Genshin Impact continues to be one of the biggest success stories on PlayStation 5 and PS4, with millions upon millions of hours logged in 2021 yet again. And developer miHoYo will be banking on its next major update, v2.4, reeling lapsed players back in on 5th January, 2022. That’s next week, folks, so not long to wait!
“As New Year is also approaching in the world of Teyvat, we’d like to invite you to Liyue’s Lantern Rite,” the official PlayStation Blog post states. “Join Shenhe, Yun Jin, and our old friends in rebuilding the Jade Chamber, and gain rich rewards including 10 Intertwined Fates and a free four-star Liyue character of your choice.” We’re going to assume fans understand at least some of these words.
In addition to the new characters and celebratory event, you’ll also be able to discover a new realm beneath Watatsumi Island. “You can obtain the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep with Shrine Maiden Tsuyuko and explore the ruins of an ancient civilization that is older than any other ruin you can see on land,” the official announcement continues.
The studio has been working to improve the overall visual appearance of the title as well, and the latest update will plot the introduction of softer shadows. “Soft shadows provide important cues about the distance between objects,” it explained. “When an object is further away from another object that its shadow is cast on, its shadow becomes softer and blurrier.”
Are you a fan of Genshin Impact, or is it all a bit overwhelming to you? Spin the wheel in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 24
As I’m still renovating the house and have too much on my plate I haven’t used my ps5 to play actual ps5 games 😂.
I’ve only started playing wreckfest and genshin on it . I have no clue what those words mean lool
Genshin Impact is one of my favorite games right now. There is so much quality content, and so many characters with great stories. I'm really excited to return to Liyue and see some new things after exploring Inazuma for so long.
I'm pulling for Shenhe! I got all my fates and primos I need for her! Hopefully I can get Ganyu next update, but....probably not lol
I hope they add an option to start a new game. When it launched I played around with it for a few hours, was impressed and intended to get back to it. I forgot the story and wanted to start fresh, but it's not possible on PS.
I've tried to get into Genshin Impact several times since its release, but I always seem to hit a wall. My worry now is that it's become borderline impenetrable with all of the stuff that's been added. Feel the same way about games like Warframe.
Would love to get stuck into both of them, but doing so is a huge commitment at this point.
@ShogunRok Same. I tried it a long time ago and bounced off because other games.
But now, it's intimidating to even start it. Isn't there a good pogression system for newcomers, with new systems and contents being brought into the game piece by piece?
I always wanted to give this game a try. I really like the art direction.
I had fun with this a few months back, but kinda fell off of it after getting to Adv rank 20 and snagging Aloy.
The gacha stuff sucks, but, at least so far, I've been able to enjoy it without spending a dime. Although not sure how long it'll be before I return to it.
Some other key changes with this update:
@ShogunRok Definitely agree the game is going to be really tough for newcomers. All of the events seem to require playing through 50 hours of story content to even have access to it. This event with rebuilding the Jade Chamber isn't any different, you'll have to play through the Mondstat and Liyue stories, but at least not the Inazuma story this time around. It's weird though in that just the description spoils one of the plot points of the Liyue arc.
@Ralizah aloys in it ?
Took a chance with this game because it's free to play not usually the kind of game I'd play but I'm glad I did because it's great
@Would_you_kindly She was a freely distributed character, but you had to reach a certain level of progress in the game. I think the distribution period is over, though.
Cool game word up son
@Ralizah ahh shame would've been cool to have her as a character but I didn't start the game till recently
@ShogunRok - As a Genshin and Warframe player I don't understand why you feel they're impenetrable. Neither game throws you in at the deep end. They teach you as you naturally progress in the same way that any other game does.
I understand that the sheer amount of content and systems can feel daunting but you can't just play any of it off the bat until you can through progression, by that time you'll know what you're doing.
Genshin is especially new player friendly and Warframe is nowhere near as obtuse as it once was thanks to massively improved tutorials.
Very excited for the update and according to Paul from Forbes they are giving players the chance to pick one of the better and rarer characters to unlock for free including a new released one i think.
@ShogunRok @Milktastrophe @Olmaz it’s definitely not too bad for new players. The reality is that MOST of the content that was added was temporary timed content that you can’t play anymore.
When the game released 2 of the 7 main chapters and land masses were released now it’s only 3 of 7.
@WallyWest you can pick any 4 star Liyue character for free. That includes the new Geo-polearm wielded Yunjin but also some of the best characters in the game like Xingxiu and Xiangling that are worth having repeats/constellations to make them stronger
There’s also Beidou, Chongyun, Ningguang, Yanfei & Xinyan as other options.
Plus a new last section of Inazuma to explore, 10 free wishes and a lot of other primogems and rewards. All in all 2.4 should be pretty strong.
@Milktastrophe @ShogunRok I definitely DISAGREE that it's difficult to newcomers...at least, that it's more difficult than it was when it was new (or when I started, half a year in or so).
Just play the quests you're given. You won't get access to all the latest and greatest content sometimes while you play the quests you're given as a newbie, but there's a ton to enjoy as you level up, play story quests, hunt for open world treasures, solve open world puzzles, and play the seasonal content that is open to you. Eventually you'll hit a level where any remaining gated content is open.
Meanwhile, you may miss out on some time-limited content that has a level requirement - but you miss out on that if you don't play, anyway, so why let it bother you? There's always another update around the corner with more content. This story about the Jade Chamber won't make sense to you until you've leveled enough to go see the Jade Chamber in the first place - and, eventually (spoiler) see it destroyed, so there's a need to rebuild it. It's been ages since I've seen it myself, so it will be cool if it's rebuilt again!
Now, what can be really confusing when you start is the currency (currencies) around wishes and upgrades. Every character needs unique upgrade material, and there are SO many things to upgrade - you upgrade their main level, their three upgradable skills, their weapon, and their artifacts. Each upgrade requires mora (in-game money) AND some other items - different items for each character/weapon/etc. So especially early on, there's always stuff to go collect, from exploring the world and fighting common enemies or fighting bosses or fighting in domains. Resin is the time-limited resource (you get 1 resin every 8 minutes, with a cap of 160) that you spend to get rewards from boss fights and domains.
So yes - there's a lot, and it can be confusing, BUT I don't think it's any more confusing today than it was when the game was released. There are more characters, and more types of materials to collect, but none of that will matter to you when you're starting and your choices of where to go and which characters you can access are limited. You can figure it out as you go - really, you can.
@RobN every character requiring unique materials to level is actually another barrier to new players. If a new player pulls an Inazuma character, they're basically unable to use them as they won't be able to get past the first or second ascension. They'll probably end up needing much higher leveled characters to get through Liyue.
We'll see whether future countries are also locked behind the story like Inazuma is, making those new characters even less useful to players who only have access to Mondstat and Liyue materials.
@Olmaz @ShogunRok My main advice, as someone who played a lot for the first couple months and then stopped for almost a year, is to really just play it like a single player game at your own pace.
The only thing you really miss out on are timed events, but there will be more, and they really aren't that big a deal.
Just start by looking at your journal and picking a quest that seems interesting and then go from there!
You won't have to really worry about endgame artifact grinding or anything like that that until you hit higher world levels, and you don't even really need to upgrade characters all that much if you don't want to, as you can lower your world level by 1 if things are too hard.
But the game tells you where to go for everything you could ever need, for the most part. Everything else can be found in HoyoLab
I hate free to play games with timed events its like a chore waiting for you at home. FOMO with a massive timesink yeah im staying away from this.
I keep trying to get invested into Genshin but always get bored...ended up uninstalling the game one day out of frustration.
I have cosplayed for genshin impact, it is fun game but often chore and I stopped playing since inazuma so I far behind lol 🥰
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