Supposedly set to launch in the first quarter of 2022, we're yet to hear anything official on the PlayStation 5 version of Cyberpunk 2077. That could change in the near future, however, if this fresh find from PlayStation Game Size is anything to go by.
The reliable social media account has spotted new cover art for Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation's servers, which suggests that things are in motion behind the scenes. It seems likely that this is the PS5 version's key visual.
This discovery could mean that official news is incoming. Indeed, if CD Projekt Red still plans on releasing Cyberpunk's current-gen edition within the next few months, than it's going to have to spill the beans relatively soon.
Recent rumours have said that the Polish developer has been putting its all into 2077's revival in the hopes of repairing its reputation. There's been word of gameplay overhauls and significant changes to various open world mechanics — but the proof will obviously be in the pudding.
Are you cautiously optimistic about Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5? Get ready to reboot in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 81
Same. Picked up a cheap 2nd hand copy a while ago just ready for the PS5 update. Came with loads of extras (except a sticker sheet).
Bought mine for $10 at Best Buy and still unopened. I've also been waiting for this upgrade to play it. In the meantime I got a Switch OLED and playing da heck outta Breath of the Wild! Incredible game so far, baby.
Same as above picked up both Xbox and PS sealed very cheap with all the extras. When it comes im set. Not tried either version. Will wait and play the best version.
It'll end up getting swamped by other releases now, but definitely looking forward to seeing the improvements
I think I prefer this cover art. Looking forward to another play through!
finish the game please.
More stable performance won't fix an unfinished game fraudently false advertised in the name of profit.
There's $5 copies near where I live so might have to pick up one since the PS5 upgrade is free I assume. Maybe they change that before release because the PS4 copies are almost being given away for free at this point but if they change it now they will get a fresh round of backlash so they might have to take the L.
Cyber what? Coming when? Upcoming games to actually care about… Dying Light 2, Horizon Forbidden West, Elden Ring, Gran Turismo…. And at some point God of War R. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
I bagged a copy for about £8 a few months back, preparing for this inevitable update. Hopefully it performs.
Already finished it twice on XSX and PS5. I won't be playing it again despite really liking the game. The Witcher 3, however, is a different story.
Why did you pick up two copies of the same game for different platforms? Just curious.
After stating time and time again for 1 year, that the ps5 upgrade will be free,they cant go back now.The backlash would be even bigger than the complaints from last years launch bugs.And besides,they are going to make lots of money from the rumoured expansions.
Yeah, should have really got this done when it was supposed to be or updated by end of last year. Trying to release anything now amongst everything else is like a fart in the wind.
I honestly can't see how they could fix this utter mess of a game. I manged to finish it twice without even glancing at the "cyber" upgrade screen. It has really good writing, I'll give it that, but its a game that's broken from its very foundations.
I picked up a sealed enhanced collectors edition DUO (XB1 & PS4 included) copy of this game the other day and it came with all the extras including a 2 hour blu ray movie that had every member of the development team chiming in about what went wrong for only $1.50. When you take into account the mail in rebate Best Buy actually paid me to take it off their hands.
Also the “stories from your games” on ps5 recently revived a bunch of old stories for CP2077 so I’d bet that yea it’s coming.
Honestly the hate and vitriol towards the game in comments above is undeserved. It’s a great game even in last gen format, despite needing more horsepower to really show off. As long as you judge it on its own merit that is, not compare to the hype.
OH BOY! I can't wait to play this masterpiece ^^ (cue sarcastic tone)
Pardon my French, but are we still seriously supporting this horrible piece of hippo sh*t?
Lord Jesus, just move the f*ck on! CDPR doesn't deserve a single penny from gamers at the moment. Maybe their next project will redeem them, but for the time being, they're a scummy/slimy company that pulled one of the biggest scams in gaming history.
Rant over.
Didn't care before release, still don't care now. Just never caught my fancy. Hope people finally get the game they wanted.
I sold mine a few days ago. Every time I tried to play it after finishing it once I found I didn’t want to play it again and gave up. Very much looking forward to the Witcher 3 upgrade though!
Only the real OGs remember this game.
Good I guess.
Just waiting for some story DLC news myself. Loved the base game on PC, ready for new content.
Goro Takemura should get his own game
they should have cancelled last gen's versions bth , the only way to play this game was on ps5 or series x or pc. i didn't even bother to see how it played on the base ps4 i just started off on the ps5. the story was pretty good imo though. they'll have to fix a lot to make it the game it was supposed to be.
Had my copy in it's packaging for over a year now. Was thinking of taking it to the Antique Roadshow but maybe I'll play it now.
@Slippship There are no 3 different paths and you know it..
I played through it on ps5 and really enjoyed it, 67 hour play through. Yeah it definitely has its issues but it also has some great moments. Some of the side missions were very good and I enjoyed the ending I got.
Looking forward to playing through again with the next gen version and seeing what they've improved.
@Gloamin I did hun, but I do get occasionally triggered by comments saying it's a "good" game lolz.
To each their own.
@Slippship I think he’s pointing out how each path is only different for like 30 minutes if that. Not really relevant to what you said about liking it enough to play through three times and want more. Still true, just irrelevant.
@Divergent95 it’s a good game. Way better than assassin’s creed.
@Slippship You are missing standards
@Divergent95 Because it's a facking good game compared to a lot of BS games out there. Yes they didn't deliver all what they promised but it still is better than most.
@Mega-Gazz Now I'm going to read Cyberpunk for filth and tell you why it isn't
First off:
I could goo on and on and on...
Keep in mind, this is just a fraction of what they promised.
So again, how is it a "GoOd" game?
@Divergent95 so true. The AI is simply not existent in this game 😅 shockingly bad.
@Reeneman Crowbcat's video says it ALL lol.
The game was engaging, interesting, and fun, with a decent story. Didn’t live up to the hype, but I mean marketing gone wild.
I hope this game will be updated so it can be as good as witcher 3, there's so much potential in this ip, it's a shame cdp executive is so short sighted by releasing this game before it's done.
@Gloamin Hey, I apologize if you thought I was gaslighting gamers. Not the case...
I just despise when a terrible product makes more money than an actual good game.
@Mega-Gazz Umm... Yeah.
Thank you for your opinion but you know that I wholeheartedly disagree.
the minimm charcter limit that is enforced on this site is ridiculous because i came here just to say this:
Looking forward to it all over again.
Good good… I’ve been waiting to play this game since 2012!
Good news, hopefully all the problems will be sorted out for the ps5 release. I actually brought the game from Argos a while ago for £10. Been waiting for the ps5 update. Hopefully it’ll be out after march/April -with dying light 2 & forbidden west out soon,I won’t even look at my cyberpunk copy till I’ve completed them 2 games.
I'm curious to see if this will get a physical release on PS5/XBX.
I guess we'll see soon enough.
Picked it up cheap at the end of last year, had a mess around with it just to see what like then left it be for the update.
The little I did play I quite enjoyed, empty street and pee poor police AI were a bit jarring though.
Potential is there though.
Got it on sale for $25, have not played it yet, been waiting. Be nice for the proper PS5 version to finally come out. It might be better to play now, after all the big hype and controversy has somewhat declined. Also be better to get it out this week before we're all deep into Horizon Forbidden West.
Here’s a question: At the local pawn store they have Cyberpunk 2077 for sale on PS4. The reviews for the PS4 version have been lousy and I don’t have PS4 pro but is it worth the $8 they’re wanting for it?
@jFug I guess so. It was rumoured it will threted like a re-release of the game.
We will see what happens. Would like to jump back on the game now more than 1 year later.
@jgrangervikings1 on base PS4 the performance is very weak. But for this price why not. If you get upgrade to a PS4 pro or even Ps5 sometime later it will be worth it.
unlike everyone here, I preordered this game almost a year before its release as I had 100% every cdpr game. It's a move I regretted but I did beat the game in a week on a ps4 and did every side quest before the end of the year 2020. CDPR still remains one of my favorite devs because they bring ambition and love to all their projects
@Mega-Gazz give me a break. The AI was some of the worst for a AAA game in years. Who are you kidding??
@Dudditz09 Its great that there is potential in a year old game. 🤪
@Hessianmeistsr you know what recent game had terrible AI? Deathloop. And that's apparently one of the best games of 2021.
@Flaming_Kaiser well... When you put it like that 😂
I'll go back once it's been updated and in working order. I didn't have many issues aside from the odd crash tbh but figured it best to hold off for now. Love the world so I'll be back.
mehhh, not coming back to Cyberbug again..
My divorce was a better experience than this game.
I have my sealed copy sitting there waiting for the new gen version to be released. I'm sure it's in decent enough shape to play right now, but I've kept waiting in hopes that they will be able to make it what it should have been for the new gen version.
I bought it day one and would do it again. I played a little on my PS4 Pro but stopped waiting for a better experience on PS5 to continue playing. Continued with three 100% play throughs including all side quest. Filled my apartment gun rack, got the pet cat and all the apartment decorations. I avoided the police because they instantly popped in. Yeah I enjoyed my time playing but it could have been so much more.
The fact it still hasn't released just goes to show that the PS4 version was no where near ready for release
Jesus i would have thought all the haters would have gotten over this and moved onto hating something else..i'm looking forwards to playing the ps5 version..
Hope they do fully fix the game. I paid $10 at best buy for the game with a free steelbook but they ended up giving me a second copy for free. So I played about 50 hours of the PS4 version and Im excited for the new update!
I’ll see how the XSX/PS5 versions turn out and if it’s good enough I’ll buy it on XSX when it’s next in a sale for about £20.
Experience the biggest game of 202X!
Purchased PS4 version 6 months ago for £10 just to wait around and get the PS5. I'm hopeful it will be better than average. I'm looking forward to it.
Still sealed since launch date and it will remain sealed, i will buy it again on launch on ps5
@Northern_munkey "Jesus i would have thought all the haters would have gotten over this and moved onto hating something else."
Yeah we all just randomly decided one day to hate Cyberpunk, infact we had several meetings about which game we should all bash next for the lulz and nothing else with Cyberpunk getting the majority of votes. Trust me that's how it all when down 😌
@Juanalf yeah but after a year of making your voices heard constantly...hating on cyberpunk and its creators and still bringing out the same yawnsome unconstructive comments every time there is a cyberpunk article published is getting a bit old now..i get it that you were all really upset and the sleepless nights and mental traumas that cyberpunk inflicted on the masses was almost a crime against humanity in itself but maybe its time to move on..i'm surprised that nobody tried to have the devs hauled up in front of the hague..move on people you've all had more than your 15 mins..at least push square have tried to publish something about cyberpunk in a positive way for once but you dolts have to turn the comments section into a cess pool again..well done you..👍(edited..i was not including everybody here as most comments have been good..)
Perhaps they had time to implement a third person perspective by now?
Probably not haha
(There was a time I would have been stoned by fans to dare ask about something from these god like devs)
@Divergent95 😂 bit over the top ,youre gonna give yourself a stroke,I agree the game was a mess on last gen,but don't blame the workers, blame the suits man,blame the suits.
@R-Soub why buy it again ?
@MaccaMUFC why not buy it now for 10 quid.
Increase npc count and that god awful police ai, also ill have ray tracing ,60fps and resolution modes please,I've always felt a bit sorry for the devs of cyberpunk ,the majority would have put years of their lives into it ,wouldve known it wasn't ready ,but the big guys said release it and fix when its out ,im sure between themselves they would've been saying told you so.
I really want this "next gen" update to be great I really enjoyed this game on PS4 pro but I couldnt get into it completely with all its problems
I think a lot of us would LOVE a NMS revolution but I don't think its going to happen. Overall, the game was fun but absolutely NOTHING that was promised and its clear that they can or will not make the game they initially advertised. For $30, its probably a fun game.
@vapidwolf1 Of course! It's always the top dogs who are responsible for messing up a game, not the devs.
BUT, when gamers try to vent their anger, it's usually directed at the devs and that pisses me off so much.
@vapidwolf1, in case the game would have a value in the future, just like ET the game in the 80s
@Northern_munkey The hell is your problem? They sold a unfinished broken mess, without the majority of features they promised. This they knew and still did it.
So whenever I see an article about it, it brings back that bad taste again. I have a reason.
Why do you treat a game/game company as a member of your family, defending them, getting offended by criticism aimed at them. You work for them or something?
I was not defending them..my issue was the constant abuse they get whenever an article is published about cyberpunk..you think its fair do you that after a year of unrellenting abuse it continues? It says a lot about the kind of person you are and your mentality..i'm an adult and can discuss things without having to resort to aggression something you clearly cant so i'm assuming that you are in your early to mid twenties? Any older than that and you are obviously immature mentally to think this kind of behaviour is acceptable..if you want to ask me something in the proper manor then feel free but dont call me out over my oppinion this way..
@vapidwolf1 I always buy games in digital form but I wouldn’t mind picking up a physical copy for a tenna. Where have you seen it for that price?
@R-Soub erm ok 😂
Just got my ps5, and ALWAYS wanted to play Cyberpunk......even after hearing ex-co workers play & review the ps4 version. This was the one game I was certain I would get when I upgraded. I definitely will be the first in line when this happens.
I'm predicting a May or June release...though March or April would be welcome.
Way too late for a February release at this point...
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