Update: We thought this story was perhaps over, but apparently not. Since conducting yesterday's interview with David Jaffe, director Jeff Ross has posted on Twitter: "I stand by my numbers."
At this point, we're probably never going to know how many units Days Gone sold unless Sony explicitly tells us. Not that it really matters: Sony Bend has moved on to a new franchise now.
Original Story: There was the outrage, and now there’s the clarification. Earlier this week, PlayStation fans were in uproar when director Jeff Ross revealed Days Gone had sold over eight million copies on the PS4 as of his time leaving the company in December 2020. He hypothesised that the Steam port had probably added another one million players to the title’s total, which would surely put it close to 10 million units sold by now.
This number was revealed at the same time as Sony celebrated eight million units of Ghost of Tsushima sold, and it was portrayed in such a way that the platform holder had done Deacon St John’s debut dirty. As is often the case with stories like this, though, the truth is not quite as dramatic.
In fact, speaking on Twisted Metal creator David Jaffe’s YouTube channel, Ross clarified that his source for the “sales numbers” was a defunct website called Gamestat, which effectively tracked Trophy data to calculate a rough number of players. In this instance, used copies, PS Plus versions, and rentals would all contribute to the eight million figure. The true number of sales is likely a lot lower, even if the game was clearly still successful.
He also added that it was not necessarily PlayStation’s top brass that balked on a Days Gone sequel, but upper-management within Sony Bend itself. Ross did refer to “local management” in his original post, although it was assumed this was referring to some kind of regional manager within the PlayStation Studios framework. Apparently, the studio never even elevated the follow-up’s pitch to the likes of Shuhei Yoshida and Hermen Hulst, who would ultimately make the final decision on greenlighting it.
As you can imagine, this puts an entirely different spin on the story.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 80
Yeah, this makes a whole lot more sense tbh
I'm not saying DG is a bad game (I only played a bit of it but though it was fine) but there's a reason Sony didn't consider it a massive success.
Then imagine the "sales" of GTA: Definitive Edition...
And that was the day the internet learned it's lesson, and nobody ever worked themselves into an outrage over assumptions ever again...
I'm actually more excited to see what Sony Bend have up there sleeve for the next IP they are working on. After finally completing Days Gone I was actually quite impressed with the game overall. They should be proud of that achievement and move on to bigger and better opportunities as they deserve.
Knew it was BS what he said. Timing was extremely odd to begin with. Felt like he just wanted to try and stir attention away from Ghost towards Days instead, which is a horrible thing to do.
That's twice now that certain Days Gone devs have come across as quite bitter. I get that working on a game for so long will make you defensive, but they've clearly been trying to stir drama. In this case it had worked... Until this backpedal.
yeah, i suspected there was something fishy about the initial report since business chases money. that's its entire purpose, so it makes no sense that playstation would dismiss a "massive success".
As much as I loved Days Gone, I’m just as excited for a new I.P. at this point.
yeah , i have the game myself and i dont feel like playing it
To Stir up drama on the back of GOT sucesss is a tad low. He had full knowledge that 8 million played doesn't equal 8 million sold. He seems so petulant and bitter like a snakey ex that just can't leave it be. I get not having the chance to make DG 2 is disappointing, however, many other developers carry move on without the circus after their game pitch is unsuccessful. A person of his standing should know better.
I wonder how much of this issue is down to a clash of personalities within the studio. There must be more to it than is being let out and this would explain some of it. I'd imagine that Bend management want to put something out that will define them as up there with the best just like the other PS studios and they might not have seen Days Gone as that game.
Tbh Days gone was way more fun than ghost of tsushima, which imo was just another dull open world, something very closed to what ubisoft offers in terms of playability.
I'll give the Days Gone fanbase this. When there's something happening with Days Gone they definitely make a lot of noise about it! When I read that story yesterday I just kind of shrugged it off as just an interesting comparison but that was definitely not the reaction of the fans!
Ross seems to be acting really petty. Your game didn't sell as well as other games, but it wasn't a total failure. Instead of going on social media and getting mad about a different game celebrating a milestone, make your next game better.
Use that as motivation. Complaining on Twitter isn't going to help.
Are you sure that they’re Playstation fans and not just fans of uproars?
I like it now that it's not popular again.
Haha just kidding, it was boring.
And that's why you shouldn't take one person at his word alone.
At the end of the day, it may have sold a lot of copies but how many of them were down to discounted sales? I'd wager that Ghost of Tsushima sold way more at full price then Days Gone ever did which would be a big reason why Sony regarded it a success.
Driveclub also sold a lot of copies but most of them were in heavy sales.
God damnit Jeff
@clianvXAi I had more fun playing Tetris on gameboy then playing Fortnite, my statement doesn't really mean anything to anyone and doesn't really say anything about either games 🤷
Jeff also clarified the grief the local management had was with sales not at all with review scores!!!
Yeah I'm with most other posters here. Ross knew what he was doing with that Twitter post, and while I completely understand he's very proud of Days Gone, he should focus on the game's successes and not the various squabbles that clearly occurred internally.
Days Gone was treated like ***** by Sony, it did sell enough to merit a sequel but it was the reviews that put Sony off in making one.
This was what was said last year or maybe 2020 when they officially announced there wouldn't be a Days Gone 2.
I enjoyed it as much as I did GoT, maybe it wasn't as polished a game on a technical level but taking on the freakers and other animal variants was more fun than fighting the Mongols.
Just read a report that says Stadia has over 1 million subscribers.
They done did the game wrong henny.
I’d be mad too.
What’s a few million sales between friends 🤣
It’s only like when Sony say they have 50 million PS+ subscribers but a third of them are free trials. Or when people say digital game sales far exceed physical sales ...when it’s mostly dlc, add-ons and heavily discounted games people are buyin’ 🤪 knomsayin #justice4jeff
Business politics are usually never good bed fellows with gamers. It’s a business after all and bills and staff need to be paid etc.
Agree different to GoT but just as enjoyable and sometime more in certain aspects.
I’m sure they would have made a great and magnificent sequel and extremely polished and would have definitely been excited and purchased at the new £70.
@Dezzy70 read your comment out of context as was left wondering why you're talking about Game of Thrones. I'm an idiot 😆
@Dezzy70 I don't think it should have been released when it was and it needed a few months to help iron out the kinks. I guess this didn't make sense to Sony as they had Death Stranding on the way and even TLoU 2 was still scheduled for 2019 at the time.
I can understand why there is resentment from some at Bend regarding how them and their game was treated.
I agree that it's a bit slow at the start but once I reached Iron Mike's camp, the story really ramped up and I had some memorable encounters and journey's throughout my time with the game.
Easily done 😂
I personally played it for 2 hours cause of ps plus and uninstalled it. Nothing amazing and not the biggest fan of the genre.
@munstre and there are millions of people that really enjoyed the game and were hoping for a sequel.
I have played worse games than this, a lot of which earned multiple sequels let alone just one.
Days Gone sold enough to merit a sequel that the studio were keen to make. Sure, they can make a new IP but that's not easy as we saw with Days Gone. I understand why they and the fans are a bit pissed off with Sony.
Maybe their new game will also sell well, be popular with enough people that played it and be clearly set up for a sequel only for Sony to pull the plug again, just because it's Metacritic score wasn't high enough. ***** Metacritic, make up your own minds.
Yet something tells me the internet will never learn, when so many people have been attacking Naughty Dog for The Last of Us remake, which is still just a rumour.
@BritneyfR_ee PS plus subscriber numbers are all paying subs, that's why it generated $3.5B last financial year according to their accounts.
Digital software was 65% of all full game software sales for Sony last year. That is only full game software, doesn't include dlc or microtransactions.
Physical software represented only 5.3% of PlayStation revenue last financial year
I actually enjoyed it more than Ghost. Both were good, but I'm not really into open world games, but the taking out those hordes was more exciting than those duels in Ghost. I just ran circles around the enemy lol.
During the interview, we also learned that John Garvin and Jeff Ross never even approached Sony about Days Gone 2 because the higher ups at BEND STUDIOS denied their pitch, not only that but John Garvin & Jeff Ross knew they were releasing Days Gone in a rough state and said that; had they approached Sony about delaying Days Gone one more time for further polish, they said that Sony would have allowed it BUT John Garvin & Jeff Ross chose not to.
I pay full subs and full digital now with PS5 digital.
Much prefer it even though it costs me and I have no trade in games.
@Col_McCafferty - "I don't think it should have been released when it was and it needed a few months to help iron out the kinks. I guess this didn't make sense to Sony" - On David Jaffe's podcast with John Garvin & Jeff Ross, they said that they knew they were releasing Days Gone in a rough state and said that; if they had approached Sony about delaying Days Gone one more time for further polish, they said that Sony more than likely WOULD have allowed it BUT John Garvin & Jeff Ross chose not to.
prefered Days Gone to Ghost of tsushima
the hordes were the best part
I think Days has its biggest problem in the fact that it's the platform's #2 zombie thriller. Having two zombie thrillers among the first party stable doesn't really do any favors to the brand, and when you're the number 2 behind one of the studios top 3 brands entirely, not just the #2 zombie game, it's going to have a hard time finding a place at all.
Worse, there's a close association between PS and ResEvil, and then there's the Back 4 Blood & Dead by Daylight popularity. DG just had a thin identity and was a the back of the pack of an oversaturated genre on the PS platform. Even if it had been heralded as a fantastic game, it was always going to be 3rd fiddle on the platform, and I'm sure that's not where Bend wants to be, or where Sony needs one of their handful of major studios to be. After TLoU's success and greenlighting a sequel, it was kind of bizarre for Sony to announce yet another zombie game as their next upcoming hit, while also doing heavy marketing for RE.
Plus, I'll never forgive the overmarketing of the doomed DG at the expense of the truly unique Gravity Rush 2.....
I do like these guys but Jeff made a fool of himself on this one and it’s such a pointless drama. 🙄
If you sell a game at half price and another games sells just as many at full price, that should tell you all you need to know about this absurd, bogus argument.
Jeff said himself it wasn’t about scores!
@Col_McCafferty Actually Jeff confirmed it was the sales and not reviews that put Sony off.
@Orpheus79V @JJ2 when the news first broke that there wouldn't be a sequel, the reason given was bad reviews and it not being seen as a GOTY contender unlike most of their other 'exclusives'. It did sell enough to warrant a sequel.
Either way, it does suck that there won't be a follow-up. I hope Bend's next game is given more respect.
Removed - inappropriate
@ChrisDeku You know you have digital only full titles. 😁
I don't care I want Days Gone 2 [Insert mad Gavin meme].
Always two sides to every story.
I really enjoyed Days Gone at launch on the Pro. I could though not see a sequel. As much as I enjoyed the game....it's still involves zombies and I am sick to the back teeth of post apocalyptic or/and zombie games... albeit, bends game was very good...The characters never shone like a ND game but that was fine with me as it felt more natural and grounded and less like a ***** US TV series...
Interested to see what Bend come up with next...
I doubt very much it sold so much. Ghost of Tsushima was much more hyped, should've sold 20 by now lol
Twitter is a disease. This guy needs to focus on his next project rather than stir stuff up there. If Days Gone is anything to go by, that next project needs all the help it can get.
I’d prefer Days Gone 2 over every other game currently coming right now.
I just can’t get excited for HFW, GT or GoW. I’ll buy them though, because I play almost everything.
I’m way more excited for Dying Light 2 than anything else next month.
I like Days Gone. I like Ghosts of Tsushima. I finished Ghosts. Days Gone I will finish...along with Horizon and God of War.
Returnal I will never finish, but I will play it some more.
Days gone let 6 years to be developed and have quite a low sales. Maybe the game is simply to much expansive to make. Why sony will make a sequel if the game took so much money and time to make and have sold little?
@JJ2 "Jason crier?" That's as creative as Neil Cuckman 🙄
I can never remember his full name spelling and NO ‘Crier’ is NOT offensive. I don’t know what planet your on
(Stop being offensive or suggesting I am or pretending to be shocked by some inoffensive word pls.)
Jeff Ross clearly has issues with Sony beyond and is just looking a reason to salt and moan, this is the guy what attacked players for playing the Plus version remember. I loved Days Gone and would have loved a sequel but end of the day it didn't please Sony like GoT did, maybe just maybe he shouldn't have made a game what was pretty broken at launch what led to so so reviews and not the sales Sony wanted.
@Col_McCafferty Why is it treating a developer like ***** if you dont want to make a sequal? It was in development for a long time it did cost a lot of money to make and maybe they rather have something else. Also with the sales i really would like to know how many sales where below €20. A game can sell 8 million copies and be a bust. And to be honest i dont believe its 8 million sales. If a game costs rons to make and does not sell that great i wouldnt greenlit a sequal.
@Flaming_Kaiser Just my opinion and you know that I'm not one of those that are quick to attack Sony.
Lots of contradictory info out there, some saying it didn't sell enough, others saying that sales were good. Others focusing on the bad reviews and saying these were a barrier to a sequel being made, others that these weren't a factor.
It's definitely a bit of a mess and then there was talk that Bend were going to be forced to make an Uncharted game. It just leaves me to feel that Bend aren't treated with as much respect as they deserve, certainly not compared to a ND or Insomniac.
I think it's time to replay Days Gone again. I was thinking what to play this weekend... now decision made thanks for the articles Pushsquare:)
And for those who defend Sony tirelessly in this case: I really love Playstation in every aspect but no doubt that Sony is exactly the same cold hearted business machine like any other big company. Nothing matters only numbers and sales.
If Bend studio would have been an independent developer then Days Gone would be definitely a clear success with millions of copies sold and I'm sure there would be a sequel by now. But because it's a Sony IP that's simply not enough for being considered as success.
@Col_McCafferty exactly this is. There are equals and more equals even in a family.
@ShogunRok I say the bitterness is justified when some senior Sony people treat you like crap when you've busted your balls for three years delivering a decent game.
@Onigumo The statement you have made is factually inaccurate.
I don't want to write a novel, but the development on this was very complicated. A lot of the issues that cropped up during the development were not entirely of their own making.
Sony is going a bit too safe and fast just wait to you see these new ip's their bringing out.
I'm not opposed to female leads either as tlou2 is probably in my top 3 games of all time.
But I like balance, as much as characters like Ellie and abby. I also want games with characters like Joel, deacon and snake.
over 140000 fans have signed the petition of days gone 2, go and sign it to make sony develop a sequel, days gone is one of the best ps4 games of all time. criminally underrated and mistreated. go google days gone 2 petition find it and sign it if you want a sequel. this incredible game should not be treated like this
@Col_McCafferty To be fair i heard i never heard those rumors but its all rumors. I also heard the game took a long time and had a massive team and budget.
The only thing i knew it was the least polished game from Sony thats the thing i knew of. If the sales where massive just like profits Sony would have greenlit the game without a reason of a doubt.I gave to meet the first company that does not like money.
And you can say what you want but i know one thing Sony releases quality games. You can say you dont like them but their always quality releases with lots of polish.Thats the reason i always buy a Playstation console.
One thing is certain something did not go right. The new game was to expensive to release. Maybe the pitch was set it up to big and they thought they can never get it to the Sony firstparty quality. (its not Ubisoft that releases garbage and monetize it as a free to play game) Yeah thats how i think about triple A now.
Days Gone was screwed from release. From unwarranted bad reviews to sinister Social media claims. The truth of the matter is Days Gone was a great game, great mechanics, great story etc that I’ve played 3 times through. Decon was a great character too. Makes no sense why this game wouldn’t have some sort of follow up. Have to chunk it in the basket with MAG, SOCOM and a few other Sony games that should have could have would have. 🪦 RIP
Anyone else find it kinda odd that Days Gone is in the PS+ Collection for PS5, which is apparently a 'carefully curated collection', when Sony don't seem to have ever had much faith in it?
Days Gone was not at all for me and in my opinion one of the weakest big budget exclusives of the PS4 era, that said Bend is clearly a talented studio so I am interested in what they make next at least.
Days gone is a amazing game.and deacon st john is a amazing protagonist.days gone 2 eventually will have a sequel.if it really sells that much than thats pretty cool.hopefully bend studio new game is a good one.word up son
@Jimmer-jammer I came to Days Gone late via backwards compatibility on PS5. Brilliant game deserving of the PlayStation exclusive moniker. It doesn't need a sequel however and considering how talented Sony Bend clearly are, I'm more excited for new IP. Too many sequels and remakes out there nowadays. We need originality.
as much as i enjoyed ghost of Tsushima. i replay days gone more i for one wana see the progression of the story line. gaming is fun not just a metacritic score.
Days Gone was pretty mediocre so I understand why no sequel tbh.
@JJ2 Of course is not offensive, never said it was. You can call anyone whatever you want, I was more touching on that you seem to have a deep hatred for Jason in specific. He usually goes after the people at the very top doing shady things, don't know why that would bother you 🤷
Now I'm hearing news that CD Projekt Red approached Sony / PlayStation about acquiring the Days Gone IP, and Sony / PlayStation outright refused to sell the IP. No way Sony / PlayStation don't have plans for Days Gone at some point, most likely after whatever Bend Studio's newest IP is.
I mean we have a different opinion of the man, move on. You don’t need to be defensive about him.
The fact is I would never say an offensive word like you said and saying it you suggested I was. I don’t hate anyone. I don’t even hate Trump. Your comment should be moderated. At most if I’m in a playful mood I would say drunk man which is harmless.
All this is very off topic and I’m not interested in the pointless bickering and having to justify who I like or not. I’m trying to be friendly with users even if my comments can be vague. Coming at me because I said crier is just ridiculous bickering.
Anyway have a nice day.
This game is survival game with a love story at its core, just play it slow phase and then you can enjoy this game.. its a slow tone game not like others action hollywood shootout sction game..this game has a great balance gameplay in terms survival mechanics and shooting action.. i still hope they make the sequel, its a breath of fresh air among other typical shooting action game
I think Jeff Ross needs to move on.
@clianvXAi Tsushima bored the tats off me I found more enjoyment in Legends where it forced you into a bit of stealth and the rest there’s a great game there if they go ninja. Days Gone was finely tuned, became very enjoyable picking camps off with headshots but I had to go remote play for that because my eyesight’s crap..
I loved it and it easily deserves a sequel. One games numbers I would love to see is TLOU2. But they'll never show us them. I'll have to check this gamestat website.
@JustPlainLoco Is that really true ??? if so they have no reason to be upset.
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