Naughty Dog’s remastered PlayStation 5 double-pack Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection has taken another step closer to release, after being rated by North American classifications body, the ESRB. It previously passed certification in Australia. The compilation, featuring Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, earned a Teen rating for some mild violence and language.
The package is also set to deploy on the PC, and the rating applies to both platforms. There’s still no official word on a release date, but with the Uncharted movie due out on 18th February, it stands to reason that Sony will want to have this on store shelves to coincide with the film. We wouldn’t be surprised if it released in January, with an announcement likely before Christmas.
[source esrb.org, via thegamepost.com]
Comments 34
I feel the Game Awards would be a good fit for a release date announcement.
@Grumblevolcano Good shout!
Hmm.. looks like it’s coming quicker and quicker!
DualSense feature news when N.D.?
Hoping it’s not too expensive!
I wonder if this will be the first of Playstation games to ask for the $10 upgrade if you already own them. I also wonder if they will ask for $10 individually or as $10 for the bundle.
@Just2Milky The game is over 4 years old so 5hats not really the quick. 🤪
@Texan_Survivor fooled me at a glance…naughty naughty very naughty. Legacy collection my arse; can take a hike with this
Plot twist:
Grove Street Games is making the remasters
Don't call me Shirley.
I wrote this off when it was initially announced like some are, but the more I thought about it, the more I'd love to replay these two games again. I didn't like Uncharted 4 as much as I'd hoped to the first time around, so I want to give it a second chance.
Yes, I know I could just pay the PS4 versions again, but it'd still be nice to play them all over again in the highest quality possible and with fresh trophy lists.
Uncharted is my favorite series and right now there is no reason for me to buy this collection. Someone needs to detail what the point of this collection is if it's simply a port of the PS4 games.
Played both really enjoyed both at the time especially uncharted 4.
I will spend me money on playing something new HZDFW in Feb 2022.
I'm guessing it's more for the pc release. With uncharted 4 in the ps+ collection, I can't see many ps owners buying it as the contents currently look.
Hopefully there will be some upgrade route, but it's two titles so I guess thats gonna be their excuse for not doing it and forcing everybody to spend 40+ EUR for two games that will just have better resolution and framerate, new trophy lists and support for the dualsense features. That's all.
4 was a disappointment but really liked LL. 2 is still the absolute pinnacle of the series, and where ND absolutely peaked. Fight me.
@mrmartinrohr 'better' resolution is of no use if the assets were created for the lower resolution, you'll simply have the same pixel multiple times, that's not higher resolution, that's just scaling and if you played the original on a 4k TV then your TV would have scaled it to that 4k panel anyway. Remaster = big con if its just a scaling of existing assets.
So would be good to know if they've put some effort in and either created new assets or released assets at a higher native resolution .
Uncharted with Nathan Drake is soooo much better than without! Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece.
Also it’s HIGHLY, HIGHLY suspicious there’s been minimal details released prior to release. I hope I am wrong. Obviously only a fool preorders games these days but I’ll be interested to see what it is post launch. Here’s hoping there’s a free/cheap upgrade path and it’s actually awesome and 99% bug free
@Telekill for those that own a ps5 and want to play the games in 60fps @ 4k and for those people that have never played uncharted...all 2 of them..
@Northern_munkey That's a pretty lazy port. They should add more content or at least use the adaptive triggers on the controller. They need to detail exactly what differentiates the PS5 version from the PS4 version.
@Telekill On the PS5 side, probably to get around the $10 PS5 upgrade promise that was made as a result of the Horizon Forbidden West pricing controversy. The 2 games didn't release as a collection on PS4 so the collection will likely be full price with no upgrade path.
The main purpose of the collection though is the PC front, another step to Sony's plan to bring more Playstation exclusives to PC. Given it releases on PS5 first, I could see a setup like:
When a £10 upgrade cost isn't enough, just sell them the game again for £70.
@Telekill oh i'm not saying its ok..you asked what the point was and there are people who will want this..same as every remaster or or port no matter how lazy..i'm with you that these games demand a lot more respect and love and not what appears to be a half arsed cash in..
@JohnnyShoulder Cream? No thank you! I take it black, just like my men ☠️☠️☠️
Seeing as this is Sony, this will most likely be £69.99. Hard pass for me seeing as I already own each one separately.
As much as I enjoyed Uncharted 4 and lost legacy I’ve never had the urge to play them again which is strange since I finished the first 3 a couple of times each.
Nice. No multiplayer means no multiplayer trophies! Lets hope they don't get too pricey with it.
ah hells yeah take my money sony il have this in my steam collection thank you!
already got these games on disc for ps4 im good there thanks.
fond memories of this on ps3 still have the console and discs i have been rebuying this over the years 😂
@Fenbops it’s hardly uncharted territory the 2nd time around though is it. Only games I’ve ever revisited was for nostalgia sake, long long time after I played the coin-ops as a lad
@BoldAndBrash underrated comment
Pointless release it's not even the full collection and the 2 worst games of the series. Ridiculous to be honest
@supergurr 2 worst? Not when U3, U1 and the Vita game exist.
@WallyWest the Vita game was really good and uncharted 4 was easily the worst in the series. Obviously it's a matter of opinion but I agree the first game wasn't great compared to the others but it started the series off. I just didn't really like lost legacy, I think the first 3 games were the best for me
@Grumblevolcano I would be genuinely surprised if the release date trailer isn't shown off at the Game Awards.
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