If you’re wondering where the Push Square review of the GTA Trilogy is, we didn’t receive the game until its official launch date at 3PM UK time on 11th November, so we’re still busy working our way through what is an enormous package. Don’t expect us to deliver our final verdict for at least another week or so, but you can read our GTA Trilogy Hands On in the meantime.
Unfortunately, many gamers have already seen enough, and the PlayStation 5 version currently commands a 1.1 rating on Metacritic. Of almost 100 reviews, just nine are positive, with a further 75 negative scores. “The original style and aesthetics are completely lost,” one user said, with another adding: “This is next level pathetic how this company handles things, this is just unacceptable.”
GTA Trilogy’s issues have already been well-documented, from its odd artstyle through to its headache-inducing rain and performance problems. It’s worth noting, though, that the release has gone even worse on PC, where the Rockstar Launcher has rendered the compilation completely unplayable these past few days. It’s currently rated 0.8.
Metacritic user reviews aren’t the be all and end all – many of you may recall The Last of Us: Part 2 receiving a similar reception for some of its creative choices – but clearly in this case franchise fans are dissatisfied with what Rockstar has delivered. The developer, Grove Street Games, has said that it’s working on updates, so hopefully those deploy promptly and clean up this sorry situation.
[source metacritic.com]
Comments 117
And deservably so
I just couldn’t really imagine having the time or energy to review bomb something.
i’M sTiLL eNjOyInG iT 🤪
@Iver Until Metacritic makes you log in to Steam, PSN or Xbox to make sure you own the game, user scores are utterly worthless.
@nessisonett in this case, we are probably not seeing review bombing but valid customer response and for pushagenda site to call it review bombing is stupud at best and disingenuous at worst.
@TheDudeElDuderino Go to a different site then.
@nessisonett LoL white knighting for a news agregator with the quality of repetitive sentence structures that (with honorable reviewers exceptions) in most cases could be written by algorithms. Hahahaha. Ok, dude, now that you told me, off I go... bahaha
I'm hoping the devs can get a patch or two out before the physical copies release next month. I haven't played the PS2 GTA games in ages and I genuinely want to get the collection.
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Think journalists and gaming sites should call more of this out and not let developers get away with stuff like this. So many developers are releasing half baked games only for the consumers to pay full price to essentially be QA testers.
Pathetic children
Is it review bombed if the game port is really bad? For me it's more like honest users reviews.
I’m betting that at least half of the 'reviewers' haven’t even played the game. I’m still planning on picking it up on PS5, but I’ll wait until we’re at least a couple of patches down the road.
Usually I hate the idea of review bombing something just cause but I also despise the attitude companies have of release now while getting all of the money and then fix later. Make no mistake there are no good guys to be seen in this situation.
Well Skyrim Anniversary Edition isn’t any better. Crashed for me when I got to the character create after the long wagon ride. I said F this and went back to GTA III. It’s just sad… back in the day when we purchased a game like GTA III on PS2 we could actually ‘play’ it. Now we can expect patches aplenty and we don’t even actual ‘own’ are games… just sad …
Can't wait for Metacritic to remove all sub 7 point reviews. We need to protect all companies from criticism.
tbh i don't understand why metacritic still have not put a system in plays that requires people to actually atleast own the game before posting a review.
that way legit user reviews can still be posted with valid critism while the obvious reactionary "reviews" or in some cases just plain trolls are out of the game.
i mean the site is well known for this problem but they refuse to actually fix the problem.
and no just deleting the fake reviews does not fix it in the long term.
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Reviews, in general, are worthless. Unless you know the person and their likes and dislikes, even if you don't. My friend could recommend any restaraunt as "good" and I still wouldn't go, because I know he is a vegan. Just like I could tell you a song is good, doesn't mean everyone will enjoy it. People looking for good reviews/metascores are just looking for validation. "GoW got a 9 ot of 10! Now I can truly enjoy this game!"
Huge multi-billion dollar company outsources remaster to developer who previously did a half-assed job on the same games several years ago... Developer does a half-assed job again... Company charges £55 for 15-20 year old "remasters" which make a mockery of the originals... Honest user reviews are honest. No problem here. Either do a better job at remastering the games or, Rockstar, use a better developer to remaster your games. Bluepoint may be untouchable at this kind of thing but that doesn't mean Grove Street have to be utterly incompetent.
@TheDudeElDuderino I don't think you know the definition of review-bombing lol
@PhhhCough This is why I laugh when a site puts out a review and you get the line of people going "saved me money".
Take the Pushsquare Alan Wake review. Averaged an 8 on Metacritic, but had a 6 here, and you unironically had people deciding to not buy a game based on one review on the lower end of the scale.
And I really can't comprehend a person who is spending their money based on what a stranger on the Internet is saying. Have more respect for people buying AC, Fifa and COD every year because at least they are excited for the product they are buying.
If a lot of people give negative reviews, it’s not necessarily “review bombing” might just be a crap product.
Hey at least it's playable. A messy, headache inducing, buggy af playable disappointment that modders and reverse engineerers of superior versions, that got delisted, got punished and even sued for... but it's playable.
You'd never believe what a safe haven for people with exceptionally high horses this place can be.
@nessisonett the point is not to be knob always, just when I see trash, and this article starting with its title and continuing with insinuating that review bombing of TLOU2 (a masterpiece, truly review bombed because of hurt feelings) and this disaster of a release have anything in common is trash.
@Arisen please, teach me, master of review bombs, I want to learn.
I can't imagine paying $60 for this.
@TheKramer89 hahaha
@TheDudeElDuderino A review bomb is an Internet phenomenon where a large number of people—or in rarer cases, a few people with multiple accounts—leave negative user reviews online. ... Review bombing is a similar practice to and shares characteristics of vote brigading and cancel culture. Its just a quick Google search dude.
@Arisen i have a feeling he may have been a bit sarcastic..
@Northern_munkey he was but he also obviously didn't know what review bomb means
Kinda bad out this trilogy turned out. Kinda put me off from getting this.
I kind of feel like if it had been £30, we wouldn't be in this situation. Not saying review bombing is worthwhile, but I think people would have been less annoyed, generally speaking
Its going to be very interesting to see which sites have the balls to tell Rockstar there games are rubbish. Already terms like 'Review bombing' and 'not as bad as it seems' are been banded around to make light of the situation. I was so looking forward to these games and nearly made the fatal mistake of buying them before any reviews had come out. It's baffling how crap like this even gets out of the door. Fair enough, I've not played the definitive edition but if half of what is said is true then its simply not good enough.
@nessisonett a lot of people feel the same about commenters on websites
A lot of people are unhappy and to he honest I don't think it's so much a problem with the game than with the price. The price for what they have released is very high compared to other ports of older games and that has annoyed people. The other issue is that rockstar and all the media reports made out like the games were being remade using GTA 5s game engine so when they just get shiny ports of 15 year old games instead they are rightly annoyed.
So, people have legitimate grievances with a product they paid for, and in response to this situation the best the usual suspects can come up with (across various sites) to describe said scorned consumers is;
And so on, and so on. Get some new material, for God's sake. No sympathy, no empathy at all.
@Richnj couldn't agree more.
@BRT15 by this point consumers should simply know better. I mean come on now. How long has this been going on for? Why people still buy games at launch and then complain that they have major issues is beyond me.
It is unfortunate that this happens but gta trilogy deserves it, multi million dollar company does a dreadful remaster and asks full price, yes blah blah it was outsourced I don't care they should have taken better care of the process and final product end of story.
Look at the quality of remakes/remasters from "smaller" devs.
The relationship to TLOU2 getting bombed is pointless, that game was incredibly well made people were just butt hurt over certain decisions. This is getting bombed because its dreadful unfinished like cyberpunk
@meistergeister You don't like being a beta tester?
They should use this energy to sort their lives out, so they can actually afford to try these games for themselves and make an informed criticism based on their own experience. At the minute they are running around like headless chickens trying to ruin others enjoyment and it is sad.
You can still get the original games on the PSN PS3 storefront, interestingly enough . Better than these half assed remasters. The illiterate spelling errors and "WTF" rain are absolutely inexcusable.
No wonder R* removed the PS2 updated versions from all digital storefronts (except the PS3 as mentioned).. they didn't want people buying the superior games for less money.
And just so everyone knows how puzzling this is - Grove Street Games did the original PS2 conversions for the PS3 and X360. They didn't have the graphical problems (rain/spelling) that this remaster has. I find that pretty interesting - their first remaster of the games were their better looking remaster. It's been said that the new 2021 remasters are built off of their ios/Android versions they did. Which are inferior to the PS3/X360 versions - example: the rain/lighting in those versions have problems too, so there might be something to that rumor.
I despise review bombing as a practice in general, and everytime I hear about it, my eyes roll to the back of my head 🙄
BUT, comparing the technical masterpiece of Last Of Us 2 and ...... this piece of garbage?
I sound like a broken record but why are people shocked? Rockstar hasn't cared in a LOOONG time, and they know that the rabid internet hivemind will buy GTA no matter what.
We should be vocal, and we should stop AAA companies getting away with broken releases.
Review bombing is toxic, but... sigh, maybe it does "send" a message.
@usaislie That was sarcasm, dude.
@nessisonett You dont have 2 minutes or less put in a few words.
I legitimately couldn't tell you the last time I ever paid attention to user reviews for anything really. It's always either "IT'S PERFECT!" or "IT'S UNFORGIVABLE!" There's no question this trilogy has problems but it's not like it's a total train wreck...well unless your on PC that is.
Been playing SA all day and despite the issues it does play and look better then the PS2 classic version so i'm happy, my issue is the choppy framerate what hopefully they can sort out.
Like a lot of people please dont compare the Last of Us 2 with this garbage.
@meistergeister Prince of Persia Warrior Within on PS2 has a game ending bug what means you can't finish, its very easy to get and i got it forcing me to replay the whole game again. Lets not act games were flawless back then, at least nowadays a bug like that can easily be fixed.
@Divergent95 What's done is done regarding this "remaster" but I would like confirmation from Rockstar that there will be a restraining order for Grove street games to not be within 300ft from the eventual Red Dead Remaster... either Rockstar does it themselves or leave it alone 😐
@WallyWest They can make look better then 20 years ago thats quite a achievement. And i can only remember one game i played that didnt work on PS2.
I hate how every time a game gets obliterated in ratings is called review bombing, even when there are legitimate major issues with it.
@Juanalf They don't care and they will continue to do it as long as people give them money. There's literally no incentive for them to change, so why start now?
Even though I'm 26, I'm glad I outgrew GTA.
@WallyWest Same here. Some questionable design choices and a few bugs, but it plays fine and I'm enjoying it. People really need to stop comparing it to Cyberpunk, that was a hot mess of completely different proportions.
@TheDudeElDuderino What agenda do you think pushsquare are pushing?
Because it's not getting somewhat fair scores (6s, 4s, even 3s) but mostly zeros or 1s.
It's the definition of review bombing.
@Golem25 100% agree. I couldn’t ever be bothered to do it myself but review bombing isn’t hurting anyone (if that’s what this even is). There are 1 star reviews for almost every game/movie/tv show. And anyone with half a brain can make up their own mind.
I mean, if Rockstar can get away with withholding details and gameplay until the eleventh hour (which is far more damaging and deceptive in my eyes) then the gloves can come off as far as I’m concerned. They deserve to be review bombed for that alone.
@naruball 100 reviews, with only 75 of them being negative, as the article states, doesn't sound like review bombing. Sounds like a bad product. If it was being bombed there should hundreds or thousands of negative reviews.
I don't need to see Metacritics player score to know I ain't buying this!
Or you know u can just ignore thoses comments just like i ignore the "losers" who review bomb
Is it being reviewbombed or is it trash?
Once again user reviews are pointless trash. Thats why i never follow reviews period. I can by something thats rated poor like take a random number a average review score of 39 and i would still play it and enjoy it
@Party_Cannon what exactly is sarcasm ?
@Northern_munkey thank you. I thought that post screamed "sarcasm", but I guess there's always that one dude who goes and plays dumb like this hero here @Arisen. I see he also dabbles in mind reading. It ain't review bombing, champ, when the product sucks b***s.
@AK4tywill why, the square one, dude. Duh, it's in the name. C'mon, man, open your eyes 🤣
@eltomo I started San Andreas (game pass) and deleted it after an hour. Disgraceful.
@TheKramer89 “Buddy, you comment about 6 times per article on this site. You definitely have the time and energy...”
that some third degree burn gurl 🤣
@Gremio108 make that 15 and they are still not worth your time. I want to cry went I think how Bluepoint Games did right by Shadow of the Colossus remaster for ps4. That was some dedicated work and respectful to the original.
This? What the hell is this? On ps4/xb/ps5/xbsx. This? No. Absolutely not acceptable.
I think part of the hate stems from the gta v fatigue players have. People want new. Heck if I had seen something new I would have bought this as a show of support And to pass the time. But after seeing no gta 6, gta v on ps5 and the trilogy price tag??? Oohhh hell nah
Its not comparable from last of us2 bcause it was about decision choice, and this one is an unacceptable/Lazy remake for next gen and they charged it for full price, if the review not as good as some expected just dont call it review bomb, maybe its just the product is far below expectation for the price they charged, they has the right to sell, also we as the user/buyer has the right to choose to buy it or not, if its not meet with expectation its fair to criticize to find a better product in the end.. but if it only opinion just leave it there because everyone has a different opinion and usually leaves us nowhere in terms development.. better rockstar listened to the critics about their product decision and reconsider the price of the product of gta definitive edition because at this state it surely overpriced
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Whether you are enjoying it or not, it was still released in a poor state, review embargo held to the last minute, and charged nearly full price. Those three things deserve major criticism from a publisher that made billions from this IPO.
As expected giving what little care Rockstar gave the Trilogy.
You may say that, but i still consider reviews from upset customers as important information.
It tells me to stay away from problematic games. I apreciate the warning.
It deserves all it gets, its a complete liability.
@RedKnight34 ok you go pay your 60 quid for a 20 year old game trilogy that has been butchered, with game breaking bugs that weren't even in the original.
Is it really review bombing if the criticism is based on issues with performance, graphics, gameplay, and soundtrack? Review bombing should be referring to issues of a more subjective nature like when people get mad about having to use a particular launcher or lack of historical accuracy or calling Taiwan a country.
@TheDudeElDuderino 100% agree..i've stated in another post (gta related) that bluepoint did sterling work on demons souls,uncharted trilogy and sotc which is testament to not only what can be accomplished with some hard graft but to their dedication to the fans that are going to purchase the games..again..rockstar have taken the path of least resistance and it very much shows just how little they think of their loyal fanbase...poor show indeed..
@TheDudeElDuderino I got the memo bro you are not fooling anyone. You are not as smart as you think and instead of answering you go name calling you lowlife. Do you know the definition of insanity or should I write that down for ya too? You blamed the site of using "review bombing" when it's a legitimate term to use on this half assed remaster not because they don't like it but the Internet does not like it.
The people who use Metacritic, already know all about this GTA de-master, and the review-bombers are merely voicing their frustration
As for me, I have no desire to play a game from 20 years ago that has such aged and tedious gameplay, irrespective of how well it’s been optimised or otherwise
I am enjoying the comments section though - I love a battle of wits between unarmed opponents…
These days getting "review bombed" is fairly unsurprising. It's the main reason I never bother checking reviews made by Joe Bloggs. I check the reviews from sites I trust and watch the gameplay reviews on YouTube, that's how I make my decision.
How is it that pre-PS3 era games didn’t need patches (couldn’t even receive any in fact)? What is this unfinished rubbish that’s being released these days? Companies promising patches? Who cares? How am i gonna patch/play my physical 60€ game in 15 years from now ? Imho in cases like this and Cyberpunk there should be a complete re-release with all being patched up & the current version refunded.
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@Milktastrophe 1840 ratings. 0.6/10 score.
The absolute definition of review bombing.
@Arisen dude, are you ok? Breathe.
I can see that you like to explain stuff to people about themsleves, but you'll be surprised that it's all only in your head, dude.
Let me demonstrate:
I will never tell you to eat a fat banana. Why, wouldn't I, even though bananas are healthy? Because your mind may think I told you something else.
Now, don't go there! It's a banana, not anything else that resembles it.
So if I would tell you, which I will never, to eat a fat, big banana, it's just that, me being concerned if you are getting enough fiber in your died.
The beauty is in the eye/brain of the beholder. What you make of this text is all in your head.
Take it easy, bro, just take it easy.
Why are we assuming this is review bombing? The games are unplayable for some. What do you give an unplayable game?
Pushsquare not wanting to “rush” a review and are “about a week away” speaks volumes. They don’t want to give a review and upset rockstar and they don’t want to praise it and upset readers…. So they sit on fence and leave us all in the dark. The opposite of what the exist for.
This is not a LOU 2 situation.
Would I prefer a proper REMAKE with GTA5 visuals and mechanics? Yes.
Do I understand that a REMASTER is not a REMAKE? Examples: Alan Wake is a remaster, Demon's Souls is a remake. Yes.
Am I disappointed playing this remaster? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Like I said, it's a remaster, ugly visuals are a thing like the original, some models look better than others. Losing songs is also a big problem.
Could Rockstar do better with their filthy money???? YES.
Bad games get bad reviews.
And yet the world keeps turning.
As an apology I wouldn't mind betting that Rockstar give away some GTA$ for GTA online...and then put all the prices up. 🤣
User scores on Metacritic is a joke anyways. Opencritic puts it at 58, which sounds fairer
@TheDudeElDuderino wtf is that answer?? You need to calm down and tell yourself why you felt the need to start an account on a gaming site. We are here to socialise about GAMING. I'm not a psychologist and I'm not here to criticise you. I only asked if you knew what the definition of review bombing is and you took it personally! I even tried to be as nice to you as possible. Don't bother to reply I'm not here to waste time on personal issues. I'm here for GAMING.
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It’s quite obviously review bombing. Even if everyone who reviewed has actually played the game (of course they haven’t) it’s blatantly better than a 1/10.
After everything I have seen and read, scores between 3-7 seem realistic.
@naruball By this point developers should simply know better.
I mean come on now. How long has this been going on for?
Why developers still release games that have major issues is beyond me.
The more that consumers like you defend this practice, the more it will happen.
Whether these are genuine reviews or "review bombs" is irrelevant. Developers need to stop shipping games that they know are unfinished.
It would be different they released them as "paid early access" but they are releasing them as "finished" products only to patch them later.
As far as I'm concerned this is an unacceptable practice and consumers really don't need people like you pointing the finger at them as if the developer is blameless and the consumer is the one at fault because they bought an unfinished game!
@kyleforrester87 At it's BEST, it's a 4 or 5 out of 10. The fact that they didn't bother to update the walking animations, or apply any additional polish, speaks volumes about Take Two and Rockstar.
Bioware released a polished, high quality remaster, and they went above and beyond with fixes, and they even worked closely with modders.
You know, I could let this slide, but the fact that this utter garbage will sell more than ME:LE hurts my heart deeply.
I’m worried this is just the way now. Companies saw studios like CDPR come out unscathed from major disasters and the lightbulbs all turned on at once. Gamers will put up with whatever we want to give them. Sure, a vocal minority will kick up a big stink, but nothing that won’t blow over with the next big news cycle. Game studios are continually giving us less and less, and we are all too willing a participant to it. It makes me sad for the future of the industry.
@Divergent95 that’s fair enough but it isn’t a 1/10 is it. Having said that most 9 and 10/10s are not really worthy of that score either.
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@YepYepYep "The more that consumers like you defend this practice, the more it will happen."
Nice try, but you couldn't be any more wrong. I never buy games at launch. People can defend or attack them for their broken game. It's numbers that matter to them. Simple as that. If you don't understand that, then there is no point discussing with you.
@naruball I think @Stocksy is absolutely right. Sister site Nintendolife already gave a review (a 4). These aren't new games and don't require the reviewer to play the entire thing before comment. All they need to do is spend a few hours with each game and comment on the updated package. The fact that Pushsquare is refusing to review it now really feels like a thumb on the scale and they've done it before. Review the game as launched and revisit later if it is significantly improved. Film critics don't wait for a reedit or director's cut before reviewing a film. Rockstar felt this was good enough to ship so it should be good enough to review.
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Seriously Rockstar games……Seriously ( extremely terrible) I play and buy a lot of remastered games for ps4 and I currently am playing them on a ps5.I have over 200 games on my ps4 account and this is by far the worst gta or any other games that I’ve played! Just saying smh ripped off!!!!!!!
There seems to be two issues at hand here.
First, the phenomenon of ‘review bombing’. Giving any game not named “Life of Black Tiger” a score of 1/10 is ridiculous. No matter if a message needs to be sent to the developer regarding a less than stellar game at a higher than reasonable price tag, the practice of review bombing is screwball and frankly pathetic.
The second issue is the poor quality of these remasters. I think the collective ire of the gaming community is sensible when Rockstar, with the endless money tree of GTAV, sends out a lazy port like this. It’s not like they don’t have the capital to invest some money into making an actual decent product.
Personally, I don’t care about GTA and was never going to buy this anyways, but how in the world the company who made the second best selling game of all time (and heck, at north of $6 billion, the most profitable entertainment product of all time) can put their name on a product allegedly this substandard is beyond me.
@nessisonett I mean I'm sure it takes like 2 min...
@Th3solution I do genuinely think some people rate things on a scale of : loved it (10/10), it was ok (5/10), hated it (1/10).
Is there an opposite term for ‘review bombing’ where people rate a game 10/10 just because they liked it? Review boosting perhaps? Just as ‘bad’ imo.
So what’s the solution, do we change the scale from 1-10 to 2-9? And when games start getting 2’s and 9’s do we change the scale to 3-8? Where does it end?
I think the entertainment industry should stop being so sensitive about these things. People don’t just review bomb for no reason... either your game sucks or it’s controversial. And if it’s controversial it should be expected. If you want to be universally praised, don’t make controversial games... and even then it’s not a given.
It’s super annoying that certain sites - Amazon for example - now refuse to publish user reviews until a few days after release date. Apparently to prevent review bombing. Absolutely nothing to do with pulling the wool over unsuspecting buyers eyes and boosting sales.... Very underhand if you ask me.
lol the ones review bombing isnt the ones that played them the first time round, i have and greatful that they are re released! ive got this on xbox series x , will get it for ps5 and steam thanks guys!
Why did a mod remove my comment and leave up the comment insulting me???
@fR_eeBritney I mean… I get it. Consumers need to be able to give feedback. But just like any other scale made of numbers which give an implied value, there’s no point in scores if the numbers are just 1’s, 5’s, or 10’s. Metacritic should just go to a 3 star rating system then. And I agree, the ‘review boosting’ is indeed annoying tactic as well.
The solution, then, is for people to actually use the full existing numerical scale, not to shrink it. Yes, a score of 1 is in play, but it should be reserved for the bottom of the barrel. Just like a 10 should also be quite rare.
Anyone who’s watched things like diving or gymnastics in the Olympics can see how something artistic and subjective can be successfully judged with a reliable and reproducible score. I’m not suggesting anything that intricate for video game reviews, I’m just saying it shows that it can be done. But can the collective exaggeration culture of the internet be trusted to spend the time to fairly and analytically rate a game? Probably not.
Or, perhaps the solution is to throw out numeric ratings all together. It’s amazing how a game that was a 9/10 on a prior gen console is now a 1/10, even if the update made many things worse. Presuming the game actually functions and doesn’t brick your console, I think it’s just people being pedantic.
And I just think companies shouldn’t put much validation into these Metacritic scores, especially for bonuses and such. And the more this happens, the more it cheapens the value of the Metacritic score and I do think it will gradually become useless to the developers to know how good their game is. And as a person who’s been in positions where my job depends on performance reviews, I understand the importance of objectivity when assessing work, as I’d certainly hope for a fair assessment of my work when the time comes, so I try to dole out fairness when I’m called upon to pass judgement. It’s not a matter of being over-sensitive, I don’t think.
How do I get a refund for gta trilogy for ps5 it’s worse then (cyberpunk 2077)can anyone please help me 🙏🏻
@ApostateMage Or annoyed customers who is saying that something is reviewbombing if the quality really isnt there. A 1/10 is to much but it really runs horrible. The finish isnt great it a mediocre product at best. 4/5 could be real depending on the personal opinion.
@naruball I understand your position but in every previous comment that you have made on this article you appear to be blaming consumers and reviewers for being stupid enough to buy the game too early rather than the developers and publishers for releasing the game too early.
When a franchise as treasured as GTA is released without the care and attention it deserves then frankly they deserve to be "review-bombed".
If you think that games are too often released before they are finished perhaps you should try not to type comments in a way that reads like you're blaming the consumers who have misplaced their trust in the makers, rather than blaming the makers for betraying that trust.
Lol first buddy im USA so dont get your crappy economy mixed up with the US. And i'll spend my $60 on how ever i want you are not in charge of my money.
@Stocksy Freedom of speech is not allowed on Push Square or Pure Xbox. They will ban you for coughing the wrong way.
@RedKnight34 your economy is the crap one, the pound is the only correct form of currency.
The only review you need is Digital Foundry's. The complaints are legitimate, and this remaster is piss poor. The score on Metacritic could be a 5 or 1, but it doesn't matter. Players are letting folks know it's not worth your money.
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