It’s been a particularly muted N7 Day so, frankly, you may be forgiven for forgetting about the event at all this year. Nevertheless, the team at BioWare has cooked up some new artwork to remind you that a brand-new entry in its space-faring series is in development: “Mass Effect will return,” the image defiantly declares.
Without our resident expert Robert Ramsey around to analyse it, the image doesn’t reveal much to us. There’s a spaceship and a crater, and what appear to be four figures walking forwards. Some are speculating on social media that this could be Geth related, but it’s clearly all a bit too cryptic to jump to any firm conclusions.
Comments 25
Well, that's always nice to know, but not too surprising after Legendary did well. Wonder if it will be a reboot or some sort of continuation.
That's great to hear. I can't wait for a 4th Mass Effect game. I can't believe the last one was ME3 all those years ago.
That Ship Looks a Bit Like The Tempest.
Well this is good timing; I just finished the trilogy again a couple of weeks ago, so now I've got something to (possibly) look forward to. Of course, time will tell if it ends up being worth looking forward to, but I'm hopeful Andromeda and Anthem have taught Bioware some much needed lessons, and that this and Dragon Age will turn out better as a result.
As for the picture, it's a bit too vague for me to draw much from. Bout the only thing I can say is that this ship looks pretty small, but not small enough to be a fighter or shuttle, so I'm guessing this'll be the new main ship? If so, maybe it'll be more like KotOR, where it's literally just you and your small crew (as opposed to the Normandy where you had various no-named npcs walking or sitting around) exploring the galaxy?
The teaser trailer for a new one earlier this year wasn't a good enough indication that "Mass Effect Will Continue"?
I’m really enjoying Mass Effect: Andromeda at the moment, so I welcome a new game!
Well... we already knew it was gonna continue. After Dragon Age 4... so, still ways off.
No, she wasn't
Although I love Shepard, I'm not sure if I want her (or him) back, but I do know that I want a better story than what they delivered with Andromeda.
The crater 100% looks like Legion.
This "Mass Effect will continue" thing really annoys me for some reason. Like just say something when you have something to say and until then give it a rest!
I quite enjoyed Andromeda in all its trashy but fun ways, there I said it!
@Jayofmaya To me at least, one tweet but one of the Devs seemed to hint that it'll be a sequel to Andromeda and ME3, simultaneously. Maybe you'll have to move between both galaxies?
@meistergeister But... she was a woman.
Who cares about any returning characters! Traynor's toothbrush was the real hero of the whole story!
Andromeda is the game I hate the most that I spend money on...well...that and Just Cause 4
@meistergeister If you got the destroy option and got the majority of war assets in ME3 you'd know that it's completely possible
The two Geth related hints that I could see was the crater definitely looks like a Geth head and if you zoom in reeeeeeally close you can see what looks like a dead Geth in the sand. Also there are four figures walking towards the crater so I wonder if they are upping the party count to 4 instead of 3?
Anyway I know its still a ways out from release but at the moment the new ME is probably my most anticipated game of the new generation. I'm pulling for you Bioware!
This artwork is just a the first frame of the upcoming trailer.
The view will zoom out, and you'll see that they're actually landed on the scrotum of EA CEO Andrew Wilson in his bathtub, who will then proceed to present the next Mass Effect game: "Honey, I shrunk the Normandy".
I loved the Tempest from Andromeda. Great looking ship inside and out.
As an absolute stupid fanboy of all things Mass Effect this has me pretty excited. So many questions I want answered! Pretty damn cool poster if you ask me.
I know Andromeda got a bad wrap and deservingly so.But after patches the game was in a great state to play. The story was forgettable for the most part. What I enjoyed about Andromeda was the mobility and combat gameplay. It's was 1010 in my opinion. Plus the skill trees and powers were spot on. If the new ME4 or whatever it's going to be called can bring that kind of combat and movement with the characters we've grown to love in the series back with a great story this game has the potential to be amazing.
@Fyz306903 That would be interesting. Be cool if there was some sort of space battles as well. Maybe even... Strategy commanding of a fleet.
@OMG_Waffles For the most part, I agree. Combat and movement were great in Andromeda. I think the story was decent though. Had more Star Trek vibes than Star Wars, so I think that rubbed people the wrong way, but I loved the idea of being an explorer in uncharted territory. It just got a little too bogged down in fetch quests and open world filler. I hope they go back to hub worlds with linear levels, since that seemed to have the best balance.
Nice new art, but hopefully we get another teaser trailer in Early 2022.
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