Godfall is one of December's PlayStation Plus games, except it technically isn't. The Godfall that you get to download with your PS Plus subscription on the 7th December is a new version called Godfall: Challenger Edition, which is designed to get you straight into the title's endgame content.
"Godfall: Challenger Edition allows new players to experience the game’s trio of endgame modes, minus the story content of the base game and Fire & Darkness expansions, and grants existing players new exciting features and rewards to enjoy," writes developer Counterplay Games on the PlayStation Blog.

So, if you're totally new to Godfall, you're going to be skipping the main story content of the base game — along with all of the character-building grind. It's a bit of a weird deal, but we suppose it makes some sense when you just want to throw players into the "good" stuff. You'll be able to upgrade from the Challenger Edition to the Deluxe Edition of Godfall, but no pricing has been detailed yet.
The thing is, we're already seeing some PS Plus users complaining that they're not getting the "full" version of the game. There are also concerns that casting new players straight into the game's most difficult content could be a bad idea.
What do you make of this? Would you rather start Godfall from the beginning, or is this the right way to do it? Challenge something in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 200
This sounds a lot like free-to-play Destiny 2 versus vanilla/launch Destiny 2 and seems like a poor decision.
Honesty not sure if this is a good or bad thing!
I don't care. The game looked pretty vanilla from the get go so this version offers little more
I was going to play Godfall, now I'm not going to.
Well that's pointless then isn't it.
Not sure I really understand what the point of this challenger version is then?
I would rather play the “full” game I’m disappointed with Sony doing this as well as Counterplay games, shame on you guys. I’d rather play the full game instead of the endgame *****
I hope Sony and counterplay games makes it to where they release the full game of godfall instead of this endgame crap I’m sick of it
Well this goes on the heap of psplus I'll never play. I am a campaign kinda guy. Shame.
This might be the first time I don't even bother adding to my library.
I mean it is already not exactly the most stellar game and now with this version, it seems...less stellar. Doubt I would have played it anyway. Great for any who want it I guess.
Load of bollocks, first time in ages they give a proper game for ps5 and it ends up being this *****
I think this is a crazy decision. I can see the thought behind it — getting players straight to the "good" part of the game — but to people who have never touched Godfall, it just seems like you're getting a gutted version of the game.
I also think throwing new players into the hardest challenges is borderline insane. I assume there'll be a tutorial and stuff, but so many people are going to bounce off the game when they have no idea what's happening. The main campaign is meant to prepare you for the endgame!
Said it before, and i'll say it again: Glorified PAID demo. Disgusting honestly.
They should have just made the Godfall thing like a PS+ benefit and not announced it as part of the monthly games. Pretty bad look IMO.
So this is completely worthless to me at least, here I was thinking we finally got a decent month and it turns out the main highlight is a glorified demo of the full game 😑
@ShogunRok how much are they gonna charge to upgrade to the deluxe edition so u can play the main game ?
@Anke out of subject matter but.. pretty profile pic.
Haha, are you serious? That sucks big time! Hard pass. The only game I was remotely interested in. Mortal Shell is great but I don’t want to give up the progression I’ve already made on Xbox.
yeah i have to speak up about this one.
this is nonsense and a stupid move.
it should have been the full game or not be part of plus at all.
if this ends up in their favour,i sure hope this will not be a recurring thing. ps plus should not be a demo service.
tbh with this being a demo sony should have added an extra game. even if it would just be an indie.
It’s happened before with saints row gat out of hell and assassins creed freedom cry. Both of which were DLC’s meant to be played after completing the main campaign. I suspect this will be as offputting for people trying it at those two were.
Absolute ridiculous decision, been waiting for this game to hit ps plus instead of buying it and it looks like I will have to buy it after all.
Let me guess they will try selling the campaign as a seperate add on for those who get the challenger edition, greedy devs!
Also worse ps plus month for me all year
@Ryall those were both standalone games though. It doesn't sound like this version is a standalone game, sounds like it's a hobbled version of the main game.
Went from excited to giving it a shot to completely off my radar. Seems like a really dumb move by the developers and PlayStation
Can they stop giving out all the ***** online games that no one wants to play ?
Sony can keep this, and they can keep their PS+ subscription when mine runs out…
Just doesn’t seem worth it to me anymore as I don’t play online Playstation games anymore
Gaming is getting harder and harder to enjoy these days. We need fresh companies with much more consumer friendly ideas. Things like this are just depressing. What are we paying Sony for?
Well there goes my interest
Was going to resub this month. Probably not worth the 10 bucks anymore.
@Ajfennell77 Good question!
So they give us a demo disguised as a PS+ game?
And Mortal Shell has no PS5 version?
I won't be subbing again to PS+ when mine runs out in January at this rate...
Sony is really starting to $*&# me off these days. Plus just seems to be getting worse and worse. What even is this? I was actually slightly interested in giving Godfall a go, but not so much now.
@Ajfennell77 oh damn they could try nonsense couldn't they. I really hope this doesnt start a new thing where more publishers only offer a butchered version of their game on ps plus to then add the option of buying the full game at a discount price. Say what you will about the lineups this year at least they were all full games, some with free ps5 upgrades.
Month after month. Disappointment after disappointment. Now giving out DEMOS instead of full games. JOKE.
I’ve been interested in Godfall for a while now, so at least this will let me find out if the gameplay is something I’d enjoy.
Not gonna lie, kinda digging this. Max out the level and just focus on the 3 endgame modes for some high tier combat. Just hope it allows you to respec so you don't waste your time on a build that doesn't work for you.
Totally stupid, no thank you. What little interest I had just disappeared.
@Danloaded agreed man they have had good months but this one just seems they want the money cause obviously not alot of people brought the base game ....think they just want people to switch to the xbox system
I already wasn't big on the idea of getting Godfall, but this version kind of makes me not even want to claim it. I don't know. I don't like online multiplayer games. I basically only play games for their single-player story and gameplay. This sounds like the opposite of what I would ever play.
Love how people immediately think it's Sony's fault, it's the publisher's choice on what version they want to put on Plus.
Well, that is dirty and cheap as hell.
So basically this was just to get people to buy the deluxe edition and microtransactions. Yeahhhh no. Won't even be downloading this now.
Sony really just phoned in the second half of this yeaf6
They had to balls it up! what are they playing at over there?
Well this is silly. Can you imagine if something like Avengers did this???
@Medic_Alert It's hard to say, Sony had a timed exclusivity deal on Godfall which may have included terms like "a Plus version to be released after a year". Can't exactly back away from contracts if that's the case.
Another reason not to play this game. I'm just gonna play Mortal Shell, and Lego DC. Hopefully next month we'll get Dark Souls, to hype us up, ahead of Elden Ring release!
@Broosh Mortal Shell alone, makes this month, worth it.
Ah, knew there’d be a catch...
Personally, I'd have preferred to experience the entire campaign, right from the beginning. If anything, the end-game content is what is likely to interest me least.
I wouldn't be surprised if the thinking here was to tempt people into buying the base game by leaving out some content that would be desirable to people such as myself...
That's dumb lol why not give the full experience?
@AdamNovice Nop, and also Sony pays fat compensation for publishing games one month free for 50 milion PS Plus subscribers (for loosing possible customers).
This kind of decisions won't get me to subscribe to PS+ for sure...
@Esmerald Oh yeah, I'm not saying it's a bad month! Just an odd decision for Godfall. Mortal Shell is legit.
That decision is again: Sony at it’s finest.
Bad call, no chance of playing it or even adding it to the library now.
I was actually really excited about getting this on plus but this endgame only crap is one of the worst plus offerings I’ve seen since I’ve been subscribed. And that was on the PS3 😅
No words
I don't really like Gearbox as a publisher so I'm gonna go ahead and blame them.
Hah, I wanted to say at least we got Mortal Shell but now I see it is only PS4 version.. It is confirmed, the PS5 upgrade is not included!
God I hate how the games industry is nowadays. These are the kind of decisions Sony makes now that made me not buy a PS5 when i had the chance. Where getting a bona-fide demo. I won't even be claiming this garbage, nice try Sony. 🙄
is this a joke? fecking hell, what are you doing sony and counterplay games?
what next sony? 3 demos for PS+ monthly games?
To all the people complaining that Sony is part of this decision, to me it sounds like Counterplay Games didn't want to give away their full game for free. Sony would probably have to pay them to do that. So I think it's all on Counterplay and maybe even Gearbox as well.
I mean Sony tried to promote this game and help them out, they just didn't have good trailers or good hype.
Well this is a strange choice. I didn't have any real interest in playing anyway but I hope this doesn't become a trend for Plus games. Also talk about not having faith in your product. "The main game is pretty bland so let's just get you right to the good stuff!"🤦♂️
Man I hope psnow this month is good.
I’m not even interested in Godfall if I can’t play the full game,why would I want to start at the end all leveled up…. Totally disappointed
@Medic_Alert what I'm saying is Sony probably didn't want to pay the extra price to get the normal Godfall game or either Counterplay and Gearbox weren't going to do it.
With Godfall being as bad as it is, it doesn't really matter which version you get. I mean Counterplay knows the Campaign was trash so they want you to skip it, even if it's a odd choice.
The only other games I would have wanted Sony to replace it with would have been The Pathless or Solar Ash, with The Pathless probably being one sooner than later.
I don't see how people could get that mad given that nobody really was going to pay for Godfall anyways. You get a free version of it, free.
half of a mediocre game for Plus? That's completely insulting. Just make a general free offering and give us something real for a Plus game.
Sony doing everything they can to not have to give out FULL PS5 titles as part of Plus.
Putting the end part of your game as solo content and saying "players can play the good stuff" is literally a lowkey criticism of your own game lmao.
That's like releasing "Persona 5 Light" where you only play the final two dungeons.
@Medic_Alert Godfall was always going to be a PS Plus game so you were going to get it sooner than later. I don't see why your getting heated a bit over it. Sony could still make them change their mind but it's still Godfall.
You can either play Godfall or not. Plus you get Mortal Shell which has a free PS5 upgrade. That and Lego are that main attractions.
I was never going to play Godfall anyway but on paper this sucks.
At the same time several reviews I read said this was the worst part of an already pretty bad game so perhaps it’s better without it? But to then sell the additional content is an ass move.
What a disappointment. I'll still check it out though
@QBGaming12 The Plus version of Mortal Shell does not include the free PS5 upgrade.
Well that’s…pretty rubbish to be honest. First game on ps plus for a few months I’ve been interested in and they decide to only give us the part of the game you get after finishing it.
I wasn't going to play it anyway. Everything I heard about is average at best. I have a big backlog and little time so I am happy to miss this one
So there's legitimately no point of playing the PS+ version as you don't know any of the context for all the fighting nor any reason for progression other than the game telling you there's better loot to find...
I would rather play the base game from the start to finish and then buy the expansion if I like the game enough. Throwing us straight into the end like that doesn't interest me so I won't bother with it.
Giving us those modes is telling me they are desperate for more players. And using us as filler for empty slots. Hoping we will buy the game too while we're at it.
Strange choice, the game doesn't have MTX either so its not like they're trying to get you at the stage you may want them. The game isn't hard sure but i can't imagine jumping straight to end game will be good, you build up your character in the campaign and when endgame hits you're now at a good level for it when abilities unlocked and you a decent build ready.
@Medic_Alert a PS5 launch game that bombed bad, and it's been a year. That's a PS5 PS Plus game.
Also with Mortal Shell they might let you upgrade it for free, considering the game already had a free Next Gen upgrade.
Also I don't feel like I'm getting nickel and dimed with PS Plus because most of the games I either own or were going to wait for a deep sale. I'll give all 3 of these games a shot one day. After I finish playing a ton of other stuff.
Godfall is surprising considering that all of the updates were free.
@gomersoul You and me share a dream, my friend.
So is it possible to get full trophy completion with this PS+ version? I’m assuming no, and if so, what a garbage decision. I’m not touching this.
Mortal shell is a good game i already got it.but godfall challenger mode is horrible.wtf is sony this is on sony.and lego game.no thanks.anyways i got to many games to play.my backlog is full of games that im continue playing now.word up son
Worse than nothing. Only interested in campaign
@Jtheripper Responding for him. Thanks, he uploaded it himself! 🙈
Efffffff you.
@QBGaming12 Pathless was given free on launch on ps5 I'm sure...
Who could possibly be pleased with not getting all the content? Also, story mode is usually what interests me rather than endgame content that just drags on in perpetuity. Are they doing this because the endgame is game as a service content they want everyone to be locked into?
@QBGaming12 I don't think the $20 Fire & Darkness update is free. Maybe if you're coming in now since the standard version seems to be delisted with only the deluxe version available, but I guess that's their way of screwing over people who buy physical?
@Milktastrophe I was thinking of the Lightbringer update lol. My bad.
@KayOL77 you had to pay for The Pathless. It definitely was not a PS Plus game. Giant Squid came out and said it wouldn't be at the time.
@render to offer a 'free' game & hope that people like it so much that they drop money on the deluxe edition so they can actually play the story
@awp69 that's a shame. Mortal Shell is a good Souls like. Not great but good from what I've seen and heard, the enhanced edition does have some nice added features.
@Medic_Alert I think what he means is that there is always at least one PS5 title on PS+ every month so it was highly likely that Godfall was going to be on PS+ at some point, it fits the mould and benefits all parties.
That's too bad. Wonder why they did not do the game and then have an upgrade option to purchase the end game stuff.
Godfall has been in and out of my wish list, it's on sale often but the discount is always very minimal. It looks interesting and I've heard the graphics are great. I do like looting and shooting. Hopefully there will be some sort of offer for the full game as an add-on. Also it will be nice to have the game back on people's radar, they seem to have been improving it after a less than stellar launch.
The whole point is the grind so this is useless
Wow (Said in Owen Wilson's voice)
@Would_you_kindly By giving you all the good stuff that you’d otherwise have earned through the game then there’s not much point in playing the game. As others have said that’s kind of the point of this type of game.
I’d argue that it’s actually half a game rather than a full game, and it’s also not ‘free’.
actually would have liked to try this game, but this is just about the worst move i've seen yet. what an absolutely ridiculous concept. crap cherry on top of this month's crap sundae. i mean come ON - lego DC super villains? THIS glorified demo? yiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes.
What an absolutely disgraceful thing to do. Let's face it. This IS gutting the game.
I don't know a single person who bought Godfall, and haven't come across anyone online who mentioned enjoying Godfall. So this just seems like a really stupid decision.
Sony's PlayStation plus lineup has sucked this year. And look at that, they've left a massive turd in our stocking for Christmas.
Sony been giving us L's on ps plus lately
Jesus wept.
Think have got to sort this out, what a slap in the face to PS subscribers.
Glad I skipped over it in the Black Friday sale and picked up The Pathless instead
That is so lame and such a cop-out for Sony to just give end game content as December's PS Plus PS5 game. That doesn't count as giving us a PS5 game you cheapskates.
I haven't actually played a PS Plus game in months, they've all been trash(imo). Now that I'm not really playing anything online I think I'm just gonna cancel PS Plus. It's such a terrible service.
LMAO! this is top tier trolling right here , mainly because most ( if not all ) people here at pushsquare are pro-single-player-for-life , hahaha.
not bad $ony , this is an impressive new low. 10/10
Sub cancelled
I thought one of the incentives of PS plus was monthly 'free' games? If they do this, what's to stop Sony announcing March's ps5 game is gran turismo 7. (but it's not the full version of gt7, you get to drive round one track).
I'm not bothered by godfall as I wasn't adding it to the library anyway it looks rubbish, but it's the principle
Is that supposed to make us want to buy the full game??
Well i must say that you have lived up to expectations in the comments section..is godfall the best game ever? No it isnt but its not rubbish either..i'll bet that more than half of you commenting have not played it therefore your input is worth nothing..the end content is where the game is so whilst there is no campaign its not really needed to be honest..you could argue that as a ps+ game it should be the complete package but seeing as most of you always complain that ps+ is crap value and game pass is so much better anyway makes your comments invalid again..there were a couple of you here that i expected better,more sensible comments from but alas you let me down...as a freebie,even in this form godfall is well worth a play..awful comments section..
@QBGaming12 What on earth am I thinking of then? Control! That's it. Pathless is in my library so I must have bought it 💪
@render I was using the word free sarcastically
@Northern_munkey wow, psplus is free now? Fantastic. Will definitely play the godfall endgame demo now and not complain. I love freebies.
The game alone was terrible, I would of said it was terrible with the campaign. I rented it, played for 10/15 and returned it. Literally has no soul. I don't think losing the campaign is going to make a huge difference to the experience of I'm honest.
@DrJames yeah you missed the point entirely..i didnt say ps+ was free..i was mainly showing my disdain for the usual round of sony bashing and the usual round of utter useless comments again by the usual crowd..yeah if people are upset then they have a right to voice their oppinions but when the same old trolls are saying they are cancelling their subs (again) and are once again here for the umpteenth time saying that sony are ripping us off and ps+ is awful blah,blah,blah i have to wonder exactly what it is about sony and the playstation that actually makes them happy? Please can somebody explain to me why would people still use sonys console or service if it really makes them feel as though they are always being dealt a bum card?
lol wait wut? Speechless.
This sure seems weird. I think I'll add it to my library, but I don't see myself playing it since it's not the full game and I don't want to jump straight into the end-game content. Would have liked to check out the campaign which is not included.
Its called 'END GAME' content because its supposed to be played AFTER you have played through everything, grinded for what you want, understand what all the new skills, weapons, upgrades etc do and understand what 'builds' you need as well as prepare you for the 'challenge'.
At the very least, the 'campaign' should put some lore and context into the world and game-play...
@BAMozzy well at least you explained coherently why you are not too chuffed..in all fairness the campaign never clearly explained the game mechanics in depth enough..the upgrade path information never went far enough and it really was quite experimental and it took me a while to figure out what i was doing in regards to working towards an end game build..as an action/hack 'n' slash rpg its a decent enough game but the story telling was never going to win any awards..so really you dont need to have the campaign to play this..
So 2 games and a demo, arrogant Sony is back.
I have had a lot of great games this year so im not to bothered what can i expect for €40 a year.
The story was utter garbage anyway and the game got old and stale quicker than that guy at the end of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. Plus even on PS5 I experienced horrendous frame rates, frequent freezing and an all round ennui with the whole gargantuan grindathon. Yeah, it looked shiny but it’s not a game I’ll return to. Not quite Godawful but pretty close …
Who actually thought giving a demo with a paid unlock for the actual game as the monthly subscription free game was a good idea?
Next months free PS4 game will be an unpatchable special build of cp2077, Launch Edition. Calling it now.
Whether it was the publisher’s decision or Sony’s, this looks bad for Sony. I can’t believe this was discussed as a good idea in a Zoom meeting. Bad decision here. I will not be canceling my PS Plus sub, but not a good moment for the PlayStation brand. I am down for the other two PS Plus games, for the record.
That's definitely... A choice.
Unusual way to do it. Never heard of a publisher giving out the end game content in the hope it convinces people to buy the earlier stuff.
As someone who enjoys the levelling up in games, and tends to lose interest at the max level endgame stuff, I can't really approve of it.
All I wanted to play was the Story part, Not online co-op! Lego games are good fun so that works for me. Godfall's choice made this a disappointing month.
@Lunaticlord567 I agree, I would rather play the story too
No story to even care about the game equals no download. Full game or something else.
You know what they say - "Life is all about the destination, not the journey."
If wait, that's backwards. Just like offering only endgame content misses the point of a progression-based video game.
No PS5 version for Mortal Shell? Say isn't so!
Gives me an icky feeling. Like it'll be among the first of many cases where companies won't want to give their game away with services like PSPlus, so they'll essentially put out a demo and act like it's a full game.
Disgusting move by Sony and Counterplay. Worse, this could start becoming a trend.
I am ready to buy a Xbox just for the game pass,Sony needs to get the original version of Godfall ,I would rather grind through the game then have it handed to me…. I probably won’t even play it now
Uh what? So this is just being put into some sort of end-game raids? How is this even remotely better than knack 2?
Tune in next time, for When Jimmy Met Randy 🙄
@nathanSF If this version doesn't have the campaign, then it's not 'offering little more', by definition it's offering less.
I'm confused. Mortal shell has a free ps5 upgrade... so they are blocking that for people? Thats shocking. Also was looking forward to godfall... as a trophy hunter, me and my mate was planning on playing this co-op for the plat. Is that gonna be unobtainable now unless we upgrade?
As I've said before, if enough people complain, things will change. Anyone with a twitter account should use it for good for once.
@Tielo "So 2 games and a demo, arrogant Sony is back."
You people are just looking for an excuse to call Sony arrogant. You sound like a broken record.
You pay your hard earned money to buy a ps5 and get free games each month then it’s changed to a glorified demo. I k ow it’s free but still disappointing. Prob the start of a few like that
So what you're saying is "Our game is a bit crap so we will just let you play the least crap bit."
Seems a little cheap
@naruball You sound like an apologist for a greedy corporation.
Remember PS3, we got 6 PS+ games, all very high quality. Now only 2.5, I call that greed. Same with the rise of prices for PS5 games where most companies just ask the same price as las gen.
@QBGaming12 No, Mortal Shell is for PS4 and there are not free upgrade to PS5... Check that if you don't believe this...
As bad as the game's reputation is, I want to find out for myself and see if the released content gets the stick it deserves; not be forced into the good stuff.
I wasn't going to play this anyway so I'm not going to pretend to be upset, but this is an absolute joke.
Well that is annoying, was looking forward to giving this a go, now not going to bother. What a stupid move this is. Still will give Lego and mortal shell a go though.
Let's be real here, nobody is cancelling their sub. You buy PS+ for the online multiplayer, not the "free games". And if you are paying just for the monthly games, you're a dope anyway.
The truth is, if it wasn't for the online component, the amount of people paying for PS+ would be a tiny fraction of what they're getting now.
That said, this has just gone from "Ooh, I might give that a try. Cool" to "Yeah, probably not going to add that to my library. *****"
These companies need to understand that, sometimes, these free games come across as insulting and, at that point, it's better just to give away something much smaller. This is one of those times. Own goal here.
Such a bizarre choice and something only greasy Randy Pitchford could come up with.
@RS1 very good point. An indie game would have been better received than this fiasco.
@Tielo whatever helps you sleep at night. Keep jumping to conclusions instead of looking at the rest of my posts where I criticize Sony (even in this very thread). I'm no apologist, but if you want to believe that, by all means, live in Lala land all you want.
Also, greed and arrogance are two different things.
Lastly, the ps+ userbase on ps3 was tiny compared to the one that exists now. It's easier to convince a publisher to give their game for free to 1-2m people than to 40-50m. If a game being added to ps+ completely cuts off its legs, then the company needs to pay much more to get it. On ps3 ps+ worked more like a promotion. It's no longer the case.
Was looking forward to it, now im crying in my Frosties !!
@Master_Shake I think your stuck with the Endgame Build mate.
Haha well that’s *****. Honestly the PS5 offerings have been gash for the most part I’ve hardly downloaded any this past year.
I've always swithered on Godfall... Was quite happy to see the leak saying we were getting it.
This though... Not gonna bother now.
Should the the full game not a small piece of the game just another wasteful month of crap that PlayStation gives us
I don't know what has changed this gen but some of the decisions that Sony have made are just mind blowing. I love my PS and my XBX but everything MS have done this year has been positive, exciting and great for the consumer. Sony however, IMO have just had a nightmare. Add this to that pile
I actually subbed for another year because I thought it would be good to get Godfall on my plus membership. That is rubbish.
Not my type of game particularly so not overly bothered, but it is a pretty s****y move by Sony regardless. I don't know much about the game though, can I play this 'end-game' stuff by myself or is it online co-op only? If so, I won't even bother trying it to be honest.
This game looked like utter garbage, and the reviews supports that. If this had to happen to any game, I'm glad it's this one.
You can probably find a better game at psn for under 5 bucks.
Not that i like the game, it's just another Dark Souls wannabe, and, like so many others, not so well implemented.
But it's a lame ass idea on Sony's part to include just the end game content separate from the main game. It may be somewhat useful for those that bought the normal version of the game, but to the rest of the ppl not so much.
On the other hand, I'm not surprised, since it's the same Sony that currently offers Bloodborne on PS Now but NOT the Old Hunters DLC, which is the cherry on top of the main game...
@Shinnok789 its nothing like dark souls..so far removed from dark souls...its more like god of war/bayonetta/dmc etc...dark souls?
If this isn't a damning indictment of the game then I don't know what is.
I don't think I'm even going to bother adding it to my library... I can't see myself ever wanting to play it.
To be fair to them I didn't think I could be less interested in Godfall but they have proved me completely wrong.
@Angry_Chainsaw I mean that earlier this year and in general you can get the free upgrade if you have the PS4 version.
I was hoping that the PS Plus version would be the same.
Wow, way to make a disappointing game an even bigger disappointment. 🤦♂️
You could probably find a physical copy of this game in a bargain bin for $5. Even then it's overpriced. This was such a generic game.
Godfall: Godawful Edition
This about sums it up for me. 😆
Game Pass is a bit overrated for me. I just browsed the whole library on my XB1 the other day. Anything of interest to me I already own.
It's definitely better than PS+ as of late, but I'd say about 70% of Game Pass is useless to me. It has its moments though.
Then I won't be getting it.
If you're not angry yet/still defending Sony, latest news as of 2 minutes ago:
Godfall: Challenger Edition is free for PC users via Epic games next week
That's "actually free" for all you purists - you don't need any kind of subscription to claim free games from Epic games
@Northern_munkey To answer your question, nothing. I cancelled my sub last month. PS4 is a streaming box for me now. I got a few backlog games, if I can be bothered. Gamepass is a better spend. Couldn’t get a PS5 if I wanted one, but I’d rather put that money into a PC at this point so I can “remaster” my own games and keep my library instead of paying for the privilege.
Remember #fortheplayers? They couldn’t be leaving gamers behind fast enough. It’s just a fanboy defense force now.
Nintendo is the place to be for Japanese games and PC/Xbox covers just about everything else.
@Kang81 Stop buying games day 1 haha! Jk aside, I can’t imagine the shrugs you do at PS Plus’ lineup.
Even if 70% of the library is worthless to you, that’s 30%. Plus the fact that many games get swapped in every two weeks (i think?), it’s certainly a better crapshoot.
I just turned off the sub while playing Dread and now Shin Megami Tensei V, then I grabbed some Steam sales, then Elden Ring... that’s the nice thing about Gamepass too, you don’t get gouged on a month-long sub like PS Plus so it’s easy to turn on and off around you gaming schedule.
@Spiders Gamepass is junk
I wonder how many people resubbed to plus after the leaks?
I mean, some might even suggest Sony are aware that leaks drive plus subscriptions when certain games are involved and are actually the ones leaking it directly.
After all, how many people saw the leaks earlier this week, thought "yes, I'd like to try Godfall" and now feel a little...what's the expression..."mugged off".
Stupid and greedy
I want PvE
@Northern_munkey Reviews are describing the combat as a faster version of Dark Souls, but not so strategic. Others claim it has inspirations from Dark Souls among other games (Destiny 2, Monster Hunter, etc).
I don't like what i saw in the gameplay videos or reviews enough to spend money on it to try it myself - so if the reviews were mistaken, so was I.
@Spiders good luck to you..
Gotta admit, If PS+ wanted to take a page out of NSO, I'd prefer them to go for a perpetually available library, not SP versions.😅 A kinda left field decision and, while I'm usually [trying my best to be] not half as dramatic about these things as the average commenter, this case does leave me questioning this library addition for once as well. I see little point in consuming a work of interactive fiction without its otherwise very present "fiction" part, and if I decided to buy the full game in the hypothetical future, can I be sure having this "edition" in my active sub wouldn't interfere with the purchase? It seems like the first time PS+ pulls off such a move, so I'm not sure what to expect.🤔
@Shinnok789 i've played this game a lot and i've played all the souls games and this is nothing like them at all apart from it has swords in it..
I'll have a look at a youtube vid before adding this to the library then. If I won't play it, I won't add it.
This is nonsense I'm a ps plus member I want the full experience guess who is not downloading that game and I already have DC lego supervillains can I pick something else
@Lunaticlord567 if you really wanted to play the full game then wouldn't you have bought it? it was even cheap during black friday deals , i'm sure it will be cheap like 10-20 times in the next 5-8 months.
to those crying ur not missing out on much and they are giving you the best content , with out having to grind the boring content , i guess none of you even bothered to read you just read the headline and clearly just scrolled to the bottom to post a comment.
That's not exactly my problem, I don't buy too many on day one, I just buy too many on sales. 😆
Honestly, every sale for the past 2 years has been disappointing for me as well.
In regards to PS5 games, they're aren't many. In regards to PS4, by this point in a consoles life cycle, I've most likely purchased everything of interest, many at a deep discount.
@Spoonman-2 same here.
I usually never complain about ps plus titles because you win some, you lose some... But giving us not even half of a game, is just absolute bs.
My interest in Godfall was pretty low to start with, this has nudged it down to zero
This sucks, was expecting the full game...I'll still grab it though because free.
@KidBoruto Similar attitude to mine which is "I've already paid for it, so I won't not take it"
@redcorpuscle I wonder what you’ll say when Sony copies Gamepass and scraps the current trash recycling service you’re defending. (google Sony’s Project Spartacus)
@Northern_munkey Thanks! And good luck to you... looks like you won’t need it though (see above post). Better days ahead!
Aside, I wonder how the tunes will change when everybody gets what we “entitled complainers” having been pushing for for over a year. How many people are going to “miss the old PS+ where we overpaid for bargain bin games and basic network services”?
@Kang81 There’s no feeling like seeing an untouched game in your backlog go on a deep sale.
@Spiders its taken you this long to cancel your ps+ service though..enjoy renting your games on game pass..at least the games i get every month are there for as long as i keep my sub running and they dont disappear while i'm in the middle of playing them..whatever works for you buddy now go away and stop being a miscreant..
@theheadofabroom At the very least it'll give me a chance to see if I'd even like playing the full game.
@Northern_munkey I was a sucker who thought it would stay at a decent level and got a 3-month sub.
I did enjoy my Gamepass sub, thanks! And I likely will again if/when I re-sub next year.
I hope you enjoy it too when Sony puts their name on it.
@Spiders wont bother me in the slightest buddy...
@Northern_munkey I’m looking forward to your comments in the future Sony Gamepass “what’s new” articles, pining for PS+ and how much better it was.
@Spiders i dont have a problem with game pass and if sony bring out something better than ps+ then i'll obviously be interested..what gets my goat is infidels such as yourself that harp on about how great game pass is on a playstation forum..i dont understand your need to be noticed or your need to bring attention to yourself with your argumentative and wholley infantile attempt at sarcasm..you aint clever dude just plain annoying..
@Northern_munkey I do it because I am a gamer first and foremost. I post on NintendoLife, PureXbox, and here. I have no loyalties to these companies or platforms and my preferences are shaped by what’s good at the moment. I don’t stay put and hope it’s good where I staked out, I follow the buffalo.
At the moment, PS+ is an awful service that siphons money from dupes like me. Just like I’d recommend a game to someone that I think they’d like. I recommend a service that does what the people who complain wish Sony was doing.
The good news is Sony is (likely) now doing it. I hope it is decent. Truly. I don’t have an XBox console (GP on PC) so I’d love to have a similar service on PS4, and if not, it adds a lot of potential value to PS5 for me that as of now I can easily pass on.
What I don’t understand is why being on a Sony site means you have to be a Sony fanboy — that is to say, be irrationally pro-Sony.
I’m being less sarcastic than you think. If you double-down on PS+ and get all crotchety in the forums, I will be entertained. If you do come enjoy the subscription service I will be genuinely happy too. I want everyone to have fun and enjoy this hobby.
I don’t want attention, I want conversations. Arguments even. If the comment board is just pro-site, pro-company sycophants, what’s the point? To reinforce poor thinking and poor attitudes.
I might be annoying, but I might be a bit clever too. Not exactly a 1-2 combo but we’re talking now, aren’t we?
@Spiders fair enough..good points raised and i appreciate a well worded argument without having to resort to being offensive..i dont always support sonys actions (giving away a stripped down version of godfall isnt a great move even though the game is good) and i most certainly will not endorse something i think is bad for the gamers but i cant in all honesty get behind jumping into playstation comment sections just to knock something whilst singing the praises about another companys services..i'm sorry if you cant see my reasoning but it just dosnt sit right with me..lets agree to disagree so we can just move on..
So true. I'm making it a point to work on my purchased backlog of games now so when one of these other wishlist backlogged games go on sale, I'll get that joyous feeling again. 😁
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