Square Enix has released a bunch of new screenshots for Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, showing off secondary characters and a few combat scenarios. As we all know, Stranger of Paradise is already weird — what with its chaos-obsessed protagonist and his fondness for Limp Bizkit-sounding rock — and these screenshots make it seem even weirder. We've now got kings, princesses, and pirates to contend with.
Not that we're complaining, mind. As dumb as Stranger of Paradise appears, we're honestly looking forward to seeing how the full game plays out. If the aforementioned cutscene where Jack walks away from a young woman while listening to angst-fuelled rock on his phone is anything to go by, we could be in for a goldmine of inexplicable content.
It also helps that the combat-heavy gameplay seems solid — as expected of developer Team Ninja. The screenshots below highlight the action.
The action RPG's still set to release on the 18th March 2022, but are you looking forward to Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin? Pledge your service to the king in the comments section below.
Comments 25
I'm really looking forward to this. It's gonna be weird, but whatever, I'm sold hah
I really wish the demos wouldn’t have been timed demos. I was really searching for it last week after discussing the game with a friend, and I really want to experience what I missed. I really have no idea about how I’m supposed to feel with this one.
Looking forward to it! I love how goofy it looks like it will be regardless of if it's intentional or not.😀
My biggest criticism from the demo is the same as Nioh in that I just wish Team Ninja would cool it with the equipment drops. You just get showered with swords, axes, hats, etc.
You could say it makes sorting through equipment a little...chaotic.
Off-Topic and SORRY for this, but please can anyone confirm me if Ruined King is available on PS5? It's the League of Legends RPG and I NEED IIIIT
The pirate is apparently a charge blade user 😉
@AFCC PS4 version of Ruined King includes a free upgrade to the digital PS5 version, which will be available at a later date - https://ruinedking.com/en-us/
I played a bit of the demo, not sure what I was playing but it didn’t seem like Final Fantasy. Keeping an eye on reviews and stuff though.
@AFCC No yet, but will come at a later date for both PS5 and XBSX
@Athrum it's available now(PS4 version)! Hurray
I didn't realize the newer demo was also timed so missed out RIP.
this is going to be such a dumpster fire. if s-e wants to branch out and make dumb games, sure... but why call it if "final fantasy" at this point? that is just an insult on the brand it has built up over the past 30 years. true, the IP has been struggling for an identity ever since xiii, but they aren't even trying anymore. i guess s-e is creatively bankrupt and its best work in the future will be remakes of its legacy titles from the golden age. as a s-e fan from the 90s, it is very sad to see what this company has become.
I never even knew this existed. Team Ninja!!! They will ensure the combat is top notch. Nioh 2 is a fantastic game I still play with 1200 hours on the clock!
@Korgon It’s a loot game! Plus there are loads of robust options so you can limit what you can pick up and easily bulk-sort gear by category and rarity. It’s all part of the gameplay loop.
@Corc11 In a world of generic shooters and dude-bro games, weird is good!
Sure and those features are nice but to me at least they could do with toning it down a bit. I'm not asking them to remove loot all together but there's nothing wrong with showing a little moderation. FromSofts games have a good balance in terms of loot drop frequency for example.
@Korgon Nioh is much more a Diablo than a FromSoft game/Soulslike which is a mistake a lot of people make when describing Nioh (dropping XP on death doesn't make a game a soulslike).
I'm looking forward to this weird game, I'm not sure how I feel about the isekai angle, but it's small potatos next to the daftness of FF x Nioh!
For fans looking for a more Final Fantasy game I point you to FFXIV Endwalker and bid you to please look forward to it.
There's no denying it's similar to a Souls style game. Start a level, get to a bonfire/shrine, die and lose your souls, get back to where you died to get your souls, fight a boss and move on. It just has more loot drops is the biggest difference. (which I agree is more like Diablo)
@Korgon the biggest differences are loot, mission based quests taken from a map screen, upfront story telling, skills and abilities based combat, build crafting and variety (from the loot, skills, soul core abilities in N2)
The similarities... you drop XP on death and can pick it back up.
It's a third person ARPG that borrows a single mechanic from the Soulsbornes but is ultimately Diablo on steroids.
Thinking of Nioh as Dark Souls: Nobunaga Edition is why a lot of people struggle to get into it, because they try and play it like DS they hit a wall and fail to realise the loot is there to help you break the game in hilarious ways.
I listed out a few of the other similarities in my other comment. But you don't have to take my word for it. The director of Nioh himself admitted to the Dark Souls influence.
@Korgon I'm not saying it wasn't influenced by soulsborne, but just thinking of that one influence is inaccurate at best and ultimately approaching it in the same way you'd approach DS is a terrible way to go about it.
"Nioh was influenced by [the] Bloodborne and Souls series. For RPG/hack ‘n slash elements, especially the looting system, we looked to Diablo as well as Borderlands. As for samurai depiction, we took hints from movies such Lone Wolf and Cub by Kenji Misumi and Yojimbo by Akira Kurosawa, as well as numerous Japanese period pieces," said Yasuda."
I hadn't made the Borderlands connection before but it makes a lot of sense with how much the bosses in Nioh become loot piñatas.
It sounds like we are both right just in different ways then. 😅
To be clear I never intended to say Souls was it's only influence either, just a big one is all. I think the combat in Nioh is great along with the enemy/level design which are the more souls inspired parts of the game. I just wish I didn't pick up so much junk all the time which is more from the Diablo influence. I'm also not into Diablo at all so that checks out.
Still a great game though.
Aye, think you might be right there.
I'm currently doing the Nioh 2 DLC to finish off trophies and I've gotten to the point where loot only serves to empower the gear I already have so I just hoover everything up without really thinking about it, but yeah for someone like yourself who isn't into Diablo and (I'm guessing) Borderlands loot fountains it probably is a nightmare.
@Korgon I don’t think using FROM games is a good comparison. They have a finite amount of items and armour. Perhaps loot games aren’t for you, which is of course fine.
I’m 1200 hours into Nioh 2 and part of the fun is going through your loot and disassembling gear. I’ve set it up so I can’t even pick up low tier gear. Makes things much easier.
Anyway, have a good day!
I've played through all of Nioh 1 and all of its DLC and most of Nioh 2. (Still intend to get back to it at some point) I also play a lot of JRPGs so I've dealt with loot a lot in my day. However I just prefer loot that's exciting instead of the vast majority of it being just sell value.
Like in Trails every time I open a treasure chest and its a weapon or armor 9 times out of 10 its going to be something better than what I currently got. That's not the case in Nioh which is one aspect of the game I dislike. That said I still enjoy the rest of Nioh pretty much across the board.
All I'm saying is I personally would prefer the loot drops to be toned down just a bit to where your getting more stuff that you will actually consider equipping instead of just sending it to the junk pile. However I also understand some folks like selling a boatload of junk like yourself and thats cool. Different folks Different strokes.🙂
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