In a move that doesn't come as a huge surprise, Sony has seemingly delisted the standalone versions of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy on the PlayStation Store. This is no doubt due to the upcoming release of Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection on PS5, which offers a £10 / $10 upgrade path if you already own either game on PS4.
This means that the Uncharted 4: A Thief's End & Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Digital Bundle is now the only way to purchase the two games on Sony's last-gen console. It's currently priced at £34.99 / $39.99.
It's also worth noting that PS5 owners can still get Uncharted 4 through the PlayStation Plus Collection, but you can't upgrade this version to the Legacy of Thieves Collection. Hopefully that's not too confusing!
Did you expect this to happen? Bundle yourself in the comments section below.
[source store.playstation.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 57
The bundle costs slightly more than if you were to buy the games individually before they were removed.
This is stupid. I'll never buy Uncharted 4 again, as I already played it. I only wanted to yet play Lost Legacy. If I can't buy it stand alone, I'll simply never buy it. Their loss.
Bad moves, just like when they removed ghost of tsushima base ed. even months before adding only the bundle with the island add on included.
Was waiting to get the lower priced base game when on a good sale.
Now it's a no sale for me, for a much longer time, until that version is on a good sale..
Plus makes me less like sony, carefull sony
@MFTWrecks I'm in the same boat but I'll probably pick up the physical version if its like 10 bucks
@MFTWrecks thankfully we have disc retail versions. You could simply buy Lost legacy used or on sale as retail Version and get the 10 USD Upgrade.
Expected move
Will upgrade for $10 when the collection comes out and replay these games as it has been years.
Excellent news! Everyone loves less choice and forced purchases!
@MFTWrecks cool story bro
So it's Ghost of Tsushima all over again with the Director's Cut. At least there's always physical where you can get both games separately for £15 and can even get them half price sometimes. It would be preferable if the option to buy separately just remained but Sony will be Sony.
That’s annoying. I’ve not played Lost Legacy. I owned Uncharted 4 on disc - finished it and claimed the PSCollection version. So I’d have to rebuy the disc again. The mixed economy around upgrading digital / physical / PSNow versions is very confusing.
@Medic_Alert excellent point, which is why physical should still matter, more choice at the end of the day.
Also I’m sad to see a lot of people here (mostly in the other article) are happy with a $10 upgrade path. I still believe if you own the game it should be free just like with Metro Exodus and multiple other titles. PlayStation fans are getting rinsed and they seem to love it.
Sony continues down the path of being unfriendly to the consumer.
@Fenbops Honestly it amazes me more than it should, I'm pretty sure the sentiment surrounding this collection was very negative last time around they published an article on it on here before the price was known. I'm glad I got to buy lost legacy for €8 a few months back physical, on another note I won't be paying €10 for the upgrade.
Playstation‘s Unsmart Delivery strikes again
I just got the bundle for free on the ps store
Uncharted 4 £6 at CEX.
Not happy at all with the way Sony is playing things right now. Complete lack of customer awareness at every level.
Tactics like this do not make me want to embrace digital distribution. Thankfully in the case of these games you can buy them on disc if you don't already own them. With others like GTA we are not so lucky. Drag out the PS2 or Xbox versions of GTA?
2021, the year Sony showed its customers how little they respected them and how determined they are to nickel and dime them.
Just get them on ebay. You'll probably find them for peanuts there.
I dont like sony's approach to any of this at all and id put my money its all big jims idea.
Hes reminds me of that uncle everyone has thats just a bit of a dick.
@Fenbops I think it's to do with that Microsoft still has the stigma around quality and quantity of 1st party titles so stuff like smart delivery aren't taken seriously. Meanwhile $10 upgrade fee is generous compared to Nintendo's approach of having to rebuy Wii U games for full price on Switch.
When did Sony turn into Nintendo ?
Yet another example of how Sony have become cocky and greedy, last gen Sony dominated xbox and gained a massive following, but that's no excuse to take the p**s out of your players and more importantly you're fans, they now believe they are untouchable and can do what they want and we will follow like sheep
Yep total control of the PS Store. It's why I bought Cyberpunk 2077 as fast as I could during the sale before the expansion comes next year seeing what's happened with GoT and DS. Yeah CP is not a Sony exclusive but you'll never know as they've shown their power in removing the game from the store for 6 months. Who's to say they won't remove base Cyberpunk and replace it with full price deluxe edition. Even if they can't I've seen a lot of AC and others games' Deluxe versions being put at the forefront and the standards at the back or in some cases nowhere to be found. @Jtheripper same here, Sony lost a sale with GoT and I'm buying other games instead till it drops in price. Too much control!
Haven't they given us both U4 and Lost Legacy on PS+ already? I'm sure I have them in my library.
Both were going for £15 each before this, its clear why they're doing this because you could save money buying the PS4 versions and then doing the upgrade. Meanwhile MS and its studios just give out all the upgrades like 4K and 60fps for free.
@Grumblevolcano I don't think Nintendo should charge full price but they were always going to have to charge for the Wii U games on Switch due to Wii U games being discs and Switch games being carts, again not excusing the prices they charge of course but at least there's a legit reason.
Welp for once I am happy to have been ahead of the curb. I bought both of these digital some time ago. So yeah, I aint repurchasing though.
Imagine if Sony Music just stopped selling albums so that you had to buy the UltraBD live concert instead?
You can buy that upgrade for 10 dollar and get Lost Legacy for free as I read it.
Seeing lots of people that are working for free.
Gamers these days wants everything for free.
Go play some GaaS games instead.
thats why sony and Microsoft are pushing dgital purchases. they will back us into a corner where they will have full control..I never buy digital..i can trade,swap or sell my disc games...digital makes no sense when it comes to value for your money.most games are more expensive on store than in retail shops anyway..i also wont pay to upgrade uncharted as it looks amazing on ps5 as it is.. .👍
That’s how I understand it too. I don’t get it lol
Sounds good stuff for people who only bought one of them
I played U4 many years ago, then sold my copy. I'll buy it from CEX for £6, then upgrade 2 games = £16. Not too bad really.
@WallyWest I agree that Nintendo couldn't do much, the options were either what they did or screw over physical purchases by making some kind of upgrade available for digital purchases only and that's why I'm fine with their decision. But I do think that some will perceive it as Nintendo being stingy.
Reason number 5729 why buying the discless PS5 model is a terrible idea
Ok, this trend of removing games from digital stores only to force consumers into buying newer, more expensive, bundled only editions is BS and getting out of hand. 😡
Cocky and overconfident PS3 era Sony is definitely back and in full force for the PS5 era. 🙄
If you read first article you see if you own one of them you can upgrade for 10 dollar and get the other game.
Will this be 4K @60fps on PS5? Anybody knows?
What is the gaming world coming to.
We have Sony and Nintendo money grabbing and not to customer friendly.
We have Microsoft today with no pre download for Halo Infinite on consoles. So have to download when game releases.
It’s not a great gaming Tuesday.
But have noticed in the UK since Covid everyone in every industry seems to money grabbing.
You should try £1.50 for a litre of petrol ⛽️
@MFTWrecks buy a physical copy?
For all the hate and vitriol thrown at CDPR and Rockstar of late (and no, I’m not here to defend them so let’s not start bickering, eh?) it seems Naughty Dog are taking their name rather literally this Xmas. No, they’re not yet chasing postmen or ***** on the carpet but they are milking the Uncharted cow a little. That we never got a “proper” PS5 version of TLoU2 (and no, I don’t want any Abby waffle either) was surprising given the proliferation of ungraded last gen titles but to then announce this Legacy collection which, whilst nice, is still somewhat underwhelming given their age and, let’s be honest, dated quality just smacks of, let’s say, Insomniac suddenly adding new Spidey suits and trying to rebrand two old games … wait, there’s a new Spidey film coming out? Well that’s more shocking than Electro’s testicles!
But I digress and know I’m being cynical, fickle and sarcastic but we’re already into Year 2 of PS5 and though I know some people still haven’t got one I, for one, would like more new games than just a rebranded 60fps version ….
@Spartan48 actually... Same here. I had Uncharted 4 previously from the PS+ collection, but now it shows that I own Lost Legacy as well.
@NEStalgia This just keeps getting better and better. 😂 I don't see how you can not view LL now as DLC for U4 if you can't buy it as it's own game anymore on either PS4 or PS5.
U4: Complete, that's all there is now, LL only exists as DLC.
@rjejr It's a stand-alone DLC. That you can't buy without the full game......
Before we get a subscription service with a premium tier that lets us play old games that nobody would want to play....
What's the point???
@NEStalgia I know you get mostly or only old stuff on the Switch. 🤪
Is it true that the online modes have been removed?
Like a Thief in the night, Sony decided to End it all in pain.
The separate titles are now Lost, yet their Legacy will remain.
No youre wrong. Nintendo asks €60, Sony €10.
But seriously why would somebody wants to play those games again? I mean there are beautiful games. But I played them allready so i have no reason to play them again. I prefer to put that €10 in uncharted 5 for example.
@Flaming_Kaiser That's no joke....but it'll start WWIII if said around some parts....
I was really riffing Ryan though with the whole "why would anybody want to play [old games]" thing before selling a (rumored) service for which the top tier is mostly about playing old games
@NEStalgia Just give me Legend of Dragoon remaster/remake i dont care about the rest. 😁
@Jtheripper @b1ackjack You can still buy the other games by itself physically, it's only digitally that it's being forced as a bundle now.
To bundle it you reinforce the impression Lost Legacy is just an expansion. I think I enjoyed it more than Uncharted 4 as a standalone game
@KidBoruto yes i guess so, i only buy digital on pstore since long though, its ok i can wait. Tks.
Hate to be that guy but for over a 18 months been telling all the blind Sony loyalists here that what Microsoft was doing was truly game changing and I'll I heard back was how "Sony isn't too g to try and market upgrade system as some selling point like ms is with smart delivery.... But it will be just as good !"
Then once they realized day 1 how exactly it wasn't "just as good" it became an argument of value meanwhile xbox continued over and over to prove the real "value" was in doing right by your customers heck many of the 3rs party games on Sony machine were even doing better for Sony customers than Sony.
Now here we are after a year of half a##ed upgrade systems with convuluted paths and constantly milking of extra costs while also doing their d@mndest to make sure you take no shortcuts on their ever winding difficult road to just playing your games in the best way possible with a $500 box you already bought off them. (if you were even so lucky)
Sony has truly proven that you can stay on top too long and lose sight of what got you there in the first place.
I really hope a lot of you Sony only fans are paying attention.
Me personally I learned long ago Sony isn't my friend and I should only ever invest into their ecosystem as little as I can whole still getting to to play their obviously great exclusives.
But I put my money where my mouth is and I'm fully paid up through 2024 with game pass ultimate and play any game I can on my Xbox or pc.
For Sony titles I buy them on disc and typically sell them off when I'm done. Which is smart because unlike with Xbox whose one game is good for the future of upgrades with Sony I'm likley going to be forced to buy it again in a couple years or forced into some convuluted upgrade system that still costs me money.
Sony has one thing going for them and and yet they think that gives them carte Blanche to do anything they want.
More people need to remind them that's not how you stay #1.
@Max_the_German Surely that'd be 'Dumb Delivery' compared to 'Smart Delivery'.
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