Update #2: Sony has corrected an issue with GTA 3 on PS Now which meant users couldn't download the game. It's now available to both stream and download worldwide. This isn't the first time this error has occurred, and has led to confusion and unnecessary frustration for subscribers.
Update #1: GTA 3 is now available as part of PS Now in the US, where it can be downloaded and streamed. There have been no changes in Europe as of yet, where it's still only available to stream. Presumably, then, this is just an error that will be resolved imminently.
We have contacted Sony for clarification, and will update when we get word back.
Original Story: After the disappointment regarding Mortal Shell’s missing free PS4 to PS5 upgrade on PS Plus, there’s more bad news for Sony subscribers: GTA 3, available now on PS Now, can only be streamed. This issue first emerged on Reddit but we’ve been able to corroborate it – there’s no option to download the game, as is ordinarily the case. It’s also worth noting that this is the PS4 version of the remaster that you can stream, and not the PS5 one.
There is precedent for the Japanese giant pushing the wrong buttons when it rolls out PS Now updates, so it’s possible the download option may magically appear in the coming days. After all, there’s no mention on the PS Blog of this game being available for streaming only. We have, of course, checked with Sony to find out whether this is an error or not, and will update accordingly once we get clarification from the company.
Either way, it’s not been a good week for the firm’s major memberships, especially when you consider the situation surrounding Godfall as well. If this really is a mistake, then let’s hope the platform holder is prompt fixing it: GTA 3 is only available on PS Now until 1st February, 2022. You’re on the clock, readers.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 62
Yet another baffling decision by Sony. Individually small but they are adding up.
Usually I advocate NOT turning molehills into mountains but that is seemingly what they are doing with all these anti-consumer micro-decisions.
What a joke.i actually wanted to play this but I ain't steaming it..PlayStation really don't hold a candle to Xbox....my ps5 is getting used less and less
That seems to have happened with other games as well and the download option was added shortly after. Let's hope.
Not sure Sony is to blame here. Wasn't this also the case when RDR 2 and possibly GTA V came to PS Now?
I think Rockstar/Take Two are the ones behind this if it stays this way
Rockstar probably did this so less people would play it! Which isn’t a bad call tbh!
It’s a dumpster fire anyway
This has to be an error within the system to not allow a download. Can't think of any reason for either Sony and Rockstar to put this limitation on an already maligned product.
Must be a mistake. There isn’t a single PS4 game that isn’t available to download. It also is more tech intensive for Sony and gives the publisher a second rate experience to push on customers to whom they wish to sell the full trilogy.
Had anybody thought that Rockstar is doing this until they actually fix the game? That would make a lot of since, so you shouldn't blame Sony until we know why. Overreaction much lol.
Considering the game is being removed from PS Now in Jan then I suspect it wont be getting 'fixed' by then.
Hahaha get the hell outta town
Death by a thousand cuts for Sony at the moment isn't it. What next I wonder?
I’m really disappointed. I started playing it earlier and wasn’t sure if my issues were because the game is buggy or lag due to my connection or- more than likely a combination of both.
Really hoping they somehow add a download option. Despite the issues I’m pretty keen to give this a go.
As it’s only on PSNow for a short time I can’t see this being fixed.
No point streaming PS3 games. No matter how good your internet is, it never works properly.
@thefourfoldroot Not true, Red Dead Redemption II was streaming only. Another Rockstar game.
@GoodGame I would have agreed with you maybe 3 years ago or so but disagree there now. Unless its something really fast like Sonic.
Since Covid hit and home working, I've been playing PS3 and PS4 games on my laptop while "working" in the spare room and have rare issues - usually caused if my Mrs is off and watching Netflix, and thats off a 30/10MB line so its understandable.
When was the last time you tried? Its much improved over the last few years. My only gripe is the 10 min auto kick when im actually doing some work
So on Gamepass I can download the next gen version but with PS Now I have to stream the PS4 version? And people still think these services are comparable?
@QBGaming12 then why can you download San Andreas through Gamepass? I doubt Microsoft has more sway with Rockstar then Sony do
@solocapers I only joined a few weeks ago. I've tried to stream a few PS3 games. Every time the intros etc play fine, but when the games starts, I get a message saying the internet connection is not good enough
I'm downloading it right now in the US region(added it to my library from the mobile app)
@GoodGame it could be based upon your location as well, I've had issues with some of these streaming services in the past where one would work fine but others wouldn't
Another L for Sony. Bunch of penny pinchers
Same. People seem to have jumped the gun here
Really? I didn’t know that. They really are a scummy company in every way. Still, Sony should just refuse to allow it.
@GoodGame Not to defend Sony's weird move here but I've noticed, especially on PS5, that the lag has dropped to the point that PS3 games have actually been playable and complete able. I recently finished Duke Nukem Forever and Alone in the dark Inferno (don't ask, I'm going through a phase) and they all played just fine. Were they perfect? No, there was the occasional hiccup when my net dropped a bit but not enough to sour the experience for me. The streaming side of things has really come a long way since the early days of ps now.
@nessisonett I think Red Dead was download only, actually.
@ATaco Ah ok. I might give it another go then
@carlos82 Probably I guess. I'm in the UK.
Well only bad news for us lately
@GoodGame WiFi connected? What's the signal strength like? BB speeds etc?
@solocapers Lan cable connected. Download speed 35mbps.
@thefourfoldroot Never mind, @ATaco is right. I’m an idiot 😂
Anyone else having PSN issues? It won't let me download or stream GTA
Dont want any games from this company of scum anyway so im good.
Broken game. Who cares.
Only option for me is to stream still!
I’m in the UK 🇬🇧
Hopefully all regions will be able to download. Has a game been on PSNow before and been stream in one region and download in another?
@get2sammyb it's downloadable in the US.
@GoodGame Hopefully it works better for you. If it doesn't, it could be a location based thing I guess. While I'm pretty happy with the service right now, I won't be completely satisfied until everyone can experience the service the way it's intended.
This is downloading to my console now so I guess that was false
@Logonogo @Milktastrophe Great, thanks for the update.
@GoodGame that's a shame.. should be more than playable.
Wonder what's causing that. Like I said, for me on WiFi it's fine unless it's a really fast paced game like sonic.
Have you tried when it's just you using the internet?
The new games aren't even showing for me yet.
people really need to start leaving it until at least the day after before they start moaning about this sort of stuff. Whether or not you think it's acceptable, new games on PS Now don't just suddenly appear when you expect them to on the days those games go live, and often they're not properly playable/streamable until fairly late in the day. The only reason for the fuss this time is everyone wants to try out GTA 3 Definitive edition and see if it's truly as bad as it's made out to be
I can confirm (at least through the PSapp) GTA III is downloadable with PSNow.
Although I did see an option to buy for £10,000 too! Bargain 🤑
Game downloaded and installed on my PS4 in Portugal through the Android app, since it doesn't show up yet on PS Now, as Final Fantasy X which I also installed. PSNow games always take a little while before they show up properly so just chillllll everyone
Not really related to the article but I tried to download dead or alive 5 through ps now the other day & it wouldn't work would only let me stream it
Downloaded and first impressions are actually quite good, using performance mode on a PS5.
@get2sammyb it’s downloadable in the UK now too 🇬🇧 I wasn’t panicking…much 😅
What a difference between streaming and downloading the game! So far I’ve been hit with a massive amount of nostalgia- especially with the radio stations!
I download it before I used the mobile app to add to Library then download from the app then I got it on my console
@Topov81 PS4 versions of the trilogy run locked 60 on ps5 via backwards compatibility. It gets messy with OG ps5 version, because the graphical settings there are much higher same as resolution.
@Bamila Yeah the Digital Foundry video did a good job of showing that the PS4 version running on a PS5 was the most stable. The 4K and extra fidelity on the native PS5 version does introduce some framerate issues.
You can download now in UK at least I did last night
I've downloaded mine in UK to my PS5 form PS app on Android. Not sure what you are talking about.
That doesn't matter to me. My internet is terribly fast. And have But downloading would be nicer. Then I can't be thrown out. also no trouble with streaming.
@solocapers I have and it makes no difference. It's a shame really.
@tomassi ps plus + now and monthly price of a tripple a game.
I still think them giving 1/3 of the game to try to get you to buy the full version is a good idea. Giving you the worst of the 3 games is a questionable decision 😂
I used to struggle to stream on ps now but they must have made a lot of changes with their back end or something as I never have a problem streaming on ps now anymore
Got into DC Lego Supervillians a bit last night with my girlfriend it is a blast
@carlos82 I mean San Andreas is in the best state out of the 3 games so why not. GTA III is the worse one.
The definitive edition? More like the defective edition
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