Ubisoft+, the French publisher’s answer to subscriptions like EA Play, will launch on Xbox later this year – although despite some misleading wording, it will be a separate subscription to Microsoft’s own Game Pass. We’ve checked with the publisher to clarify this information, and it’s confirmed to us that it’s a standalone purchase, potentially opening the pathway for PlayStation as well.
We asked the publisher to comment on whether it has any plans to bring Ubisoft+ to PS5 or PS4, but a spokesperson told us it doesn’t “have anything to share about other platforms at this time”.
Ubisoft+ is currently available for PC, and includes access to a vault of over 100 games while also guaranteeing new titles and DLC on launch day. It costs £12.99/$14.99 a month, and you can cancel at any time – although, naturally, you will lose access to any games you haven’t purchased outright once your membership lapses. You also get additional perks, like bonus cosmetics, item boosters, and so on.
In other related news, PlayStation players will have to pay full-price for the upcoming Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Extraction, while it’ll be offered at no extra cost to Xbox Game Pass subscribers at launch. This continues an ongoing theme from last year, and heightens the urgency for Sony to roll out its own rumoured Project Spartacus, which is said to be a complete reimagining of PS Plus and PS Now.
It’s worth mentioning that Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Extraction is not a £69.99/$69.99 game, and is being sold by Ubisoft at a reduced price of £39.99/$39.99 on all platforms. However, the debates will rumble on, as Microsoft continues to add unprecedented value to its services in comparison.
[source news.ubisoft.com]
Comments 184
Don’t worry Ubisoft, I was never going to buy that weird Rainbow Six mess anyway 😂
@Alduin The question is: can Sony afford to? They aren't paupers, obviously, but it's up for debate whether they have pockets deep enough to compete on this.
Interesting times ahead.
As someone who has both consoles I'm happy for Xbox to do their thing and PS to go their own way. If Sony focus on matching game pass it will have to sacrifice elsewhere.
Ooh, no! Anyway....
This will go on. Ms faced so weak sales compared to the PlayStation they have to do something. Of course they are more open and willing to pay more for this subscription services.
Sometime Sony will have to do something.
Great news because when Extraction was shown, it wasn't received particularly well due to its shift in tone. But now that it will be available on Game Pass, I think a lot of people who weren't planning on getting it, including me, will be playing it thanks to the lower cost.
@Alduin I guess they're just going to have to be creative. Regardless of what's going on elsewhere, I do agree that PS Plus and PS Now need a bit of an overhaul, so it's good they're looking into that.
@Alduin “people will see Xbox as great value and Sony as the expensive alternative”.
Technically imo, that is true for a lot of cases. Xbox Series S is the cheapest next gen console and plays pretty much the same games as the Series X. Also I am pretty sure a lot of people are seeing Xbox as great value now.
At least Microsoft isn’t doing $70 price tags as of right now unlike SOMEONE.
I agree sony should try to roll something out that is similar to game pass but if I'm a publisher I wouldn't want to give the platform with the much higher install base my brand new games for free. It make sense to offer there ganes on game pass because most games don't tend to sell as high on Xbox consoles . That is a fanboy statement or a dig at them its just fact. If you want to get your game in as many hands as possible this actually makes the most sense . It just looks bad for sony but I bet you If sony had a similar offering there is no way you'd see the same day and date stuff from third party's in the way you do on Xbox
@nessisonett me neither. And honestly I sh** on gamepass and MS. They lost me one year ago.
Sony needs to up the value of its offerings.
I don’t see them ever releasing their big budget exclusive AAA games day and date like Gamepass. But Sony does produce AA titles (like Sackboy) that should be included with the service day and date. They should also work with third parties to get Gamepass Day Ones on PlayStation Spartacus or whatever they end up calling it.
They don’t have to surpass Gamepass. They just need to match its AAA 3rd party offerings and give the service exclusive AA titles on the games launch day. Also get EA to bundle in EA play.
I don’t think anyone expects their AAA projects to hit Spartacus on day one. Maybe give the game a year to be sold traditionally. Then drop it randomly on Spartacus. Maybe make it available for a limited time on the service. And offer a discount for players who have the service.
The reason for that is that Sony needs those AAA exclusives to finance the war chest. Development costs on those games are sky high. For Microsoft it isn’t an issue. I highly doubt Gamepass will ever operate in a profitable manner. Sony can’t afford it. Microsoft is worth like 30x what Sony’s worth. They can absorb the hit. Sony can’t. So I think my solution is a nice compromise for Sony’s financial position.
After my semi nervous breakdown over the new £70 price for games, ive gotten over it now. I have over 50 ps5 games and im happy with the upcoming slate so it doesn't really matter what MS do, and as for Ubisoft.... See ya later.... They are desperate to get into streaming and see MS as their ticket into it.
For all of my flirting with xbox, i still haven't got one and after seeing Halo's campaign is short as sh*t (after 6yrs), i don't see me getting one anytime soon.
Returnal > Halo.
Playstation rules!!!
@ORO_ERICIUS Eh, Game Pass PC is brilliant. Worth it alone for Football Manager 22 never mind all the countless games that I would have bought otherwise.
I play Ubisoft games on Day 1 by getting 1 month of Ubi+ on PC on launch (how I played FarCry 6, Fenyx Rising and Legion)
Best part is most are the "ultimate version" so you get the season pass included for the monthly fee.
That said, I am not paying for Ubi+ or GamePass when Forbidden West is out.
When there is a top AAA game I want, I cancel PC GamePass for the months I am playing it.
Another thing, we’ve been hearing rumors that Sony is getting into multiplayer games more than they have in the past. Sony had strong 1st party multiplayer titles during the PS3 era. They didn’t do that as much for PS4. Since it seems like Sony is setting up teams just to develop multiplayer titles, make all of those games day one Spartacus releases.
Multiplayer is going to be monetized anyway with microtransactions and battle passes. I think Factions would be a very strong launch title for Spartacus.
@get2sammyb agreed, I think “creative” is going to be the right play here. I don’t think they can or need to compete 1 to 1 with Game Pass, just… something. Something, rather than nothing, will go a long way. I know the current offering isn’t exactly nothing, but it might as well be the way the optics have been playing out.
I’d be in your position if I was still a kid, or retired, and had 10hrs a day to play games again. As it stands I have loads to play that is years old. The idea of my subscription fee going up in order that new games are provided which I won’t get around to for years…really, no thanks. Provide it as an option sure, but have a lower tier where newer games are not provided for 18 months or something please! Even if Sony buy new games for the service without increasing prices, that’s money that could go on something else, such as PSVR2 for example (which is far more exciting than saving a bit of money in my opinion).
Good. Keep your NFTs to yourself.
So even ubisoft is gagging for that Microsoft money now, pretty obvious Microsoft have paid them a LOT of money to keep this off playstation and for extraction to join gamepass, what next?....
An Acquisition
Pretty soon you'll have to pay a subscription for every publisher. Multiple subscriptions is a complete waste of money. I can literally buy used physical games or wait for digital storefront sales and save more money than paying for subscriptions.
People think the value in these subscriptions is so great because they keep comparing them to new games prices when in reality, there are more options than buying games at full price.
Personally, I think there is more value in being patient than paying for recurring subs or full priced games.
I also like to own my games (preferably physical copy) to play anytime I want, versus having do long gaming sessions in hopes I can finish the game before it leaves a service, because I just don't have the time that crap.
I am still of the view that i want to own my games outright. I don't trust any of these companies with digital content.
Im still not convinced that game streaming - of new releases - can sustain gaming in its current form. Its the start of a slippery slope of the likes of NFT's, microtransactions etc invading and dominating my games and moving away from gaming for fun.
Look at Halo infinite. Yes its reportedly a good game but with lots of content in its multiplayer offering locked behind paywalls, battle passes - and as of today, purchases of nail varnish....
To use an example closer to home, there was the story just yesterday of deep rock galactic launching with reams of day 1 dlc to supplement the fact it is 'free' on plus.
Give me 'complete' titles like Horizon, GoW, LoU, Ghost of Tsushima anyday
Played it, I’m alright thanks 😂
The only game I want from Ubisoft is another south Park rpg, I don't care about anything else they make.
As a gamepass subscriber, I still won't be touching this. Looks pretty naff
@anoyonmus The lie of the Xbox series s being next gen is quite absurd. Low end pcs still play high end games with much visual deficit. Doesn't mean the old pc is considered a next gen device.
Ubisoft putting games on gamepass will devalue the service 😂
@nessisonett now Xbox players don’t have to it’s free for them
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@TooBarFoo They shouldn’t really. Xbox didn’t have to make a sacrifice
@Reeneman most sales were to scalpers so I wouldn’t trust any numbers you see lol
Thank you
To each their own. Like someone would have said ‘if you like GP there s a sub for you ‘😅
If you like EA , Ubi blah blah Sub sub sub $ yay
That’s still not going to work on a sub but talking about how always online is crap isn’t trending anymore. Wonder why.
@Loftimus The thing is...the increase in price can be looked at as honest to god more expense to make.
I bought a game on PSN for £6 yesterday. That would have been 2 budget c64 games back in the day. I also bought street fighter 2 for megadrive for £90 in '93 I think.
@Loftimus it’s sad to see this kind of ignorant tribalism. Xbox legitimately has great games of their own in fact Halo is one of the best game in years
@Rob_230 ghost of Tsushima didn’t even launch completed. Multiplayer came way late
@factsisfactsbro Its not finished. Short campaign and real lack of features that were present in previous halos. The core gameplay is meant to be good, but it better be...what is it...halo 8? 9?
@KayOL77 it supports Ray tracing and can play games at 120 fps. It’s not a lie at all. Runs most games even better than the ps5 lol
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Did ghost of tsushimas previous iterations have multiplayer at launch? No? Cos its a new game.
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@KayOL77 short campaign? It’s literally 8-12 hours same as every other halo maybe even longer lol. Also won GOTY from multiple different gaming outlets.
@factsisfactsbro What metric would you say ps is 'down bad' on? Be specific please 😂
Sony you keep making top end AAA games.
Subscription services can go suck.
Gamepass in 2021 only produced one real new AAA game Forza Horizon 5.
The rest was old games, indies and AA games even Halo Infinite was AA.
I want the best a game can be in all areas and Sony AAA give me that hands down.
@Dezzy70 Sony hasn’t “kept” making anything. Haven’t seen a new AAA game out of them for over 6 months
I wonder if Xbox made a deal with Ubisoft for their new platform. Like a timed exclusive deal.
Jee wizz what a bummer
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Not only that but it’s actually the gamers who are on a budget that are screewd in the end. PS+ Would get worse and worse.
@factsisfactsbro like i said i was flirting with the idea but ultimately was put off by their development prowess or lack of. No doubt Forza is great and its developer, but i prefer proper track racing so it will ll be GT7 for me... What else have they got?
Next month ps users will have sifu, elden ring and horizon 2.
Well it’s Sony games that are giving me the most enjoyable experiences, nearly finished Ratchet and Clank. Working through Ghost of T Iki island
And Jump in and out of sack boy. Might go Returnal next.
Feb HFW, March GT7, GOW 2022. Big real AAA games that will give me my thirst for new adventure
And games that are the best they can be in all areas.
This is big for Xbox. Ubisoft games sell very well here in Germany and Ubi+ is a great offer. On Xbox you will pay 15€ for the new Far Cry/Avatar/AC whatever and on PS 70/80€...
@factsisfactsbro imagine spending your free time trolling on a PlayStation site, what an insight in to your life. This guy said Series S plays some games better than the PS5 😂😂😂
@commentlife I just noticed your username. Is that a Nintendo Life pun?
@Greifchen Probably worth noting that this will likely come to PlayStation as well at some point. EA Play launched eventually and seems to have been somewhat successful.
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@Greifchen Do you know what happens to good games on gamepass that also come out on ps? They make more money on the Sony platform.
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@factsisfactsbro So in the 6 months since a new ps first party game, Sony haven't been "making" anything? Your words mate.
@factsisfactsbro why would i be salty over halo? If i was salty i wouldn't praise forza would i?
Go and have a word with yourself
@factsisfactsbro I watch every digital foundry video, perhaps you would like to link me the one where the Series S outperformed the PS5?
@factsisfactsbro I have never ever seen a digital foundry comparison video say you should play series s version of anything above ps5 version. Are we even existing in the same universe??
I have played the Halo Infinite, the gun play is good and entertaining, but environmentally wise and variety of areas and graphically overall it is a AA title and nowhere near say HFW, which is what I call a true AAA title in all areas.
It’s the reason I left series x and gamepass, also looking at 2022 they only real big exclusives AAA they might have is Starfield and we haven’t seen anything of that.
@factsisfactsbro and you didn't answer my question. What else have they got?
We're all preventing this lonely kid finishing his homework by replying to him.
The series s is a mistake by Microsoft, they sit on UK shelf’s gathering dust. Also Xbox developers will have to cater for a less power machine when developing new games for series x from the ground up.
Microsoft said it was a cheap option for countries like India.
PS5 sold about 60k in India.
Series s / x about 6k in India.
Microsoft get your heads into reality.
@Dezzy70 exactly why i was put off. They're in different leagues in terms of quality of experience.
@Dezzy70 how are you comparing a game that isn't out yet let alone have reviews with Halo lol. I mean you're probably right because Guerrilla Games are actually good developers as opposed to the incompetent bunch at 343 but still.
yeah but only if they pay over 150€...
I know I’m right 😂
@Greifchen If th game turns out to be good. People will buy it. Simple. Except gamepass users that is.
Exactly, gamepass is turning into a stocking filler full of little presents and maybe one big AAA present at the end of the year, in this case maybe Starfield.
@Greifchen 150€? You do know far cry pretty much halfed in price within a month?
I play a good few at anyone time and also sometimes leave a come back. Sort of like not wanting the experience to end. Strange I know.
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My wife bought me an Xbox series X for my birthday.
The start up is slow
The menus are slow
The controller is cheap
Adverts absolutely everywhere
Gamepass seems cool
Right now PS5 seems like comparing a Yaris GR rally car to a 1 litre Yaris with free door mats. It wins hands down. Yes gamepass is great but it's being massively hyped and I'm unsure if it has the lasting appeal especially if it's at £15-£20 a month. I've just come off platting Miles Morales and it was quick at everything and an absolute blast. I doubt Xbox can compete right now. Here's hoping it improves when I finally get to play Flight simulator or Forza Horizon 5 later on after the million hour download.
@KayOL77 it is next gen, I think. It’s a nice console. It’s not a lie exactly if the series s could run games at 120fps as the series x almost all the time
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Ubisoft is a mixed bag for me anyway. LOVE the Far cry series and LOVE the Watch_dogs series but everything else is either doo doo or I’m not interested in it or both. Still, gotta love em for Far cry and Watch_dogs (as long as they bring back having a main protagonist)
I guess all Ubisoft had to do to male people forget about their toxic work culture, bad employee treatment and the fact that their CEO is a POS was to just cozy up to Microsoft.
Activision must be taking notes.
It's not my kind of game, but from what I understand Extraction could use the boost Game Pass will give it.
As for Ubisoft+, I can live without another sub service. When will the sub bubble pop, btw? It has to go at some point. All of these services are exhausting.
@Dezzy70 @themcnoisy Yeah I have to agree. I have all three main consoles, but right now I'm having the best experiences as a solo player on PlayStation.
Breath of the Wild of course being the one exception on Nintendo. I can never get enough Zelda. Or Mario Kart for that matter.
And while I have a Series X and I'm looking forward to the likes of Avowed, Fable and Elder Scrolls, the console itself has been sitting on my TV unit doing very little for almost a year now.
It's a glorious console, but at this moment PS and Switch are where I'm playing. They're both the safest bets for me.
@Rob_230 Watch the publishers justify NFTs in a few years with lines like, "But we give you the games for €15.00 per month..."
@ShogunRok @get2sammyb
And can I second what @Kidfried just said?
@factsisfactsbro yeah, cheers for that. See ya later.
You were talking about Sifu, Horizon 2 and Elden Ring. You have to spend a lot of Money to get all of them Day1...
"Probably" Maybe Microsoft pay them enough for exclusivity...
Yes it’s looking like the PS5 and Switch should have a very good 2022. A good few interesting games for me, more so PS5 and of course BOTW2 on the switch if it releases, a must have.
Series x, maybe Starfield and that’s it for 2022 so far and we haven’t seen much of that game.
It should pick up maybe in 2023 or 2024 on series x but after Halo Infinite a AA experience overall in my opinion, I don’t trust Microsoft at all, that game should have been the an amazing AAA series x system seller in all areas of the game. It really was bad after 6 years and millions of dollars.
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I have played Halo since the original Xbox days every single Halo fps.
Halo Infinite had good gun play and the grappling hook was good fun. That is standard.
But overall not a big AAA experience more like a AA trailer or taste of a game that should have been bigger, more varied, better environments and a lot better graphics and effects overall.
It was poor after a six year wait and millions of dollars.
There was no big memorabilia moments, like Halo 2 fighting the scarab for example.
It was just good fun but a plain type AA experience.
@factsisfactsbro digital foundry have already said that most multi platform games run best on playstation 5 and the best next gen game award for graphics 2021 went to ratchet and clank. So what you say about that?
Also Halo infinite has the most boring and dead open world I've ever played in a game especially for an AAA game.
@factsisfactsbro What awards did it win exactly? Returnal won best action game of the year at the game awards. Halo won the player choice award the day after it came out because all the xbox fanboys voted for it in a public vote. Halo has won nothing, and wasn't even in contention for any award at the main event 😂
@factsisfactsbro I'm still waiting on that digital foundry link that shows the Series S performing better than the PS5 btw, it should be easy for you to provide one as you said there were multiple.
Thank you, dead open world a little harsh 😂 but I agree dam boring, life less and graphically poor with little environmental effects and just one biome, trees and rocks and hexagons.
Poor water, really bad water and smoke effects that disappear, pop in, the list goes on.
I think the year intern developed this game world.
Farcry 6 made halo infinites open world look 2 generations old.
Does it not rain or snow on Halo Zeta.
Looking through this guys previous comments on other articles and all he has ever written is troll comments about playstation and its games.
How is he not been banned yet?
Additionally once the excitement calmed down Halo Infinite didn’t even make some of 2021 top ten games, lists.
It’s a fun ok game, mediocre AA effort.
Let’s send him to Halo Zeta and he can bore himself to death.
@Dezzy70 lol harsh but true, would of been acceptable for an indie game or AA, but this is their main "blockbuster" franchise that has had millions upon millions spent on it and had an extra year for development and it still looks like that and they couldn't add weather or different biomes or make the world more interesting? I've seen pokemon games with more variety 😂
Totally agree, another Xbox PR stunt.
@Dezzy70 compare halo infinite and forza horizon 5 side by side, you would think they were generations apart
@anoyonmus 120fps at like what...540p? That's like projecting a headache onto a wall and trying to convince people they are instead experiencing a mindgasm.
Correct the only really AAA Xbox got in 2021 was FH5.
Don’t trust Microsoft anymore and 2022 will be no better, with maybe one big AAA Starfield if it releases and if any good.
@get2sammyb sony can’t afford to place first party day 1 on their services…though as a ‘creative’ alternative I expect them to add first party game trials to one of those services.
Sony should maybe stop all the paying for exclusive content in third party games and focus that money pot on bringing some third party games day 1 to one of their services.
Either way, any gamer that doesn’t go for an Xbox and PlayStation this gen out of some misguided brand loyalty are really going to be cheating themselves.
@Greifchen Spending money on games I really want to play and reciprocating the developers to make more Is NOT a bad thing.
@UltimateOtaku91 Xbox fans like to insult open world games only for their flagship title to have a horrible example of one 😂
@UltimateOtaku91 Also, no rays were cast in the making of this game 😂
I will go for Xbox when they start releasing a good stream of top quality new AAA exclusives, they did one FH5 that is it.
Halo Infinite is AA and poor overall.
Maybe Starfield this year but that’s it for 2022 big AAA and we haven’t seen much of that game.
Maybe 2023 maybe 2024.
@KayOL77 halo? Halo is awesome. Playing through it now on heroic. Great fun.
Forza 5? Forza is awesome. Playing through it now. Great fun
Flight sim? Flight sim is awesome. Playing through it now. Nice chill game. Gonna get fully into it at some point. Been fun so far.
Also, Xbox fans are slagging off open world?
@Dezzy70 that’s ok, you stay where you’re at friend. We both know regardless of how starfield turns out you’ll get too spooked and convince yourself it’s poor. You do you friend.
@Kidfried dang. You wanna censor other people from speaking their opinions? Is that the world we’ve come to? Or are you just really upset they made your favorite console look bad? There’s no reason to cry over comments on a website bud
@Dezzy70 yeah I agree heck even flight simulator was good graphically but was so niche and gameplay was boring, psychonauts looks good and will play it soon on gamepass but that's not an AAA game. Next year they starfield if it releases on time and not in a buggy mess (which is a Bethesda specialty) and Deathloop which is also available on playstation 5..
PlayStation get GT7, God of War, Forspoken, Horizon Forbidden West, Granblue RPG, Ghostwire Tokyo and possibly final fantasy 16. And that's just the confirmed games now, there's also what ever they have hidden. Same for nintendo switch they have pokemon legends, Bayonetta 3, splatoon 3, BoTW 2, Kirby, Metroid prime 4 and Mario and rabbids 2.
All I've seen on xbox dedicated sites is people take the p**s saying now it's playstation who don't have any games whilst xbox does, yet playstation have had more next gen dedicated games than xbox so far this gen, playstation have more exclusives 1st and 3rd party release since the next gen consoles came out and for this year playstation has more exclusive games (some timed) releasing than xbox.
So yeah if you like your big budget AAA games, JRPG's and VR content then ps5 is the console to get right now and I see no reason other than starfield and gamepass (even though its bloated with indies) to own an series S/X right now
Say what you want to defend Sony but when of their own games who they are trying to sell for 70 is being offered as part of Gamepass it doesn't look good
@DualWielding Very few of those games are £70 on ps and on gamepass. Watch Spartacus come out soon and offer better comparisons...oh and lots of new back compat of older gens. Can't wait.
Wow this comment section…
Anyways, I loved Infinite, though the multiplayer needs restructuring with how it does its battle pass crap.
Ubisoft is a garbage company and even though I have a Series X I have no intention to use this service.
‘AAA’ and ‘AA’ mean nothing to me, nor does indie, and I judge the merits of a game by how much I actually enjoyed it. Hated the Last of Us but loved Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man, takes more than being ‘AAA’ with crunch-fueled graphics and an Oscar bait story to make me like something. Psychonauts 2 was far and away the best game of last year in my book and I don’t care if it’s ‘AA’.
Gamepass is convenient for my budget, though definitely has a lot of filler, but also gets a lot of great games, indies included, and the FPS boosts with older games has helped me knock a good chunk of my backlog out too. The way Microsoft handled making gaming affordable was what steered me towards the Series X over the PS5 initially and I don’t regret it.
All that said, I intend to get a PS5 within the next few months or so with Returnal, Miles Morales and Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart. Only PS5 games I care about right now but I’m looking forward to more.
@DualWielding The only game that's falling into that category is the last MLB game. Which scored very high in the charts for the multiplatform year(and the stats did not include Xbox version)
No I won’t if Starfield turns out say the equivalent of FH5 it will deserve all the praise and credit it will get and I will be pleased for the developer.
You forget one thing we need very good competition in the games market and having all three is good overall competing for our money.
Remember it’s a business and they all want our money 😂
@Bleachedsmiles And you can try and convince people and yourself that all those game breaking bugs are a "good thing". 😂
A lot of fan boying in this comments section, from both sides. The simple facts are that Xbox has got its act together and that's a win for us all, both the X and S are great consoles and Gamepass is a great service. I expect Xbox studios to deliver some fantastic games in the next few years. Its also a fact that Sony still has all the skills and capabilities that enabled to destroy the competition last gen and will keep on suppling first class games for the foreseeable future.
I get the fact that many gamers are 12 years old but I'm going to take a guess that many of the "fanboys" that acting like 12 years at the moment are infract full grown men and women.
The Xbox crowd just go on about game pass and value and will be coming that is way of and may not see the light of day.
In 2021 that had one true real AAA game FH5.
Looking at 2022 they might get another in Starfield.
The rest of gamepass is fillers, AA and indies.
So that will be about 2 years of series consoles and maybe two big real AAA games, FH5 and maybe Starfield.
That is poor in my standards.
I’m old that’s true but I see it like this.
The Xbox crowd just go on about game pass and value and will be coming that is way of and may not see the light of day.
In 2021 thay had one true real AAA game FH5.
Looking at 2022 they might get another in Starfield.
The rest of gamepass is fillers old games, AA and indies.
So that will be about 2 years of series consoles and maybe two big real AAA games, FH5 and maybe Starfield.
That is poor in my standards.
@Dezzy70 wow…you’re really not very self aware are you?
@Dezzy70 this is why I'm glad I went with the S instead of the X, it's literally just a gamepass machine and even then I don't play on it much. It says something when the best game I've played on my series S was the gunk lol and even that's coming to playstation at some point
Infact take away gamepass from xbox and what would they achieve? They would of been dead and buried without it
@KayOL77 what game breaking bugs? Which game?
@Dezzy70 Yeah, going on about value and saving money is bunk! Who cares about people on a budget or people wanting to try a multiplayer game without needing to buy multiple consoles! Who cares that more people have more options! They’re not even playing REAL video games which of course are only AAA!
You’re the worst kind of elitist.
What about all the PSVR2 stuff incoming soon...bet the Xbox owners can't wait for them all to hit Gamepass so they can post about it everywhere.
Oh, hang on.
@UltimateOtaku91 Take away gamepass, the main thing that they’ve achieved that they’ve moved beyond Xbox and are using as their bread and butter for PC, phone and cloud gaming and what do they have? Take away Microsoft’s main, industry challenging service and you’re left with nothing yes, but I think you’re selling short that Gamepass is more Microsoft’s main competing force rather than trying to do traditional console wars. It’d be like asking what does Sony have beyond exclusives.
@KayOL77 it’s not 540p dude. It’s still at HD quality but whatever
I just want the best and that’s all and only the best AAA in all areas that can be delivered.
Does that mean I am an elitist, maybe I play on a top 65” 4K tv, with a separate Dolby Atmos sound system, bring on HFW it will play and look and sound like pure beauty.
I’m a fanboy… for both Xbox and PS5
Both have positives and negatives
Bring on the games I say 😀
@Dezzy70 If you think only AAA can deliver the best and put that much stock into a game looking and sounding the best…yes, I’d say you’re an elitist. Also Hades, an indie, completely blows most AAA games away in being actually the full package.
@Dezzy70 2022 will probably see a lot many game from Xbox other than just Starfield. Forza Motorsport 8 is probably a given. There are games that been in development for a few years like Everwild and State of Decay 3. Redfall is set for Summer 2022 release. There also of maybe Gears 6 or Hellblade but I'm not holding my breath for these 2...
I would love for Xbox to come out on stage and give us 2022 release date for Perfect Dark, Fable, and Avowed, as well as the Indiana Jones game tho.
The game has to have the game play as well and be very well crafted etc.
I think BOTW is amazing and AAA as it’s the best the switch probably could look and played it for over 80 hours. So it also goes on using that particular device to its full potential in its own rights.
@anoyonmus So GPU at 1/3 power and half of the ram, and it's still next gen performance?
So would I and all those games releasing soon in top end real AAA condition. I would jump for joy and play most of them.
@Bleachedsmiles Last big Bethesda RPG, Skyrim.
It's just Ubisoft. No big loss.
@Dezzy70 I don’t care if you like BOTW, writing AA and indie games off out of hand because they don’t have the multi millions in budget to throw around or man power to force into labor intensive crunch for your face melting graphics is going to make you an elitist in my book.
That’s cool I don’t mind and your opinion is your opinion.
It’s just what I enjoy most the full on AAA top end in all areas experience.
@Dezzy70 Did PS even release any AAA top end full experiences in 2021?
Good ol pushsquare commenters. Always a good laugh.
Microsofts Primary Platform is Game Pass - not Xbox. Xbox benefits by getting Xbox games sold exclusively on their console, but Game Pass is MS's primary platform.
Sony's Primary Platform is the PS5 so they will want people to buy a PS5 and buy games at £70 for at least a good few months before selling them (or putting them into a Subscription service).
This is why MS are not directly competing with Sony (or Vice Versa). IF MS were, they would of made the Series console their Primary platform, keeping all third party deals as well as their 'exclusives' for the console like they used to before merging their entire gaming division and launching Game Pass.
Things like this is a classic example of that difference. Xbox gamers still have to pay the 'exact' same as PS gamers to play this game. However Game Pass owners get it Day 1. Its like Xbox Gamers get Mass Effect Legendary free but PS owners have to buy it - NO its 'free' on EA Play which happens to be a 'perk' of Game Pass Ultimate (not the standard Game Pass subscription for Console - which of course also happens to be available on PS too.
What you should be saying is that MS's Game Pass (as its free on PC, Console & Cloud) is getting R6:Extraction - which means that not ALL (or ONLY) Xbox gamers can play it day 1 free - only those who subscribe to the Game Pass Platform
@anoyonmus Thats quite true then again which of their games has no monetization. Also a lot of their games are liveservice. Ill stay put at my prefered brand.
I would definitely pay for this if it comes to Sony. $15 is a steal.
Baffling. If rainbow six extraction had been announced as a ps+ game we'd prob all be calling it mediocre.
And it probably will be.
This news doesn't affect me, always prefer owning my games over a subscription service (except for PS Plus)
Lol this site is so obsessed with GP. Does the Nintendo site whine about the same thing too? Congrats a $40 budget game is going to GP and also eventually you can spend an additional $15 a month on Ubisoft's terrible subscription service. What exciting news.
Most of the third party stuff on gamepass is garbage. As soon as they get announced i instantly stay away from those titles
@Flaming_Kaiser fair point tbh
@mucc its probably because Sony charges $70 for their 1st party games while Microsoft makes it like $60 and also makes it free to people who subscribed to Xbox Game Pass. And that got on a lot of people's nerves
@mucc not just this site…Sony fanboys in general have gamepass living rent free in their head. Hardly ever hear Nintendo fanboys concern themselves so much about it. Xbox fanboys praise it, and goad them…as it’s easy pickings. But man… Sony fanboys are spooked…they’re so worried how much money it makes, how it’s hurting gaming, how it’s the devils work, how it’s dying, how they don’t care about it, how subscription services are the devils work, how Sonys going to come out with subscription service that will kill it.
These guys are all over the place. It’s frankly hilarious. I’ve never heard Xbox fanboys worry about gamepass killing gaming, quality of games on it, if ms are making money… Xbox fanboys are simply taking advantage of a service that offers great value. I never heard of Xbox fanboys having sleepless nights over Sonys subscription services. Sony fanboys are a different breed.
@Bleachedsmiles Xbox fanboys are still having nightmares about the incomplete state of Halo Infinite and its fully functional online store with endless of overpriced microtransactions (want a sticker, pay $20). But at the same time also loving whatever lie Phil Spencer tells them.... because why not!
@lolwhatno amen brother...is it really that important considering the state of the world at the mo?
@Royalblues what a load of nonsense. Xbox, nintendo, and even pc have just as many vocal fanboys. Playstation isn't any different.
@Royalblues sorry to hear you are being made to feel that way..i found your comment to be well worded and you put your point across very well..there is nothing that could be taken out of context or misconstrued..i hope you will enjoy your games and frequent these pages...this has highlighted something we all should have been aware of and is something we should all take on board moving forwards this year...👍
@Royalblues That's the most self indulgent load of twaddle I've read on this site for a long time - totally off topic, what has anything youve written got to do with a UBi + service?. Who cares about your completely inaccurate and ill informed judgements of other gamers, and trying to suggest that fan bois from all sides are not as bad as each other? It clearly shows you are fully deluded, so this site and its users would be far better off if you don't come here?
I hate tribalism in all its forms, and since the advent of the net and chat room and forums its become ubiquitous in almost every facet of life, including games machines where this has been going on for several generations. Its embarrassing for all concerned, but its also quite clear it comes from all sides.
back on topic:
I share concerns with many about the competing subscription services on offer. I don't see this as being good for the consumer - they reason they want you subscribed is so they can choose what you get to play and having a sub simply restricts people into playing whatever the sub provider is offering.
I also don't see the Games Pass model as being sustainable for the longer term, and games that are clearly 'aimed' at the service, are changing their design philosophy to extract cash through micro transactions instead. Halo is a classic current example, but you will see this become ever more prevalent.
Meantime I take MS free cash, as a keen gamer still after so long in the industry, I'm not going to turn down that value and have game pass ultimate to meet all my PC and series X needs.
I still prefer to pay full price for a complete title with no shop, and at present that's the model Sony are continuing to follow so that where I will really buy games (and I prefer the dual sense xD)
@Otherbarry I dont know, EA tried to put EA Access on PS4 and Sony refused It.
@MaikonCSGarcia I think you might wish to check that - EA Access has always been available on PS and is available right now.
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@Alduin Nonsense
@mmcgr94 don’t really need to add much to this…
Will say though…read through this thread and take notice of how many times halo has been mentioned.
Now go into an Xbox comments thread on this sister site pure Xbox, I’ll let you have any thread, and count how many times a specific ps5 game is mentioned, I’ll give you any game.
And, if you’re feeling particularly brave, count up how many times gamepass is mentioned in this one thread…go over to pure Xbox and count how many times psplus and ps now are mentioned in any thread of your choosing.
Point is, you really don’t have to look very far on here, YouTube, twitter ect to find Sony fanboys obsessing over Xbox…whilst likely at the same time dismissing them. And yet their they live…eating away at you.
Get both.
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@Balosi You’re not thinking about things logically, just passionately. It’s a numbers game. Everyone, even Xbox fanboys, can agree PlayStation has a bigger fanbase. Logically that will always translate into their being more vocal fanboys of PlayStation than Xbox. Logically that will always translate in more of those vocal fanboys being toxic on PlayStation than Xbox.
We can also all agree that the biggest section of nintendos fanbase are younger kids and more casual players…which we can all safely assume translates to a lesser vocal fanbase on the internet…even though switch is king when it comes to sales.
I don’t agree with this new narrative of ‘it’s only a plastic box!’… it’s not. It’s also the sense of belonging to a community. Everybody is searching for like minded people, for a sense of belonging. It’s why they adopt sports teams for life. Religion. Why shouldn’t consoles be any different? So I understand why there are fanboys. Why certain people are wired to defend a plastic box, and feel loyal to a company that provides it.
But with that, with any following, it attracts the most vulnerable and unstable. And like I said, it’s a numbers game. So come on mate, let’s never pretend there’s just as much toxicity on Xbox and nintendos side. It’s simply not adding up.
@mmcgr94 I have both. Not hard to find that out if you care that much.
@Royalblues well they have just proven your point...well done boys...
@Royalblues I'd say you're pretty much on the money. Nintendo and Xbox do have their fanboys but it is nowhere near as rampant as the toxicity I see from Playstation fanboys these days, and a lot of the time in these comment sections.
@Royalblues no i wasnt being sarcastic..i am a unapollogetic sony fanboy (ps4 and ps5 owner) but i wont blindley support sony in every decision they make (£70 games..ppffftt) but i wont go xbox bashing unless provoked to do so..i dont frequent xbox sites or the comments sections so i cant understand the mentality of those who deliberatly set out to stir ***** up..if people cant use their words properly and have a little debate,a little bit of banter back and forth without getting abusive or personal then i dont think these forums are the place for them..those that replied to you in a jeering abusive manner are nothing to loose sleep over...
Eh, I don't really plan to spend $15 on Ubisoft-only next to $15 on Game Pass Ultimate for a whole mix of things. They can keep it. But, I'm a bit biased because I already own most of the Ubisoft catalogue accumulated on sales over the years, and it makes more sense to continue doing so as their new games hit deep discounts, unless they stop the discounts in favor of pushing this service. If I didn't, this would probably look good.
@Dezzy70 @UltimateOtaku91 You two are so funny, you flip-flop on the "console war" more than a politician at an indictment hearing.
I don't disagree with the criticisms of Halo, we all knew how that was going to turn out once it was clear it was in "development hell", but sheesh, one month you're all in on XB and the next month you go full Pony, then back again... lol.
Ubisoft will take money from anyone, but I doubt MS paid them to keep + off PS. More likely, like $70 Ryan they just don't see the point of offering value on PS when PS customers clearly don't seem to be looking for it. Either that or they're quietly going to be part of Sony's premium tier and took Sony money (which makes me worry what Sony's premium tier price might be.)
What console war, its just such fun and gets the fan people going really good.
Well done for spotting it, you a smart cookie.
Nintendo Life don’t really react, Push Square does to a point, but my analysis has concluded Pure Xbox will defend and fight like crazy when you question Xbox and Microsoft 😆.
Might start a love analysis next, look out for that one.
@lolwhatno True, that!
@Dezzy70 The toggling between the two Horizon (HFW/FH5) avatars is especially confusing. You've been doing that for a year
I think PXB is sufficiently chill and calm, and most of the regulars are multiplat players, so trolling sticks out like a sore thumb and over the top. PS has thrived on trolling and fanboy wars for so long (less so now than in the past) it both flares the flames and half-way blends in as background noise. NL....everyone's so busy screaming about how Switch is the best thing ever so loudly and uncontrollably they just can't hear you at all.
LOL, now the love analysis would be amusing...
I’m not sure about PXB chilled, I got seriously hammered last night for somethings I said.
I even got called an elitist 😆.
Some on PXB I think are reasonable and agree sometime unless they are trolls and are agreeing with me to stick the knife in.
But the multiplat PXB are cool they sort of discuss and sometime etc agree.
But when the defence PXB team came at me last night it was a good few and full on, then I did say Halo infinite, was last generation and overall AA only game and apart from Starfield late 2022 what big AAA in house have you got.
It’s was fun, see they don’t know who I am and how long I’ve been gaming etc.
@Dezzy70 I mean, I called you an elitist here on this site and I stand by it if you still write off AA and indie games. Has nothing to do with console wars.
I remember now, yes you did, I thought I was on PXB.
It’s cool, it was a hectic fun evening yesterday.
I stand corrected.
@Dezzy70 I read that thread...that was some hardcore Pony trolling, though, so you kind of had it coming.... If I didn't know you from all 3 sites already I'd have assumed you were the worst of the worst of the Reddit PS toxic fandom there...
Each forum has it's hardcore fanboys....we can all name at least 3 off the top of our heads for each of the 3 sites in under 5 seconds... But generally that place really is pretty chill unless you go in with the whole "xbox has no games, PS AAA story is best!!1" thing. That's like the whole 360 era when PS3 fans were constantly attacked by 360bros about their weeb games.
....I miss PS3 weebdom.....
Personally for "new next gen games" I'd rank both consoles a C- in 2021. There were great games, but they were nearly all PS4/X1 games. A lot of the time AA games tend to be the best games, IMO. I liken most AAA to a Michael Bay move. Costs a fortune to make, it's flashy, and it draws a crowd, but it's often lacking substance. I'm not sure EITHER console really had anything first party AAA this year, short of FH5 (which is actually worth Jim's $70...) Psychonauts, is very AA, but represents the best of AA (and is multiplat). Halo (campaign), I kinda agree is AA, that's a tiny campaign, missed coop at launch, it's good, it's fun, it's tight, but it's....small. (Then again Nintendo proves there's no need to go big when small sells more...) On the PS side, Deathloop is fantastic, but very very niche, and "AAA" might not be the right name for it (and it's really a multiplat), Returnal is a rogue...the very definition of "definitely not AAA". Great game, it really surprised me how tight, fast, and fun the gunplay is, though Housemarque is all about the arcade shmup so it shouldn't have been so surprising, but very very AA. They did a lot with few resources. R&C was my flagship for PS5. Now that I've played it, there's...something....I don't know what, but something lacking about it compared to the PS4 remake. I loved it, I had tons of fun with it.....for about a week.... but...there were so few planets, and most of them were remixes of planets from the PS4 game. Just as it hit its stride and I started really getting into it, it just kind of stopped. I didn't even max out the omega weapons this time around. Reminds me of Halo in that sense, just flashier. And furrier. And more Rule34 according to the PS staff.
It was some fun trolling but not trolling really.
I have all 3 consoles and owned every single living console since day one, even Neo Geo, now that was expensive days 😂.
Gaming is in my blood 🩸 almost since birth.
I do get uptight, when like I want another Mario Odyssey so why have Nintendo not made one.
And where the hell is my BOTW2
I want the ultimate Halo Infinite firing on all four cylinders, so why wasn’t it. Where is my gears 6.
Sony at the minute are keeping me calm, I want HFW, cool it’s here soon. I got me ratchet and clank and sack boy already cool.
I best get me god of war 2022. 😂
It’s pure drive for wanting every game and at it’s most very best, that is all it is.
I excel at perfection, it’s in my job.
@Alduin that is such a bad take its not even remotely true sony doesnt need to compete with ms they have total market share why would they spend 100's of millions making these blockbuster games just to give them away for free name me one xbox exlusive singleplayer game that is anywhere near the quality of even the worst ps exclusive the only good first party games xbox has out right now is forza and halo and that wont cut it. furthermore its better to see sony go to the beat of there own drum i want my aaa ps exclusives and i have no problem paying for them because the ones i like are guaranteed to be a banger
Gamepass is not a selling point(in playstation form)
It should be the console itself, and its awesome new features.
You should focus on new games rather then get a too big library and eventualy get bored with the whole bew nextgen experience.
Downloading, deleting, downloading, deleting.
I understand that the xbox needs gamepass to keep players on board, without it it is a boring gaming platform that miss diversity(MS is aware of this)
Playstation does not need this, great deals on ps4 classics with ps5 upgrade for the right price, is more then enough.
@Titntin Yes It is, but Sony refused It for years before finally allowing the service to be launched on the console, what I wanted to demonstrate is that they were simply playing hard with Ubisoft, maybe they dont want to lose on the % with the Sales, maybe they want a better deal, there are so many possibilities.
PS: But right now i dont even know If i reply to the right person, It's been a long time.
@Bleachedsmiles Yeah, right - selective viewing.
I have both, and a 3090 PC and a switch too, and am also on total Xbox.
Discussion of Sony and its games is a constant theme on many posts there, so much so that while I was reading one thread a couple of days back I had to keep checking I was actually on the Xbox site, as every post just talked about Sony.
Halo or FH5 will be mentioned often here because they are the only games MS have delivered for a year, if you are going to mention a MS game its going to be one of them. Games Pass is mentioned so often as its the only justification for getting a next gen console without a single next gen game, and is rightly generating headlines as people try to figure out if its good or bad for gaming in general. Its the reason I have a Series X... without GP there would no point in owning one.- not yet anyway, and especially if you have a PC.
I guess people see what they want to, but I know what you are stating is simply untrue and the proof is all over the comment sections on Total Xbox - wake up! Or stay asleep, I guess I'm not that bothered xD
@UltimateOtaku91 probably wil happen even tho there games more popular on playstation then again was same with Bethesda, more popular on playstation with there games after Microsoft shat themselves during xbox one era they couldn't complete with playstation exclusives and sales so needed to step up this gen obviously they have with rise of gamepass and buying studios because there own studios cant make games worthy obviously sony buying few studios too for a company certain fanboys out there think has no money 🤔 there doing well doesn't matter to me I play on all platforms including xbox and ps5
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