Horizon Forbidden West is shaping up to be a monstrous open world RPG, and its 656-page strategy guide is further evidence of that. Future Press confirmed its hardback book will release towards the end of March, and it’ll include a full breakdown of everything you should expect from Guerrilla Games’ upcoming epic.
Among its contents is over 200-pages on the Machines you’ll encounter during your adventure, with more than 40 touted overall. “Learn how to evade their every attack and always have the best strategies at hand to take them down,” the blurb explains. There were roughly 26 different enemy types in Horizon Zero Dawn, so that’s a lot of robotic wildlife.
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You can pre-order the book on Amazon now if you want to, although it’s unfortunate that it’s not ready for the game’s 18th February release date. Is this something you’re planning to put on your bookshelf? Explore the entirety of the Forbidden West in the comments section below.
Comments 34
Already preordered. As you say it’s a shame it’s not released in time, but I like collecting these big must have game release strategy guides as keep sakes.
I remember when these strategy guides were cheap as chips in GAME. I have the GoldenEye Rogue Agent one somewhere in the house. Lord knows why you’d want one these days as anything other than a coffee table book, the internet basically made them obsolete.
Stalkers are my fave. Sexy machines.
@Iver I understand that for some things but books are meant to be read. It feels a bit of a waste of paper.
Just beat the Daemonic Rockbreaker in the Frozen Wilds. I guess I've defeated all machines the game has to offer, plus all side quests. I can easily plat it but don't wanna rush it, I need all face paints first. H2FW is gonna be as BIG as Uncharted 2.
This product confuses me. People who buy a console refuse to/can't spend a lot of money on hardware so why would they pay 50 dollars on a book filled with pictures? At least create a Collectors Edition for the game and add some additional *****.
I actually didn't know they still made strategy guides. Last one I bought was for LBP2, for my kid and I thought they were on their way out at the time.
I guess I can see collecting them. No more or less valid than collecting plastic figurines with misshapen heads (which I totally do).
@get2sammyb PLEASE. No spoilers in titles!
Now I just need them to create one for Elden Ring. I have all the other ones for every FromSoft game so I know they have to be making it.
I wonder how many pages the Dying Light 2 strategy guide has
@kyleforrester87 350
I LOVE strategy guides and love collecting them! They seemed to have become more rare these days unfortunately, so it’s exciting to see one for this game…gonna order it…
I used to love collecting strategy guides for games back in the PS1 and PS2 era.
Pride of my collection was the Saga Frontier II guide.
@nessisonett yeah YouTube has made book guides like this obsolete so it's pointless and expensive but I guess some people love to collect these for keepsake
Until they release their DLC expansion and a further collectors edition guide is released.
@nessisonett prima was the og lol
£35 for a guide book. Usually £15 quid. What’s going on?!?
What I want to know is can we override the glinthawks and fly them.
@nessisonett I got a fire extinguisher because there's been smoke behind you for awhile. Eventually you will be on fire. It might be your semi Afro.
It is a bit of a same that it's not coming before Forbidden West but have allot of machines in there and how to over come them can be a challenging to do. This would be really cool to have on your bookshelf and will get me to read more. It will also help me how to defeat these machines. I can't wait enough for this game to come out and I can't wait to read the book to see what it has to offer.
If this was $20 I'd be tempted, but hard pass at $50 lol.
I never understood the appeal of guidebooks, (which right now have turned into Fextralife wikis and fandoms). I've always cherished the excitement of entering a new world and figuring things out as I go. One of the reasons I hate spoilers is exactly how it ruins the discovery of that "unknown". And on top of that to spend $50 on it... sounds like an expensive way to ruin your own experience.
Guides still have a place in my opinion. It’s nice when you’re looking to accomplish absolutely everything in a game, you can have it sitting right by you open to a page for reference. Knowing what materials are needed to craft a certain item for example. I don’t use the walkthroughs but the tables and maps can be highly useful. I also really enjoy looking through the walkthroughs in the guides for games I’ve completed, gives you a great sense of nostalgia. That’s the best thing about them for me. Plus they are indeed collectable, some of them are worth hundreds. I will say $50 for a non collectors edition guide is ridiculous, and having it come out over a month after the game is also bad form. I won’t be adding this one to the collection.
@nessisonett yeah, that's the main reason to have one. They're just cool.
@Bismarck who are you to tell people where they spend their money? I have a few books too nothing wrong with that. I finish the game and if i cant find everything i have a nice book with some art from something i really like.
@XOF You wont use it the first time when you play it maybe if you want to find everything. You believe people find out everything in Dark Souls on their own?
@Flaming_Kaiser That's fair, I've used guides myself when I wanted to platinum a game, but I remember I didn't use one for Horizon: Zero Dawn, Death Stranding, and The Last of Us Part II.
Some games just give you the tools to do so.
@XOF I really loved the game i almost did it 100% on my own with a few small things. The best design thing about this is nothing is ever locked you can always go back and all the stuff you find with collectibles is stuff i wanted to find because it adds to the story thats why i loved it. And the gameplay was so much fun. 😁
I'm glad they've added such enemy diversity, it keeps the game interesting and engaging.
But I don't quite see the point of a 656 pages physical guide... other than being a collector's item.
There are certainly gonna be Wiki sites that will contain a lot more information than the book can/will provide. About the game, enemies, strategies, items, beginner's tips etc.
And wiki sites are updated constantly... for example if a patch comes along that makes some changes in behavior, skills, or adds some new content... information that a book that launches with the game can't offer.
@Flaming_Kaiser True! The same goes for Ghost of Tsushima if you have played that. I really dislike going after collectibles but Zero Dawn really made them interesting (they also reward you with some unique gear sometimes!) which encourages the player to go look for them. Plus, you have that beautiful world to go around in, hehe.
The Future press game guides are excellent. They may be pricey, but they are usually big, heavy and great quality. I have the guides they released for the first Horizon game, Sekiro, and Ni no Kuni 2.
@XOF Cant agree more HZD wasnt perfect with everything but it was a fun game, with a fantastic story and backstory, executed fantastic with all things always accesable even after finishing the area with likeable characters and fantastic gameplay. I had a blast playing it all 100 plus hours.
@Nightcrawler71 Piggyback also had nice Guides its a pity a lot are lost.
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