticeable on low res 480p screens. The trouble is at 24x the resolution at 4K these can look silly. Some are new too.
Personally not had any of the major bugs yet. Only played GTA: SA for around an hour. I don't know if it was because the XSX is a better port, or because I'm playing on a VRR enabled TV, or i'm just not that sensitive to it, but the framerate wasn't as noticeably bad as reported.
I did have a few issue related to HDR black levels, everything was very dark which, which I had to fiddle with HDR settings, but other than that it was GTA:SA warts, jank and all.
GTA 6 with bugs wouldve been better instead
That last bug is hilarious lol
On the opening cutscene of the game a random pedestrian jumped in front of the train and money bills came floating around. So far not many bugs for me..
@gomersoul Spider-Man Puddlegate, lesbian outrage/strong woman from the Last of Us 2 that was ridiculous.
This is quite a mediocre to bad remaster and with so many fans what do you expect. "Hoge bomen vangen veel wind" is a Dutch saying i think its something like the bigger they are the harder they fall.
Never in my life I would spend money for this.
Nice games on ps2 decades ago but I don’t want to play this old stuff again.
@themightyant So did you you play it on X or on a PS5. Because there quite few PS5 vids that show that its really bad. I now know why they pulled the original versions.
Was interested last week and was going to pick it up. Not now. Hard pass. Blatant cash grab. R* have become so scummy.
Unstable performance, missing songs, removing the originals from the store, asking for sixty quid... "Definitive" my arse! What a joke.
Looks even more embarrassing when you put this along side Mass Effect LE. Hell, even Ninja Gaiden trilogy was £30.
Meanwhile, Bioware worked with modders and asked for their input. Rockstar threatens to sue them. But keep supporting cheap cash grabs like this.
Here is one video specifically of the switch version i watched yesterday
@Flaming_Kaiser GTA:SA on XSX with VRR.
I've only played for an hour but it seemed OK. It was old school GTA jank and all, but magnified 24x to 4K. I realise that's not the popular narrative and dog pilling is the order of the day, especially from those who haven't played it, but those are my honest initial thoughts. That may change as I play more if I encounter issues.
They MAY have pulled the old versions to make licensing all the music tracks easier. i.e. transfer the licenses to the new versions. It may not have been possible/easy to have both on sale under one license. But i'm not sure.
I played it on a series X and the frame rate is fine as others as said,I can play with the hilarious glitches I don't mind em and find some funny but ....... Not being able to see anything if it rains is hell ,I feel like I need a weather man as a homie to tell me when it's gonna happen
@Martsmall Same here.
The main issue I had is similar to yours. Everything is so dark. But I think this is related to Xbox's HDR implementation, i've had to wrestle with that on several games. On Avengers everything swings the other way and is completely washed out.
@themightyant have you tried turning contrast all the way down ( there's a article on pure Xbox about it ) that helped me
Crazy to think that it was Rockstar that pulled this year's Cyberpunk.
@Martsmall Yeah I had done that already, and put Brightness up, but it just made it looked washed out yet STILL dark. Changing HDR settings helped but it's not perfect.
We are being conditioned to expect and accept less and less from game companies, especially when nostalgia is involved.
Saving the best to last at 1.19
I think where literally gonna bank out like bandit's on this, says the expand & enhanced trailer with a lick of paint and abit lacquer.
I love playing all these games when they originally came out. I have great memories of them all, but I’m glad I haven’t bought this. Not just because it seems a bit of a mess, but also because I don’t want to spoil those great memories.
Whenever I’ve tried playing older games they never seem as good as they were the first time; I’d hate that to happen with these.
Game-breaking bugs, no advanced copies provided for review prior to going on sale, frame rate issues, janky animations, no communication of the real features or performance quality, all for a top shelf price....hmmm, this sounds awfully familiar to another developer we all know.
Believe me, I do not forgive CDPR. But, they are not the only dev that needs to be ridiculed and held accountable. Why should R* and the other devs with this janky crap not be taken off the stores to fix it or ripped to threads? I just want all of them to be held to the same standard and R* intentionally stayed quiet as they knew what they had here. And don't say because this is 2002 code. They are selling it at a premium price, so we should expect better.
I have to wonder at this point if anyone at Rockstar actually cares about the fans that made them so popular? My guess is no. There's zero reason for this trilogy to be released in its current state when Rockstar has had plenty of time and resources to do this right.
To be fair the plane crashing was in the original version of San Andreas.
I tried San Andreas on my Xbox One X because it’s on Game Pass. Yikes 😳. The constant stuttering alone ruins the experience.
Happy I read about how garbage it is before I spent money on it. Won't be seeing a dime from me. Modern gaming is on it's way down, with the ridiculous overpricing of games and the constant need to teach players political lessons. I barely buy games anymore unless they're heavily discounted on sale or if they're remasters of older titles. I WAS looking forward to this one, but now I know better.
Hey at least the A.I. drivers are still better in the GTA trilogy than it is in Cyberpunk.
@Juanalf it's the tiny heads that have me in stitches!
I've not had any of the frame drops tbf. I've started with GTA3 though so not sure if it's on a per game basis. But Jesus the rain is awful. I went to bed on Thursday night with a headache and i didn't know why. I saw the next day that there was an article on here about the rain giving players headaches 😩
If I could turn that off that would be a big improvement for me. Right now it looks like a billion space invader laser beams hitting the ground...
@gomersoul No, your not. That's is coming from someone waiting on the PC release. I have tried it out on a pal's PS5 and while not running like butter it's still no where near as bad as some people like to claim.
Some of these clips just seem like random things happening which have always been a part of GTA games.
@themightyant A 20 year old game should work flawless on the new consoles dont you agree? Its not the fantastic graphics that make the game such a mess its just a bad port. If this wont run om a PS5 then people should not hold out for GTA5.
@davesmith01 Good plan most games should stay in your head as a great memory instead of playing a broken remaster.
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